##Potential Resources
- A detailed description of creating an IRC chatbot
- documentation for Natural Language Toolkit
- Parsing English with 500 lines of Python
- Redshift Github This is the program described by the above link
- Any tutorials for developing chatbots?
- Therapist.py ("a cheezy little Eliza knock-off by Joe Strout")
- Howie the Chatterbot
- Computational Linguistics & Psycholinguistics Research Center
##Similar projects
- thebot 0.1.1
- Videogrep (not that similar, but uses CLiPS packages to search for sentence structure)
##Possible packages:
- [Textblob] (https://textblob.readthedocs.org/en/dev/) is a python package that provides an api for the NLTK.
##Sections of Project:
#Mission Statement:
We are trying to create a simple chatbot with a basic sense of self. It will have the following capabilities:
Interact on live website
Generates original grammatically correct sentences
Can perform basic semantic analysis on user input
Can appropriately answer basic questions regardless of form:
- What is your name?, Who are you?, What are you called?
Generates original grammatically correct sentences
- Knowledge of parts of speech
- Understanding of what makes a valid sentence
- Syntactically valid sentence
- Semantically valid sentence
- Be able to generate stylistically appropriate sentence based on training materialshould I refer to you?
- Where do you live?, Where is your home?, What city do you reside in?, Where are you?, Where are you from?
- How are you?, How are you feeling?, How's it going? How are things?, What's up?
Respond to statements (non-questions)
##Workflow (Stages):
###Stage 1
- Generates original grammatically correct sentences
- Knowledge of parts of speech
- Understanding of what makes a valid sentence
- Syntactically valid sentence
- Semantically valid sentence
- Be able to generate stylistically appropriate sentence based on training materials
##Milestones for Tuesday 6/17:
- Research and identify POS tagger (Nathan)
- Draft plan for web interface (Josh)
- Outline next steps and research potential packages (Corinne)
###Stage 2 (Ephemeral Stage)
- Can perform basic semantic analysis on user input
- Identify question versus statement. Hard code vs soft code?
###Stage 3 (Nebulous Stage)
- Can appropriately answer basic questions regardless of form:
###Stage 4 (Profit)
###User Stories
- As an anonymous user, when I enter a single sentence into the text field the bot generates a single sentence response.
- As an anonymous user, when I select a filter in the checklist the filter is applied to the next response.
- As an anonymous user, when I click the "show me" button I see a log of the steps to generate the output.
- As an anonymous user, when I visit the page I see a "Tweet" button to share the response.
- An an anonymous user, when I visit the website I see the chatbot page.
- As an anonymous user, when I visit the website I see a "Contact Us" link that takes me to the project email address and a link to the GitHub page.
- As an anonymous user, when I have a noteworthy interaction with the bot I can click on a button to add that interaction to a "Best Of" page.
here is the bot!