This is the code used for the paper Self-Supervised Neural Machine Translation, which describes a joint parallel data extraction and NMT training approach. It is based on a May 2019 copy of the Fairseq-py repository. Be aware that it is therefore not up-to-date with current changes in the original Fairseq(-py) code.
All the requirements are listed in environment.yml
and can be installed using conda env create -f environment.yml
- PyTorch version >= 1.13.1
- The code has been tested on Python version = 3.8.16
- For training new models, you'll also need an NVIDIA GPU and NCCL
- For faster training install NVIDIA's apex library with the
Extract original and translated data from here.
Preprocess (e.g. using Moses scripts) and apply BPE encoding.
- **Pretraining**
- Tokenise and preprocess the data (Europarl)
- combine preprocessed Europarl training data with preprocessed MOTRA training data (or not)
- apply BPE - 10k merge operations (~10.3k vocab) for EN-ALL and 11k for DE-ALL.
- apply fairseq-preprocess to binarise the data
- run fairseq-train for bart-style pre-taining
- **SSNMT**
- Tokenise and preprocess the data (MOTRA)
- apply the learned BPE codes from pretraining on MOTRA train-test-dev
- binarise the data using fairseq-preprocess
- load the pretrained model checkpoint and finetune over `translation_from_pretrained_bart` task
Note that, the tokenization and BPE [Byte-Pair Encoding]( (BPE) should remain consistent for the data used for DAE pretraining, LM training and finetuning and for the Style-Transfer model.
An example for preprocessing the data before training
cd fairseq_cli
python3 --destdir /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-sst/ppd_w_europarl-motra-10k_no_dups/en_es_de/unsup_setup/ \
--source-lang tr \
--target-lang og \
--trainpref /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_es_de/train/bpe --validpref /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/dev/europarl-motra-10k-no-dups/bpe \
--testpref /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/europarl-motra-10k-no-dups/bpe \
--srcdict /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/data-bin/europarl-motra/subword-nmt-10k/europarl/dict.txt \
--tgtdict /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/data-bin/europarl-motra/subword-nmt-10k/europarl/dict.txt \
--dataset-impl raw \
--workers 60
to train the system. An example run on how to train SSNMT for Translationese-to-Original Style Transfer using Joint Training is shown below.
python3 /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-sst/ppd_w_europarl-motra-10k_no_dups/en_es_de/unsup_setup/ \
--arch transformer \
--share-all-embeddings --checkpoint-activations \
--share-decoder-input-output-embed \
--encoder-embed-dim 512 \
--decoder-embed-dim 512 \
--task translation_from_pretrained_bart --langs "<tr>, <og>" \
--update-freq 2 \
--lr 0.0003 \
--criterion unsupervised_augmented_label_smoothed_cross_entropy \
--label-smoothing 0.1 --start-unsup 1200 \
--dropout 0.2 \
--weight-decay 0.0001 \
--optimizer adam \
--adam-betas '(0.9, 0.9995)' \
--clip-norm 0.0 \
--write-dual \
--lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt \
--warmup-updates 2000 \
--dataset-impl raw \
--decoder-learned-pos --encoder-learned-pos \
--max-sentences 160 --retrieval intersect \
--max-source-positions 512 \
--max-target-positions 512 \
--skip-invalid-size-inputs-valid-test \
--max-epoch 30 --keep-best-checkpoints 10 --patience 10 \
--comp-epochs 30 --save-interval-updates 2 \
--comparable --margin ratio \
--verbose --faiss --index ivf \
--representations dual --faiss-output /netscratch/anonymous/logs/from_en_all_bs@en_newLoss_htr.txt \
--no-base --comp-log /netscratch/anonymous/logs/en_all_bs@en_newLoss_htr/ \
--comparable-data Comparable/tr_og.list \
--sim-measure margin --save-dir /netscratch/anonymous/checkpoints/sst/en_all_bs_no_th@newLoss_htr/ \
--finetune-from-model /netscratch/anonymous/checkpoints/subword-nmt-10k-bpe-transformer_gpu4_cpu50/ \
--threshold 0 \
--wandb-project motra_no_thresh_unsup_en \
--num-workers 0 \
--log-format json |tee /netscratch/anonymous/logs/train_en_all_bs@en_newLoss_htr.log
Run -h
for more information.
All the scripts for evaluation can be found under the evaluation/
- Get the style-transferred outputs a) once with --remove-bpe and b) once without (to compute average perplexities using Fairseq's pretrained TransformerLM).
python3 /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/data-bin/europarl-motra/subword-nmt-10k/europarl/test_bal/ \
--task translation \
--path <path-to-checkpoint>/ \
--results-path <path> \
--beam 5 --source-lang tr --target-lang og --dataset-impl raw
- Generate intermediate data files.
python evaluation/ --file /netscratch/anonymous/results/generations/unsup/motra-old/712551/generate-test.txt --out_dir /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/unsup-generated/ --name pred_712551.tsv
# combine og file with pred file
cat /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/og.tsv /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/unsup-generated/pred_712551.tsv > /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/gen_tsvs/gen_712551.tsv
# shuffle the test file
shuf -o /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/gen_tsvs/gen_712551.tsv < /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/gen_tsvs/gen_712551.tsv
python evaluation/ --file /netscratch/anonymous/results/generations/unsup/motra-old/712551/generate-test.txt --name 712551.tsv
python new/fairseq/evaluation/ --file /netscratch/anonymous/results/generations/unsup/motra-old/712551_ppl/generate-test.txt --out_dir /netscratch/anonymous/test_perplexity/ --exp 712551
- Evaluate LM perplexity
Note: copy dict.txt from the preprocessed FAIRSEQ_DATA to
python3 /netscratch/anonymous/test_perplexity/712551/ --path /netscratch/anonymous/checkpoints/transformer_lm_en_finetuned/ --quiet --output-word-stats --gen-subset test --max-sentences 500 --skip-invalid-size-inputs-valid-test --dataset-impl raw --fp16 --sample-break-mode eos --context-window 50
- Meausre BERT-Score
python3 evaluation/ --file /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/src_hyp/712551.tsv --model roberta-base
- Run Translationese Classifier
python3 evaluation/ --model /netscratch/anonymous/checkpoints/binaryClassification_balanced/ --test /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/gen_tsvs/gen_712551.tsv
- Run Qualitative Analysis
python3 evaluation/ --file /netscratch/anonymous/datasets/motra-preprocessed/en_de/test/src_hyp/712551.tsv