You only need a few dependencies as specified in requirements.txt. They can be installed like such:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The tool is executed by calling the script as follows:
python source/ [-h] [...]
The help CLI output indicates extensive options and configurations that can be specified to customize video playback and results being displayed and/or generated.
The only mandatory input is the video to play, but this does not provide much insight in itself. The other arguments to provide specific metadata files (see also metadata formats) should also be provided for proper analysis. Missing or omitted files are ignored and not rendered. Each metadata type is parsed separately. Therefore, partially only providing metadata files will not impact the rendering of the provided ones.
Additional functionalities can be accomplished using the script since parsing of the various metadata formats for manual video-description (VD), text annotations (TA) and video inference of actions (VI) is accomplished.
Using custom mapping JSON/YAML file such as label_mapping.yml, it is possible to both replace class label names with desired values, and combine multiple classes into common groups.
Label mapping supports regexes for advance renaming possibilities, as well as cross-dataset renaming since they are applied indistinctly over all parsed metadata files regardless of the reference model predictions were made from.
Please refer to label_mapping.yml for explicit examples and details.
Whenever a metadata file is referenced, either JSON or YAML are accepted interchangeably. Parsing is accomplished automatically based on the specified extension.
When multiple metadata sources (VD, TA, VI) are simultaneously loaded and successfully parsed,
it is possible to request the merged result (see --merged
option) that combines them with
timestamped segment alignment across metadata sources.
Because metadata come from multiple sources, their annotated or predicted classes during model inference could correspond to video sections of different durations and/or be misaligned. This makes it difficult to parse data linearly because the misalignment of the source generates objects with overlapping time ranges.
The merging procedure alleviate these problems with appropriate adjustments to facilitate comparison analysis of all metadata sources for corresponding timestamps, as if they all came from a single source. The result is a flat list of unified annotations that can be parsed sequentially, without worries about overlapping time ranges.
The resulting file contents is presented in the next section. Following illustrates and describes in more details the procedure.
Metadata of Text Annotations (TA) is usually aligned with Video-Description (VD), but this is not necessarily the case for Video Inferences (VI).
A similar situation can happen for Text Inferences (TI) which usually are well aligned with (TA), but contain some metadata holes since automatic inference is not always available for each possible text annotation segment, which creates misalignment with other metadata sources according to timestamps.
For this reason, additional entries are padded and extended as illustrated below:
[META-TYPE] ts te
meta-video-desc (VD) |........entry-1..........|.................entry-2.............|
meta-text-annot (TA) |........entry-1..........|..........entry-2........|...<none>..|
meta-text-infer (TI) |........entry-1..........|..........<none>.........|..entry-2..|
meta-video-infer (VI[1]) |...entry-1...|.....entry-2....|....entry-3....|.....entry-4....|
meta-video-infer (VI[N]) |........entry-1.....|.....entry-2....|....entry-3..|..entry-3..|
merged |.....M1......|..M2..|.M3.|.M4.|..M5..|...M6...|.M7.|.....M8....|
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8
NOTE: please refer to next section for explicit location of described fields.
Top-level start/end time in details
section correspond to first/last times found across every single
metadata type/entry section (see above ts
Then, for each merged entry inside merged
section, start/end time indicate the limits of each largest and
uninterrupted cut section over all metadata sources. In the above example, this corresponds to the 8 generated
entries (i.e.: t0
to t1
, t1
to t2
, and so on for merged M1
to M8
portions). Metadata of different
sources will therefore be replicated over each time range it overlaps with.
Under each merged entry, available VD
, TA
, VI[N]
will have their original start/end time for reference in
sub-sections. This means timestamps will extend pass merged portions start/end times. For example, entry-1
of the
source will indicate an end time t3
with is larger than t0
to t1
for the generated M1
merged section.
A merged timestamp will be available, representing the t#
ranges represented in above example. These will indicate
the combined limits across data sources.
Since VD time range can often appear much earlier than the moment when the represented actions are actually displayed on video, start time of each section are ignored to ensure that the first available entry are padded until the next entry can be found with timestamps.
Whenever metadata of some type cannot be resolved within the given merged section (when entries are exhausted),
the field is set to None
. This can happen for example when VD continues, but no corresponding TA was
provided. This is common at the end of videos showing the end credits, while VI can continue to predict
continuously (although inferred items do not make much sense).
Section details
provide general metadata provenance information from the corresponding metadata types.
Entries marked as None
mean that no corresponding metadata file of that type was provided as input.
Section merged
provides the combined/extended timestamp entries where concordance between metadata types
could be mapped, as illustrated in previous section.
Sections version
and references
are available only since version 1.0.0.
The references
are added only when requested with --reference
option, and easily reduces by half the size of
the resulting merged metadata by using JSON {"$ref": "references/<section>/<uuid>"}
format to refer to repeated
object definitions. Repetitions can occur very often, simply due to the misalignment problem of the various data
sources described in the previous section.
The format described above is summarized below.
Note that some items within text_annotations
can change slightly in content based on the Text Annotation
version format and content that was provided. Corresponding
adjustments are denoted by (V1, V2, etc.) below for corresponding changes.
version: <major.minor.patch> # only available above 1.x
# contains global/shared metadata of specific sources for each individual VD, TA, VI sections
# for example, the location of original metadata files, the video title, configurations, etc. will be available here
video_description: { <...> }
text_annotation: { <...> }
text_inference: { <...> } # only version >= 1.3.0
video_inference: { <...> }
# global durations
start: <float>
end: <float>
start_ms: <int>
end_ms: <int>
TS: ["Thh:mm:ss.fff", "Thh:mm:ss.fff"] # raw start/end timestamps
# information about total entries of each metadata source
total_merged: <int> # number of objects in 'merged'
# total number of entries per different type of metadata source after merging strategy
total_merged_vd: <int>
total_merged_ta: <int>
total_merged_ti: <int>
total_merged_vi: [<int>, ...]
# original amount of entries per metadata source prior to merging resolution of timestamps
total_vd: <int>
total_ta: <int>
total_ti: <int>
total_vi: [<int>, ...] # according to number of input files provided for Video Inference
# First merged section (M1)
- start: <t0> # real start time of merged M1 portion
end: <t1> # real end time of merged M1 portion
video_description: # (VD entry-1)
# VD metadata dump of the original file with extended details (e.g.: corrected timestamps formats)
vd: # (VD entry-1)
# <t3> is the original end time of VD metadata. It spans pass the end <t1> of merged portion.
# Next "merged" entry will have the exact same values since VI needs to be replicated (see lower comments).
start_ms: <t0> # (in milliseconds)
end_ms: <t3> # (in milliseconds)
start: <t0> # (in seconds.fraction)
end: <t3> # (in seconds.fraction)
start_ts: "Thh:mm:ss.fff"
end_ts: "Thh:mm:ss.fff"
text_annotation: # (TA entry-1)
- sentence: <fist sentense of VD>
tokens: # warning: this was named 'words' before 1.x, it is renamed because they are not necessarily 'words'
- lemme: "<word|token>"
# if TA V1/V2, 'type' is provided, otherwise TA V3 replaces it by an extended IOB notation with classes
type: "Sujet-Objet|Action-CasGénéral|Objet-Indirect-Objet|..."
# if TA V3, following are also available, V1 and V2 don't have them
token: "<token>"
iob: # any amount applicable for that given token
- "O" # "O" for no previous annotation
- "I|B+Sujet-Objet|Action-CasGénéral|Objet-Indirect-Objet|..." # extended 'type' annotation
- start: 0 # offset in sentence
- stop: 12 # start + len(token)
- [...] # and so on for each text annotated token of the sentence
- "Thh:mm:ss.fff" # raw start timestamp
- "Thh:mm:ss.fff" # raw end timestamp
# In this case, timestamps of TA entry-1 just so happened to be aligned with VD entry-1
# In the case of VD entry-2, two 'merged' separate entries would exist, one for TA entry-2 and
# another for entry-3. Both would have the same VD spanning between t3 and t8. Those entries would
# respectively have t3/t7 and t7/t8 as start/end times for the TA sub-section.
start_ms: <t0>
end_ms: <t3>
start: <t0>
end: <t3>
- [...] # and so on for other sentences if VD provided multiple ones
text_inference: # only version >= 1.3.0
- start_ms: <t0>
end_ms: <t3>
start: <t0>
end: <t3>
- "Thh:mm:ss.fff" # raw start timestamp
- "Thh:mm:ss.fff" # raw end timestamp
action: "<action>" # original VD action to be mapped
- type: "<mapping-type>" # identifier of the mapping method (one of the values listed in details)
- "<mapped-action>"
- ... # any number of mapped actions for that mapping type
- type: "gold" # special type always expected
actions: ["<gold-action>"]
proximity: null | <int> # if available, proximity measure of mapping to original action
video_inference: # (VI entry-1)
- segment: <filename>
name: <name>
# Notice how below end time is <t1>. This is because the VI was the smallest portion between VD, TA, VI
# which resulted into this merged portion.
start: <t0>
end: <t1>
# Second merged portion (M2)
# everything will be a complete copy-paste of the previous M1 portion, except below fields.
- start: <t1> # start time of merged M2 portion
end: <t2> # end time of merged M2 portion
# Since VI is again the smallest portion and that no new VD/TA metadata was overlapping, only VI changes.
# If another VD and/or TA appeared first, below <t2> would span pass the final 'merged' time of that portion.
video_inference: # (VI entry-2)
- [...]
start: <t1>
end: <t2>
# [...] and so on
# only if 1.x version or above, and when using option '--references', following sections are generated
# all previous objects are regrouped here and linked using JSON {"$ref": "references/<section>/<uuid>"}
# UUID to object mappings
actors: {}
scenes: {}
video_description: {}
video_inference: {}
text_annotation: {}