- Container Blocks: Container has blocks and blocks has child. (Work this arround...) - MAYBE: Container has child... (blocks). SO a container (placeholder) should be a composition of childs..
- Themes
- Blocks Attributes. (Defaults and Specifics... THROUGH PHP)
- Sidebar structure
- Container group reordering arrows, up and down.
- Implement Layers.
- Blocks with Icons.
- Modules: Modules are predefined "Group" of blocks. -> HEADER, CTA... ETC. MODULES MUST BE CREATED THROUGH PHP + VUE FILE. [] JUST TO BE CLEAR: A block can be: Text, Image, Button, Spacer, Video, Banner, ETC.
- Render component. IMPORTANT!
- [] Delete a container.
- [] Generate HTML to export... -> FUTURE.
- Separate composer and package
- Containers are not rearrangeable
- Blocks rearrange not working.