↑ Back to technical specification
To express the error conditions, the following specification of the sub-protocols uses the exception system of the host state machine, which is exposed through two functions (as defined in ICS 24): abortTransactionUnless
and abortSystemUnless
The functions BeginBlock()
and EndBlock()
(see Implemented Interfaces) are split across the CCV sub-protocols.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the AppModule interface
function BeginBlock() {
- Caller
- The ABCI application.
- Trigger Event
- A
message is received from the consensus engine;BeginBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- A
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
is invoked (see [CCV-PCF-BBLOCK-INIT.1], i.e., it contains theBeginBlock()
logic needed for the Initialization sub-protocol).BeginBlockCCR()
is invoked (see [CCV-PCF-BBLOCK-CCR.1], i.e., it contains theBeginBlock()
logic needed for the Consumer Chain Removal sub-protocol).
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the AppModule interface
function EndBlock(): [ValidatorUpdate] {
// do not return anything to the consensus engine
return []
- Caller
- The ABCI application.
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine;EndBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- An
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
is invoked (see [CCV-PCF-EBLOCK-CIS.1], i.e., it contains theEndBlock()
logic needed for the Consumer Initiated Slashing sub-protocol).EndBlockCCR()
is invoked (see [CCV-PCF-EBLOCK-CCR.1], i.e., it contains theEndBlock()
logic needed for the Consumer Chain Removal sub-protocol).EndBlockVSU()
is invoked (see [CCV-PCF-EBLOCK-VSU.1], i.e., it contains theEndBlock()
logic needed for the Validator Set Update sub-protocol).
- Error Condition
- None.
Note: The provider CCV module expects the provider Staking module to update its view of the validator set before the
of the provider CCV module is invoked. A solution is for the provider Staking module to update its view duringEndBlock()
and then, theEndBlock()
of the provider Staking module to be executed before theEndBlock()
of the provider CCV module.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the AppModule interface
function BeginBlock() {
- Caller
- The ABCI application.
- Trigger Event
- A
message is received from the consensus engine;BeginBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- A
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
is invoked (see [CCV-CCF-BBLOCK-INIT.1], i.e., it contains theBeginBlock()
logic needed for the Channel Initialization sub-protocol).BeginBlockCCR()
is invoked (see [CCV-CCF-BBLOCK-CCR.1], i.e., it contains theBeginBlock()
logic needed for the Consumer Chain Removal sub-protocol).BeginBlockCIS()
is invoked (see [CCV-CCF-BBLOCK-CIS.1], i.e., it contains theBeginBlock()
logic needed for the Consumer Initiated Slashing sub-protocol).
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the AppModule interface
function EndBlock(): [ValidatorUpdate] {
// return the validator set updates to the consensus engine
return EndBlockVSU()
- Caller
- The ABCI application.
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine;EndBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- An
- Precondition
- True. x
- Postcondition
is invoked (see [CCV-PCF-EBLOCK-RD.1], i.e., it contains theEndBlock()
logic needed for the Reward Distribution sub-protocol).EndBlockVSU()
is invoked and the return value is returned to the consensus engine (see [CCV-CCF-EBLOCK-VSU.1], i.e., it contains theEndBlock()
logic needed for the Validator Set Update sub-protocol).
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onRecvPacket(packet: Packet): bytes {
switch typeof(packet.data) {
case VSCMaturedPacketData:
return onRecvVSCMaturedPacket(packet)
case SlashPacketData:
return onRecvSlashPacket(packet)
// unexpected packet type
return PacketError
- Caller
- The provider IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a packet on a channel owned by the provider CCV module.
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If the packet is a
, the acknowledgement obtained from invoking theonRecvVSCMaturedPacket
method is returned. - If the packet is a
, the acknowledgement obtained from invoking theonRecvSlashPacket
method is returned. - Otherwise, an error acknowledgement is returned.
- If the packet is a
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onAcknowledgePacket(packet: Packet, ack: bytes) {
switch typeof(packet.data) {
case VSCPacketData:
onAcknowledgeVSCPacket(packet, ack)
// unexpected packet type
- Caller
- The provider IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives an acknowledgement on a channel owned by the provider CCV module.
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If the acknowledgement is for a
, theonAcknowledgeVSCPacket
method is invoked. - Otherwise, the transaction is aborted.
- If the acknowledgement is for a
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onTimeoutPacket(packet Packet) {
switch typeof(packet.data) {
case VSCPacketData:
// unexpected packet type
- Caller
- The provider IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- A packet sent on a channel owned by the provider CCV module timed out as a result of either
- Precondition
- The Correct Relayer assumption is violated (see the Assumptions section).
- Postcondition
- If the timeout is for a
, theonTimeoutVSCPacket
method is invoked. - Otherwise, the transaction is aborted.
- If the timeout is for a
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onRecvPacket(packet: Packet): bytes {
switch typeof(packet.data) {
case VSCPacketData:
return onRecvVSCPacket(packet)
// unexpected packet type
return PacketError
- Caller
- The consumer IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a packet on a channel owned by the consumer CCV module.
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If the packet is a
, the acknowledgement obtained from invoking theonRecvVSCPacket
method is returned. - Otherwise, an error acknowledgement is returned.
- If the packet is a
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onAcknowledgePacket(packet: Packet, ack: bytes) {
switch typeof(packet.data) {
case VSCMaturedPacketData:
onAcknowledgeVSCMaturedPacket(packet, ack)
case SlashPacketData:
onAcknowledgeSlashPacket(packet, ack)
// unexpected packet type
- Caller
- The consumer IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives an acknowledgement on a channel owned by the consumer CCV module.
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If the acknowledgement is for a
, theonAcknowledgeVSCMaturedPacket
method is invoked. - If the acknowledgement is for a
, theonAcknowledgeSlashPacket
method is invoked. - Otherwise, the transaction is aborted.
- If the acknowledgement is for a
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onTimeoutPacket(packet Packet) {
switch typeof(packet.data) {
case VSCMaturedPacketData:
case SlashPacketData:
// unexpected packet type
- Caller
- The consumer IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- A packet sent on a channel owned by the consumer CCV module timed out as a result of either
- Precondition
- The Correct Relayer assumption is violated (see the Assumptions section).
- Postcondition
- If the timeout is for a
, theonTimeoutVSCMaturedPacket
method is invoked. - If the timeout is for a
, theonTimeoutSlashPacket
method is invoked. - Otherwise, the transaction is aborted.
- If the timeout is for a
- Error Condition
- None.
The initialization sub-protocol enables a provider chain and a consumer chain to create a CCV channel -- a unique, ordered IBC channel for exchanging packets. As a prerequisite, the initialization sub-protocol MUST create two IBC clients, one on the provider chain to the consumer chain and one on the consumer chain to the provider chain. This is necessary to verify the identity of the two chains (as long as the clients are trusted).
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the AppModule interface
function InitGenesis(state: ProviderGenesisState): [ValidatorUpdate] {
// bind to ProviderPortId port
err = portKeeper.bindPort(ProviderPortId)
// check whether the capability for the port can be claimed
abortSystemUnless(err == nil)
foreach cs in state.consumerStates {
chainToChannel[cs.chainId] = cs.channelId
channelToChain[cs.channelId] = cc.chainId
// do not return anything to the consensus engine
return []
- Caller
- The ABCI application.
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine; theInitChain
message is sent when the provider chain is first started.
- An
- Precondition
- The provider CCV module is in the initial state.
- Postcondition
- The capability for the port
is claimed. - For each consumer state in the
, the initial state is set, i.e., the following mappingschainToChannel
are set.
- The capability for the port
- Error Condition
- The capability for the port
cannot be claimed. - For any consumer state in the
, the channel ID is not valid (cf. the validation function defined in ICS 4).
- The capability for the port
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements governance proposal Handler
function HandleConsumerAdditionProposal(p: ConsumerAdditionProposal) {
// store the proposal as a pending addition proposal
- Caller
method of Governance module.
- Trigger Event
- A governance proposal
has passed (i.e., it got the necessary votes).
- A governance proposal
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The proposal is appended to the list of pending addition proposals, i.e.,
- The proposal is appended to the list of pending addition proposals, i.e.,
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function BeginBlockInit() {
// iterate over the pending addition proposals and create
// the consumer client if the spawn time has passed
foreach p IN pendingConsumerAdditionProposals {
if currentTimestamp() > p.spawnTime {
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- A
message is received from the consensus engine;BeginBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- A
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- For each
in the list of pending addition proposalspendingConsumerAdditionProposals
, ifcurrentTimestamp() > p.spawnTime
, thenCreateConsumerClient(p)
is invoked;p
is removed frompendingConsumerAdditionProposals
- For each
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// Utility method
function CreateConsumerClient(p: ConsumerAdditionProposal) {
// check that no other consumer chain with the same chain ID exists
if p.chainId IN chainToClient.Keys() {
// ignore governance proposal
// set consumer chain initial validator set, i.e.,
// the validator set is the same as the validator set
// from own consensus state at current height
// TODO: ownConsensusState.validatorSet VS consensusState.nextValidatorsHash
// specify which validator set is used as the initial val set
ownConsensusState = getConsensusState(getCurrentHeight())
initialValSet = ownConsensusState.validatorSet
if p.connId != "" { // connection ID provided
// check validity
connectionEnd = provableStore.get("connections/{p.connId}")
if connectionEnd == nil {
// invalid proposal: cannot find connection
clientState = provableStore.get("clients/{connectionEnd.clientIdentifier}/clientState")
if clientState.chainID != p.chainId {
// invalid proposal: connection not to expected chain ID
// store client ID
chainToClient[p.chainId] = connectionEnd.clientIdentifier
// store connection ID
chainToConnection[p.chainId] = connId
// create and store ConsumerGenesisState
consumerGenesisState[p.chainId] = ConsumerGenesisState {
// consumer chain MUST start in pre-CCV state, i.e.,
// the consumer CCV module MUST NOT pass validator updates
// to the underlying consensus engine
preCCV: true,
unbondingPeriod: p.unbondingPeriod,
connId: connectionEnd.counterpartyConnectionIdentifier,
providerClientState: nil,
providerConsensusState: nil,
counterpartyClientId: "",
initialValSet: initialValSet,
transferChannelId: p.transferChannelId,
else {
// create client state
clientState = ClientState{
chainId: p.chainId,
unbondingPeriod: p.unbondingPeriod,
// the height when the client was last updated is set to the first possible height;
// for example, in the case of a Tendermint Client, this is Height{0, 1} (see ICS-7)
latestHeight: 0,
// create consensus state
consensusState = ConsensusState{
validatorSet: initialValSet,
// create consumer chain client and store it
clientId = clientKeeper.CreateClient(clientState, consensusState)
chainToClient[p.chainId] = clientId
// create and store ConsumerGenesisState
consumerGenesisState[p.chainId] = ConsumerGenesisState {
// consumer chain MUST NOT start in pre-CCV state, i.e.,
// the consumer CCV module MUST pass validator updates
// to the underlying consensus engine
preCCV: false,
unbondingPeriod: p.unbondingPeriod,
connId: "",
providerClientState: getHostClientState(getCurrentHeight()),
providerConsensusState: ownConsensusState,
counterpartyClientId: clientId,
initialValSet: initialValSet,
transferChannelId: p.transferChannelId,
// store lockUnbondingOnTimeout flag
lockUnbondingOnTimeout[p.chainId] = p.lockUnbondingOnTimeout
// add init timeout timestamp for this consumer chain
initTimeoutTimestamps[p.chainId] = currentTimestamp().Add(initTimeout)
- Caller
- Either
(see CCV-PCF-HCAPROP.1) orBeginBlockInit()
- Either
- Trigger Event
- A governance proposal
has passed (i.e., it got the necessary votes).
- A governance proposal
- Precondition
currentTimestamp() > p.spawnTime
- Postcondition
- If a client for
already exists, the state is not changed. - Otherwise,
- the validator set of the provider chain own consensus state at current height is set as the initial validator set of the consumer chain;
- if
is set, then- if a connection end with ID
cannot be found, the state is not changed; - otherwise,
- if the connection with ID
is not to the chain with IDp.chainId
, the state is not changed; - otherwise,
- both the client ID and connection ID are stored;
- a
is created and stored;
- if the connection with ID
- if a connection end with ID
- otherwise,
- otherwise,
- a client state is created with
chainId = p.chainId
andunbondingPeriod = p.unbondingPeriod
; - a consensus state is created with
set to the initial validator set of the consumer chain; - a client of the consumer chain is created and the client ID is stored;
- a
is created and stored;
- a client state is created with
- otherwise,
is set top.lockUnbondingOnTimeout
.- The init timeout timestamp is computed and stored in
- If a client for
- Error Condition
- None.
Note: For the case when the
field of theConsumerAdditionProposal
is not set, creating a client of a remote chain requires aClientState
and aConsensusState
(for an example, take a look at ICS 7).ConsensusState
requires setting a validator set of the remote chain. The provider chain uses the fact that the validator set of the consumer chain is the same as its own validator set.Note: Bootstrapping the consumer CCV module requires a
(see the CCV Data Structures section). The provider CCV module creates such aConsumerGenesisState
when handling a governance proposalConsumerAdditionProposal
.Note: If the channel initialization for a consumer chain exceeds the
period, then the provider chain removes that consumer. As a result, all further attempts on the consumer side to established the CCV channel will fail. This means that the consumer chain requires some sort of social consensus to either restart the process of becoming a consumer chain or transitioning back to a sovereign chain.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanOpenInit(
order: ChannelOrder,
connectionHops: [Identifier],
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyPortIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyChannelIdentifier: Identifier,
version: string): string {
// the channel handshake MUST be initiated by consumer chain
- Caller
- The provider IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the provider CCV module is bounded to.
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The transaction is always aborted; hence, the state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanOpenTry(
order: ChannelOrder,
connectionHops: [Identifier],
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyPortIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyChannelIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyVersion: string): string {
// validate parameters:
// - only ordered channels allowed
abortTransactionUnless(order == ORDERED)
// - require the portIdentifier to be the port ID the CCV module is bound to
abortTransactionUnless(portIdentifier == ProviderPortId)
// assert that the counterpartyPortIdentifier matches
// the expected consumer port ID
abortTransactionUnless(counterpartyPortIdentifier == ConsumerPortId)
// assert that the counterpartyVersion matches the expected version
abortTransactionUnless(counterpartyVersion == ccvVersion)
// get the client state associated with the underlying client
channelEnd = provableStore.get("channelEnds/ports/{portIdentifier}/channels/{channelIdentifier}")
abortTransactionUnless(channelEnd != nil AND len(channelEnd.connectionHops) == 1)
connId = channelEnd.connectionHops[0]
connectionEnd = provableStore.get("connections/{connId}")
clientState = provableStore.get("clients/{connectionEnd.clientIdentifier}/clientState")
if clientState.chainId IN chainToConnection.Keys() {
// if a connection is stored for this consumer chain,
// verify that the underlying connection is the expected one
abortTransactionUnless(chainToConnection[clientState.chainId] == connId)
// verify that the underlying client is the expected client of the consumer chain
abortTransactionUnless(chainToClient[clientState.chainId] == connectionEnd.clientIdentifier)
// require that no other CCV channel exists for this consumer chain
abortTransactionUnless(clientState.chainId NOTIN chainToChannel.Keys())
return CCVHandshakeMetadata{
providerDistributionAccount: GetDistributionAccountAddress(),
version: ccvVersion
- Caller
- The provider IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the provider CCV module is bounded to.
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The transaction is aborted if any of the following conditions are true:
- the channel is not ordered;
portIdentifier != ProviderPortId
;counterpartyPortIdentifier != ConsumerPortId
;counterpartyVersion != ccvVersion
;- no channel with
exists; - the channel has more than one connection hop;
- a connection is stored for this consumer chain and doesn't match the underlying connection of this channel;
- the channel is not built on top of the client created for this consumer chain;
- another CCV channel for this consumer chain already exists.
- A
is returned, withproviderDistributionAccount
set to the address of the distribution module account on the provider chain andversion
set toccvVersion
. - The state is not changed.
- The transaction is aborted if any of the following conditions are true:
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanOpenAck(
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyVersion: string) {
// the channel handshake MUST be initiated by consumer chain
- Caller
- The provider IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the provider CCV module is bounded to.
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The transaction is always aborted; hence, the state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanOpenConfirm(
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier) {
// get the client state associated with the underlying client
channelEnd = provableStore.get("channelEnds/ports/{portIdentifier}/channels/{channelIdentifier}")
abortTransactionUnless(channelEnd != nil AND len(channelEnd.connectionHops) == 1)
connId = channelEnd.connectionHops[0]
connectionEnd = provableStore.get("connections/{connId}")
clientState = provableStore.get("clients/{connectionEnd.clientIdentifier}/clientState")
// require that no other CCV channel exists for this consumer chain;
// note: this is a sanity check; this check should always pass by construction
abortTransactionUnless(clientState.chainId NOTIN chainToChannel.Keys())
// set channel mappings
chainToConnection[clientState.chainId] = connId
chainToChannel[clientState.chainId] = channelIdentifier
channelToChain[channelIdentifier] = clientState.chainId
// set initialHeights for this consumer chain
initialHeights[chainId] = getCurrentHeight()
// remove init timeout timestamp
- Caller
- The provider IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the provider CCV module is bounded to.
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The transaction is aborted if any of the following conditions are true:
- no channel with
exists; - the channel has more than one connection hop;
- another CCV channel for this consumer chain already exists.
- no channel with
- The connection mapping is set, i.e.,
. - The channel mappings are set, i.e.,
. initialHeights[chainId]
is set to the current height.- The init timeout timestamp for the consumer chain with ID
is removed.
- The transaction is aborted if any of the following conditions are true:
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the AppModule interface
function InitGenesis(gs: ConsumerGenesisState): [ValidatorUpdate] {
// ValidateGenesis
// - contains a non-empty initial validator set
abortSystemUnless(gs.initialValSet NOT empty)
if gs.preCCV {
// - contains a valid connId
connectionEnd = provableStore.get("connections/{gs.connId}")
abortSystemUnless(connectionEnd != nil)
else {
// - contains a valid providerClientState
abortSystemUnless(gs.providerClientState != nil AND gs.providerClientState.Valid())
// - contains a valid providerConsensusState
abortSystemUnless(gs.providerConsensusState != nil AND gs.providerConsensusState.Valid())
// - contains an initial validator set that matches
// the validator set in the providerConsensusState (e.g., ICS 7)
abortSystemUnless(gs.initialValSet == gs.providerConsensusState.validatorSet)
if gs.transferChannelId != "" {
// - if transferChannelId is provided, it must the ID
// of a channel connected to the "transfer" port
channelEnd = provableStore.get("channelEnds/ports/transfer/channels/{gs.transferChannelId}")
abortSystemUnless(channelEnd != nil)
// bind to ConsumerPortId port
err = portKeeper.bindPort(ConsumerPortId)
// check whether the capability for the port can be claimed
abortSystemUnless(err == nil)
// set pre-CCV state
preCCV = gs.preCCV
if preCCV {
// start consumer chain in pre-CCV state;
// store the ID of the client of the provider chain
providerClientId = connectionEnd.clientIdentifier
else {
// start consumer chain in normal CCV state;
// create client of the provider chain and store the ID
providerClientId = clientKeeper.CreateClient(gs.providerClientState, gs.providerConsensusState)
// set the consumer unbonding period
ConsumerUnbondingPeriod = gs.unbondingTime
// set default value for HtoVSC
HtoVSC[getCurrentHeight()] = 0
// set the initial validator set for the consumer chain
foreach val IN gs.initialValSet {
ccvValidatorSet[hash(val.pubKey)] = val
// set distribution channel ID
distributionChannelId = gs.transferChannelId
// initiate handshake
if preCCV {
// initiate CCV channel opening handshake
// i.e., use handleChanOpenInit as defined in ICS-26
datagram = ChanOpenInit{
order: ORDERED,
connectionHops: [gs.connId],
portIdentifier: ConsumerPortId,
counterpartyPortIdentifier: ProviderPortId,
version: ccvVersion,
else {
// initiate connection opening handshake
// i.e., use handleConnOpenInit as defined in ICS-26
datagram = ConnOpenInit{
clientIdentifier: providerClientId,
counterpartyClientIdentifier: gs.counterpartyClientId,
version: "ccv"
connId = handleConnOpenInit(datagram)
// initiate CCV channel opening handshake
// i.e., use handleChanOpenInit as defined in ICS-26
datagram = ChanOpenInit{
order: ORDERED,
connectionHops: [connId],
portIdentifier: ConsumerPortId,
counterpartyPortIdentifier: ProviderPortId,
version: ccvVersion,
return gs.initialValSet
- Caller
- The ABCI application.
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine; theInitChain
message is sent when the consumer chain is first started.
- An
- Precondition
- The consumer CCV module is in the initial state.
- Postcondition
- The capability for the port
is claimed. preCCV
is set togs.preCCV
.- If
preCCV == true
, the ID of the client on which the connection withgs.connId
is built is stored intoproviderClientId
. - Otherwise, a client of the provider chain is created and the client ID is stored into
. ConsumerUnbondingPeriod
is set togs.unbondingPeriod
for the current block is set to0
.- The
mapping is populated with the initial validator set. - The ID of the distribution token transfer channel is set to
. - If
preCCV == true
, the CCV channel opening handshake is initialized. - Otherwise, the connection opening handshake is initialized.
- The initial validator set is returned to the consensus engine.
- The capability for the port
- Error Condition
- The genesis state contains an empty initial validator set.
- If the genesis state
field is set totrue
, then the genesis state contains no valid connection ID. - Otherwise,
- the genesis state contains no valid provider client state, where the validity is defined in the corresponding client specification (e.g., ICS 7;
- the genesis state contains no valid provider consensus state, where the validity is defined in the corresponding client specification (e.g., ICS 7);
- the genesis state contains an initial validator set that does not match the validator set in the provider consensus state;
- The genesis state contains an invalid distribution channel ID.
- The capability for the port
cannot be claimed.
Note: CCV assumes that all the correct validators in the initial validator set of the consumer chain receive the same consumer chain binary and consumer chain genesis state. Although the mechanism of disseminating the binary and the genesis state is outside the scope of this specification, a possible approach would entail including this information in the governance proposal on the provider chain.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanOpenInit(
order: ChannelOrder,
connectionHops: [Identifier],
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyPortIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyChannelIdentifier: Identifier,
version: string): string {
// ensure provider channel hasn't already been created
abortTransactionUnless(providerChannel == "")
// validate parameters:
// - only ordered channels allowed
abortTransactionUnless(order == ORDERED)
// - require the portIdentifier to be the port ID the CCV module is bound to
abortTransactionUnless(portIdentifier == ConsumerPortId)
// - require the version to be the expected version
abortTransactionUnless(version == "" OR version == ccvVersion)
// assert that the counterpartyPortIdentifier matches
// the expected consumer port ID
abortTransactionUnless(counterpartyPortIdentifier == ProviderPortId)
// require that the client ID of the client associated
// with this channel matches the expected provider client id
channelEnd = provableStore.get("channelEnds/ports/{portIdentifier}/channels/{channelIdentifier}")
abortTransactionUnless(channelEnd != nil AND len(channelEnd.connectionHops) == 1)
connId = channelEnd.connectionHops[0]
connectionEnd = provableStore.get("connections/{connId}")
abortTransactionUnless(providerClientId != connectionEnd.clientIdentifier)
return ccvVersion
- Caller
- The consumer IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the consumer CCV module is bounded to.
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The transaction is aborted if any of the following conditions are true:
is already set;portIdentifier != ConsumerPortId
is set but not to the expected version;counterpartyPortIdentifier != ProviderPortId
;- the client associated with this channel is not the expected provider client.
is returned.- The state is not changed.
- The transaction is aborted if any of the following conditions are true:
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanOpenTry(
order: ChannelOrder,
connectionHops: [Identifier],
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyPortIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyChannelIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyVersion: string): string {
// the channel handshake MUST be initiated by consumer chain
- Caller
- The consumer IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the consumer CCV module is bounded to.
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The transaction is always aborted; hence, the state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanOpenAck(
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
counterpartyVersion: string) {
// ensure provider channel hasn't already been created
abortTransactionUnless(providerChannel == "")
// the version must be encoded in JSON format (as defined in ICS4)
md = UnmarshalJSON(counterpartyVersion)
// assert that the counterpartyVersion matches the expected version
abortTransactionUnless(md.version == ccvVersion)
// set the address of the distribution module account on the provider chain
providerDistributionAccount = md.providerDistributionAccount
if distributionChannelId == "" {
// initiate opening handshake for the distribution token transfer channel
// over the same connection as the CCV channel
// i.e., use handleChanOpenInit as defined in ICS-26
datagram = ChanOpenInit{
connectionHops: channelKeeper.GetConnectionHops(channelIdentifier), // same as the CCV channel
portIdentifier: "transfer",
counterpartyPortIdentifier: "transfer",
version: "ics20-1",
distributionChannelId = handleChanOpenInit(datagram)
// set the channel as the provider channel
providerChannel = channelIdentifier
// send pending slash requests;
// note: this can happen only if preCCV == false, as the ABCI application
// can invoke SendSlashRequest only once the chain is upgraded to
// a consumer chain, see BeginBlockInit below
if preCCV {
// replace valset with initial valset
- Caller
- The consumer IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the consumer CCV module is bounded to.
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
is unmarshaled into aCCVHandshakeMetadata
.- The transaction is aborted if any of the following conditions are true:
is already set;md.version != ccvVersion
- The address of the distribution module account on the provider chain is set to
. - If
is not set, the distribution token transfer channel opening handshake is initiated anddistributionChannelId
is set to the resulting channel ID. - The CCV channel is marked as established, i.e.,
is set to this channel. - The pending slash requests are sent to the provider chain (see [CCV-CCF-SNDPESLASH.1]).
Note that this can happen only if
preCCV == false
, as the ABCI application can invokeSendSlashRequest
only once the chain is upgraded to a consumer chain (see [CCV-CCF-BBLOCK-INIT.1]). - If
preCCV == true
, the valset in the staking module is replaced with theccvValidatorSet
, i.e., the initial validator set.
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanOpenConfirm(
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier) {
// the channel handshake MUST be initiated by consumer chain
- Caller
- The consumer IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the consumer CCV module is bounded to.
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The transaction is always aborted; hence, the state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function BeginBlockInit() {
if preCCV {
ownConsensusState = getConsensusState(getCurrentHeight())
if ownConsensusState.validatorSet == ccvValidatorSet.Values() {
// pre-CCV state is over; upgrade chain to consumer chain
// - set preCCV to false
// - the existing staking module no longer provides
// validator updates to the underlying consensus engine
// - the CCV module starts providing validator updates
// to the underlying consensus engine
// - for safety, the existing staking module must be kept
// for at least the unbonding period
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- A
message is received from the consensus engine;BeginBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- A
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If
preCCV == true
and the current validator set matches theccvValidatorSet
(i.e., the initial validator set), then the chain MUST be upgraded to a full consumer chain. The upgrade mechanism is outside the scope of this specification.
- If
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements governance proposal Handler
function HandleConsumerRemovalProposal(p: ConsumerRemovalProposal) {
// store the proposal as a pending removal proposal
- Caller
method of Governance module.
- Trigger Event
- A governance proposal
has passed (i.e., it got the necessary votes).
- A governance proposal
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The proposal is appended to the list of pending removal proposals, i.e.,
- The proposal is appended to the list of pending removal proposals, i.e.,
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function BeginBlockCCR() {
// iterate over the pending removal proposals
// and stop the consumer chain
foreach p IN pendingConsumerRemovalProposals {
if currentTimestamp() > p.stopTime {
// stop the consumer chain and do not lock the unbonding
StopConsumerChain(p.chainId, false)
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- A
message is received from the consensus engine;BeginBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- A
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- For each
in the list of pending removal proposalspendingConsumerRemovalProposals
, ifcurrentTimestamp() > p.stopTime
, thenStopConsumerChain(p.chainId, false)
is invoked;p
is removed frompendingConsumerRemovalProposals
- For each
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function StopConsumerChain(chainId: string, lockUnbonding: Bool) {
// check that a client for chainId exists
if chainId NOT IN chainToClient.Keys() {
// cleanup state
if chainId IN chainToChannel.Keys() {
// CCV channel is established
vscSendTimestamps.Remove((chainId, *))
if !lockUnbonding {
// remove chainId form all outstanding unbonding operations
foreach id IN vscToUnbondingOps[(chainId, _)] {
// if the unbonding operation has unbonded on all consumer chains
if unbondingOps[id].unbondingChainIds.IsEmpty() {
// append the id of the unbonding to maturedUnbondingOps
// remove unbonding operation
// clean up vscToUnbondingOps mapping
vscToUnbondingOps.Remove((chainId, _))
- Caller
(see CCV-PCF-HCRPROP.1) orBeginBlockCCR()
(see CCV-PCF-BBLOCK-CCR.1) oronTimeoutVSCPacket()
(see CCV-PCF-TOVSC.1) orEndBlockCCR()
- Trigger Event
- One of the following events:
- a governance proposal to stop the consumer chain with
has passed (i.e., it got the necessary votes); - a
sent on the CCV channel to the consumer chain withchainId
has timed out; - the channel initialization has timed out.
- a governance proposal to stop the consumer chain with
- One of the following events:
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If a client for
does not exist, the state is not changed. - Otherwise,
- the client ID mapped to
is removed; - the value mapped to
is removed; - if the CCV channel to the consumer chain with
is established, then- the chain ID mapped to
is removed; - the channel closing handshake is initiated for the CCV channel;
- the channel ID mapped to
is removed.
- the chain ID mapped to
- all the
mapped tochainId
are removed; - the height mapped to
is removed; downtimeSlashRequests[chainId]
is emptied;- if
lockUnbonding == false
, thenchainId
is removed from all outstanding unbonding operations;- if an outstanding unbonding operation has matured on all consumer chains,
- the matured unbonding operation is added to
; - the matured unbonding operation is removed from
; - all the entries with
are removed from thevscToUnbondingOps
- the client ID mapped to
- If a client for
- Error Condition
- None
Note: Invoking
StopConsumerChain(chainId, lockUnbonding)
withlockUnbonding == FALSE
entails that all outstanding unbonding operations can complete beforeConsumerUnbondingPeriod
elapses on the consumer chain withchainId
. Thus, invokingStopConsumerChain(chainId, false)
for anychainId
MAY violate the Bond-Based Consumer Voting Power and Slashable Consumer Misbehavior properties (see the System Properties section).
StopConsumerChain(chainId, false)
is invoked in two scenarios (see Trigger Event above).
In the first scenario (i.e., a governance proposal to stop the consumer chain with
), the validators on the provider chain MUST make sure that it is safe to stop the consumer chain. Since a governance proposal needs a majority of the voting power to pass, the safety of invokingStopConsumerChain(chainId, false)
is ensured by the Safe Blockchain assumption (see the Assumptions section).The second scenario (i.e., a timeout) is only possible if the Correct Relayer assumption is violated (see the Assumptions section), which is necessary to guarantee both the Bond-Based Consumer Voting Power and Slashable Consumer Misbehavior properties (see the Assumptions section).
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function EndBlockCCR() {
// iterate over vscSendTimestamps
for (chainId, vscId) IN vscSendTimestamps.Keys() {
// check get first timestamp, i.e., the smallest
if currentTimestamp() > vscSendTimestamps[(chainId, vscId)] + vscTimeout {
// vscTimeout expired:
// stop the consumer chain and use lockUnbondingOnTimeout
// to decide whether to lock the unbonding
StopConsumerChain(chainId, lockUnbondingOnTimeout[chainId])
// iterate over initTimeoutTimestamps
for chainId IN initTimeoutTimestamps.Keys() {
if currentTimestamp() > initTimeoutTimestamps[chainId] {
// initTimeout expired:
// stop the consumer chain and unlock the unbonding
StopConsumerChain(chainId, false)
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine;EndBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- An
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- For each consumer chain ID
,- if
vscSendTimestamps[(chainId, vscId)] + vscTimeout
is smaller than the current timestamp, then the consumer chain with IDchainId
is stopped.
- if
- For each consumer chain ID
,- if the timestamp in
is smaller than the current timestamp, then the consumer chain with IDchainId
is stopped.
- if the timestamp in
- For each consumer chain ID
- Error Condition
- None.
Note: To avoid false positives where a consumer chain is unnecessarily removed,
MUST be larger thanconsumerUnbondingPeriod
and SHOULD account for the time needed to relay theVSCPacket
to the consumer and the correspondingVSCMaturedPacket
back to the provider.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanCloseInit(
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier) {
// Disallow user-initiated channel closing
- Caller
- The provider IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the provider CCV module is bounded to.
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The transaction is always aborted; hence, the state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanCloseConfirm(
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier) {
// do nothing
- Caller
- The provider IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the provider CCV module is bounded to.
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function BeginBlockCCR() {
if providerChannel != "" AND channelKeeper.GetChannelState(providerChannel) == CLOSED {
// the CCV channel was established, but it was then closed;
// the consumer chain is no longer safe
// cleanup state, e.g.,
// providerChannel = ""
// shut down consumer chain
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- A
message is received from the consensus engine;BeginBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- A
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If the CCV was established, but then was moved to the
state, then the state of the consumer CCV module is cleaned up, e.g., theproviderChannel
is unset.
- If the CCV was established, but then was moved to the
- Error Condition
- If the CCV was established, but then was moved to the
- If the CCV was established, but then was moved to the
Note: Once the CCV channel is closed, the provider chain can no longer provider security. As a result, the consumer chain MUST be shut down. For an example of how to do this in practice, see the Cosmos SDK implementation.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanCloseInit(
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier) {
// allow relayers to close duplicate OPEN channels,
// if the provider channel has already been established
if providerChannel == "" || providerChannel == channelIdentifier {
// user cannot close channel
- Caller
- The consumer IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the consumer CCV module is bounded to.
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If
is not set orproviderChannel
matches the ID of the channel theChanCloseInit
message was received on, then the transaction is aborted. - The state is not changed.
- If
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// implements the ModuleCallbacks interface defined in ICS26
function onChanCloseConfirm(
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier) {
// do nothing
- Caller
- The consumer IBC routing module.
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
message on a port the consumer CCV module is bounded to.
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- None.
The validator set update sub-protocol enables the provider chain
- to update the consumer chain on the voting power granted to validators on the provider chain
- and to ensure the correct completion of unbonding operations for validators that produce blocks on the consumer chain.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function EndBlockVSU() {
// notify the Staking module to complete all matured unbondings
for id IN maturedUnbondingOps {
// get list of validator updates from the provider Staking module
valUpdates = stakingKeeper.GetValidatorUpdates()
// iterate over all consumer chains registered with this provider chain
foreach chainId IN chainToClient.Keys() {
// check whether there are changes in the validator set;
// note that this also entails unbonding operations
// w/o changes in the voting power of the validators in the validator set
if len(valUpdates) != 0 OR len(vscToUnbondingOps[(chainId, vscId)]) != 0 {
// create VSCPacket data
data = VSCPacketData{
id: vscId,
updates: valUpdates,
downtimeSlashAcks: downtimeSlashRequests[chainId]
// add VSCPacket data to the list of pending VSCPackets
pendingVSCPackets.Append(chainId, data)
// check whether there is an established CCV channel to the consumer chain
if chainId IN chainToChannel.Keys() {
// get the channel ID for the given consumer chain ID
channelId = chainToChannel[chainId]
foreach data IN pendingVSCPackets[chainId] {
// send data using the interface exposed by ICS-4
ProviderPortId, // source port ID
channelId, // source channel ID
// add VSC send timestamp to vscSendTimestamps
vscSendTimestamps[(vscId, chainId)] = currentTimestamp()
// remove pending VSCPackets
// increment VSC ID
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine;EndBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- An
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- For every matured unbonding operation in
, the Staking module is notified that the unbonding can complete. - All unbonding operation in
are removed. - A list of validator updates
is obtained from the provider Staking module. - For every consumer chain with
- If either
is not empty or there were unbonding operations initiated during this block, then- a
is created such thatdata.id = vscId
,data.updates = valUpdates
, anddata.downtimeSlashAcks = downtimeSlashRequests[chainId]
; downtimeSlashRequests[chainId]
is emptied;packetData
is appended to the list of pendingVSCPacket
s associated tochainId
, i.e.,pendingVSCPackets[chainId]
- a
- If there is an established CCV channel for the consumer chain with
, then- for each
in the list of pending VSCPackets associated tochainId
- a packet with the
is sent on the channel associated with the consumer chain withchainId
; vscSendTimestamps[(vscId, chainId)]
is set to the current timestamp;
- a packet with the
- all the pending VSCPackets associated to
are removed.
- for each
- If either
is incremented.
- For every matured unbonding operation in
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function onAcknowledgeVSCPacket(packet: Packet, ack: bytes) {
// providing the VSC with id packet.data.id can fail,
// i.e., ack == VSCPacketError,
// only if the VSCPacket was sent on a channel
// other than the established CCV channel;
// that should never happen, see EndBlock()
abortSystemUnless(ack != VSCPacketError)
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives an acknowledgement of a
on a channel owned by the provider CCV module.
- The provider IBC routing module receives an acknowledgement of a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- The acknowledgement is
- The acknowledgement is
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function onTimeoutVSCPacket(packet: Packet) {
// cleanup state
abortTransactionUnless(packet.getDestinationChannel() IN channelToChain.Keys())
chainId = channelToChain[packet.getDestinationChannel()]
// stop the consumer chain and use lockUnbondingOnTimeout
// to decide whether to lock the unbonding
StopConsumerChain(chainId, lockUnbondingOnTimeout[chainId])
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- A
sent on a channel owned by the provider CCV module timed out as a result of either
- A
- Precondition
- The Correct Relayer assumption is violated (see the Assumptions section).
- Postcondition
- The transaction is aborted if the ID of the channel on which the packet was sent is not mapped to a chain ID (in
). StopConsumerChain(chainId, lockUnbondingOnTimeout[chainId])
is invoked, wherechainId = channelToChain[packet.getDestinationChannel()]
- The transaction is aborted if the ID of the channel on which the packet was sent is not mapped to a chain ID (in
- Error Condition
- None
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function onRecvVSCMaturedPacket(packet: Packet): bytes {
// get the ID of the consumer chain mapped to this channel ID
abortTransactionUnless(packet.getDestinationChannel() IN channelToChain.Keys())
chainId = channelToChain[packet.getDestinationChannel()]
// iterate over the unbonding operations mapped to
// this chainId and vscId (i.e., packet.data.id)
foreach op in GetUnbondingsFromVSC(chainId, packet.data.id) {
// remove the consumer chain from
// the list of consumer chain that are still unbonding
// if the unbonding operation has unbonded on all consumer chains
if op.unbondingChainIds.IsEmpty() {
// append the id of the unbonding to maturedUnbondingOps
// remove unbonding operation
// clean up vscToUnbondingOps mapping
vscToUnbondingOps.Remove((chainId, vscId))
// clean up vscSendTimestamps mapping
vscSendTimestamps.Remove((chainId, vscId))
return VSCMaturedPacketSuccess
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
on a channel owned by the provider CCV module.
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The transaction is aborted if the channel on which the packet was received is not an established CCV channel (i.e., not in
). chainId
is set to the ID of the consumer chain mapped to the channel on which the packet was received.- For each unbonding operation
returned byGetUnbondingsFromVSC(chainId, packet.data.id)
is removed fromop.unbondingChainIds
;- if
is empty,op.id
is added tomaturedUnbondingOps
is removed fromunbondingOps
(chainId, vscId)
is removed fromvscToUnbondingOps
.(chainId, vscId)
is removed fromvscSendTimestamps
.- A successful acknowledgment is returned.
- The transaction is aborted if the channel on which the packet was received is not an established CCV channel (i.e., not in
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// Utility method
function GetUnbondingsFromVSC(
chainId: Identifier,
_vscId: uint64): [UnbondingOperation] {
// get all unbonding operations associated with (chainId, _vscId)
ops = []
foreach id in vscToUnbondingOps[(chainId, _vscId)] {
// get the unbonding operation with this ID
op = unbondingOps[id]
// append the operation to the list of operations to be returned
return ops
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
on a channel owned by the provider CCV module.
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- The provider CCV module received a
from a consumer chain with IDchainId
, such thatP.data.id == _vscId
- The provider CCV module received a
- Postcondition
- Return the list of unbonding operations mapped to
(chainId, _vscId)
- Return the list of unbonding operations mapped to
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
// implements a Staking module hook
function AfterUnbondingInitiated(opId: uint64) {
// get the IDs of all consumer chains registered with this provider chain;
// note: this includes also consumer chains in the pre-CCV state
chainIds = chainToClient.Keys()
if len(chainIds) > 0 {
// create and store a new unbonding operation
unbondingOps[opId] = UnbondingOperation{
id: opId,
unbondingChainIds: chainIds
// add the unbonding operation id to vscToUnbondingOps
foreach chainId in chainIds {
vscToUnbondingOps[(chainId, vscId)].Append(opId)
// ask the Staking module to wait for this operation
// to reach maturity on the consumer chains
- Caller
- The Staking module.
- Trigger Event
- An unbonding operation with id
is initiated.
- An unbonding operation with id
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
is set to the list of all consumer chains registered with this provider chain, i.e.,chainToClient.Keys()
.- If there is at least one consumer chain in
, then- an
is created and added tounbondingOps
, such thatop.id = opId
andop.unbondingChainIds = chainIds
. opId
is appended to every list invscToUnbondingOps[(chainId, vscId)]
, wherechainId
is an ID of a consumer chains registered with this provider chain andvscId
is the current VSC ID.- the
of the Staking module is invoked.
- an
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function onRecvVSCPacket(packet: Packet): bytes {
// check whether the packet was sent on the CCV channel
if providerChannel != "" && providerChannel != packet.getDestinationChannel() {
// packet sent on a channel other than the established provider channel;
// return error acknowledgement
return VSCPacketError
// set HtoVSC mapping
HtoVSC[getCurrentHeight() + 1] = packet.data.id
// store the packet data
return VSCPacketSuccess
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
on a channel owned by the consumer CCV module.
- The consumer IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If
is set and does not match the channel (with IDpacket.getDestinationChannel()
) on which the packet was received, then an error acknowledgement is returned. - Otherwise,
- the height of the subsequent block is mapped to
(i.e., theHtoVSC
mapping) ; packet.data
is appended toreceivedVSCs
.- a successful acknowledgement is returned.
- the height of the subsequent block is mapped to
- If
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function onAcknowledgeVSCMaturedPacket(packet: Packet, ack: bytes) {
// notifications of VSC maturity cannot fail by construction
abortSystemUnless(ack != VSCMaturedPacketError)
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives an acknowledgement of a
on a channel owned by the consumer CCV module.
- The consumer IBC routing module receives an acknowledgement of a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- The acknowledgement is
- The acknowledgement is
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function onTimeoutVSCMaturedPacket(packet Packet) {
// the CCV channel state is changed to CLOSED
// by the IBC handler (since the channel is ORDERED)
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- A
sent on a channel owned by the consumer CCV module timed out as a result of either
- A
- Precondition
- The Correct Relayer assumption is violated (see the Assumptions section).
- Postcondition
- The state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- None
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function EndBlockVSU(): [ValidatorUpdate] {
// unbond mature packets if the CCV channel is established
if providerChannel != "" {
if preCCV {
// do nothing
return []
else {
// handle received VSCs
changes = HandleReceivedVSCs()
// update ccvValidatorSet
// return the validator set updates
return changes
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine;EndBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- An
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If
providerChannel != ""
is invoked; - If
preCCV == true
, the state is not changed. - Otherwise,
- the data items in
are handled (see [CCV-CCF-HAREVSC.1]), which results in a listchanges
of validator updates; UpdateValidatorSet(changes)
is invoked;changes
is returned.
- the data items in
- If
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function HandleReceivedVSCs(): [ValidatorUpdate] {
changes = []
foreach data IN receivedVSCs {
// store the list of updates
// calculate and store the maturity timestamp for the VSC
maturityTimestamp = currentTimestamp().Add(ConsumerUnbondingPeriod)
maturingVSCs.Add(data.id, maturityTimestamp)
// reset outstandingDowntime for validators in data.downtimeSlashAcks
foreach valAddr IN data.downtimeSlashAcks {
outstandingDowntime[valAddr] = FALSE
// remove all entries
receivedVSCs = []
// aggregate the updates,
// i.e., keep only the latest update per validator;
// note: in the implementation, the aggregation is done directly
// when receiving a VSCPacket via the AccumulateChanges method
return changes.Aggregate()
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine.
- An
- Precondition
preCCV == false
- Postcondition
- For each
item in the listreceivedVSCs
are appended tochanges
, wherechanges
is initially an empty list of validator updates;(data.id, maturityTimestamp)
is added tomaturingVSCs
, wherematurityTimestamp = currentTimestamp() + ConsumerUnbondingPeriod
;- for each
in the slash acknowledgments received from the provider chain,outstandingDowntime[valAddr]
is set to false.
is emptied.- The updates in
are aggregated, i.e., only the latest update per validator is kept, and returned.
- For each
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function UpdateValidatorSet(changes: [ValidatorUpdate]) {
foreach update IN changes {
addr := hash(update.pubKey)
if addr NOT IN ccvValidatorSet.Keys() {
// new validator bonded;
// note that due changes.Aggregate(),
// a validator can be added to the valset and
// then removed in the subsequent block,
// resulting in update.power == 0
if update.power > 0 {
// add new validator to validator set
ccvValidatorSet[addr] = update
// call AfterCCValidatorBonded hook
else if update.power == 0 {
// existing validator begins unbonding
// call AfterCCValidatorBeginUnbonding hook
else {
ccvValidatorSet[addr].power = update.power
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine.
- An
- Precondition
preCCV == false
- Postcondition
- For each validator
,- if the validator is not in the validator set and
update.power > 0
, then- a new validator is added to
; - the
hook is called;
- a new validator is added to
- otherwise, if the validator's new power is
, then,- the validator is removed from
; - the
hook is called;
- the validator is removed from
- otherwise, the validator's power is updated.
- if the validator is not in the validator set and
- For each validator
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function UnbondMaturePackets() {
foreach (id, ts) in maturingVSCs.SortedByMaturityTime() {
if currentTimestamp() < ts {
break // stop loop
// create VSCMaturedPacketData
packetData = VSCMaturedPacketData{id: id}
// send VSCMaturedPacketData using the interface exposed by ICS-4
ConsumerPortId, // source port ID
providerChannel, // source channel ID
// remove entry from the list
maturingVSCs.Remove(id, ts)
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine.
- An
- Precondition
- The CCV channel to the provider chain is established, i.e.,
providerChannel != ""
- The CCV channel to the provider chain is established, i.e.,
- Postcondition
- For each
(id, ts)
in the list of maturing VSCs sorted by maturity timestamps- if
currentTimestamp() < ts
, the loop is stopped; - a
packet data is created; - a packet with the created
is sent to the provider chain; - the tuple
(id, ts)
is removed frommaturingVSCs
- if
- For each
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function EndBlockCIS() {
// set VSCtoH mapping
VSCtoH[vscId] = getCurrentHeight() + 1
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine;EndBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- An
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
is mapped to the height of the subsequent block.
- Error Condition
- None.
// PCF: Provider Chain Function
function onRecvSlashPacket(packet: Packet): bytes {
// check whether the packet was received on an established CCV channel
if packet.getDestinationChannel() NOT IN channelToChain.Keys() {
// packet received on a non-established channel; incorrect behavior
return SlashPacketError
// get the height that maps to the VSC ID in the packet data
if packet.data.vscId == 0 {
// the infraction happened before sending any VSC to this chain
chainId = channelToChain[packet.getDestinationChannel()]
infractionHeight = initialHeights[chainId]
else {
infractionHeight = VSCtoH[packet.data.vscId]
// request the Slashing module to slash the validator
// using the slashFactor set on the provider chain
slashFactor = slashingKeeper.GetSlashFactor(packet.data.downtime)
// request the Slashing module to jail the validator
// using the jailTime set on the provider chain
jailTime = slashingKeeper.GetJailTime(packet.data.downtime)
slashingKeeper.JailUntil(packet.data.valAddress, currentTimestamp() + jailTime)
if packet.data.downtime {
// add validator to list of downtime slash requests for chainId
return SlashPacketSuccess
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
on a channel owned by the provider CCV module.
- The provider IBC routing module receives a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If the channel the packet was received on is not an established CCV channel, then an error acknowledgment is returned.
- Otherwise,
- if
packet.data.vscId == 0
is set toinitialHeights[chainId]
, withchainId = channelToChain[packet.getDestinationChannel()]
, i.e., the height when the CCV channel to this consumer chain is established; - otherwise,
is set toVSCtoH[packet.data.vscId]
, i.e., the height at which the voting power was last updated by the validator updates in the VSC with IDpacket.data.vscId
; - a request is made to the Slashing module to slash
of the tokens bonded atinfractionHeight
by the validator with addresspacket.data.valAddress
, whereslashFactor
is the slashing factor set on the provider chain; - a request is made to the Slashing module to jail the validator with address
for a periodjailTime
, wherejailTime
is the jailing time set on the provider chain; - if the slash request is for downtime, the validator's address
is added to the list of downtime slash requests from thischainId
; - a successful acknowledgment is returned.
- if
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function BeginBlockCIS() {
HtoVSC[getCurrentHeight() + 1] = HtoVSC[getCurrentHeight()]
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- A
message is received from the consensus engine;BeginBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- A
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
for the subsequent block height is set to the same VSC ID as the current block height.
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function onAcknowledgeSlashPacket(packet: Packet, ack: bytes) {
// slash request fail, i.e., ack == SlashPacketError,
// only if the SlashPacket was sent on a channel
// other than the established CCV channel;
// that should never happen,
// see SendSlashRequest() and SendPendingSlashRequests()
abortSystemUnless(ack != SlashPacketError)
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- The consumer IBC routing module receives an acknowledgement of a
on a channel owned by the consumer CCV module.
- The consumer IBC routing module receives an acknowledgement of a
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- The state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- The acknowledgement is
- The acknowledgement is
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function onTimeoutSlashPacket(packet Packet) {
// the CCV channel state is changed to CLOSED
// by the IBC handler (since the channel is ORDERED)
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- A
sent on a channel owned by the consumer CCV module timed out as a result of either
- A
- Precondition
- The Correct Relayer assumption is violated (see the Assumptions section).
- Postcondition
- The state is not changed.
- Error Condition
- None
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// Enables consumer initiated slashing
function SendSlashRequest(
valAddress: string,
power: int64,
infractionHeight: Height,
downtime: Bool) {
if downtime AND outstandingDowntime[data.valAddress] {
// do not send multiple requests for the same downtime
// create SlashPacket data
packetData = SlashPacketData{
valAddress: valAddress,
valPower: power,
vscId: HtoVSC[infractionHeight],
downtime: downtime
// check whether the CCV channel to the provider chain is established
if providerChannel != "" {
// send SlashPacket data using the interface exposed by ICS-4
ConsumerPortId, // source port ID
providerChannel, // source channel ID
if downtime {
// set outstandingDowntime for this validator
outstandingDowntime[data.valAddress] = TRUE
else {
// add SlashPacket data to the list of pending SlashPackets
req := SlashRequest{data: packetData, downtime: downtime}
- Caller
- The ABCI application (e.g., the Slashing module).
- Trigger Event
- Evidence of misbehavior for a validator with address
was received.
- Evidence of misbehavior for a validator with address
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If the request is for downtime and there is an outstanding request to slash this validator for downtime, then the state is not changed.
- Otherwise,
- a
is created, such thatpacketData.vscId = VSCtoH[infractionHeight]
; - if the CCV channel to the provider chain is established, then
- a packet with the
is sent to the provider chain; - if the request is for downtime,
is set to true;
- a packet with the
- otherwise
SlashRequest{data: packetData, downtime: downtime}
is appended topendingSlashRequests
- a
- Error Condition
- None.
Note: The ABCI application MUST subtract
from the infraction height before invokingSendSlashRequest
, whereValidatorUpdateDelay
is a delay (in blocks) between when validator updates are returned to the consensus-engine and when they are applied. For example, ifValidatorUpdateDelay = x
and a validator set update is returned with new validators at the end of block10
, then the new validators are expected to sign blocks beginning at block11+x
(for more details, take a look at the ABCI specification).Consequently, the consumer CCV module expects the
parameter of theSendSlashRequest()
to be set accordingly.Note: In the context of single-chain validation, slashing for downtime is an atomic operation, i.e., once the downtime is detected, the misbehaving validator is slashed and jailed immediately. Consequently, once a validator is punished for downtime, it is removed from the validator set and cannot be punished again for downtime. Since validators are not automatically added back to the validator set, it entails that the validator is aware of the punishment before it can rejoin and be potentially punished again.
In the context of CCV, slashing for downtime is no longer atomic, i.e., downtime is detected on the consumer chain, but the jailing happens on the provider chain. To avoid sending multiple slash requests for the same downtime infraction, the consumer CCV module uses an
flag per validator. CCV assumes that the consumer ABCI application (e.g., the slashing module) is not including the downtime of a validator withoutstandingDowntime == TRUE
in the evidence for downtime.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
// Utility method
function SendPendingSlashRequests() {
// iterate over every pending SlashRequest in reverse order
foreach req IN pendingSlashRequests.Reverse() {
if !req.downtime OR !outstandingDowntime[req.data.valAddress] {
// send req.data using the interface exposed by ICS-4
ConsumerPortId, // source port ID
providerChannel, // source channel ID
if req.downtime {
// set outstandingDowntime for this validator
outstandingDowntime[req.data.valAddress] = TRUE
// remove pending SlashRequest
- Caller
- The
method (see CCV-CCF-RCVVSC.1).
- The
- Trigger Event
- The first
is received from the provider chain.
- The first
- Precondition
providerChannel != ""
- Postcondition
- For each slash request
in reverse order, such that either the slash request is not for downtime or there is no outstanding slash request for downtime,- a packet with the data
is sent to the provider chain; - if the request is for downtime,
is set to true.
- a packet with the data
- All the pending
s are removed.
- For each slash request
- Error Condition
- None.
Note: Iterating over pending
s in reverse order ensures that validators that are down for multiple blocks during channel initialization will be slashed for the latest downtime evidence.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function EndBlockRD() {
if getCurrentHeight() - lastDistributionTransferHeight >= BlocksPerDistributionTransfer {
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine;EndBlock
messages are sent once per block.
- An
- Precondition
- True.
- Postcondition
- If
getCurrentHeight() - lastDistributionTransferHeight >= BlocksPerDistributionTransfer
, theDistributeRewards()
method is invoked.
- If
- Error Condition
- None.
// CCF: Consumer Chain Function
function DistributeRewards() {
// iterate over all different tokens in ccvAccount
foreach (denomination, amount) IN ccvAccount.GetAllBalances() {
// transfer token using ICS20
ccvAccount, // sender
providerDistributionAccount, // receiver
"transfer", // transfer port
distributionChannelId, // transfer channel ID
zeroTimeoutHeight, // timeoutHeight
transferTimeoutTimestamp // timeoutTimestamp
lastDistributionTransferHeight = getCurrentHeight()
- Caller
- The
- The
- Trigger Event
- An
message is received from the consensus engine.
- An
- Precondition
getCurrentHeight() - lastDistributionTransferHeight >= BlocksPerDistributionTransfer
- Postcondition
- For each token type defined as a pair
(denomination, amount)
, a transfer token (as defined in ICS 20) is initiated. lastDistributionTransferHeight
is set to the current height.
- For each token type defined as a pair
- Error Condition
- None.