CephFS Client on Win32 based on Dokan 0.6.0
This program is based on original Ceph code and modifid for Win32 Platform.
It is compiled by gcc/g++, so it is native Win32 program.
First install Dokan 0.6.0 on your Windows.
Dokan 0.6.0 support Windows XP/Vista/7/2008/8/2012.
If you use Win8 or Win2012, you need install Dokan in Windows 7 compatibility mode.
If you compile dokan yourself, you will need to sign the dokan.sys with your own cert.
Now you can use ceph-dokan on your Windows and get full speed access to CephFS without slowly Samba.
-c CephConf (ex. /r c:\ceph.conf)
-l DriveLetter (ex. /l m)
Example: ceph-dokan.exe -c ceph.conf -l m
Then you will see a new Drive[M:] in your explorer.
Download MinGW from https://www.dropbox.com/s/i72wyymzo0ets2s/MinGW-20151112.zip?dl=0
Unzip the MinGW-20151112.zip to C:\
Download and compile Boost Libs in C:\boost_1_60_0\
Compile boost system lib only:
bootstrap mingw
b2 toolset=gcc --with-system
Open C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat you will get a MINGW32 bash shell.
Git clone the ceph-dokan, in MINGW32 shell cd ceph-dokan code directory, just input the command 'make', after serval minutes you will get ceph-dokan.exe and libcephfs.dll.
Ceph-Dokan will get continuous improvement and upgrade with upstream Ceph code.