The road map items are sorted by priority.
Cross talk cancellation doesn't work reliably (Github Issue #109)
User 3hhh observed that cross talk spikes may actually arrive before the spike of the pad he actually hit.
Introduce a first peak detection reliability
This can be used to improve the positional sensing. E.g., if the reliability is low, we could use the position of the last detected peak if it is close to the current peak in time (e.g., if we have a fast roll situation).
Support direct rim strike
See #84.
Hot spot suppression on mesh pads with center piezo
Striking directly on the piezo results in detected velocity values which are much too high.
Change rim shot/positinal sensing counters
Taken from the code:
- only use one counter instead of rim_shot_cnt and pos_sense_cnt
- as long as counter is not finished, do check "hil_filt_new > threshold" again to see if we have a higher peak in that time window -> if yes, restart everything using the new detected peak
Create a super simple default drum kit in the git repo so that runs successfully without any other dependencies
See #94 (comment).
Add support for USB OTG MIDI for the ESP32-S3
It seems we have to wait for the Github espressif/arduino-esp32 project to support the newest ESP-IDF so that #include "tinyusb.h" does not give a compiler error. See esp-idf/examples/peripherals/usb/device/tusb_midi for an example code.
Improve rim shot detection
Especially for pads like the PDA-120L where the piezos are located near the edge, the rim shot detection does perform poorly.
Add support for rim boost setting for multiple head sensor pads
The rim boost setting is only supported for pads with just one head sensor.
For the ESP32 prototype, adjust the ADC_noise_peak_velocity_scaling in edrumulus.h correctly
Should we consider pre-scan time high peaks for velocity estimation?
Documentation (user manual)
Create an Edrumulus manual which describes the hardware/software setup, parameter description, HOWTOs, etc.
Algorihm documentation
The algorithm description should be improved. Especially, improve retrigger cancellation section.