- The json template indent was reduced from 4 to 1 for space savings. Old spacing can be restored using to_json(indent=4).
- Updates from spec version 63.0.0
- reduce JSON CloudFormation template size (#2028)
- Updates from spec version 65.0.0
- Update black and isort versions
- Output resource_type string in a more black compatible format
- Let type hints show that lists are also valid
- Fix WAFv2 AndStatement and OrStatement validation (Fixes #2026)
- Add click to requirements-dev.txt to force version
- Black formatting
- See breaking changes in 4.0.0-beta.0 and 4.0.0-beta.1
- Fix AccessControlAllowMethods.Items validator (Fixes #2023)
- Fix duplicate resource names due to FSx::Volume
- Updates from spec version 62.0.0
- Update serverless.py
- EMR: Add missing JobFlowInstancesConfig properties
- AWS::DataBrew - Renamed Job.S3TableOutputOptions S3Location => JobS3Location
- AWS::ImageBuilder - Renamed ContainerRecipe ComponentConfiguration => ContainerComponentConfiguration
- AWS::SageMaker - Renamed ModelBiasEndpointInput EndpointInput => ModelBiasEndpointInput - Renamed ModelExplainabilityJobInput EndpointInput => ModelExplainabilityEndpointInput - Renamed ModelQualityJobDefinition EndpointInput => ModelBiasEndpointInput
- AWS::WAFv2 - Renamed AndStatementOne, AndStatementTwo => AndStatement - Renamed NotStatementOne, NotStatementTwo => NotStatement - Renamed OrStatementOne, OrStatementTwo => OrStatement - Renamed RateBasedStatementOne, RateBasedStatementTwo => RateBasedStatement - Renamed StatementOne, StatementTwo, StatementThree => Statement
- Updates from spec version 58.0.0
- automating maintenance with Github actions
- removing double requirement from requirements-dev.txt
- Run maintenance action once a day at 5am
- Fix typo in ECS validator name
- Allow the use of AWSHelperFn in one_of validator
- Update maintenance workflow to include spec version
- Updates from spec version 59.0.0
- Remove maintenance run on push to main and change cron time
- Add type annotations for base classes & some validators (#2013)
- Reimplement WAFv2 Statement validation
- Fix typing issues in openstack
- Only run the maintenance workflow once a day
- Improve error message for AWSProperty types where resource_type is not defined
- Add AWS::KinesisVideo and AWS::Personalize
- Updates from spec version 60.0.0
- Updates from spec version 61.0.0
- Add AWS::BillingConductor
- DataBrew: Fix duplicate but different S3Location
- ImageBuilder: Fix duplicate but different ComponentConfiguration
- SageMaker: Fix duplicate but different ComponentConfiguration
This release has refactored the code to allow for auto-generation of the troposphere classes from the AWS Resource Specification. Backward compatibility changes were applied to minimize changes to existing scripts.
- AWS::EC2 - Ipv6Addresses AWSHelperFn class is now an AWSProperty InstanceIpv6Address - Added Ipv6Addresses function that returns a InstanceIpv6Address for backward compatibility - SpotFleet::LaunchSpecifications IamInstanceProfile change: IamInstanceProfile => IamInstanceProfileSpecification - SpotFleet::LaunchSpecifications NetworkInterfaces change: NetworkInterfaces => InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification - SpotFleet::LaunchSpecifications Placement change: Placement => SpotPlacement - SpotFleet::LaunchSpecifications TagSpecifications change: SpotFleetTagSpecification => TagSpecifications
- AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule Action was renamed ListenerRuleAction due to conflict with Listener Action AuthenticateOidcConfig
- AWS::OpsWorksCM resources have been moved out of opsworks.py into opsworkscm.py, please adjust imports.
- AWS::Route53Resolver resources have been moved out of route53.py into route53resolver.py, please adjust imports.
- Removed deprecated Elasticsearch ElasticsearchDomain alias, use Domain instead
- Removed deprecated IAM PolicyProperty alias, use Policy instead. Note: a future major version will rename the Policy resource and property again..
- json_checker now uses TypeError (rather than ValueError) for non-str or non-dict types
- Add missing entry for the 3.2.2 release
- Auto-generate MWAA
- Auto-generate ElasticBeanstalk
- Auto-generate Elasticsearch
- Auto-generate ElastiCache
- Auto-generate SNS
- Auto-generate SecurityHub
- Auto-generate Synthetics
- Auto-generate Neptune
- Auto-generate KMS
- Auto-generate GlobalAccelerator
- Better handle selective imports of primitive types in code generator
- Auto-generate EFS
- Auto-generate SecretsManager
- Auto-generate DAX
- Auto-generate DMS
- Auto-generate DataPipeline
- Auto-generate Detective
- Auto-generate DirectoryService
- Auto-generate DLM
- Auto-generate DocDB
- Add backward compatibility to allow resource renames to work correctly
- Fix SNS Subscription resource type
- Auto-generate IAM
- Add missing EFS patch
- Auto-generate Macie
- Auto-generate ResourceGroups
- Auto-generate GuardDuty
- Auto-generate Panorama
- Auto-generate WAFRegional
- Auto-generate StepFunctions
- Remove unneeded properties that should not be emitted
- Auto-generate Cassandra
- Auto-generate Athena
- Auto-generate FMS
- Remove py.typed until type information is fully implemented (#2003)
- Change for gen to emit all meaningful properties, Tags cleanup, and other changes
- Auto-generate NetworkManager
- Auto-generate ApiGateway
- Auto-generate Config
- Auto-generate EKS
- Update AppSync per 2022-01-13 changes
- Add AWS::Forecast
- Updates from 53.0.0 spec
- Auto-generate KinesisFirehose
- Tweaks for the regen script
- Add PropsDictType into policies.py
- Auto-generate ApiGatewayV2
- Auto-generate AppConfig
- Add PrivateDnsPropertiesMutable to ServiceDiscovery
- Auto-generate AppMesh
- Auto-generate CloudTrail
- Fixup some incorrect Tags types
- Auto-generate EventSchemas
- Auto-generate CustomerProfiles
- Auto-generate Chatbot
- Auto-generate FraudDetector
- Auto-generate WAF
- Auto-generate IoT
- Auto-generate IoT1Click
- Auto-generate EMR
- Auto-generate RDS
- Auto-generate Cognito
- Remove workaround for Lex TextLogDestination
- Auto-generate CloudWatch
- Auto-generate Redshift
- Auto-generate CodePipeline
- Auto-generate ServiceCatalog
- Auto-generate OpsWorks
- Auto-generate OpsWorksCM
- Auto-generate Route53
- Auto-generate Route53Resolver
- Auto-generate Pinpoint
- Auto-generate PinpointEmail
- Auto-generate AutoScalingPlans
- Updates from spec version 53.1.0
- Auto-generate Logs
- Auto-generate GroundStation
- Auto-generate Glue
- Auto-generate Batch
- Auto-generate Budgets
- Auto-generate CodeCommit
- Auto-generate CodeBuild
- Auto-generate MediaConnect
- Auto-generate MediaLive
- Auto-generate MediaStore
- Auto-generate Kendra
- Auto-generate ImageBuilder
- Auto-generate IoTWireless
- Updates from spec version 54.0.0
- Auto-generate CloudFormation
- Auto-generate MediaPackage
- Auto-generate KinesisAnalyticsV2
- Auto-generate IoTAnalytics
- Anchor some substitutions in regen
- Auto-generate ElasticLoadBalancing
- Auto-generate ElasticLoadBalancingV2
- Auto-generate DynamoDB
- Updates from spec version 55.0.0
- Auto-generate AutoScaling
- Updates from spec version 56.0.0
- Add AWS::KafkaConnect
- Run black and isort on kafkaconnect.py
- Updates from spec version 57.0.0
- Add AWS::IoTThingsGraph and AWS::RefactorSpaces
- Allow function exports in gen.py
- Auto-generate EC2
- Save copy of resource spec via "make spec"
- Auto-generate CloudFront
- Auto-generate Backup
- Auto-generate AmazonMQ
- Auto-generate SSM
- Auto-generate IVS
- Auto-generate IoTEvents
- Auto-generate ManagedBlockchain
- Auto-generate MediaConvert
- Auto-generate MSK
- Auto-generate NimbleStudio
- Auto-generate OpenSearchService
- Auto-generate RAM
- Auto-generate Route53RecoveryControl
- Auto-generate S3ObjectLambda
- Auto-generate S3Outposts
- Auto-generate ServiceDiscovery
- Auto-generate SSMContacts
- Auto-generate SSMIncidents
- Auto-generate Transfer
- Auto-generate Events
- Auto-generate FIS
- Auto-generate DataSync
- Various changes to the code generator
- Fix copy/paste issue resulting in incorrect ECS validator assignment (Fixes #2000)
- Automatically correct Resource/Property dups in the code generator
- Auto-generate XRay
- Add missing CloudFront jsonpatch
- Auto-generate Greengrass
- Auto-generate GreengrassV2
- Add code regen and remove the resource spec version from the code
- Upgrade auto-generated files to spec version 52.0.0
- Auto-generate AppStream
- Auto-generate Inspector
- Add AWS::InspectorV2
- Add missing jsonpatch files
- Add the TableClass property to DynamoDB Resource
- Restore AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition AuthorizationConfig (Fixes #1997)
- Fix backward compat issue with ECS HostVolumeProperties => Host
- Fix backward compat issue with CodeDeploy RevisionLocation => Revision
Python 3.6 support removed due to Python EOL
Moving to auto-generation of troposphere classes
To make troposphere easier to maintain and keep up-to-date, the core troposphere classes will be migrated to be auto-generated from the CloudFormation Resource Specification. Changes have been made to maintain backward compatibility in troposphere 3.x releases. Please open a github issue if an auto-generated class is not compatible.
Note: a future troposphere 4.x release will likely align more with the AWS naming of Resources and Properties which would break backward compatibility.
- Add Architectures to AWS::Serverless::Function (#1971)
- Update EKS per 2021-11-10 changes
- Update IoTWireless per 2021-11-11 changes
- Update Batch per 2021-11-11 changes
- Added CopyTagsToSnapshot to DBCluster (#1973)
- Run tests against Python 3.10 and add trove classifier (#1974)
- Update Location per 2021-11-12 changes
- Update AppStream per 2021-11-18 changes
- Update MSK per 2021-11-18 changes
- Update FSx per 2021-11-18 changes
- Update FinSpace per 2021-11-18 changes
- Update CloudFormation per 2021-11-18 changes
- Added ecs.TaskDefinition.RuntimePlatform (#1976)
- AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup.DataTieringEnabled (#1977)
- AWS::Logs::LogGroup.Tags (#1978)
- CHANGELOG.rst Formatting Fixes (#1983)
- Fixed NetworkFirewall::LoggingConfiguration (#1984)
- Update NetworkFirewall jsonpatch for LoggingConfiguration
- Update CloudFront (adding ResponseHeadersPolicyId fields) per 2021-11-04 changes (#1982)
- Update cfn2py - change add_description to set_description (#1975)
- Added CompatibleArchitectures to Serverless::LayerVersion (#1972)
- Add UpdateConfig to EKS::Nodegroup (#1980)
- Added RedshiftRetryOptions and enabled support for RetryOptions in Re… (#1981)
- Update Kinesis per 2021-12-09 (#1988)
- Update AppFlow 18.6.0->51.0.0 (#1985)
- Move validators into a module to support future changes
- pre-commit checks for black+isort (#1989)
- Fix black formatting/isort
- First pass cleanup for the code generator script
- Auto-generate NetworkFirewall
- Update Timestream per 2021-12-03 changes
- Add AWS::RUM per 2021-12-03 changes
- Auto-generate FSx
- Add AWS::Evidently per 2021-12-03 changes
- Remove (now unused) yaml import from the gen.py
- ap-southeast-3 (Jakarta), ap-northeast-3 (Osaka), and new zone in Beijing (#1991)
- More updates for code generation and update some resources
- Update Connect per 2021-12-03 changes
- Add AWS::ResilienceHub
- Update SageMaker per 2021-12-03 changes and fix SageMaker::Device
- Rearrange S3 classes to make comparison to auto-generated code easier
- Auto-generate S3 and update per 2021-12-03 changes
- Auto-generate AppSync and update per 2021-12-06 changes
- Auto-generate Kinesis
- Auto-generate AccessAnalyzer
- Auto-generate ACMPCA
- Makefile tweaks: add fix target and combine spec2 with spec
- Add a few more items into .gitignore
- Fix some lint errors
- Remove support for Python 3.6 due to EOL
- Re-gen Evidently to add documentation links
- Use anonymous hyperlink targers to prevent warnings in the docs
- Auto-generate LakeFormation
- Auto-generate Lightsail
- Auto-generate CodeDeploy
- Regenerate doc links
- First pass update to CONTRIBUTING documentation
- Auto-generate ECR
- Install myst_parser for markdown docs
- Adding missing troposphere.validators package (#1995)
- Clean up stub generation
- Auto-generate WAFv2 (#1996)
- Remove redundent classes from KinesisFirehose
- Fix examples where variables were aliasing classes
- Introduce PropsDictType and other changes to be more mypy friendly
- Add AWS::Lex
- Regen AccessAnalyzer
- Regen ACMPCA
- Auto-generate Amplify
- Auto-generate KinesisAnalytics
- Auto-generate AppFlow
- Auto-generate ApplicationAutoScaling
- Auto-generate ApplicationInsights
- Auto-generate AppRunner
- Auto-generate APS
- Auto-generate ASK
- Auto-generate AuditManager
- Auto-generate QLDB
- Auto-generate QuickSight
- Auto-generate RUM
- Auto-generate Wisdom
- Auto-generate WorkSpaces
- Auto-generate FinSpace
- Auto-generate GameLift
- Auto-generate HealthLake
- Auto-generate EMRContainers
- Auto-generate DevOpsGuru
- Auto-generate MemoryDB
- Auto-generate Signer
- Add back Endpoint to MemoryDB for backward compatibility
- Regen AppSync, ResilienceHub, and S3
- Regen Kinesis, LakeFormation, and Lightsail
- Auto-generate LookoutEquipment, LookoutMetrics, and LookoutVision
- Auto-generate ECS
- Auto-generate Location
- Auto-generate LicenseManager
- Regen IoTSiteWise
- Auto-generate IoTCoreDeviceAdvisor and IoTFleetHub
- Don't emit a Tags import for Json style tags
- Auto-generate CodeGuruProfiler and CodeGuruReviewer
- Auto-generate CodeStar, CodeStarConnections, and CodeStarNotifications
- Auto-generate CodeArtifact
- Auto-generate AppIntegrations
- Auto-generate Rekognition
- Auto-generate Route53RecoveryReadiness
- Auto-generate ServiceCatalogAppRegistry
- Auto-generate Timestream
- Auto-generate SSO
- Auto-generate RoboMaker
- Auto-generate SDB
- Auto-generate SES
- Auto-generate SQS
- Updates to gen.py
- Auto-generate Lambda
- Regen CodeDeploy, Connect, DataBrew, ECR, and Evidently
- Regen FSx, NetworkFirewall, SageMaker, and WAFv2
- Auto-generate CE
- Auto-generate CertificateManager
- Auto-generate Cloud9
- Auto-generate CUR
- Added "CompatibleArchitectures" to LayerVersion (#1963)
- Update AWS::Events::Rule EcsParameters (#1966)
- AWS::Cassandra::Table.DefaultTimeToLive and AWS::Cassandra::Table.TimeToLiveEnabled (#1967)
- AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetType (#1968)
- Add multi-region param to KMS (#1969)
- Fix black formatting
- Add AWS::Rekognition per 2021-10-21 changes
- Add AWS::Panorama per 2021-10-21 changes
- Update SageMaker per 2021-10-21 changes
- Update FMS per 2021-10-21 changes
- Update MediaConnect per 2021-10-27 changes
- Update Route53Resolver per 2021-10-28 changes
- Update Lightsail per 2021-10-28 changes
- Update EC2 per 2021-10-28 changes
- Update api docs
- Add explicit readthedocs config and requirements.txt
- Add sphinx requirement versions
- Added Cloudfront Response Header changes per Nov 4 updates. (#1970)
- Fix black formatting
- Update IoT per 2021-11-04 changes
- Update DataSync per 2021-11-04 changes
- Update Pinpoint per 2021-11-04 changes
- Update Redshift per 2021-11-04 changes
- Update NetworkFirewall per 2021-11-04 changes
- Update EC2 per 2021-11-04 changes
- Add KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration
- Update S3 per 2021-09-02 changes
- Update IoT per 2021-09-02 changes
- Update KinesisFirehose per 2021-09-02 changes
- Update EventSchemas per 2021-09-02 changes
- Update DataSync per 2021-09-02 changes
- Update ACMPCA per 2021-09-02 changes
- Update Transfer per 2021-09-02 changes
- Update firehose.py parameter type validation (#1953)
- AWS Backup: Add EnableContinuousBackup boolean to BackupRuleResourceType (#1958)
- fix: creating specific AWS::MediaPackage::OriginEndpoint AWSProperty sets, as they are different from AWS::MediaPackage::PackagingConfiguration's AWSProperty sets
- making user role optional for emr studio
- Add missing properties to EMR::Studio
- Fix black formatting
- allow helper functions for codebuild project type
- Update Cloudtrail per 2021-09-10 changes
- Add AWS::APS per 2021-09-16 changes
- Add AWS::HealthLake per 2021-09-17 changes
- Updaate ACMPCA per 2021-09-17 changes
- Add AWS::MemoryDB per 2021-09-23 changes
- Update AppSync per 2021-09-23 changes
- Update Lambda per 2021-09-30 changes
- Update KinesisFirehose per 2021-09-30 changes
- Updat ECR per 2021-09-30 changes
- Update IoT per 2021-10-07 changes
- Add AWS::Lightsail per 2021-10-07 changes
- Update Backup per 2021-10-07 changes
- Add AWS::OpenSearchService per 2021-10-16 changes
- Import ABC from collections.abc for Python 3.10 compatibility.
- Add validation and tests to AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain.EngineVersion (#1960)
- Fix isort and black formatting issues
- Update Backup with missing resources from 2021-10-07 changes
- Update CodeBuild per 2021-10-13 changes
- Move resource type lists from README to individual files
- Fix missing underscore in README links
- Add AWS::Wisdom per 2021-10-14 changes
- Support Globals section for serverless
- Enable MSK IAM Role based authentication
- Add AWS::Signer
- Allow LaunchTemplateSpecification in LaunchTemplateOverrides
- Add AWS::Route53RecoveryControl and AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness per 2021-07-29 changes
- Update S3Outposts per 2021-07-29 changes
- Update DataBrew per 2021-07-29 changes
- Update FSx per 2021-08-05 changes
- Update ApiGatewayV2 per 2021-08-12 changes
- Update AppSync per 2021-08-05 changes
- Add Athena::PreparedStatement per 2021-08-05 changes
- Update ApiGateway per 2021-08-12 changes
- Add TimeZone property to AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction
- Fix black formatting in autoscaling.py
- Update WAFv2 per 2021-08-12 changes
- Update Elasticsearch per 2021-08-17 changes
- Update SageMaker per 2021-08-19 changes
- Update Redshift per 2021-08-19 changes
- Update AutoScaling per 2021-08-19 changes
- Update CodeBuild per 2021-08-19 changes
- Add AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy (#1936)
- Add AWS::Serverless::HttpApi (#1941)
- Update to main branch for tests workflow
- Switch build status badge from travis-ci to github
- Fix duplicate AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy
- Remove duplicate TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration from dynamodb.py
- Add JWT to apigatewayv2 valid_authorizer_types (#1929)
- [batch] Update ContainerProperties properties (#1930)
- Remove p3s directory
- Update ImageBuilder per 2021-07-01 changes
- Update ServiceDiscovery per 2021-07-08 changes
- Update CodeDeploy per 2021-07-08 changes
- Add KmsKeyId Attribute to LogGroup (#1931)
- Added missing AWS::Neptune::DBCluster properties (#1932)
- Added Sign and Verify key usage (#1935)
- Fix CanarySettings PercentTraffic definition
- Fix NetworkFirewall properties
- Fixup formatting in NetworkFirewall
- Use jsonpatch to fixup spec files before generating code
- Update DataBrew per 2021-07-09 changes
- Update Logs per 2021-07-15 changes
- Update EC2 per 2021-07-21 changes
- Update Cassandra per 2021-07-21 changes
- Add AWS::LookoutEquipment per 2021-07-22 changes
- Update QLDB per 2021-07-22 changes
- Update CloudWatch per 2021-07-22 changes
- Fix CHANGELOG with correct 3.0.0 release date
- Fix EKS::Nodegroup.Taints to use the correct key for taints (#1925)
- Include cfn_flip in setup.cfg (#1927)
- Catch install dependencies with "make release-test
This release now only supports Python 3.6+ Special thanks to @michael-k for the Python 3 work and tooling improvements.
Python 3.6+ (Python 2.x and earlier Python 3.x support is now deprecated due to Python EOL)
Remove previously deprecated Template methods. To update to currently supported methods, substitute:
add_description() => set_description() add_metadata() => set_metadata() add_transform() => set_transform() add_version() => set_version()
Remove deprecated troposphere.UpdatePolicy()
Remove TROPO_REAL_BOOL. Booleans are output instead of string booleans for better interoperability with tools like cfn-lint.
Remove deprecated troposphere.dynamodb2. Use troposphere.dynamodb instead.
Remove StageName deprecation warning in apigateway StageDescription
Rename ElasticBeanstalk OptionSettings property to OpionSetting per AWS spec files
- Run '2to3 -n -w --no-diffs .'
- Require Python >= 3.6
- [utils,examples] Revert changes to print functions made by 2to3
- Remove unnecessary conversions of iterables to lists
- Cleanup scripts
- Restore TypeError's message
- Cleanup ImportErrors and NameErrors
- [tests] Make necessary adjustments
- [examples] Fix indentation
- Make BaseAWSObject.propnames pickleable
- Remove '# -- coding: utf-8 --'
- Stop inheriting from object explicitly
- Modernize super() calls
- AWS::MWAA Adding for managed airflow (#1858)
- Add constants for EC2 instance types: T4g. (#1885)
- Add AppIntegrations per 2021-03-25 changes
- Add LookoutMetrics per 2021-03-25 changes
- Add CustomerProfiles per 2021-03-25 changes
- Fix Python3 deprecation: import from collections.abc
- Run black and isort over main directories (examples scripts tests troposphere)
- Switch to using setup.cfg and add test checks for black/isort
- Remove previously deprecated Template methods
- Remove deprecated troposphere.UpdatePolicy()
- Remove troposphere.dynamodb2. Use troposphere.dynamodb instead.
- Remove StageName deprecation warning in apigateway StageDescription
- Start adding CHANGELOG entries for pending 3.0.0 release
- Quick fix for travis needing cfn_flip imported
- Set the pending release as 3.0.0
- Remove Python 2.7 artifacts from Makefile
- Fix intermittent failure due to an incorrect resource_name in ECR
- Remove TROPO_REAL_BOOL and output real boolean values
- Fix template generator boolean interoperability (Fixes #1044)
- Update fis.py (#1887)
- lambda memory can be configured in 1 MB increments now (#1886)
- Make generation script more black format compliant
- Fix black format in tests/test_awslambda.py
- Fix properties in LookoutMetrics VpcConfiguration
- Update ServiceDiscovery per 2021-03-18 changes and re-gen file
- Adding support for using KinesisStreamSpecification with DynamoDB
- Run black over last change to correct formatting (#1889)
- Update Batch per 2021-03-31 changes
- Update imports in some recent changes with isort
- Update Logs per 2021-04-01 changes
- Update CloudWatch per 2021-04-01 changes
- Update Route53Resolver per 2021-04-01 changes
- Update GameLift per 2021-04-01 changes
- Update ElasticBeanstalk per 2021-04-01 update
- Update Cloud9 per 2021-04-01 changes
- Update Budgets per 2021-04-01 changes
- Update ApiGateway per 2021-04-01 changes
- Update Config per 2021-04-01 changes
- Update DataBrew per 2021-04-01 changes
- Update ElastiCache per 2021-04-08 changes
- Update IVS per 2021-04-15 changes
- Update EC2 per 2021-04-15 changes
- Update MWAA per 2021-04-15 changes
- Update CloudFormation per 2021-04-15 changes
- Update AutoScaling per 2021-04-23 changes
- Update ElastiCache per 2021-04-23 changes
- Update IoTWireless per 2021-04-26 changes
- Add NimbleStudio per 2021-04-26 updates
- Add IoTFleetHub per 2021-04-29 updat4es
- Update SES per 2021-04-29 changes
- Update Detective per 2021-04-29 changes
- rearrange make file, add some new targets, remove linting from test
- add github action to replace travis
- remove .travis.yml as a GitHub Action was added as a replacement
- implement suggestion to use python -m pip ...
- rename workflow to tests
- Create Export instances for Output.Export in cfn2py (#1895)
- ec2 volume throughput (#1896)
- Transit-Gateway MulticastSupport (#1897)
- Add helpers.userdata.from_file_sub() (#1898)
- AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.CustomResponseBodies and AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.CustomResponseBodies (#1899)
- Fixup black formatting
- Add M6G, C6G, R6G and R6GD constants for Elasticsearch data and master nodes. (#1900)
- Add fargate ephemeral storage property (#1906)
- AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration.IntegrationSubtype (#1907)
- AWS::RDS::DBCluster: add missing GlobalClusterIdentifier parameter (#1908)
- Add constants for RDS instance types: R6G (#1905)
- [batch] Update AWS::Batch required properties (#1913)
- Add compression property to Serverless::Api (#1914)
- Limit flake8 to core troposphere directories
- Add AWS::FinSpace per 2021-05-06 changes
- Update CloudFront::Function per 2021-05-06 changes
- Add AWS::XRay per 2021-05-06 changes
- Add AWS::FraudDetector per 2021-05-06 changes
- Update IoT per 2021-05-06 changes
- Update GameLift per 2021-05-06 changes
- Update CloudFront per 2021-05-06 changes
- Update ACMPCA per 2021-05-06 changes
- Update S3 per 2021-05-13 changes
- Update ECR per 2021-05-13 changes
- Add AWS::SSMIncidents per 2021-05-14 changes
- Update DynamoDB per 2021-05-14 changes
- Add AWS::SSMContacts per 2021-05-14 changes
- Update CloudFormation per 2021-05-14 changes
- Add AWS::IoTCoreDeviceAdvisor per 2021-05-20 changes
- Add AWS::AppRunner per 2021-05-20 changes
- Update EC2 per 2021-05-20 changes
- Add AWS::CUR per 2021-05-27 changes
- Update FSx per 2021-05-27 changes
- Update MediaPackage per 2021-05-27 changes
- Add ConnectivityType property for NatGateway
- AWS::ECR::Repository.ImageScanningConfiguration
- Allow all policy types in s3.AccessPoint.Policy, not just dicts
- Add new sns event parameters
- Fix black formatting for serverless.py
- Update ACMPCA per 20201-05-27 update
- Add AWS::Location per 2021-06-07 changes
- Update SSM per 2021-06-10 changes
- Update SQS per 2021-06-10 changes
- Update KinesisAnalyticsV2 per 2021-06-10 changes
- Update RAM per 2021-06-10 changes
- Update KMS per 2021-06-17 changes
- Update MWAA per 2021-06-21 changes
- Add AWS::Connect per 2021-06-24 changes
- Update CloudFormation per 2021-06-24 changes
- Update DAX per 2021-06-24 changes
- Update Transfer per 2021-06-24 changes
- Update ApplicationAutoScaling per 2021-07-01 changes
- Update AppMesh per 2021-06-17 changes
- Fix TestSplit negtive test (Fixes #1919)
- Add EngineVersion to Athena::WorkGroup (Fixes #1915)
- Add ResourceTags to ImageBuilder::InfrastructureConfiguration (Fixes #1909)
- S3 ReplicationConfigurationRules Prefix is no longer required (Fixes #1910)
- Update ApiGateway per 2021-04-15 changes (Fixes #1893)
- Rename ElasticBeanstalk OptionSettings property to OpionSetting per AWS spec files
- Add ProtocolVersion to ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup (Fixes #1888)
- Update example for ElasticBeanstalk OptionSettings property rename
- Switched VALID_CONNECTION_PROVIDERTYPE to list and added GitHub and GitHubEnterprise
- Add AWS::EKS::Nodegroup.Taints
- Add support for Container based Serverless::Functions and added missing props
- Update requirements-dev.txt for dependencies
- Update black formatting
- Update setup.cfg awacs dependency
- Update RELEASE.rst with new release commands
- Fix typo in ECS DeploymentCircuitBreaker RollBack => Rollback (Fixes #1877)
- added sort flag to yaml method arguments (#1090)
- Fix line length issue from previous commit (#1090)
- docs: use Template.set_metadata instead of add_metadata (#1864)
- change PropertyMap in kinesisanalyticsv2 PropertyGroup to dict (#1863)
- Fix tests by removing import of json_checker in kinesisanalyticsv2 (#1863)
- Adding optional Elasticsearch::Domain options for custom endpoints (#1866)
- Add support for AppConfig::HostedConfigurationVersion (#1870)
- Add constants for RDS instance types: M5d, M6g. (#1875)
- Support Throughput for gp3 ebs volumes (#1873)
- Add GreengrassV2 per 2020-12-18 changes
- Add AuditManager per 2020-12-18 changes
- Update SageMaker per 2020-12-18, 2021-01-21, 2021-02-11, and 2021-02-25 changes
- Add LicenseManager per 2020-12-18 changes
- Update ECR per 2020-12-18 and 2021-02-04 changes
- Update EC2 per 2020-12-18, 2021-02-12, 2021-02-25, and 2021-03-11 changes
- Add DevOpsGuru per 2020-12-18 changes
- Update CloudFormation per 2020-12-18 changes
- Update S3 with some missing properties
- Update FSx per 2020-12-18 changes
- Update ElastiCache per 2020-12-18 changes
- Add DataSync per 2021-01-07 changes
- Update Route53 and Route53Resolver per 2021-01-07 changes
- Update Config per 2021-01-07 changes
- Add MediaConnect per 2021-01-07 changes
- Update ApiGatewayV2 per 2021-01-07 changes
- Add IoTWireless per 2021-01-07 changes
- Update SSO per 2021-01-07 changes
- Add ServiceCatalogAppRegistry per 2021-01-14 changes
- Add QuickSight per 2021-01-14 changes
- Add EMRContainers per 2021-01-14 changes
- Update ACMPCA per 2021-01-21 changes
- Add LookoutVision per 2021-01-28 changes
- Update ImageBuilder per 2021-02-04 changes and reorder classes a bit
- Update ElastiCache per 2021-02-04 changes
- Update Casandra per 2021-02-04 changes
- Update IoTAnalytics per 2021-02-05 changes
- Update ServiceCatalog per 2021-02-11 changes
- Update CloudFormation per 2021-02-11 changes
- Update DMS per 2021-02-11 changes
- Update IoTAnalytics per 2021-02-18 changes
- Update FSx per 2021-02-18 changes
- Update Kendra per 2021-02-18 changes
- Update AppMesh per 2021-02-21 changes
- Update DynamoDB per 2021-02-22 changes
- Update Pinpoint per 2021-02-24 changes
- Update IAM per 2021-02-25 changes
- Update EKS per 2021-02-25 changes
- Update IoTSiteWise per 2021-03-01 changes
- Add S3Outposts per 2021-03-04 changes
- Update IoT per 2021-03-04 changes
- Update Events per 2021-03-04 changes
- Update SecretsManager per 2021-03-04 changes
- Update StepFunctions per 2021-03-10 changes
- Update RDS per 2021-03-11 changes
- Update ECS per 2021-03-11 changes
- Update CE per 2021-03-11 changes
- Update EFS per 2021-03-11 changes
- Update required fields for Batch::ComputeResources (Fixes #1880)
- Fix autoscaling.Tags to use boolean instead of str (#1874)
- Add OutpostArn to EC2::Subnet (Fixes #1849)
- Update Transfer per 2020-10-22 changes (Fixes #1817)
- Add MediaPackage per 2020-10-22 changes (Fixes #1815)
- Update README with functioning example of missing required property (Fixes #1763)
- Update EMR per 2020-10-22 and 2021-02-25 changes (Fixes #1816)
- Add DataBrew (Fixes #1862)
- Update version in docs (#1882)
- Fix some corner cases in the autogenerator
- Update CertificateManager per 2021-03-11 changes
- Update Detective per 2021-03-15 changes
- Update ECS per 2021-03-16 changes
- Add S3ObjectLambda per 2021-03-18 changes
- Add FIS per 2021-03-18 changes
- Remove extraneous import
- Fix required value for ecs.EFSVolumeConfiguation AuthorizationConfig (Fixes #1806)
- Added Period attribute to CloudWath::Alarm MetricDataQuery (#1805)
- Fix issues with ecs.EFSVolumeConfiguration usage (#1808)
- Updating region and availability zone constants (#1810)
- fixing typo in updated region and availability zone constants
- Add mising constants for Elasticsearch data and master node instance sizes. (#1809)
- AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.DomainEndpointOptions (#1811)
- increased CloudFormation template limits (#1814)
- Fix tests with new template limits (Related to #1814)
- Add CapacityReservationSpecification to EC2::LaunchTemplateData (Fixes #1813)
- Update Appstream per 2020-10-22 changes
- Update SecretsManager::ResourcePolicy per 2020-10-22 changes
- Add Tags to resources in Batch per 2020-10-22 changes
- Update SNS::Topic per 2020-10-22 changes
- Update Events per 2020-10-22 changes
- Update KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream per 2020-10-22 changes
- Update AppSync::ApiKey per 2020-10-22 changes
- Update Elasticsearch per 2020-10-22 changes
- AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.LambdaFunctionAssociation.IncludeBody (#1819)
- AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.OperatingSystem AllowedValues expansion (#1823)
- AWS::ImageBuilder::ImageRecipe.EbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecification.VolumeType AllowedValues expansion (io2) (#1824)
- AWS::CodeBuild::Project.Environment.Type AllowedValues expansion (WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CONTAINER) (#1825)
- AWS::Glue::Connection.ConnectionInput.ConnectionType AllowedValues expansion (NETWORK) (#1826)
- Update AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient (#1818)
- Update firehose.py (#1830)
- Update AWS::CodeArtifact::Repository (#1829)
- AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint.VpcEndpointType AllowedValues expansion (GatewayLoadBalancer) (#1833)
- AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application.RuntimeEnvironment AllowedValues expansion (FLINK-1_11)
- AWS::Kinesis::Stream.ShardCount required (#1841)
- flake8 fixes (#1845)
- Add ReplicaModifications of s3 (#1850)
- Update serverless apievent (#1836)
- Add AllocationStrategy to EMR instance fleet configuration (#1837)
- Add CopyActions prop to BackupRuleResourceType (#1838)
- Fix formatting in recent EMR PR
- AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration.MetadataOptions (#1840)
- AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.CapacityRebalance (#1842)
- AWS Lambda Has Increased Memory Limits (#1844)
- AWS::Lambda::Function support for container image deployment package (#1846)
- Fix tests from previous merge
- AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.CacheBehavior.TrustedKeyGroups (#1847)
- AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.Origin.OriginShield (#1848)
- docs: fix simple typo, shoud -> should (#1851)
- AWS::Glue::Connection.ConnectionInput.ConnectionType AllowedValues expansion (#1852)
- Adding DeploymentCircuitBreaker property for ECS Service (#1853)
- ec2: add ClientVpnEndpoint.ClientConnectOptions & SelfServicePortal (#1854)
- s3: add property BucketKeyEnabled (#1857)
- Add g4ad, c6gn, d3, and d3en instance types to constants (#1859)
- Add IoTSiteWise
- Add IVS
- Update copyright year
- Add RDS::GlobalCluster per 2020-11-05 update
- Add IoT::DomainConfiguration per 2020-11-05 update
- Add Events::Archive per 2020-11-05 update
- Updates to AWS::Lambda EventSourceMapping
- Updates for EC2::Route
- Updates to Batch::JobDefinition per 2020-11-05 updates
- Update CodeArtifact per 2020-11-05 changes
- Update AppMesh per 2020-11-12 changes
- Update EC2::VPCEndpointService per 2020-11-12 changes
- Add S3::StorageLens per 2020-11-19 changes
- Add NetworkFirewall per 2020-11-19 changes
- Update Glue per 2020-11-19 changes
- Update CloudFront per 2020-11-19 changes
- Update KMS per 2020-11-19 changes
- Update Events per 2020-11-19 changes
- Update EC2 per 2020-11-19 changes
- Update Amplify per 2020-11-19 changes
- Update Lambda per 2020-11-23 changes
- Update GameList per 2020-11-24 changes
- Update EKS per 2020-12-17 changes
- Update SSO per 2020-12-18 changes
- Add IoT::TopicRuleDestination per 2020-12-18 changes
- Move "make release-test" to use python-3.9
- SageMaker: Mark tags props as optional, per AWS documentation.
- Add c5a, c6g, and r6g to instance types in constants
- Make flake8 happy again
- AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchRoleConstraint.RoleArn not required (#1765)
- AWS::DocDB::DBCluster.DeletionProtection (#1748)
- AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream BufferingHints and CompressionFormat not required in S3DestinationConfigurations (#1766)
- AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration.TypeName not required (#1767)
- AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine DefinitionString and S3Location.Version not required (#1768)
- Add AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.Ingress.SourcePrefixListId to SecurityGroupRule (#1762)
- AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.AdvancedSecurityOptions (#1775)
- AWS::Glue::Connection.ConnectionInput.ConnectionType AllowedValues expansion (#1777)
- Add additional properties to KinesisEvent
- Change OnFailure and OnSuccess as not required per CloudFormation reference
- Add AWS::Serverless::Api's Domain
- Support for OpenApiVersion in serverless.Api
- add efs backupPolicy
- Fix some flake8 errors
- Add ECS Fargate EFS mounting capability
- Add new instance types to constants
- Added SSM Parameter examples (#1770)
- Update SecretsManager per 2020-07-23 update and alphabetize cleanups
- Update SageMaker::EndpointConfig per 2020-07-23 update
- Update CodeStarConnections::Connection per 2020-07-23 update
- Update CloudFront::Distribution per 2020-07-23 update
- Add ECR ImageScanningConfiguration and ImageTagMutability (Fixes #1544)
- AWS::EKS::Nodegroup.LaunchTemplate (#1780)
- AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule.RotationLambdaARN not required (#1783)
- Fix capitalization in AwsVpcConfiguration (#1788)
- AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine.TracingConfiguration (#1795)
- AppMesh Gateway support (#1758)
- fixing tags data type (#1785)
- Added Types to EndpointConfiguration (#1793)
- update TargetGroup.TargetType to support Ref values (#1794)
- Run tests against Python 3.9 (#1790)
- Cloudfront cache and origin policy (#1796)
- Fix typo AWSOject => AWSObject
- Remove list for Tags attribute
- Remove trailing blank line from serverless.py
- Update CodeGuruProfiler per 2020-07-30
- Add Mtu to GroundStation::DataflowEndpoint per 2020-07-30 changes
- Update EC2::FlowLog per 2020-07-30 changes
- Add AutoImportPolicy to FSx::LustreConfiguration per 2020-08-06
- Add BuildBatchConfig to CodeBuild::Project per 2020-08-06 changes
- Revert "Fix capitalization in AwsVpcConfiguration (#1788)" (#1798)
- Add EC2::CarrierGateway per 2020-08-13 changes
- Add new ApplicationInsights::Application per 2020-08-13 changes
- Tweaks to the gen.py script
- Add SageMaker::MonitoringSchedule from 2020-08-13 changes
- Add SecurityPolicy to Transfer::Server from 2020-08-13 changes
- Add Topics to Lambda::EventSourceMapping from 2020-08-13 changes
- Add DriveCacheType to FSx LustreConfiguration from 2020-08-13 changes
- Add EnvironmentFiles to ECS::TaskDefinition from 2020-08-13 changes
- Update Route53Resolver per 2020-08-27 changes
- Update GameLift resources per 2020-08-27
- Update ServiceCatalog per 2020-08-27 changes
- Update CodeCommit per 2020-08-31 changes
- Add EKS::FargateProfile per 2020-09-03 changes
- Add AWS::CodeGuruReviewer per 2020-09-03 changes
- Add CloudFront::RealtimeLogConfig per 2020-09-03 changes
- Add AWS::Kendra per 2020-09-10 changes
- Add AWS::SSO per 2020-09-10 changes
- Add IoT::Authorizer per 2020-09-10 changes
- Add DeleteReports to CodeBuild::ReportGroup per 2020-09-10 changes
- AWS::Synthetics::Canary.RuntimeVersion AllowedValues expansion (#1801)
- Update ApiGatewayV2::Authorizer per 2020-09-10 changes
- Add CloudFormation::StackSet per 2020-09-17 changes
- Add AWS::AppFlow per 2020-09-17 changes
- Add DisableExecuteApiEndpoint to ApiGatewayV2::Api per 2020-09-17 changes
- Add MutualTlsAuthentication to ApiGateway::DomainName per 2020-09-17 changes
- Add MutualTlsAuthentication to ApiGatewayV2::DomainName per 2020-09-17 changes
- AWS::MSK::Cluster.ClientAuthentication.Sasl (#1802)
- Add WorkSpaces::ConnectionAlias per 2020-10-01 changes
- Fix formatting in MSK
- Update AWS::Batch per 2020-10-01 changes
- Add CapacityProviderStrategy to ECS::Service per 2020-10-01 changes
- Remove duplicate elasticache NodeGroupConfiguration property (Fixes #1803)
- Add AWS::Timestream per 2020-10-08 changes
- Add AWS::CodeArtifact per 2020-10-08 changes
- Update Backup per 2020-10-08 changes
- Update AmazonMQ per 2020-10-08 changes
- Update EKS per 2020-10-08 changes
- AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn (#1804)
- Improve grammar on install steps (#1800)
- Update DLM to support cross region copy (Fixes #1799)
- Update WAFv2 per 2020-0723 changes (Fixes #1797)
- Update ECR::Repository.ImageScanningConfiguration to output the correct json (Fixes #1791)
- Add Description property to EC2::TransitGateway (#1674)
- Adding AWS::ImageBuilder::Image object, per May 7, 2020 update
- Adding missing AWS::ApiGatewayV2::VpcLink object
- Adding new AWS::SSM::Association property, per May 7, 2020 update
- Update template_generator.py
- Handle list type properties with a function validator (#1673)
- Change RegularExpressionList
- Remove Regex object in favour of basestring
- Bug Fixes: wafv2 names not required
- Update instance types in constants
- Add AWS::CodeStarConnections::Connection props, per May 14, 2020 update
- Adding misc AWS::DMS properties, per May 14, 2020 update
- Adding misc AWS::MediaStore::Container properties, per May 14, 2020 update
- updating AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct properties, per May 14, 2020 update
- Changing AWS::Synthetics::Canary props, per May 14, 2020 update
- Adding misc AWS::GlobalAccelerator objects, per May 14, 2020 update
- Adding new AWS::Macie resources, per May 14, 2020 update
- Add sample Aurora Serverless RDS template
- Fixing misc AWS::ImageBuilder properties
- Updating AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine props, per May 21, 2020 update
- Update AWS::SSM::Parameter properties, per May 21, 2020 update
- Update AWS::CodeBuild::ReportGroup properties, per May 21, 2020 update
- Fix bools in example output
- Adding hibernation options to LaunchTemplateData
- ExcludedRules are listed directly, not wrapped
- fix syntax
- add OnSuccess
- Update AWS::EFS::AccessPoint per 2020-05-28 changes
- Update AWS::CodeGuruProfiler::ProfilingGroup per 2020-06-03 changes
- Update AWS::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint per 2020-05-28 changes
- Add DBProxy and DBProxyTargetGroup to AWS::RDS per 2020-06-04 changes
- Add support for ARM and GPU containers for CodeBuild (#1699)
- Fix S3Encryptions in Glue EncryptionConfiguration (#1725)
- Convert stepfunctions.DefinitionSubstitutions to dict (#1726)
- Add GroundStation link (#1727)
- Update AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer per 2020-06-11 changes
- Update AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup per 2020-06-11 changes
- Update AWS::CloudFront::Distribution per 2020-06-11 changes
- Update AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate per 2020-06-11 changes
- Update AWS::EC2::Volume per 2020-06-11 changes
- Add AWS::IoT::ProvisioningTemplate per 2020-06-04 changes (Fixes #1723)
- Added Serverless::Application and Serverless ApplicationLocation (#1549)
- Fix required setting for SageMaker::Model PrimaryContainer (Fixes #1729)
- Added capacity providers
- Update AWS::EFS::FileSystem per 2020-06-16 changes
- Update AWS::Lambda::Function per 2020-06-16 changes
- Update AWS::FMS::Policy per 2020-06-18 changes
- Fix tests and alphabetize properties in ECS
- Update AWS::ServiceDiscovery per 2020-06-22 changes
- This isn't required
- Update AWS::AppMesh per 2020-06-25 changes
- Support attribute Mode for SageMaker Model ContainerDefinition
- Add SourcePrefixListId to the ec2.SecurityGroupIngress validator (Fixes #1739)
- Add ApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption for KinesisAnalyticsV2 (Fixes #1738)
- Add required TargetGroupName to DBProxyTargetGroup
- Add VpcConfiguration to AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream (Fixes #1717)
- Update AWS::Events::Rule per 2020-07-06 changes
- Add AWS::QLDB::Stream per 2020-07-08 update
- Add AWS::CodeGuruProfiler::ProfilingGroup.ComputePlatform per 2020-07-09 update
- Add AWS::CodeBuild::Project Source: BuildStatusConfig per 2020-0709 update
- Add AWS::Athena::DataCatalog per 2020-07-09 update
- Add AWS::EC2::PrefixList per 2020-07-09 update
- Add AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.AlpnPolicy per 2020-07-09 update
- Update AWS::Synthetics per 2020-07-09 update
- Add AWS::Amplify::App.EnableBranchAutoDeletion per 2020-07-09 update
- Update AWS::FSx::FileSystem.LustreConfiguration per 2020-07-09 update
- Update AWS::Amplify::Domain per 2020-07-09 update
- Fix README for PyPI upload
- Remove extra PublicAccessBlockConfiguration in s3 (Fixes #1541)
- Added support for ForwardConfig in Listener (#1555)
- Fix up a couple of items for ELBv2 from #1555
- Fixing a missimplementation of rules, caused by a bug in the document… (#1599)
- fix: include valid postgres capacity configurations (#1602)
- adding misc AppMesh properties, per Feb 27 2020 update
- adding misc FSX properties, per Feb 27 2020 update
- Adding new AWS::CloudWatch::CompositeAlarm object, per March 2 2020 update
- Adding new AWS::GroundStation resources, per Feb 27 2020 update
- Add README link for GroundStation (#1606)
- Fixup WAFv2 TextTransformations property and required (#1607)
- Adding cloudfront OriginGroups properties, per March 5 2020 update
- AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress.SourcePrefixListId (#1622)
- adding AWS::Athena::WorkGroup, per March 5 2020 update
- Adding EncryptionConfig props to AWS::EKS::Cluster, per March 5 2020 update (#1610)
- adding AWS::CodeStarConnections::Connection, per Marche 5 2020 update
- Adding AWS::Chatbot::SlackChannelConfiguration, per March 5 2020 update
- Fixup recent CodeStarConnections and Chatbot additions
- Fixes to acmpca (#1660)
- adding misc Greengrass props, per March 09 2020 update
- adding misc AWS::MSK::Cluster properties, per March 12 2020 update
- Adding MeshOwner prop to misc AppMesh objects, per March 12 2020 update
- Adding new AWS::Cassandra resources, per March 16 2020 update
- Fixup link and comments for AWS::Cassandra (related to #1616)
- Fix several problems in wafv2
- Add IotAnalyticsAction and StepFunctionsAction to IoT TopicRule Actions
- Add missing IoTAnalytics properties, add Datastore object, add test IoTAnalytics example
- Attributes for AddAttributes is a dict
- add secrets manager type to codebuild environment variable types
- Usageplan throttle (#2)
- update example to include method as required
- Adding AWS::ResourceGroups::Group resource, per March 19, 2020 update
- Adding AWS::CodeGuruProfiler::ProfilingGroup resource, per March 19, 2020 update
- Fixup links in README.rst
- adding AWS::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint properties, per March 19, 2020 update
- Adding AWS::DMS::Endpoint props, per March 23, 2020 update
- Adding AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup props, per March 26, 2020 update
- Adding misc AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration properties, per March 26, 2020 update
- Adding AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchRoleConstraint props, per April 2, 2020 update
- Adding AWS::CloudWatch::InsightRule props, per April 2, 2020 update
- Fix new test changes to use TROPO_REAL_BOOL
- Change ApiGateway::RestApi FailOnWarnings from basestring to boolean (Fixes #1655)
- Update SAM Schedule event source spec
- AWS::SecurityHub::Hub Tags uses the wrong format
- Adding AWS::NetworkManager resource, per March 19, 2020 update
- Adding AWS::Detective resources, per March 26, 2020 update
- Adding misc AWS::IoT props, per March 26, 2020 update
- Adding AWS::EC2::Volume props, per March 26, 2020 update
- Adding AWS::FSx::FileSystem properties, per April 2, 2020 update
- Adding misc AWS::Glue properties, per April 16, 2020 update
- Adding new AWS::Synthetics::Canary resource, per April 23, 2020 update
- Adding AWS::ImageBuilder resources, per April 23, 2020 update
- Adding new AWS::CE::CostCategory resource, per April 23, 2020 update
- Fix typo: pros => props
- Update EventSchemas per 2020-04-30 changes
- Update Synthetics per 2020-04-30 changes
- Update Transfer per 2020-04-30 changes
- Add ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig for AWS::Serverless::Function (#1535)
- Add update policy that allows for in place upgrade of ES cluster (#1537)
- Add ReportGroup and SourceCredential to CodeBuild
- Add Count property to EC2::Instance ElasticInferenceAccelerator
- Add EC2::GatewayRouteTableAssociation
- Update FSx per 2019-12-19 changes
- Add MaxAllocatedStorage to RDS::DBInstance
- Add Name property to SSM::Document
- Add OpenMonitoring property to MSK::Cluster
- Break out NoDevice property validation (Fixes #1551) (#1553)
- Fixed check_required validator error message (#1550)
- Add test for check_required (#1550)
- Add CloudWatch Alarm TreatMissingData validator (#1536)
- Add WAFv2 resources, per Nov 25 2019 update (#1545)
- linking AWS::WAFv2 and OpenStack resource types in README (#1559)
- Strategy in AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup is not required (#1560)
- Combine JSON + YAML example (#1561)
- Add CACertificateIdentifier to DBInstance (#1557)
- fixing AWS::Serverless documentation link (#1562)
- adding new AWS::WAFv2::WebACLAssociation resource, per Jan 16 2020 update (#1567)
- adding SyncSource & SyncType props to AWS::SSM::ResourceDataSync, per Jan 16 2020 update (#1566)
- adding AWS::EC2::Instance HibernationOptions property, per Jan 16 2020 update (#1563)
- Add QueuedTimeoutInMinutes to CodeBuild Project (#1540)
- Add WeightedCapacity to AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides (#1565)
- Use correct curl option for compressed downloads
- Update properties in AWS::Serverless::Api's Auth (#1568)
- Add new pinpoint properties, per Jan 23 2020 update (#1569)
- Add new AWS::RDS::DBCluster VALID_DB_ENGINE_MODES (#1573)
- ServiceDiscovery DnsConfig NamespaceId is not required (#1575)
- Add missing SecretTargetAttachment TargetTypes (#1578)
- Ignore If expression during validation on AutoScalingRollingUpdate min instances (#1577)
- adding Tags to Server, per Feb 6 2020 update
- AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application.RuntimeEnvironment VALID_RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENTS
- adding misc EC2 properties, per Feb 6 2020 update
- adding new Config resources, per 2020 Feb 13 update
- adding new Transfer properties, per 2020 Feb 13 update
- adding new ACMPCA resources, per Jan 23 2020 update (#1570)
- adding new AppConfig resource, per Jan 23 2020 update (#1571)
- Nodegroup tags type (#1576)
- adding XrayEnabled prop to GraphQLApi, per Feb 6 2020 update (#1579)
- adding AccountRecoverySetting prop to UserPool, per Feb 6 2020 update (#1580)
- adding Tags to Server, per Feb 6 2020 update (#1581)
- Merge pull request #1582 from axelpavageau/feature/20200206-ec2
- Merge pull request #1584 from cloudtools/PatMyron-patch-5
- Alphebetize some properties
- Merge pull request #1585 from axelpavageau/feature/20200213-transfer
- Merge pull request #1586 from axelpavageau/feature/20200213-config
- Adding new EC2 resources, per 2020 Feb 13 update (#1587)
- Adding new FMS resources, per 2020 Feb 13 update (#1588)
- adding misc Lakeformation properties, per Jan 16 2020 update (#1589)
- Adding new AWS::Neptune::DBCluster properties, per Feb 18 2020 update (#1594)
- fixing property according to the documentation's example (#1595)
- adding UsernameConfiguration prop to UserPool, per Feb 20 2020 update (#1596)
- Adding new ProjectFileSystemLocation property to CodeBuild::Project, per Feb 20 2020 update (#1597)
- Switch to using the gzip version of the Resource Specification
- Amend RefreshTokenValidity to match Cognito changes. (#1498)
- Update placement object (#1501)
- Add hyperlinks to AWS resource types (#1499)
- Added missing CrawlerName field to Glue Action and Condition objects (#1500)
- Fix multiple mappings being overwritten (#1041)
- Cognito is missing UserPoolResourceServer (#1509)
- Add EnabledMfas to cognito UserPool Object. (#1507)
- Cognito EnabledMfa needs to be a list of strings (#1511)
- Make Python 3.8 support official (#1513)
- Added missing rds scaling configuration capacity (#1514)
- Add AllocationStrategy parameter for AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment ComputeResources (#1515)
- Add SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration property to fsx (#1516)
- Add logging capability to EKS Cloudwatch (#1512)
- Fix some flake8 breakage due to recent commits
- Output the resource specification version after downloading
- Add EventBus class in events script (#1518)
- Add new EC2 resources per 2019-10-03 update
- Add new cognito resources per 2019-10-03 update
- Add PlannedBudgetLimits to Budgets::Budget BudgetData
- Add AWS::Pinpoint
- Adding missing property for guardduty FindingPublishing (#1517)
- Support for API Gateway SecurityPolicy (#1521)
- Add AWS::GameLift
- Update AppStream per 2019-11-07 update
- Add AWS::CodeStarNotifications and AWS::MediaConvert
- Update AppMesh per 2019-11-04 update
- Add DynamoDBTargets and CatalogTargets to Glue::Crawler
- Update ApiGateway resources per 2019-11-31 changes
- Add Tags to CodePipeline CustomActionType and Pipeline
- Updates to Amplify per 2019-10-31 changes
- Update Events per 2019-11-31 changes
- Add InferenceAccelerator to ECS::TaskDefinitiion per 2019-10-31 change
- Add LogPublishingOptions to Elasticsearch::Domain
- Add Tags to SNS::Topic per 2019-11-31 changes
- Add WAF Action Type validator (#1524)
- Adding AWS::EKS::Nodegroup resource, per Nov 18 2019 update (#1529)
- Adding CpuOptions support for LaunchTemplateData (#1531)
- Update AppSync per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update SNS per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update OpsWorksCM per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update IAM per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update Glue per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update Elasticsearch per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update EC2 per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update Cognito per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update ApiGateway per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update RDS per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update ECS per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update CloudWatch per 2019-11-21 changes
- Update ECS per 2019-11-25 changes
- Update per 2019-11 changes
- Update CodePipeline per 2019-11-25 changes
- Add ProvisionedConcurrencyConfiguration for Lambda alias and version (#1533)
- Add AWS::EventSchemas
- Add AWS::AccessAnalyzer
- Add S3::AccessPoint per 2019-12-03 update
- Update StepFunctions per 2019-12-03 update
- Update ApiGatewayV2 per 2019-12-04 changes
- Use double validator instead of a raw float for Double types (#1485)
- Add PythonVersion to Glue JobCommand (#1486)
- ImageId in EC2 LaunchTemplateData is no longer required (#1487)
- Add KmsKeyID prop to AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup, per 2019 Aug 30 update (#1488)
- Add threshold metric to CloudWatch::Alarm (#1489)
- Fix naming of parameters in FindInMap helper. (#1491)
- Add missing EnableNonSecurity property to SSM Rule (#1493)
- Add EnableCloudwatchLogsExports to Neptune::DBCluster
- Update AppMesh::Route properties per 2019-08-29 update
- Add Config::OrganizationConfigRule resource
- Add ZoneAwarenessConfig to Elasticsearch ElasticsearchClusterConfig
- Update RDS resources per 2019-08-29 update
- Travis CI: Add flake8 which is a superset of pycodestyle and pyflakes (#1470)
- Run flake8 via "make test" (#1470)
- Add SourceVersion to CodeBuild::Project (#1495)
- Add new Properties to SSM::Parameter (#1496)
- iam: Add Description field to Role (#1497)
- Add MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds to Lambda::EventSourceMapping
- Update Events::Rule EcsParameters per 2019-08-29 changes
- Update ECS::TaskDefinition per 2019-08-29 changes
- Update EC2::Instance per 2019-08-29 changes
- Update DynamoDB::Table per 2019-08-29 changes
- Update ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget per 2019-08-29 changes
- Update DocDB::DBCluster per 2019-09-26 changes
- Update Glue per 2019-09-26 changes
- Fix missing required field in CodeContent object (#1472)
- updated crawler tag attribute to match aws cloudformation doc (#1482)
- Change Tags to dict in Glue resources (#1482)
- Update gen script to understand "Json" Tags to be a dict
- Fixed a typo in the ClientBroker's value (#1480)
- Fix test output in MskCluster.template from issue #1480
- Update MaintenanceWindow Properties (#1476)
- Modified AdditionalAuthenticationProviders field in GraphQlApi to be a list (#1479)
- Add new properties to Glue::Job (#1484)
- Update missing properties in cognito (#1475)
- Add AWS::LakeFormation
- Update dms properties
- Add SageMaker::Workteam
- Add SplitTunnel to EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint
- Add Tags properties to some Greengrass resources
- Add ExcludeVerboseContent to AppSync LogConfig property type
- Add AWS::ManagedBlockchain
- Add Glue::MLTransform resource
- Add AWS::CodeStar
- Add LinuxParameters to Batch::ContainerProperties
Return real booleans in the output (#1409)
Note: it was noted in #1136 that cfn-lint prefers real booleans. Since this may break existing scripts/updates, it was implemented via #1409 via an environment variable: TROPO_REAL_BOOL=true
At some point troposphere likely will make this a warning and default to real booleans. Thanks for @michel-k and @ikben for implementing it.
Add AWS::SecurityHub
EC2: Update SpotOptions properties
Merge branch 'master' into feature/rules
Add Template.add_rule() function to be consistent with the Template API
Write doc for add_rule()
Adapt test case to the add_rule() interface
Add duplicate name check in add_rule
Add Tags to ECR Repository definition (#1444)
Merge pull request #1412 from vrtdev/feature/rules
EBSBlockDevice supports KmsKeyId (#1451)
Add Medialive resources (#1447)
Fix RecoveryPointTags/BackupVaultTags type for AWS Backup resources (#1448)
Add Code property to Codecommit (#1454)
Add support for LicenseSpecification for LaunchTemplateData (#1458)
Add AWS::MediaLive to README
Tweak to allow "make test" work with the real boolean change (#1409)
Prefer awacs.aws.PolicyDocument over awacs.aws.Policy (#1338)
Add EFS FileSystem LifecyclePolicies (#1456)
Fix Transfer::User SshPublicKeys type (#1459)
Fix TemporaryPasswordValidityDays type (#1460)
Add Cloudwatch AnomalyDetector resource (#1461)
Update ASK to the latest AWS documentation (#1467)
Adding AllowMajorVersionUpgrade to DMS Replication Instance (#1464)
Change ElastiCache ReplicaAvailabilityZones from string to string list (#1468)
Add AmazonMQ::Broker EncryptionOptions property
Update AWS::Amplify resources
Add AWS::IoTEvents
Add Tags to AWS::CodeCommit::Repository
Add EmailSendingAccount to Cognito::UserPool EmailConfiguration
- add tag to role (#1441)
- Fix regression in EC2::VPNConnection - add list back to Tags (#1442)
- [iot1click] resource_type should be a string, not tuple (#1402)
- Fix Parameters on AWS::Batch::JobDefinition (#1404)
- Add new wafregional resources (#1406)
- Add AppMesh::VirtualRouter (#1410)
- Add InterfaceType to EC2 LaunchTemplate (#1405)
- Adding AWS::Transfer resources, per 2019 May 23 update (#1407)
- Adding AWS::PinpointEmail, per 2019 May 23 update (#1408)
- Add missing LOCAL caching option (#1413)
- Allow for AWSHelperFn objects in Tags (#1403)
- Fix bug where FilterGroups were required, when technically they are not (#1424)
- Adding AWS::Backup resources from May 23, 2019 update (#1419)
- adding missing X-ray activation property for AWS::ApiGateway::Stage (#1420)
- Change add_description to set_description in all examples (#1425)
- Add support for httpHeaderConfig (#1426)
- Add Config attributes to ELBV2 Condition (#1426)
- Update ECS resources from June 13, 2019 update (#1430)
- Add ClientVPN resources (#1431)
- Change HeartbeatTimeout type to integer (#1415) (#1432)
- Add transit gateway ID to Route (#1433)
- Add Sagemaker::CodeRepository (#1422)
- Adding SageMaker NotebookInstance properties (#1421)
- Update ElasticLoadBalancingV2 ListenerRule (#1427)
- Update DLM rule interval values (#1333) (#1437)
- Add resources for Amazon MSK, from June 13, 2019 update (#1436)
- Add HostRecovery property to EC2::Host
- Add SecondarySourceVersions to CodeBuild::Project
- Add ObjectLock* properties to S3::Bucket
- Add Ec2SubnetIds property to EMR JobFlowInstancesConfig
- Add AWS::Amplify
- Adds 'ErrorOutputPrefix' to S3DestinationConfiguration (#1439)
- Add ServiceCatalog::StackSetConstraint and update CFProvisionedProduct
- Add IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds to AppStream::Fleet
- Add Config::RemediationConfiguration resource
- Add AppMesh AwsCloudMapServiceDiscovery and reformat for autogen
- DLM: add Parameters and PolicyType properties to PolicyDetails
- IoTAnalytics: add ContentDeliveryRules and VersioningConfiguration to Dataset
- KinesisFirehose: updates to ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration
- Add authenticate-cognito and authenticate-oidc to elb v2 Action's "type" validator (#1352)
- Update the instance types in constants. (#1353)
- Add missing Termination Policies (#1354)
- Add Tags to various AppStream objects, per 2019 March 19 update (#1355)
- Add new AWS::AppMesh resources, per 2019 March 28 update (#1356)
- Add ServiceCatalog::ResourceUpdateConstraint
- Add ResourceRequirements property to Batch::JobDefinition
- Add an improved troposphere code generator for use with AWS spec files
- Add a Makefile helper to download the spec file
- Fix a pep8 issue introduced with pycodestyle 2.5.0
- Add constants for missing rds instance types (#1365)
- EngineAttributes should take list (#1363)
- Added support for lambda in TargetGroup with additional validation (#1376)
- Fix the scripts for Python3 (#1364)
- Add #! header and print_function import
- Add scripts directory to tests
- Fix pycodestyle issues with scripts
- Add HealthCheckEnabled to ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
- Fixed: Codebuild Webhook Filters are to be a list of list of WebhookFilter (#1372)
- Use enumeration in codebuild FilterGroup validate and add some tests
- Add AWS::EC2::CapacityReservation resource (#1379)
- Add AWS::Greengrass (#1384)
- Add Events::EventBusPolicy (#1386)
- Add Python 3.7 to travis testing (#1302)
- Added ECS ProxyConfiguration, DependsOn, StartTimeout and StopTimeout parameters (#1382)
- Username property in DMS::Endpoint class should not be required (#1387)
- Fix MethodSettings on AWS::Serverless::Api (#1391)
- Adds TmpFs prop to LinuxParameters (#1392)
- Add SharedMemorySize property to ECS LinuxParameters (#1392)
- Make DefinitionString and DefinitionBody mutually exclusive, but allow no definition (#1390)
- Add T3a, M/R5ad, and I3en instances to constants (#1393)
- Fixed issue #1394 wrong appmesh Listener property and #1396 dependson should be a type list and #1397 proxy props should be list (#1395)
- Add ApiGatewayV2 ApiMapping and DomainName resources
- Added missing container name propery (#1398)
- Update region/az information (#1399)
- Add missing Role property for serverless DeploymentPreference (#1400)
- Add DisableTemplateValidation to ServiceCatalog ProvisioningArtifactProperties
- Add AWS::MediaStore
- Add multiple changes to AWS::Glue
- Add AppSync GraphQLApi changes
- Add TemporaryPasswordValidityDays to Cognito PasswordPolicy
- Discourage usage of Python 3.4 (#1326)
- Remove validation for ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup some properties (#1063)
- Add auth configs for ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule actions
- Add new RDS DBCluster and DBInstance properties (#1329)
- Add new Elasticsearch Domain property (#1330)
- Add new ApiGateway Apikey property (#1331)
- Add new Codebuild ProjectCache property (#1332)
- Add new AWS::RAM and AWS::RoboMaker resources
- Add psuedo-parameter Ref for AWS::Partition (#1334)
- Add SageMaker::NotebookInstance VolumeSizeInGB property
- Add missing properties in SSM::PatchBaseline (#1339)
- Add Tags to StepFunctions objects, per 2019 March 07 update (#1340)
- Update valid values for emr.StepConfig ActionOnFailure (#1350)
- Add RootAccess prop to AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance, per 2019 March 14 update (#1342)
- Add prop to AWS::OpsWorksCM::Server per 2019 March 14 update (#1343)
- Add new AWS::CodeBuild::Project props, per 2019 March 14 update (#1344)
- Fix EC2 SpotFleet LoadBalancersConfig TargetGroupConfig (#1346)
- Add URLSuffix Ref (#1347)
- CodeBuild::Project Name is not required (#1348)
- Add "pip install" step for source dist file before a release (#1318)
- Exclude OpenStack modules within the template generator (#1319)
- Add AWS::CodeBuild::Project subproperties, per Feb 2019 14 update (#1321)
- Add AWS::FSx::FileSystem resource, per Feb 2019 15 update (#1322)
- Add KinesisAnalyticsV2 resources, per 2019 Feb 15 update (#1323)
- Remove awacs as a hard dependency; ensure awacs>=0.8 otherwise (#1325)
- Add FSx and KinesisAnalyticsV2 modules to the documentation
- Include requirements.txt in release tarball
- Fix Glue StorageDescriptor NumberOfBuckets spelling (#1310)
- ServiceDiscovery::Service DNSConfig is no longer required
- Sphinx docs (#1311)
- Add autogeneration of troposphere index files
- Fix ApiGateway AccessLogSetting prop spelling (#1316)
- Docs update (#1314)
- Add AWS::ApiGatewayV2 Resources (#1312)
- Updates for new resources being added
- Add AWS::DocDB
- Add UpdateReplacePolicy attribute
- Use a dict instead of the Tags object for the Tags property on the dax resource (#1045) (#1046)
- Add better method names for Troposphere objects. (#1169)
- Update integer_list_item to always cast value to an int for comparison (#1192)
- Remove name parameter from json_checker (#1260)
- Remove duplicate VpcConfig/DomainJoinInfo classes from AppStream (#1285)
- Add 'Kind' property to AWS::AppSync::Resolver (#1287)
- Add missing region information. (#1288)
- Fix tag sorting on py3 (#1289)
- Updated autoscalingplans to match cloudformation doco (#1291)
- ResourceGroupArn is no longer mandatory for AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTarget (#1292)
- Fix creating RotationSchedule for SecretsManager (#1293)
- Add missing serverless properties (Fixes #1294)
- Make DataSourceName non*mandatory in appsync resolvers (#1296)
- Add new properties to AWS::CodeBuild::Project, per 2019 Jan 24 update (#1297)
- Add new AWS::OpsWorksCM::Server resource, per 2019 Jan 24 update (#1298)
- Add AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion (#1305)
- Fix for AWS Lambda reserved environment variables (#1306)
- Add SqsParameters support to Rule Target (#1307)
- Add DestinationPrefixListId to EC2 SecurityGroupRule (#1309)
- Fix for pyflakes 2.1.0
- Add a S3OriginConfig object to distinguish between Distribution and StreamingDistribution properties (#1273)
- Add SSM Example for patch baselines and filter groups (#1274)
- Add better validation for AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm properties (#1276)
- Allow empty To/From port ranges for SG's for certain IP protocols (#1277)
- Add additional properties to AWS::Serverless::Api (#1278)
- Fixes DynamoDB validator error (#1280)
- Setup tox (#1187)
- Set line length for Python files in EditorConfig (#1188)
- Fix EC2 SpotFleet properties #1195 (#1198)
- Add MultiValueAnswer property for AWS::Route53::RecordSet (#1199)
- adding RDS properties, per Nov 9 2018 update https://docs.aws.amazon.… (#1201)
- Add Secrets Managers resources, per Nov 9 2018 update (#1202)
- Add DLM support, per Nov 12 2018 update (#1203)
- Adds support for Permissions Boundaries on AWS::IAM::Role and AWS::IAM::User (#1205)
- Add support for multi*region action in CodePipeline (#1207)
- Added support for Aurora BacktrackWindow. (#1210)
- Add AWS::AppStream resources
- Add Tags and WorkspaceProperties to WorkSpaces::Workspace
- Add support for AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan (#1197)
- adding KmsMasterKeyId to Topics, per Nov 19 2018 update
- adding PublicAccessBlockConfiguration to s3 buckets, per Nov 19 2018 update
- Validate Lambda environment variable names (#1186)
- Fix DockerVolumeConfiguration Labels and DriverOpts definition (#1194)
- Setup to_dict for Tags AWSHelper (#1189)
- Delete CodeDeploy EC2TagSetList class as it is just a property of EC2TagSet (#1212)
- Fix bugs and add missing properties in sagemaker (#1214)
- adding DeletionProtection property to RDS, per Nov 19 2018 update (#1215)
- adding PublicAccessBlockConfiguration to s3 buckets, per Nov 19 2018 update (#1216)
- Merge pull request #1217 from axelpavageau/feature/sns*20181119*update
- Add volume encryption, per Nov 19 2018 update (#1218)
- Add PublicIpv4Pool property to EIPs, per Nov 19 2018 update (#1219)
- Add new Lambda resources and props, per Nov 29 2018 update (#1242)
- Add MixedInstancesPolicy property to autoscaling groups, per Nov 19 2018 update. (#1220)
- Add tags to API Gateway resources, per Nov 19 2018 update (#1221)
- Add various EMR properties, per Nov 19 2018 update (#1222)
- Add new kinesis resource, per Nov 20 2018 update (#1224)
- Make Lambda::LayerVersion CompatibleRuntimes a list of strings
- Add new route53 resources, per Nov 20 2018 update (#1223)
- Add new EC2Fleet resource, per Nov 20 2018 update (#1225)
- Add new appsync FunctionConfiguration resource & properties, per Nov 20 2018 update (#1226)
- Update AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm, per Nov 20 2018 update (#1227)
- CloudWatch MetricDataQuery Id is required
- Add DatapointsToAlarm to AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm (#1244)
- Alphabetize DatapointsToAlarm in CloudWatch
- Update Autoscalingplans properties, per Nov 20 2018 update (#1228)
- Add Iot1click resources (#1229)
- Add new Transit Gateway resources, per Nov 26 2018 release (#1232)
- Fix online merge issue
- Fixes EC2 SpotFleet LoadBalancersConfig structure (#1233)
- Sets InstanceType in EC2 LaunchTemplateData to not required. (#1234)
- Add new HttpNamespace resource & various servicediscovery props, per Nov 28 2018 update (#1237)
- Add new ec2 properties, per Nov 28 2018 update (#1238)
- EC2 Instance LicenseConfigurationArn is required
- Add on*demand billing for DynamoDB tables (#1243)
- Correct RoleArn case for OrganizationAggregationSource (#1247)
- Add various codebuild properties, per Dec 6 2018 update (#1249)
- Add support for DeploymentPreference to AWS::Serverless::Function (#1251)
- Update typo on EnableCloudwatchLogsExports (#1253)
- Add new AmazonMQ resource, per Dec 13 2018 update (#1254)
- Add Alexa Skill resource, per Nov 20 2018 update (#1230)
- Add new IoTAnalytics resources, per Dec 13 2018 update (#1255)
- Extend Action to support Redirect and FixedResponse for AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule (#1140)
- Add support for extensible resource definitions in template generator (#1154)
- Updates CloudFront with missing parameters and validators (#1235)
- Added support for AWS Batch PlacementGroup & LaunchTemplate (#1262)
- Add DeleteAutomatedBackups to RDS DBInstance (#1263)
- Add missing KMS key properties (#1265)
- Fix pep errors due to online merge
- Fix EC2Fleet class definition to match functional correctness of CloudFormation (#1266)
- Add Tags property to AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker, per 2019 Jan 3 update (#1267)
- Add Containers property to AWS::SageMaker::Model per 2019 Jan 3 update (#1268)
- Add AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverRuleAssociation resource, per 2019 Jan 3 update (#1269)
- Fix nested 'Name' sections in Output import (#1270)
- README.rst: Use SVG build status badge (#1271)
- Add test for nested Name in TemplateGenerator fixed via #1270
- Add CloudFormation::Macro
- Instance ImageId is no longer required, specifically if using Launch Templates; updated tests (#1137)
- Fix amazonmq missing properties (#1143)
- Update AmazonMQ::Broker properties to use [basestring] instead of list
- Update the OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters parameter for AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup (#1145)
- Update constants.py (#1147)
- Fix AutoScalingRollingUpdate validation failure (#1148)
- Adding UseOnlineResharding policy per 09/20/2018 update (#1149)
- Add SchedulingStrategy as a prop to ecs.Service (#1150)
- Added ConnectionId and ConnectionType to API GW method integration (#1153)
- Use dict as aws expects for ApiGateway::RestApi Parameters (#1156)
- Add support for AWS*interface metadata (#1171)
- Add new properties to ServiceRegistry (#1172)
- [#1167] Add support for DockerVolumeConfiguration in AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition (#1168)
- Add missing Codebuild source types (#1160)
- [#1155] Aurora serverless support (#1166)
- Missing RepositoryCredentials attribute for ContainerDefinition object (#1165)
- Update for new S3 destination option in flow logs (#1158)
- updates rds vpc example and closes #985 (#1157)
- Update apigateway as of 09/20/18 (#1173)
- Add missing APIGateway properties
- Update codebuild as of 09/20/18 (#1175)
- Update ec2 as of 09/20/18 (#1177)
- Additional codebuild source types (#1178)
- Use basestring to allow percentage definition in MaintenanceWindowTask (#1151)
- Fix issues with CanaraySettings properties (#1181)
- 9/20/2018 update * NodeGroupId for Elasticache (#1182)
- Update codedeploy as of 09/20/18 (#1176)
- Add LambdaPermission in Example CloudWatchEventsSample.py (#1141)
- improve double validation and fix some property datatypes (#1179)
- Fix #1174 TemplateGenerator fail to parse template Fn::Sub with variable (#1180)
- Revert schedule expression validation (#1114)
- Auto add Parameter and Output to template when specified (#1018)
- Changed policy to AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess for delete and put (#1106)
- Fix CPUCredits casing and implement LaunchTemplateCreditSpecification class (#1100)
- Add UsernameAttributes to Cognito (#1104)
- Add SQS Event to serverless.py (#1103)
- Add support for Windows containers in CodeBuild (#1097)
- Generate class stubs necessary for autocompletion (#1079)
- Add AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole (#1110)
- Made S3 Prefix in Firehose optional (#1102)
- Prefix is still required in ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration
- SimpleTable has more attributes (#1108)
- Alphabetize properties in servlerless::SimpleTable
- AccountAggregationSources must be a list (#1111)
- Schedule expression validation (#1114)
- Add EndpointIdnetifier property to AWS::DMS::Endpoint object (#1117)
- Add get_or_add parameter method (#1118)
- Added HealthCheckCustomConfig to ServiceDiscovery Service (#1120)
- Tags support for SQS queues (#1121)
- VPCPeeringConnection PeerRegion (#1123)
- Add FilterPolicy as a property of SubscriptionResource (#1125)
- Add missing properties to SNS::Subscription
- Add ThroughputMode and ProvisionedThroughputInMibps to EFS (#1124) (#1126)
- Add AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions (#1130)
- AMAZON_LINUX_2 is now supported by SSM (#1133)
- [codebuild] Source * use value comparison instead of identity (#1134)
- InvitationId in GuardDuty::Master is now optional
- Fix missing boolean import in sns
- Add CodePipeline::Webhook resource
- Add ReportBuildStatus to CodeBuild Source property
- Add HttpConfig to AppSync::DataSource
- Add FieldLevelEncryptionId to CacheBehavior properties
- Add Timeout to Batch::JobDefinition
- Add EncryptionDisabled and OverrideArtifactName to CodeBuild Artifacts
- Add SSESpecification to DAX::Cluster
- Add KerberosAttributes to EMR::Cluster
- Add ValidationMethod to CertificateManager::Certificate
- Add Classifiers and Configuration to Glue resources
- Add SecondaryArtifacts and SecondarySources to CodeBuild::Project
- Add Logs to AmazonMQ::Broker
- Add support for AWS::Neptune
- Add support for AWS::EKS
- Add support for AWS::AmazonMQ
- Add support for AWS::SageMaker
- Fix use of to_yaml long_form parameter (#1055)
- Adding CENTOS to validators.operating_system (#1058)
- Update constants with additional EC2 instances (#1059)
- Fix casing of CreditSpecification CpuCredits (#1068)
- Add 'Name' property for AWS::Serverless::Api (#1070)
- Add equality methods to Template (#1072)
- AWS PrivateLink support (#1084)
- Add return value to template.add_condition() (#1087)
- Add tests for to_yaml parameters
- Use endpoint_type for vpc_endpoint_type param instead of type
- Add resource EC2::VPCEndpointConnectionNotification
- Add resource SSM::ResourceDataSync
- Allow Refs to be hashable using their data (#1053)
- Add AWS::Budgets
- Add new AWS::ServiceCatalog resources
- Add Policy to ApiGateway::RestApi
- Add ServiceLinkedRoleARN to AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
- Add LaunchConfigurationName to AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
- Add Edition to DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD
- Add PointInTimeRecoverySpecification to DynamoDB::Table
- Add ServiceRegistries to ECS::Service
- Add HealthCheck to ECS::TaskDefinition ContainerDefinition
- Add EncryptionAtRestOptions to Elasticsearch::Domain
- Add MaxSessionDuration ti IAM::Role
- Add SplunkDestinationConfiguration to KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream
- StartingPosition is no longer required in Lambda::EventSourceMapping
- Add DefaultValue to Logs::MetricFilter MetricTransformation
- Add OutputLocation to SSM::Association
- Add AutoScaling and EC2 LaunchTemplate support (#1038)
- Add LaunchTemplate to EC2::Instance
- Adding ECS Container Healthchecks tests (#1024)
- Rename ActionTypeID to ActionTypeId in CodePipeline
- Allow up to 50:1 ratio for iops and allocated storage
- Correct Spot Fleet TagSpecifications (#1010)
- Change GetCidr to Cidr (Fixes #1013)
- Add missing OpsWorks::Instance properties (Fixes #1014)
- Adding SUSE to list of operating systems for SSM (#1015)
- Updates for latest pycodestyle warnings
- Add AWS::AppSync
- Add AWS::ServiceCatalog
- Special case Tags support in gen.py
- Add constants for EC2 C5 instance types (#1025)
- Update guardduty.py (#1037)
- Add OpenIdConnectConfig to AppSync::GraphQLApi
- Update AWS Config features (updates #1022)
- Updated appsync apikey expires to be an int. (#1040)
- Fix AutoScalingRole in EMR: Fixes #984 (#1036)
- Rename SES Template to EmailTemplate (#1047)
- Add GuardDuty::Filter
- Remove python 3.3 support since it's EOL (#1049)
- Corrected the description of NatGateway (#1005)
- Update deprecated modules (#1007)
- Updared CodeBuild Source Options (#1017)
- Allow Ref's to test equality against their data (#1048)
- Update to cfn*flip 1.0.2 (#1003)
- Eliminate infinite loop when pickle loads BaseAWSObject and objects derived from it. (#1016)
- Allow multiple NoValue properties in mutually_exclusive (#1050)
- type is not required for EnvironmentVariable (#975)
- Properly handle list objects used with DependsOn (Fixes #982)
- Explicitly convert allocated_storage to integer before using it in comparisons (#983)
- Allow CreationPolicy override of props on WaitCondition (#988)
- "JobDefinitionName" property in JobDefinition class is not required (#995)
- ApiGateway::DomainName CertificateArn fix (#996)
- Tags support for SSM documents #999 (#1000)
- Add SSESpecification to DynamoDB::Table (#981)
- Add GitCloneDepth and InsecureSsl to CodeBuild Source
- Add Trippers property to CodeBuild::Project
- Add aurora*mysql to list of valid RDS engines
- Batch ContainerProperties is required
- Add Regions to Route53 HealthCheckConfiguration
- Add ClusterIdentifier to Redshift::Cluster
- Add DBClusterIdentifier to RDS::DBCluster
- Add TagSpecification to EC2::SpotFleet LaunchSpecifcations
- Add DisableScaleIn to ApplicationAutoScaling
- Add ApiKeySourceType and MinimumCompressionSize to ApiGateway::RestApi
- Add AutoScalingGroupName to AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
- Add AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink
- Add AWS::GuardDuty::Master and AWS::GuardDuty::Member
- Add AWS::SES
- Add GetCidr function for Fn::GetCidr
- Add AWS::Inspector
- Add AWS::ServiceDiscovery
- Add InputProcessingConfiguration to KinesisAnalytics::Application
- EndpointConfiguration in ApiGateway::DomainName is not required
- Allow setting Subnets and SubnetMappings properties on ELBv2 LoadBalancers (#934)
- increase lambda memory limit to support up to 3008 MB (#936)
- Stop validation if CodeBuild Source Type is a Ref (#940)
- Added support for AutoPublishAlias to AWS::Serverless::Function as specified https://github.com/awslabs/serverless*application*model/blob/master/versions/2016*10*31.md (#941)
- Add resource_type value and unit tests for guardduty AWSObject's (#945)
- Added elasticsearch instance types for m4, c4 and r4 generations (#948)
- Correct type in API Gateway GatewayResponse type (#950)
- Fixes the lifecyclepolicy problem reported at Issue #953 (#954)
- Add constants for EC2 M5 instance types (#955)
- Adding support for Block Device Mapping V2 (#960)
- Add support for Policy Document in SAM template. (#961)
- Stab at documenting Troposphere basics (#963)
- Adding HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds into ECS Service (#966)
- Add AllowedPattern to Parameter (#968)
- Add long form parameter to to_yaml (#972)
- Use S3.Filter for the serverless S3Event Filter property
- Remove erroneous print in tests/test_serverless.py
- Add FunctionForPackaging class to serverless
- Add AssociationName to AWS::SSM::Association
- Update S3::Bucket with 20180123 property changes
- Add DBSubnetGroupName to AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup
- Add ReservedConcurrentExecutions to AWS:Lambda:Function
- Add StreamEncryption to AWS::Kinesis::Stream
- Add LambdaOutput to KinesisAnalytics ApplicationOutput property
- Update required fields in IoT TopicRule DynamoDBAction
- Add validator for InstanceTenancy in EC2::VPC
- Add CreditSpecification and ElasticGpuSpecifications to EC2::Instance
- In SpotFleet::SpotFleetRequestConfigData SpotPrice is optional
- Add RoutingConfig to AWS::Lambda::Alias
- Update AWS::CodeDeploy
- Add CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate to UpdatePolicy
- Add AWS::GuardDuty
- Add AWS::Cloud9
- Add initial python resource spec generator
- Update AWS::CodeBuild::Project to 20171201 changes
- Change AWS::Batch::ComputeResources.Tags type to dict (#867)
- Update README for YAML template (#925)
- Typo fix in examples/ElastiCacheRedis.py (#926)
- Adds Fargate support to ECS types (#929)
- Fix SSM NotificationConfig validator type (#930)
- Fix SQS::Queue validation in the case of no QueueName specified (#931)
- Add support for VPCOptions in ElasticSearch (#862)
- Add Description property for security group ingress and egress (#910)
- Add QueryLoggingConfig to Route53::HostedZone
- Add SourceRegion to RDS::DBInstance
- Add RootVolumeSize and caleDownBehavior to EMR::Cluster
- Add new properties to ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup
- Add LinuxParameters to ECS::TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions
- Add LifecyclePolicy to ECR::Repository
- Add ScheduledActions to ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget
- Add new properties into ApiGateway
- Output yaml (to_yaml) using cfn_flip (Fixes #567)
- Allow AWSHelperFn for CodeCommit Trigger Event(s) (#869)
- Adding the AWS::Glue resources (#872)
- Use a list for Serverless::Function Tags (#873)
- Support ProcessingConfiguration for Elasticsearch and Redshift (#876)
- Fixes incorrect class definition. (#877)
- Add TargetGroupInfo to DeploymentGroup #884 (#895)
- Reverting #810 as AWS has changed the casing again (#896)
- Add EMR Cluster MasterInstanceFleet and CoreInstanceFleet properties (#897)
- Add EMR Cluster CustomAmiId (#888) (#898)
- Add SecurityGroupRule Description property (#885) (#899)
- Add support for tags in AWS::KMS::Key. (#900)
- Adding OriginReadTimeout aka OriginResponseTimeout to cloudfront origin settings (#901)
- Added property for OriginKeepaliveTimeout
- Add CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity type (#903)
- Added support for VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications (#904)
- Allow ref on Parameter (#905)
- Adds Tags to Cloudfront Distribution (#906)
- CloudFront: add IPV6Enabled property for DistributionConfig (#908)
- Add OptionVersion to RDS:OptionConfigurations
- Add Tags to OpsWorks Layer and Stack
- Add LifecycleHookSpecification in AutoScalingGroup
- Add AmazonSideAsn to EC2::VPNGateway
- Add StateMachineName to StepFunctions::StateMachine
- Change KMS::Key to accept a standard Tags
- Add LambdaFunctionAssociations to CloudFront CacheBehaviors
- Add ResourceName to elasticbeanstalk OptionSettings
- Add AnalyticsConfigurations and InventoryConfigurations to S3::Bucket
- Add RequestValidatorId and OperationName to ApiGateway::Method
- Add deprecation warning for StageName in ApiGateway StageDescription
- Add AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution
- Set EC2 BlockDeviceMapping NoDevice property to type dict (#866)
- Allow s3.Bucket AccessControl to be an AWSHelperFn
- Add AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate
- Add serverless FunctionName and change how Tags are implemented
- Make AdjustmentType an optional property of ScalingPolicy as it is not used/supported for target (#849)
- Add maintenance window for SSM (#851)
- Add Tags, Tracing, KmsKeyArn, DLQ to serverless(SAM) (#853)
- Add new AWS::SSM resources (#854)
- EC2 NoDevice should be type boolean not dict (#858)
- Fixes RecordColumns cardinality for InputSchema and ReferenceSchema (#859)
- Make AWS::Batch::JobQueue::JobQueueName optional (#860)
- Fixes ApplicationOutput/Output cardinality (#863)
- Note: the s3.Bucket change (#844) may cause a breaking change for non*named arguments.
- Add DefinitionBody to serverless API (#822)
- Adding kinesis stream source to firehose (#823)
- Add Event::Rule::Target::EcsParameters (#824)
- Add S3 Transfer Acceleration to AWS::S3::Bucket (#833)
- Add AvailabilityZone property to TargetDescription (#834)
- Add Tags to NATGateway (#835)
- Add ResourceLifecycleConfig to ElasticBeanstalk (#836)
- Add AWS::Athena::NamedQuery (#837)
- Added platformArn to Environment and ConfigurationTemplate (#839)
- Events target (fixes #830) (#840)
- Refactor s3.Bucket to remove custom __init__() and add tests (#844)
- Be more explicit on the use of the Tags object for Tags (#845)
- Added missing EU_WEST_2 constants. (#776)
- Override object validation (#780)
- Update PyPI Information (#785)
- Adding IPv6 changes to AWS::EC2::Subnet (#786)
- NetworkACL Protocl Constants (#787)
- Add support for EFS encryption (#789)
- Add AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse (#790)
- Add support for aurora*postgresql as a valid DB engine (#791)
- adding sqs server side encryption (#793)
- Support new code deploy options (#794)
- Add AWS Batch Support (#796)
- VPC expansion support (#797)
- Add NLB Functionality (#806)
- Fix typos in examples/DynamoDB_Table.py (#807)
- Revert "Accept Join type as parameter default value as it returns a string (#752)" (#808)
- Change Cognito UserPool SchemaAttribute required value to boolean (#809)
- Updating case of 'AssignIPv6AddressOnCreation' (#810)
- Fix spelling error to in RedshiftVPC example (#811)
- EFS example: SecurityGroupRule can't be referred to as a Ref (#813)
- Update README.rst with current supported resources (#814)
- Add CloudTrail EventSelectors (#815)
- Add DAX support (#818)
- Add KinesisAnalytics support (#819)
- Add new ApiGateway resources (#820)
- Add autoscaling example for http requests that closes #630 (#821)
- Add new S3 Lifecycle Rule properties
- Add IoT DynamoDBv2Action and update DynamoDBAction properties
- Add EventSourceToken to Lambda::Permission
- Add new pseudo parameters
- Add DocumentationVersion to AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
- Add S3 Bucket MetricsConfiguration and fix TagFilter spelling
- Add TargetType to ELBv2::TargetGroup
- Add TargetTrackingConfiguration to AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
- Add ReplaceUnhealthyInstances and Type to SpotFleetRequestConfigData
- Add ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration to firehose DeliveryStream
- Add AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfacePermission
- Add support for latest Cloudwatch alarms properties (#694)
- Raise ValueError for Outputs and Mappings * Fix Issue #732 (#733)
- Add AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration support (#738)
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (#740)
- Added UsagePlans to API Gateway example (#741)
- EMR AutoScaling Complex Validation and Introduction of an ignore validator type (#743)
- Add PrivilegedMode option to CodeBuild Environments (#744)
- EFS DependsOn Ref to object fix (#746)
- README * add syntax highlighting (#747)
- Make handling of DependsOn more pythonic (#748)
- Accept Join type as parameter default value as it returns a string (#752)
- AWS SAM support (#754)
- Fixed UsagePlan example to proper Ref (#755)
- Fix cognito StringAttributeConstraints property names (Fixes #756)
- Add 'SourceAuth' property to CodeBuild Source (#758)
- Make it easier to get at hidden attributes (Fixes #760)
- Size/IOPS should be positive_integers (#761)
- Check that FIFO Queues end with .fifo (#757)
- Add AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard (Fixes #763)
- Ulimit's HardLimit and SoftLimit validator change (#764)
- Adding EgressOnlyInternetGateway to EC2::Route (#765)
- Allow passing in a dict into DashboardBody (#767)
- Handle SQS QueueName using an AWSHelperFn (Fixes #773)
- LifecycleHook NotificationTargetARN and RoleARN are now optional
- Remove RoleArn from Events::Rule and add to Target property
- Add TracingConfig property to AWS::Lambda::Function
- Add Tags to some RedShift resources
- Add AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName
- Add AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway
- Add AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig
- Add BinaryMediaTypes to ApiGateway::RestApi
- Add TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration
- Add TrailName to CloudTrail::Trail
- Add AlarmConfiguration and TriggerConfigurations
- Add Tags and TimeToLiveSpecification to DynamoDB::Table
- Add RetentionPeriodHours to Kinesis::Stream
- Add ReplicationSourceIdentifier to RDS::DBCluster
- Add LoggingProperties to Redshift::Cluster
- Add AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) support
- Add test target to Makefile
- Make it easier to download the latest CF resource spec
- Added and reverted out of this release:
- Fix pycodestyle issue in tests/test_yaml.py
- Output yaml (to_yaml) using cfn_flip (Fixes #567)
- Special case If during parameter checking (Fixes #772)
- Raise TypeError when a scaler AWSHelperFn is used in a list context (#751)
- Fix typo in S3_Bucket.py example (#696)
- Added .Ref & .GetAtt helper methods (#697)
- Add Pseudo Parameter Ref objects (#698)
- Fix NamespaceType typo in codebuild::Artifacts() (fixes #701)
- Add IpAddressType property to elbv2. (#703)
- Add new AWS::Lambda::Function Tags support (#705)
- Added ECS PlacementConstraints, PlacementStrategy, and ServiceName (#706)
- Add missing CidrIpv6 property to securityrule. (#710)
- Add missing properties to various objects in ec2.py (#711)
- logs.LogGroup#RetentionInDays is strictly defined list (#712)
- Add ManagedPolicyName to AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy (Fixes #714)
- Add better validations for Parameter Default types (Fixes #717)
- Add AWS::Cognito (fixes #720)
- Add required attribute, JobFlowId, to EMR::InstanceGroupConfig (#722)
- Add WAFRegional support (#723)
- fix for ElastiCacheRedis.py example to use awacs (#725)
- Add EMR autoscaling (#729)
- Add SshUsername to AWS::OpsWorks::UserProfile
- Add PlacementConstraints to AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
- Add MaximumExecutionFrequency to Config SourceDetails
- Fix pycodestyle by using an explicit exception type
- Add more details to pycodestyle errors for travis runs
- Fix validator function exception test
- Remove limit check on conditions * Fixes #657
- Allow valid value for TargetGroup HealthCheckPort (#659)
- Added step functions and basic tests (#661)
- Adding example for CloudTrail (from http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws*resource*cloudtrail*trail.html) (#667)
- Fix ApiGateway.py sample (#666)
- Update comment on type checking
- Added missing props to ec2.NetworkInterfaces (#669) (#670)
- Add WAF Common Attacks Sample (#675)
- Updated constants with new instance types (#674)
- SSM Targets * fix spelling mistake (Value => Values) (#673)
- Do json validation on ApiGateway::Model Schema (Fix #679) (#681)
- SQS: Add FifoQueue and ContentBasedDeduplication (#687)
- VPCPeeringConnection: add PeerOwnerId & PeerRoleArn (#688)
- IAM: Add InstanceProfileName to InstanceProfile (#689)
- Add ApiGateway UsagePlanKey resource
- Add DeadLetterConfig property to Lambda::Function
- Add new subproperties to route53 and redshift (#690)
- Route53: ChildHealthChecks is a list of strings (#690)
- Fix typo in S3_Bucket_With_Versioning_And_Lifecycle_Rules.py (#693)
- Allow a dict to be passed in to initalize Tags (#692)
- Add SSM::Parameter
- Update autoscaling example to remove rebinding (#695)
- Extra template validation (#635)
- Update ECS to Jan 17, 2017 release (#642)
- Add Timezone property to DBInstance (#643)
- Test Python 3.6 (#644)
- Adding RDS engine support for oracle*se2 (#646)
- Correct required in ecs.Service (#645)
- Add Separator property to IoT Firehose Action
- Add Fn::Split function (#647)
- Added to_dict() method to troposphere.Template (#651)
- Allow use of AWSHelperFn for IOPS (#652)
- Allow HelperFN w/ autoscaling policies (#654)
- Improve readability of AssumeRolePolicyDocument attribute (#591)
- Add Environment to Lambda Function (#616)
- Adding DataSources to OpsWorks App and RdsDbInstances to OpsWorks Stack (#621)
- Added SNS::Subscription resource (SubscriptionResource) (#622)
- Added CodeBuild Project resource and a CodeBuild example (#624)
- Add back support for Python 2.6 (#626)
- Fixed missing add_resource in example Cloudwatch rule (#629)
- Create new property Environment for aws lambda Function (#631)
- Add KmsKeyArn to Lambda Function
- Add CopyTagsToSnapshot to RDS::DBInstance
- Fix pycodestyle issues with examples/Lambda.py
- Add AWS::SSM::Association
- Add AWS::EC2::SubnetCidrBlock and AWS::EC2::VPCCidrBlock
- Add mutually_exclusive validator
- Add DocumentType to AWS::SSM::Document
- Add OpsWorks Resources: UserProfile and Volume
- Update opsworks per 2016*11*22 changes
- Allow both dict and string for opswork CustomJson
- Add IPv6 support from 2016*12*01 update
- Note: the dynamodb change below may cause backwards compatibility issues. There have been deprecation warnings for a while.
- Replace dynamodb module with dynamodb2 (#564)
- Add CodeCommit as a supported AWS resource type
- Add update of github Releases page to RELEASE doc
- Update elasticache for 2016*10*12 changes (#592)
- Support for S3 Lifecycle Rule property NoncurrentVersionTransitions (#596)
- Include resource title in required attr exception (#597)
- Added Placement class for the Placement property in LaunchSpecifications. (#598)
- Add EFS example (#601)
- Add support to old mysql db engine (#602)
- Fix typo in Example Allowed Values (#603)
- Remove title validation. Fixes #428 (#605)
- Add support for conditions in cfn2py script (#606)
- Added MongoDB default port to constants (#608)
- Add HttpVersion prop to DistributionConfig (CloudFront HTTP/2 Support) (#609)
- Added missing QueryStringCacheKeys property to CloudFront ForwardedValues (#612)
- Add a validator for ELB names (#615)
- Add SpotPrice to SpotFleet LaunchSpecifications
- Add new properties to ECS (Clustername to Cluster and Family to TaskDefinition)
- Add Alias object to KMS (fixes #568)
- Added cross*stack references (#569)
- Handle lambda => awslambda mapping in cfn2py (#573)
- Add support for Tags to Certificate Manager Certificates (#574)
- Adding enhanced monitoring to rds.DBInstance (#575)
- Add support for LogGroupName in Logs::LogGroup (#576)
- Update Export param (#579)
- Add support for Fn::Sub (#582)
- RDS DBInstance Engine required even when DBSnapshotIdentifier is set (#583)
- Resource updates for 2016*10*06 changes (Fixes #584)
- Add AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan (fixes #585)
- Add AWS::CodeCommit::Repository (fixes #586)
- Provide better type checking for values in from_dict (#587)
- Allow HelperFn in UpdatePolicy for ASG (#588)
- Fixed from_dict case where you have a list of non BaseAWSObjects (#589)
- Add TargetGroupArn and fix ContainerPort (#549)
- Update ApiGateway resources (#550)
- Add support for AutoScalingCreationPolicy (#552)
- Change param type for resource: RestAPI (#553)
- Add support for IAM Roles in ECS Task Definitions (#556)
- Allow Tags on AWS::CloudFormation::Stack (#557)
- Added support for protocol in container definition PortMapping property. (#558)
- Add Tags prop to Kinesis::Stream (#565)
- Add a sample ECS Cluster template (#559)
- Add support for ElasticsearchVersion in Elasticsearch Domain (#560)
- WAF SizeContraint needs to be an AWSProperty (Fixes #561)
- Add Tags prop to Kinesis::Stream (#565)
- Support "UserName" property for AWS::IAM::User #529
- Remove double S from S3ObjectVersion (fixes #530) (#531)
- Fix TemplateGenerator import logic. (#533)
- Add Name attributes for IAM groups and roles (#535)
- Automatically check if zip_file exceeds 4096 chars #537
- Add AWS Certificate Manager (#538)
- Add Application Auto Scaling (#539)
- CloudFront updates (Aug 9, 2016) (#540)
- Add PerformanceMode to FileSystem resource (#541)
- Add AWS Internet of Things (#542)
- Extend Template constructor. (#543)
- Add application loadbalancer objects and properties (#544)
- Improve check_zip_file to calculate a minimum length (#548)
- Convert fake AWSHelperFns into AWSProperties (#478)
- cfn script: allow update (#484)
- Validate the template against AWS before stack creation (#485)
- Fix capitalization in README (#487)
- Remove duplicate waf FieldToMatch class (fixes #489)
- Tune validation logic and test cases for S3 bucket names (#486)
- waf XssMatchTuple should be an AWSProperty (Fixes #498)
- Allow setting a different region for S3 upload (#491)
- fix attribute for ApiKey (Enable -> Enabled) (#492)
- Invoke join correctly (#493)
- EMR: fix EBS configuration (#497)
- EMR: Action on Failure Fix (CONTINUE_AND_WAIT*>CANCEL_AND_WAIT) (#501)
- Rewritten the helper to be more flexible (#502)
- Added support for Kinesis Firehose (#505)
- Add support for VPC Flow Logs (#507)
- Syntax highlighting for readme python sample (#508)
- Added Name property to Kinesis streams (#510)
- Availability zones and EC2 instance type (#512)
- Add AutoScalingReplacingUpdate to UpdatePolicy (#513)
- Removed validation for DBSubnetGroupName when creating a read replica with SourceDBInstanceIdentifier (#515)
- EMR configurations values: also allow AWS helper functions (#516)
- Fix AssociationParameters Value type to list of strings (#518)
- Add DependsOn to Deployment and remove Enabled from StageKey (#519)
- Update fields in apigateway StageDescription (#521)
- Fix rename pep8*>pycodestyle and bump to fixed pyflakes (#522)
- Allows MultiAZ=false with AvailabilityZone in rds (#524)
- Do not require Status as a param in iam.AccessKey (#525)
- Fix badges in README
- Remove unnecessary AWSHelperFn from props
- ReplicationConfigurationRules Destination is now an object (#380)
- Add WAF SizeConstraintSet and XssMatchSet
- Logs SubscriptionFilter (#413)
- Elasticsearch support (#415)
- Fixed ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties type (#420)
- Adding support for EMR resources (#421)
- Fix ecs.TaskDefinition.Volumes that was incorrectly flagged as required (#422)
- AWS::ECR test example (#423)
- Add cloudfront hostedzoneid for route53 (#427)
- Typo in variable name (431)
- ScalingAdjustment is an integer (#432)
- Add Compress to CloudFront (#433)
- Added missing S3OriginConfig parameter(#437)
- Allow both GetAtt and a basestring (#440)
- Add VpcConfig to AWS::Lambda::Function (#442)
- Add Version Resource to awslambda (#443)
- Add Alias Resource to awslambda (#444)
- Ignore If expression during validation of ASG (#446)
- Add test and tweak fix for ASG MaxSize If fix (#446)
- Provide Valid Lambda Function Memory Values for use in Parameters (#449)
- Add FunctionName to Lambda::Function (#452)
- Add support for EBS volume configuration in EMR resources (#453)
- Add elasticsearch instance type constants (#454)
- DomainName isn't a required parameter (#457)
- Create Documentation To Help Contributors (#458)
- Move Groups to property, add policy template version (#460)
- Fix Elasticsarch Domain object naming and add backward compatibility (#461)
- EC2 update FromPort, ToPort and Egress as optional (#463)
- ApiGateway Resources (#466)
- Added CloudWatch Events support (#467)
- Import JSON Templates (#468)
- Fix config Source object to take a list of SourceDetails (#469)
- Update Contribute Document to Use Requirements.txt (#470)
- Update to Apr 25, 2016 release (#471)
- Implement LifecycleRule Transitions property (#472)
- Better AWSHelperFn support in template generator (#473)
- Fix Bucket AccessControl to allow Ref (#475)
- Fix baseclass for AWS::Logs::Destination (#481)
- Add test for AWS::Logs::Destination (#482)
- Add MariaDB to list of RDS engines [GH*368]
- Add ap*northeast [GH*373]
- Add T2 Nano [GH*374]
- capability support for cfn [GH*375]
- Update to resource list in documentation [GH*383]
- More info from validator function errors [GH*385]
- Add testing for python 3.5 [GH*388]
- Extended title validation [GH*389]
- EC2 NAT Gateway [GH*394]
- Add AWS::ECR::Repository [GH*395]
- Add KmsKeyId and StorageEncrypted to DBCluster [GH*396]
- Add awacs soft dependency [GH*397]
- New dynamodb2 module to replace dynamodb for consistent interface [GH*398]
- Add IsMultiRegionTrail support [GH*399]
- Add IncludeGlobalResourceTypes to RecordingGroup [GH*400]
- Capitalize examples [GH*404]
- use location constants for bucket creation in cfn [GH*409]
- Add RDS Aurora support [GH*335]
- Change DeploymentGroup Ec2TagFilters to list [GH*337]
- Correct EC2 SpotFleet LaunchSpecifications [GH*338]
- RDS::DBCluster change AvailabilityZone to AvailabilityZones [GH*341]
- ECS LoadBalancerName property is a string [GH*342]
- CodeDeploy S3Location Version property is not a default requirement [GH*345]
- Add AutoEnableIO to AWS::EC2::Volume
- Only discard Properties in JSONrepr [GH*354]
- CodeDeploy added ApplicationName [GH*357]
- CodeDeploy DeploymentGroupName property missing [GH*358]
- Add in cloudfront properties for max, default [GH*360]
- Allow RDS iops to be 0 [GH*361]
- Add CodePipline support [GH*362]
- Implemented CloudFormation changes from Dec 3 and Dec 28 [GH*366]
- Add AWS::Config, AWS::KMS, AWS::SSM
- Add new resources from 2015*10*01 CloudFormation release:
- AWS::CodeDeploy
- AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD
- AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup and AWS::EC2::SpotFleet
- AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping and AWS::Lambda::Permission
- AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter
- AWS::RDS::DBCluster and AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameter
- AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace
- Add updates to these resources from 2015*10*01 CloudFormation release:
- AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup
- AWS::OpsWorks::Stack
- AWS::OpsWorks::App
- AWS::S3::Bucket
- Add ElastiCache (Redis) Example [ GH*329]
- RDS: Added postgresql*license [GH*324]
- tail: only add unseen events [GH*327]
- Make Ref() work with datapipeline.ObjectField.RefValue [GH*328]
- Fix DeploymentGroup resource_type (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup) [GH*333]
- Add concatenation operator function __add__ for Tags [GH*334]
- Give more info about type errors [GH*312]
- Move tail within the troposphere library. This lets external libraries leverage this function [GH*315]
- Improve opsworks validation [GH*319]
- Fix RDS validation with conditional parameters [GH*320]
- Bugfix for RDS Ref/GetAtt issue [GH*310]
- Add support for EFS
- Elasticache: only validate az choices if azs is a list [GH*292]
- Add from_dict function to BaseAWSObject [GH*294]
- IAM: Path is optional for Role and InstanceProfile [GH*295]
- Validate parameter options based on Type [GH*296]
- RDS: Add more specific validators to DBInstance [GH*297]
- Add constants for the parameter types [GH*300]
- Add lambda ZipFile property [GH*301]
- Adds VPCEndpoint resource type [GH*304]
- Supports tags in ElasticBeanstalk environments [GH*308]
- Move cloudformation attribute setting to __setattr__ [GH*309]
- Clarify the license is a [BSD 2*Clause license](http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD*2*Clause)
- Add FindInMap type check for AutoScalingGroup validation of group sizes [GH*285]
- Implement the template Metadata section [GH*286]
- Rename lambda*>awslambda [GH*268]
- Add t2 large instance type [GH*269]
- IAM: status required and managedpolicyarns [GH*272]
- Fix wrong prop name in rds.OptionGroup OptionGroupConfigurations*>OptionConfigurations [GH*274]
- Add CloudFormation CustomResource [GH*278]
- Add rds snapshot on delete example [GH*280]
- Unable to pass Cluster name as String [GH*281]
- Fix unable to set StringValue on ObjectField in DataPipeline [GH*283]
- added AWS::CloudFormation::Stack NotificationARNs property [GH*243]
- Add additional import for PrivateIpAddressSpecification [GH*247]
- Add true s3 bucket name validator [GH*249]
- Replace strict int comparison by flexible troposphere.validators.integer [GH*251]
- Add validation for AZMode property on CacheCluster objects [GH*252]
- Fixing Opsworks Naming (ThresholdWaitTime -> ThresholdsWaitTime) [GH*253]
- Adding AutoScalingType to OpsWorks Instance [GH*255]
- Allow extending classes + tests [GH*257]
- Release June 11, 2015 [GH*259]
- Add M4 instances and Memcached port [GH*260]
- Add property for Subnet: MapPublicIpOnLaunch [GH*261]
- Minor improvements and fixes [GH*262]
- Update LoginProfile. Note: this is a breaking change and requires adding a
keyword parameter into LoginProfile. [GH*264] - Add 2 additional properties (elasticache:CacheCluster:SnapshotName and opsworks:Layer:LifecycleEventConfiguration) [GH*265]
- Fix two elasticache properties [GH*196]
- Add interim MinimumProtocolVersion to CloudFront ViewerCertificate [GH*218]
- Missing OriginPath in cloudfront.py [GH*220]
- Fix DBInstance constraints in order to allow the creation of RDS read*only replicas [GH*221]
- Add properties CharacterSetName, KmsKeyId, and StorageEncrypted to AWS::RDS::DBInstance [GH*224]
- Add Route53 HostedZoneVPCs, HostedZoneTags, HealthCheckTags
- Add new properties from 2015*04*16 CloudFormation release [GH*225, GH*240]
- Allow default region for GetAZs() [GH*232]
- Make AvailabilityZones parameter optional in AutoScalingGroup
- EventSubscription resource + EC2 types [GH*227]
- Python 3.4 support [GH*228]
- examples fix: users is list [GH*237]
- SNS Topic fields are not required [GH*230]
- Make AvailabilityZones parameter optional in AutoScalingGroup [GH*236]
- Support AWS helper functions in lists during validation [GH*179]
- Update README [GH*183]
- Fixing RedshiftClusterInVpc example; incorrect SG setup [GH*186]
- Add optional NonKeyAttributes to DynamoDB Projection class [GH*188]
- Change AutoScaling ScheduledAction StartTime, EndTime, and Recurrence to optional [GH*189]
- CloudFront forwarded values required on cache behavior [GH*191]
- DynamoDB attribute definitions required [GH*192]
- Add some ec2 required fields [GH*193]
- Fix ElasticBeanstalk resources [GH*213]
- Fix iam Policy Resource/Property bug [GH*214]
- Fix UpdatePolicy validation [GH*173]
- Add AWS::CloudFormation::Init ConfigSets support [GH*176]
- Change CloudWatch Alarm's Threshold prop to be basestring [GH*178]
- Added new Google Group for discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cloudtools*dev
- Fixing ValueError message to refer the correct package [GH*135]
- Change cfn to add R with no argument lists all the Stacks [GH*138]
- Add eu*central*1 region (Frankfurt) [GH*139]
- ConfigurationTemplate is an Object [GH*140]
- Release: AWS CloudFormation on 2014*11*06 [GH*141]
- Remove duplicate security_group from port [GH*143]
- UpdatePolicy and CreationPolicy [GH*144]
- Fixes duplicate key error reporting [GH*145]
- Fix warning in CloudFront example description [GH*148]
- Cfn script create bucket in the specified region [GH*149]
- Remove Unnecessary EOL whitespace [GH*150] Note: this changes the default JSON separators.
- More metadata options [GH*153]
- Metadata auth [GH*155]
- Fixed CreationPolicy [GH*157] [GH*160]
- Addded AWS template VPC_Single_Instance_In_Subnet example [GH*162]
- Add 2014*12*24 CloudFormation release changes [GH*167] [GH*168] [GH*169]
- Add GSI & LSI Functionality [GH*161] [GH*172]
- Fixed landscape.io issues [GH*170]
- Update to 2014*09*29 AWS release [GH*132]
- Add ElastiCache & Port # Constants [GH*132]
- Add ELB Tag Support [GH*133]
- Fix DBSecurityGroupIngress required properties [GH*134]
- Update InitConfig per AWS docs [GH*120]
- S3 improvement + essential constants [GH*125]
- Allow FindInMap() for ec2.NetworkInterfaceProperty.GroupSet [GH*128]
- Use subnet group for param, not vpc securitygroup [GH*65]
- Add support for Equals function and Condition [GH*66]
- Added ELB access logs and CrossZone test [GH*67]
- Added support for more condition functions [GH*69]
- Tweaked a few integer validation messages [GH*71]
- Fix resource.name backward compatibility regression
- Fix pep8 errors due to new pep8 1.5.x changes [GH*72]
- Allow Ref() in VPNGatewayRoutePropagation RouteTableIds list [GH*73]
- Add OpsWorks Support [GH*74]
- Add AutoScalingGroup TerminationPolicies [GH*77, GH*87]
- Add new property MetricsCollection [GH*79]
- Patching Users class to use basestring or Ref type for Groups [GH*80]
- Added support for Kinesis [GH*81]
- Allow autoscaling group to support 'min instances in service' and 'max size' values that are Refs [GH*82]
- Added support for Redshift [GH*84]
- Add DestinationSecurityGroupId in ec2.SecurityGroupRule [GH*85]
- Add CloudFront CacheBehavior [GH*86]
- Tweak UpdatePolicy properties [GH*88]
- Tweaks to rds.DNInstance [GH*89]
- Tweaks to EC2 DeviceIndex property values [GH*90]
- Fix AutoScalingGroup MinSize MaxSize [ GH*92]
- Add Encrypted option to AWS::EC2::Volume [GH*96]
- Add missing config to s3.Bucket [GH*97]
- Add CloudFront DistributionConfig, CacheBehavior and DefaultCacheBehavior [GH*98]
- Add EC2 Instance InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior [GH*99]
- Updating the block device options for AutoScalingGroups [GH*100]
- Added support for AWS::CloudFormation::Init in AutoScalingGroup [GH*101]
- Added VPCPeering class [GH*102]
- Opworks CustomJson property expects a JSON object not a string [GH*103]
- Add support for VersioningConfiguration on S3 buckets [GH*104]
- Added Logs resource type [GH*105]
- Add PlacementGroup param to AutoScalingGroup [GH*111]
- Add VpcPeeringConnectionId parameter to EC2 Route [GH*113]
- Make RDS DBInstance MasterUsername and MasterPassword optional [GH*116]
- Add CloudTrail, tweaks to CloudWatch Alarm, and support route53 AliasTarger EvaluateTargetHealth [GH*117]
- Add LogDeliveryWrite canned ACL for S3 bucket [GH*118]
- Add OpenStack native types [GH*61]
- Make integer() validator work with any integer*like object [GH*57]
- Add support to ELB ConnectionDrainingPolicy [GH*62]
- Add more OpenStack resource types and validation [GH*63]
- Allow to extend resource classes by adding custom attributes [GH*16]
- Add AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup [GH*27]
- Fix examples/VPC_EC2_Instance_With_Multiple_Dynamic_IPAddresses.py [GH*29]
- CacheSecurityGroupNames not required if using VpcSecurityGroupIds [GH*31]
- Add VPNConnectionRoute object and attribute to VPNConnection [GH*33]
- add new CrossZone option to ELB [GH*34]
- Add VPC_With_VPN_Connection example
- Fixup some of the network related validators and pep8 changes
- Add support for Tags and PortRange
- Add more resource name properties per CloudFormation release 2013*12*19
- Add Tier Environment property per CloudFormation release 2013*12*19
- Add VPNGatewayRoutePropagation per CloudFormation release 2013*11*22
- Add Tags properties per CloudFormation release 2013*09*24
- Add network changes from CloudFormation release 2013*09*17
- Canonicalize integer and bool values for more consistent output [GH*35]
- Add travis*ci for automated testing [GH*38]
- Check output of examples in test_examples [GH*40]
- Add support for conditions and for Fn::If() [GH*41]
- Tweak ELB ranges to match ec2 console [GH*43]
- Handle bool values better in cfn2py [GH*45]
- Allow strings (as well as Refs) for Subnet VpcId [GH*47]
- Add InstanceID to AutoScalingGroup and LaunchConfiguration
- ec2.DHCPOptions NTPservers -> NtpServers [GH*54]
- Add SQS dead letter queue from CloudFormation release 2014*01*29
- Add AutoScaling ScheduledAction from release 2014*01*27
- Add Tags for SecurityGroups [GH*55]
- RecordSets in Route53 not formatted correctly [GH*51]
- Allow Ref() in NetworkInterfaceProperty GroupSet list [GH*56]
- Adding separators options to print to json function [GH*19]
- Add cfn2py script to convert json templates to Python [GH*22]
- Add EnableDnsSupport and EnableDnsHostnames properties for VPC [GH*23]
- Add VPC support to elasticache [GH*24]
- Fix missing Import Ref [GH*26]
- Add missing AWS::SQS::Queue properties
- Add resource naming (Name Type)
- Allow Ref's in the list objects
- Fix Ref() to output the name only [GH*17]
- Add Ref test.
- Fix some IAM issues
- Convert VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation to not have __init__
- Fix Output, Parameter and UpdatePolicy to not output a Properties dict
- Raise a ValueError if adding a duplicate object to the template
- Set the correct dictname for UpdatePolicy
- Make the code more DRY [GH*15]
- Add a optional name argument to AWSProperty constructor
- Add ability to push large stack templates to S3
- InstanceType is not required (defaults to m1.small)
- Add AssociatePublicIpAddress property for AutoScaling LaunchConfiguration
- Make Tags an AWSHelperFn to make it easier to assign
- Resource property types should not be in a Properties dictionary
- Clean up "required" error checking and handle property types better
- Do not validate AWSHelperFun's [GH*8] [GH*9]
- Add missing return in integer_range [GH*10]
- integer_range validator for ELB HealthyCheckInt
- Convert RDS::DBInstance::VPCSecurityGroups to new list type checking
- VPCSecurityGroups for RDS should be a list, not a basestring
- Fixing ELB LoadBalancerPorts not required (error in the AWS docs)
- EC2 SecurityGroup Egress & Ingress rules should be objects
- Fix Attributes validator for ELB Policies
- Allow PolicyDocuments to use (if present) awacs Policy objects
- Add test for matching against a tuple of types
- Add cfn script to create, tail and show stack resources
- UpdatePolicy validation enhancements [GH*5]
- Add VPCSecurityGroups property to AWS::RDS::DBInstance
- DefaultCacheBehavior is a required property for DistributionConfig
- Fix CustomGateway -> CustomerGateway
- Domain does not have any properties
- Fix VPC security group rule bugs
- Added EBSBlockDevice and BlockDeviceMapping classes.
- Add a post*validator to allow individual object to validate themselves
- Add ability to use validate functions on property values
- Add validation of list element types
- Add unit tests
- Add support for autoscaling notification configurations [GH*2]
- Add support for AWS::ElastiCache and AWS::RDS
- Move to AWSProperty entirely.
- Add shortcuts for the NotificationTypes strings
- Add Python 3.x compatibility support
- Pass pep8 and pyflakes
- First PyPI release
- Add S3 bucket support [GH*1]