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Terraform Module: CloudFront Middleware-at-Edge

This Terraform module deploys customizable and reusable Lambda@Edge functions that provide middleware for AWS CloudFront.


  • auth-at-edge: Also known as cognito-at-edge, this feature provides authentication and authorization to restrict access to a site hosted on CloudFront. Users can optionally customize the authorization rules via an Open Policy Agent (OPA) policy.
  • url-rewriter: This feature rewrites the URLs of requests. Users can define URL rewrite rules via an Open Policy Agent (OPA) policy.


module "cloudfront_middleware_at_edge" {
  source  = "cruxstack/cloudfront-middleware-at-edge/aws"
  version = "x.x.x"

  auth_service_config = {
    enabled                   = true
    cognito_idp_arn           = "arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-1:123456789012:userpool/us-east-1_TESTPOOL"
    cognito_idp_domain        = ""
    cognito_idp_client_id     = "your-client-id"
    cognito_idp_client_secret = "your-client-secret"
    cognito_idp_client_scopes = ["openid", "email", "profile"]

    cognito_idp_jwks = {
      keys = [
        { "alg": "RS256", "e": "AQAB", "kid": "...", "kty": "RSA", "n": "...", "use": "sig" },
        { "alg": "RS256", "e": "AQAB", "kid": "...", "kty": "RSA", "n": "...", "use": "sig" },

  urlrewrite_service_config = {
    enabled    = true
    policy_content = <<-EOF
      package urlrewriter
      result := []


In addition to the variables documented below, this module includes several other optional variables (e.g., name, tags, etc.) provided by the cloudposse/label/null module. Please refer to its documentation for more details on these variables.

Name Description Type Default Required
auth_service_config Configuration details for the authentication service. More details below. object {} no
urlrewrite_service_config Configuration details for the URL rewrite service, More details below. object {} no
aws_account_id The AWS account ID that the module will be deployed in string "" no
aws_region_name The AWS region name where the module will be deployed string "" no


Property Description Type Default Required
enabled Enable the authentication service bool true no
log_level Logging level string "info" no
aws_region AWS region for the service string null no
cognito_idp_arn ARN of the Cognito Identity Provider string n/a yes
cognito_idp_domain Domain of the Cognito Identity Provider string n/a yes
cognito_idp_jwks JWKS of the Cognito Identity Provider object({ keys = list(map(string)) }) n/a yes
cognito_idp_client_id Client ID of the Cognito Identity Provider string n/a yes
cognito_idp_client_secret Client secret of the Cognito Identity Provider string n/a yes
cognito_idp_client_scopes Client scopes of the Cognito Identity Provider list(string) n/a yes
opa_policy_content Content of the OPA policy string null no
opa_policy_data Data for the OPA policy map(string) {} no


Property Description Type Default Required
enabled Enable the URL rewrite service bool false no
log_level Logging level string "info" no
aws_region AWS region for the service string null no
policy_content Content of the URL rewrite policy string "package urlrewriter\nresult := []" no


Name Description
auth_services Details of the created AWS Lambda functions for each of the auth services
auth_routes Route configurations for the auth services
urlrewrite_services Details of the created AWS Lambda function for the URL rewrite service


We welcome contributions to this project. For information on setting up a development environment and how to make a contribution, see CONTRIBUTING documentation.