[bot] recovered after being marked as stale
[bot] marked as stale due to inactivity
sync internally with Anaconda, Inc. ticket tracker
related to the public API
related to an encoding error
related to degraded performance
related to producing reproducible results
related to user experience
describes erroneous operation, use severity::* to classify the type
requests removal of deprecated feature(s)
request for improved documentation
request for a new feature or capability
indicates some proof of concept or MVP work
neither a bug nor feature, is really just a user having questions or difficulty somewhere
indicates a change that doesn't pertain to the code itself, e.g. updating CI/CQ, rebuilding package
identifies or resolves some technical debt
issues about tests or the test infrastructure
we are unable to replicate the issue
this issue/PR is caused by an upstream dependency
not a bug or feature is undesired; the project functions as intended