一個簡單的小工具把普通TCP連線偽裝成HTTP請求 伺服器端包含一個簡單的web/file伺服器 對一般瀏覽器而言, 伺服器端只是個網站 建議使用長連線(Multiplexing/VPN之類)以減少overhead
- 初始化: 3個HTTP請求
- ws模式: 2個HTTP請求
- 資料傳輸: 2個tcp連線
- ws模式: 1個tcp連線
Client: ./httptun-client -t "HTTPTUN_SERVER_IP:4040" -p ":5005"
Server: ./httptun-server -t "TARGET_IP:5005" -p ":4040"
以上指令會對8388/tcp做轉發(port forwarding):
Application -> httptun Client(5005/tcp) -> httptun Server(4040/http) -> Target Server(5005/tcp)
Application -> Target Server(5005/tcp)
server side:
// simple http Handler setup
fileHandler := http.FileServer(http.Dir(*dir))
//http.Handle("/", fileHandler) // do not add to http.DefaultServeMux now
http.HandleFunc("/hello", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // other Handler
io.WriteString(w, "Hello, world!\n")
websrv := fakehttp.NewHandle(fileHandler) // bind handler
websrv.UseWs = true
websrv.OnlyWs = false
http.Handle("/", websrv) // now add to http.DefaultServeMux
// start http server
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)