All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file!
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Gift list theme for Brazilian stores.
- Add orderBy back
- Major of vtex list.
- Update name of component quantity-selector-shelf-guest-owner-list to quantity-selector-shelf-owner-list
- Remove orderBy until correction in operation
- Change the operation of Create And Edit List component
- Release a new major changing the peer dep of the vtex.list for 2.x
Change the operation of UserLists component
Change the operation of how to create the modal to select items that will be added in the customer list
Change the operation of search-list component
Change the operation of gallery.list-items component
Change the operation of AddNewItem component
VTEX-801: Correction redirect login when user is not logged in drawer-menu-mobile
[bugfix/guest-button]: Return add-to-cart-button in guest list page
VTEX-702: Correction ordenation in ownerList and guestList page.
[add-to-list-button] - Correction disappearing text in add to list button - department modal
[VTEX-817]: Changing the positions of the list-wallet block
[VTEX-730]: ( Borderless layout in 1366x768 version
VTEX-982: update items quantity on list gifted text without refresh page
VTEX-766: Correction Menssage Product not found - Owner List page.
[bugfix/change-vendor-credit-generator] - Change vendor credit generator
[release/0.16.0] - Changed the project vendor to vtexbr
[VTEX-744-786-746]: margins and spacing in the mobile version, fixed create list icon button in home and lists and correction vtex logo link in home
[VTEX-817]: Changing the positions of the list-wallet block
VTEX-817: List-wallet app added to theme
VTEX-663: Created a new button for product details modal
VTEX-662: Create new add to list modal inside modal - department page.
- VTEX-661: Create new button in department page modal to add and update product quantity in internal list (OwnerList).
- VTEX-659: add product sku in modal
- VTEX-782: Create new permission flow to the lists, adding spinner and new error page.
- VTEX-785: Create Component Add New Item.
- VTEX-658: Product Details Modal - Desktop.
- VTEX-705: Clickable card - Change behavior.
- VTEX-557: Creating Documentation a List Theme App.
- Version list theme
- VTEX-641: created new logic and custom component to Owner List quantity selector.
- VTEX-602: Fixed unavailable button with click in guest products shelf - mobile/tablet
- VTEX-517: Fixed unavailable button with click in guest products shelf
- VTEX-62: Implement autocomplete-result-list.v2 - search-bar Department
- VTEX-622: Removed click event for PDP
- VTEX-620: Redirection of header links
- VTEX-294: Added sorting by listItem guest
- VTEX-292: Added sorting by listItem
- VTEX-562: Fixed filter scroll mobile - department
- VTEX-509: Selection selection scroll does not display all departments
- VTEX-541: Fixed quantity-selector layout in product-summary guest shelf
- VTEX-515: Fix tablet layout - owner list products
- VTEX-511: Fixed login redirect in department page and return vtex login mobile.
- VTEX-562: Fixed filter scroll mobile - department
- VTEX-514: add share list
- VTEX-249: implement product-summary-quantity custom block in guest shelf
- VTEX-509: Fixed filter scroll mobile - department
- VTEX-294: added orderby guest
- VTEX-248: implement minicart custom block
- VTEX-249: implement product-summary-quantity custom block in guest shelf
- VTEX-293: Correction of OrderBy positioning and css
- VTEX-320: Create modal and "Edit List" button
- VTEX-251: Product showcase - header search and search bar
- VTEX-83: Fixed add-to-cart-button
- VTEX-320: Create modal and "Edit List" button
- VTEX-83: Added minicart
- VTEX-271: Added guest gallery
- VTEX-296: Header Vitrine - convidado
- VTEX-322: Create "Add Items" button
- VTEX-261: Desktop filter layout on desktop
- VTEX-332: Added login/logout mobile button
- VTEX-227: Added css to mobile filter
- VTEX-192: Added list item search block
- VTEX-236: added block of gifted items
- VTEX-332: Added login/logout mobile button
- VTEX-227: Added css to mobile filter
- VTEX-192: Added list item search block
- VTEX-255: Styling of the list of products showcase
- VTEX-297: Create header list and organize flex-layout rows
- VTEX-56: List items gallery on List page
- VTEX-301: Place breadcrumb on pages
- VTEX-319: Remove header links and "create list" rich-text on Home
- Some layout fixes on footer and header
- VTEX-250: Home layout CSS fixes and blocks positioning
- VTEX-44: Create searchList input style and native blocks - Home