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Releases: crashdemons/PlayerHeads


13 Sep 08:12
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4.2.2-alpha Pre-release

NOTE: This build introduces breaking changes to permissions. Be sure to read carefully!


  • When pkonly is disabled for player-skull drops, canbehead permission is now enforced for player-kills, whereas it was not in 3.12 and is not my current 3.x branch.

    • Old behavior: canbehead permission is not checked when pkonly is disabled. (original plugin behavior)
    • New behavior: canbehead permission is now required for player-kills nomatter if pkonly is disabled or enabled.
  • When mobpkonly is disabled for mob-skull drops, canbeheadmob permission is now enforced for mob-kills, whereas it was not in 3.12 and is not on my current 3.x branch.

    • Old behavior: canbeheadmob permission is not checked when mobpkonly is disabled. (original plugin behavior)
    • New behavior: canbeheadmob permission is now required for player-on-mob-kills nomatter if mobpkonly is disabled or enabled.

You are still able to reproduce the old behavior by ensuring the default permissions group for players has the playerheads.canbehead and playerheads.canbeheadmob permission when you disable pkonly/mobpkonly.

Not Changed: pkonly still prevents the player from beheading themselves, mobpkonly skill prevents mobs from beheading themselves.

In addition to making sure the permission is functional, this also permits some more specific configurations like mob-only player-skull drops, or mob-only mob-skull drops.

See #6 (comment) for detailed information on this change

(changelog is since 4.2.1 release)


09 Sep 03:36
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4.2.1-alpha Pre-release


  • New config option: convertvanillaheads (default: false) - When false, avoid converting the type of head of when its block is broken. When true (or pre-4.2), the head is automatically converted to vanilla or skinned depending on the state of dropvanillaheads setting.
    • Setting this to false keeps heads as they were when placed and broken
    • Setting this to true forces items to convert to the desired drop type (vanilla or skinned) when broken.

Note: Legacy username-based playerheads are still updated to new texture-based playerheads for mobs (when broken) regardless of this setting, and they should be considered deprecated since 4.0.
(there were no vanilla/skinned overlap for legacy head definitions)

(changelog is since 4.1.1 release)


09 Sep 02:30
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4.1.1-alpha Pre-release


  • New config option: dropvanillaheads (default: true) - sets whether applicable mobs should drop their associated vanilla head item when killed. If this is false, the mob will drop a skinned playerhead instead. This also affects which head is dropped when breaking a plugin-recognized head.
  • Skinned mob heads and player heads now have lore to distinguish them easier.


  • Updated default config comments with 4.0 and 4.1 settings


  • Config now correctly notes that negative witherskeleton drop rates enable vanilla behavior.
  • Config now notes that charged-creeper-caused drops are not handled by the plugin.

(changelog is since 4.0.2 release)


08 Sep 23:23
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4.0.2-alpha Pre-release


  • Creating a player skull by an unfound/null owner will now create a generic skull named "Unknown's Head" - though in normal operation this should not happen anyway. (previously failed with NullPointerException)
  • Added spaces back to lang file entries that require them. Command output colons and commas now correctly have spaces where indicated by the original code (you may need to re-generate your local lang file to see this change)


  • Internal consistency changes to event code, lang and config entries - should not affect behavior from 4.0


05 Sep 09:32
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4.0-alpha Pre-release

What's New?

Textured Mobheads

  • Old, hard-to-maintain, hard-to-replace username-based heads are on the way out. ("Legacy Heads")
  • Heads with texture-urls are in for good. (easily searchable on many sites)
  • Legacy heads are still recognized by the plugin, and when broken are converted to updated versions.

All current mobs supported

  • Want a head from a phantom? An illusioner? How about a Cod? You can get one now.

1.13 and 1.13.1-ready

  • You need one of the shiniest versions if you want all these new heads.

Should I use 3.x or 4.x?

  • 4.x supports new mobs
  • 4.x has more reliable head texturing that needs to be updated less often
  • 4.x's code is very new and needs a lot of testing.
  • 3.x has less significant changes to the plugin and is more likely to have consistent behavior to old 3.10 / 3.12 versions
  • 3.x is more likely to have head skins go missing or be abruptly changed by associated usernames.


03 Sep 22:20
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  • bugfix: corrected wither skeleton drop rates to read correct config entry. (was reading witherdroprate which is now reserved for the wither boss, now uses witherskeletondroprate) Issue #3

See Issue #4 for important notes about vanilla drop rates and configuration.


03 Sep 10:44
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  • bugfix: additional NPE protection when player without clickinfo permission triggers skull update
  • bugfix: resolve skull names correctly when the owner case changes (when account doesn't exist or case differs)
  • updated: better default head skins (for now)
  • speculative bugfix: ensure skeleton variants conditions correctly apply on updated entity types
  • bugfix: wither skeleton / wither boss entity type names updated in config and lang (solves wither boss head showing incorrect name). This was probably broken since way back in 1.11 since the entity name changed from WitherBoss to Wither, and the entity name is used for reading skull names and drop rate config entries (the boss drop rate was reading witherdroprate and HEAD_WITHER which was originally intended for wither skeletons - these have been changed)

Backwards-incompatible changes:

  • lang entries WITHER changed toWITHER_SKELETON to match entity name
  • lang entries WITHER_BOSS changed to WITHER to match entity name
  • config entry witherdroprate changed to witherskeletondroprate to match entity name
  • config entry witherbossdroprate changed to witherdroprate to match entity name
    Associated config defaults were changed / can be regenerated on run without existing config.

Known bugs: wither skeleton drop rates still read from witherdroprate - this was fixed in patch3 but see Issue #4 before updating for why this may cause unforeseen behavior.


03 Sep 04:57
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Fixes possible NullPointerException's from the original code when the owner name of a head is unknown or when a UUID is unresolvable.

Fixes this branch not showing the mob name on custom heads.