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mpilgrem committed Sep 1, 2023
1 parent 2a7d00c commit a0ec94e
Showing 1 changed file with 62 additions and 86 deletions.
148 changes: 62 additions & 86 deletions src/GHC/Utils/GhcPkg/Main/Compat.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ import Path ( Abs, Dir, Path, toFilePath )
import Prelude
import System.Directory
( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist
, getCurrentDirectory, getDirectoryContents, removeFile
, getDirectoryContents, removeFile
import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode (..) )
import System.Environment ( getProgName, getEnv )
import System.FilePath as FilePath
import System.IO ( hFlush, hPutStrLn, stderr, stdout )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,28 +83,31 @@ ghcPkgUnregisterForce globalDb pkgDb hasIpid pkgarg_strs = do
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Command-line syntax

data Verbosity = Silent | Normal | Verbose
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Verbosity
= Silent
| Normal
| Verbose
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Do the business

-- | Enum flag representing argument type
data AsPackageArg
= AsUnitId
| AsDefault
= AsUnitId
| AsDefault

-- | Represents how a package may be specified by a user on the command line.
data PackageArg
-- | A package identifier foo-0.1, or a glob foo-*
= Id GlobPackageIdentifier
= Id GlobPackageIdentifier
-- | An installed package ID foo-0.1-HASH. This is guaranteed to uniquely
-- match a single entry in the package database.
| IUId UnitId
| IUId UnitId
-- | A glob against the package name. The first string is the literal
-- glob, the second is a function which returns @True@ if the argument
-- matches.
| Substring String (String->Bool)
| Substring String (String -> Bool)

parseCheck :: Cabal.Parsec a => String -> String -> IO a
parseCheck str what =
Expand All @@ -115,8 +118,8 @@ parseCheck str what =
-- | Either an exact 'PackageIdentifier', or a glob for all packages
-- matching 'PackageName'.
data GlobPackageIdentifier
= ExactPackageIdentifier MungedPackageId
| GlobPackageIdentifier MungedPackageName
= ExactPackageIdentifier MungedPackageId
| GlobPackageIdentifier MungedPackageName

displayGlobPkgId :: GlobPackageIdentifier -> String
displayGlobPkgId (ExactPackageIdentifier pid) = display pid
Expand All @@ -135,23 +138,12 @@ readPackageArg AsDefault str = Id <$> readGlobPkgId str
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Package databases

-- Some commands operate on a single database:
-- register, unregister, expose, hide, trust, distrust
-- however these commands also check the union of the available databases
-- in order to check consistency. For example, register will check that
-- dependencies exist before registering a package.
-- Some commands operate on multiple databases, with overlapping semantics:
-- list, describe, field

data PackageDB (mode :: GhcPkg.DbMode)
= PackageDB {
location, locationAbsolute :: !FilePath,
-- We need both possibly-relative and definitely-absolute package
-- db locations. This is because the relative location is used as
-- an identifier for the db, so it is important we do not modify it.
-- On the other hand we need the absolute path in a few places
-- particularly in relation to the ${pkgroot} stuff.
location :: !FilePath,
-- We only need possibly-relative package db location. The relative
-- location is used as an identifier for the db, so it is important we do
-- not modify it.

packageDbLock :: !(GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode GhcPkg.PackageDbLock),
-- If package db is open in read write mode, we keep its lock around for
Expand All @@ -164,9 +156,8 @@ type PackageDBStack = [PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadOnly]
-- A stack of package databases. Convention: head is the topmost
-- in the stack.

-- | Selector for picking the right package DB to modify as 'register' and
-- 'recache' operate on the database on top of the stack, whereas 'modify'
-- changes the first database that contains a specific package.
-- | Selector for picking the right package DB to modify as 'modify' changes the
-- first database that contains a specific package.
newtype DbModifySelector = ContainsPkg PackageArg

getPkgDatabases :: Path Abs Dir
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,8 +208,8 @@ getPkgDatabases globalDb verbosity pkgarg pkgDb = do
infoLn ("modifying: " ++ location db)
infoLn ("flag db stack: " ++ show (map location flag_db_stack))

return (db_stack, db_to_operate_on, flag_db_stack)
pure (db_stack, db_to_operate_on, flag_db_stack)
getDatabases flag_db_names final_stack = do
-- The package db we open in read write mode is the first one included in
-- flag_db_names that contains specified package. Therefore we need to
Expand All @@ -237,7 +228,7 @@ getPkgDatabases globalDb verbosity pkgarg pkgDb = do
db <- readDatabase db_path
if hasPkg db
then couldntOpenDbForModification db_path e
else return (db, Nothing)
else pure (db, Nothing)

-- If we fail to open the database in read/write mode, we need
-- to check if it's for modification first before throwing an
Expand All @@ -246,22 +237,22 @@ getPkgDatabases globalDb verbosity pkgarg pkgDb = do
db <- readParseDatabase verbosity (GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite $ ContainsPkg pkgarg) db_path
let ro_db = db { packageDbLock = GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly }
if hasPkg db
then return (ro_db, Just db)
then pure (ro_db, Just db)
else do
-- If the database is not for modification after all,
-- drop the write lock as we are already finished with
-- the database.
case packageDbLock db of
GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite lock ->
GhcPkg.unlockPackageDb lock
return (ro_db, Nothing)
pure (ro_db, Nothing)
| db_path <- final_stack ]

to_modify <- case mto_modify of
Just db -> return db
Just db -> pure db
Nothing -> cannotFindPackage pkgarg Nothing

return (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite to_modify)
pure (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite to_modify)
couldntOpenDbForModification :: FilePath -> IOError -> IO a
couldntOpenDbForModification db_path e = die $ "Couldn't open database "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,7 +282,7 @@ readParseDatabase verbosity mode path = do
-- old single-file style db:
mdb <- tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase verbosity mode path
case mdb of
Just db -> return db
Just db -> pure db
Nothing ->
die $ "ghc no longer supports single-file style package "
++ "databases (" ++ path ++ ") use 'ghc-pkg init'"
Expand All @@ -300,33 +291,31 @@ readParseDatabase verbosity mode path = do
| otherwise -> ioError err
Right fs -> ignore_cache (const $ return ())
confs = map (path </>) $ filter (".conf" `isSuffixOf`) fs

ignore_cache :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO (PackageDB mode)
ignore_cache checkTime = do
-- If we're opening for modification, we need to acquire a
-- lock even if we don't open the cache now, because we are
-- going to modify it later.
lock <- F.mapM (const $ GhcPkg.lockPackageDb cache) mode
let doFile f = do checkTime f
parseSingletonPackageConf verbosity f
pkgs <- mapM doFile confs
mkPackageDB pkgs lock
confs = map (path </>) $ filter (".conf" `isSuffixOf`) fs

ignore_cache :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO (PackageDB mode)
ignore_cache checkTime = do
-- If we're opening for modification, we need to acquire a
-- lock even if we don't open the cache now, because we are
-- going to modify it later.
lock <- F.mapM (const $ GhcPkg.lockPackageDb cache) mode
let doFile f = do checkTime f
parseSingletonPackageConf verbosity f
pkgs <- mapM doFile confs
mkPackageDB pkgs lock

cache = path </> cachefilename

mkPackageDB :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
-> GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode GhcPkg.PackageDbLock
-> IO (PackageDB mode)
mkPackageDB pkgs lock = do
path_abs <- absolutePath path
return $ PackageDB {
location = path,
locationAbsolute = path_abs,
packageDbLock = lock,
packages = pkgs
cache = path </> cachefilename

mkPackageDB :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
-> GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode GhcPkg.PackageDbLock
-> IO (PackageDB mode)
mkPackageDB pkgs lock = do
pure $ PackageDB
{ location = path
, packageDbLock = lock
, packages = pkgs

parseSingletonPackageConf :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO InstalledPackageInfo
parseSingletonPackageConf verbosity file = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,27 +349,22 @@ tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase verbosity mode path = do
content <- readFile path `catchIO` \_ -> return ""
if take 2 content == "[]"
then do
path_abs <- absolutePath path
let path_dir = adjustOldDatabasePath path
warn $ "Warning: ignoring old file-style db and trying " ++ path_dir
direxists <- doesDirectoryExist path_dir
if direxists
then do
db <- readParseDatabase verbosity mode path_dir
-- but pretend it was at the original location
return $ Just db {
location = path,
locationAbsolute = path_abs
pure $ Just db { location = path }
else do
lock <- F.forM mode $ \_ -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True path_dir
GhcPkg.lockPackageDb $ path_dir </> cachefilename
return $ Just PackageDB {
location = path,
locationAbsolute = path_abs,
packageDbLock = lock,
packages = []
pure $ Just PackageDB
{ location = path
, packageDbLock = lock
, packages = []

-- if the path is not a file, or is not an empty db then we fail
Expand All @@ -392,23 +376,20 @@ adjustOldFileStylePackageDB db = do
mcontent <- fmap Just (readFile (location db)) `catchIO` \_ -> return Nothing
case fmap (take 2) mcontent of
-- it is an old style and empty db, so look for a dir kind in location.d/
Just "[]" -> return db {
location = adjustOldDatabasePath $ location db,
locationAbsolute = adjustOldDatabasePath $ locationAbsolute db
Just "[]" -> pure db
{ location = adjustOldDatabasePath $ location db }
-- it is old style but not empty, we have to bail
Just _ -> die $ "ghc no longer supports single-file style package "
++ "databases (" ++ location db ++ ") use 'ghc-pkg init'"
++ "to create the database with the correct format."
-- probably not old style, carry on as normal
Nothing -> return db
Nothing -> pure db

adjustOldDatabasePath :: FilePath -> FilePath
adjustOldDatabasePath = (<.> "d")

:: BS.ByteString
-> IO (InstalledPackageInfo, [ValidateWarning])
parsePackageInfo :: BS.ByteString
-> IO (InstalledPackageInfo, [ValidateWarning])
parsePackageInfo str =
case parseInstalledPackageInfo str of
Right (warnings, ok) -> pure (mungePackageInfo ok, ws)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -606,8 +587,3 @@ removeFileSafe :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeFileSafe fn =
removeFile fn `catchIO` \ e ->
unless (isDoesNotExistError e) $ ioError e

-- | Turn a path relative to the current directory into a (normalised)
-- absolute path.
absolutePath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
absolutePath path = normalise . (</> path) <$> getCurrentDirectory

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