Deploying to heroku only takes a few steps.
yo angular-fullstack:heroku
To work with your new heroku app using the command line, you will need to run any heroku
commands from the dist
If you're using mongoDB you will need to add a database to your app:
heroku addons:create mongolab
Note: if you get an Error: No valid replicaset instance servers found
you need to modify moongose connection options in config/environment/production.js as follows:
options: {
db: {
safe: true,
replset: { socketOptions: { keepAlive: 1, connectTimeoutMS: 30000 } },
server: { socketOptions: { keepAlive: 1, connectTimeoutMS: 30000 } }
One of the odd things about the Node driver is that the default timeout for replica set connections is only 1 second, so make sure you're setting it to something more like 30s like in this example.
Your app should now be live. To view it run heroku open
If you're using any oAuth strategies, you must set environment variables for your selected oAuth. For example, if we're using Facebook oAuth we would do this :
heroku config:set FACEBOOK_ID=id heroku config:set FACEBOOK_SECRET=secret
You will also need to set
environment variable:heroku config:set DOMAIN=<your-heroku-app-name> # or (if you're using it): heroku config:set DOMAIN=<your-custom-domain>
To make your deployment process easier consider using grunt-build-control.
gulp build
Commit and push the resulting build, located in your dist folder:
gulp buildcontrol:heroku