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Advanced Algorithmic Methods for Next-Generation Computational Displays |
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%s - Computational Light Laboratory |
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$$ \begin{aligned} \hat{u_t}, \hat{l}{(p,t)} \leftarrow \argmin{u_t, l_{(p,t)}} \mathcal{L}\left( \sum_{p=1}^3 \sum_{t=1}^3 |l_{(p,t)} e^{i \lambda_p u_t} * h_p |^2 , sI_p \right), \end{aligned} $$
(1) " Zhan, Y., Kavaklı, K., Urey, H., Sun, Q., & Akşit, K. AutoColor: Learned Light Power Control for Multi-Color Holograms. " SPIE AR|VR|MR 2024
<style> .left-column { width: 70%; padding-right: 1rem; } .slidev-layout { display: flex; } </style>(1) " Kyoji Matsushima and Tomoyoshi Shimobaba. Band-Limited Angular Spectrum Method " Optics Express 2009
(2) " J. W. Goodman. Angular Spectrum Method " Introduction to Fourier Optics 2005
(3) " Zhang, W. and Zhang, H. and Jin, G. Band-extended Angular Spectrum Method " Optics Letters 2020
(2) " Zheng, C., Zhan, Y., Shi, L., Cakmakci, O., & Akşit, K. Focal Surface Holographic Light Transport using Learned Spatially Adaptive Convolutions. " SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024 Tech Comm
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(2) " Zheng, C., Zhan, Y., Shi, L., Cakmakci, O., & Akşit, K. Focal Surface Holographic Light Transport using Learned Spatially Adaptive Convolutions. " SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024 Tech Comm
(3) " Zhan, Y., Shi, L., Matusik, W., Sun, Q., & Akşit, K. Configurable Learned Holography. " arXiv e-prints
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(3) " Zhan, Y., Shi, L., Matusik, W., Sun, Q., & Akşit, K. Configurable Learned Holography. " arXiv e-prints
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(3) " Zhan, Y., Shi, L., Matusik, W., Sun, Q., & Akşit, K. Configurable Learned Holography. " arXiv e-prints
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