Users service
You can run a local users database and service for development and testing. Database schema changes are auto-synced from the JSON schemas in src/schemas, and the service is auto-reloaded on source code changes.
npm run watch --workspace @casimir/users
Example commands:
Run a local users database and service with the current schemas and source code.
npm run dev --workspace @casimir/users
Run a local users database and service and watch for changes.
npm run watch --workspace @casimir/users
Clean local Docker Postgres environment, sql, and pgdata.
npm run clean --workspace @casimir/users
Query the local Postgres instance.
"Add a user"
INSERT INTO users (address) VALUES ('0xd557a5745d4560B24D36A68b52351ffF9c86A212');
"Add an account (with the same address as the user)"
INSERT INTO accounts (address, owner_address) VALUES ('0xd557a5745d4560B24D36A68b52351ffF9c86A212', '0xd557a5745d4560B24D36A68b52351ffF9c86A212');
"Query the user"
SELECT u.*, json_agg(a.*) AS accounts FROM users u JOIN accounts a ON u.address = a.owner_address WHERE u.address = '0xd557a5745d4560B24D36A68b52351ffF9c86A212' GROUP BY u.address;
🚩 To iterate on a schema in context, use the commands above. To deploy a schema change, create a branch from
, edit the JSON, and then make a PR todevelop