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Polkaholic - Substrate Chain Block Explorer for Polkadot/Kusama Chains and Parachains


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Repository files navigation indexes Polkadot, Kusama and their Substrate based parachains, and exposes a multi-chain block explorer at powered by APIs

The Polkaholic index is fully available in BigQuery via substrate-etl and covers 70 chains:

Running the Indexer + Block explorer

Assuming the indexer has been set up (see "Set up Indexing"), to run the Block explorer:

# node index.js

By default, the configs use
To use your local index, set POLKAHOLIC_API_URL in your environment

# node api.js

The substrate-etl is the recommended route for large scale access to the Polkaholic Index.

Set up Indexing

A following 3 commands compose the Polkaholic Indexer: (documented here

  • polkaholic - indexes individual Substrate chains
  • xcmindexer - indexes XCM activity between chains, and imports XCM Global Asset Registry data
  • substrate-etl - exports Polkaholic data to public substrate-etl dataset

The polkaholic index is stored in mysql BigTable, and is set up with:

  • mysql (5.7): substrate/schema/polkaholic.sql
  • BigTable: substrate/cbt/

The PolkaholicDB class manages the connections to the above tables with a POLKAHOLIC_DB variable (see also POLKAHOLIC_DB_REPLICA, which support multiple replicas in load balanced instance groups in 3+ regions). managing "ini" file credentials in one place:

host = polkaholic
user = polkaholic
password = ******
database = polkaholic

email = [email protected]
password = ******

projectName = us-west1-wlk
bigqueryDataset = polkaholic
bigtableInstance = polkaholic
bigtableCluster = polkaholic
storageBucket = polkaholic

Each chain's blocks are stored in a block${chainID} table in mysql and a BigTable chain${chainID}, with the state of the chain kept in a single record in the chain table. ChainIDs are 0 + 2 for Polkadot and Kusama, and then paraID and paraID + 20000 for Polkadot parachains and Kusama parachains (mostly..exceptions are for chains like Kilt and Subsocial).

Indexing is managed with polkaholic crawlblocks ${chainID} -- to kick off indexing of a chain, you will need to add a record into the chain table with a valid WSEndpoint (e.g. wss://

mysql> select * from chain where chainID = 0 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                     chainID: 0
                          id: polkadot
                      prefix: 0
                   chainName: Polkadot
                  relayChain: polkadot
                  WSEndpoint: wss://
                 WSEndpoint3: NULL
               blocksCovered: 11092165
             blocksFinalized: 11092162
            lastCleanChainTS: NULL
               blocksCleaned: 9729723
                 displayName: Polkadot Relay Chain
             standardAccount: *25519
                    decimals: [10]
                     symbols: ["DOT"]
                 coingeckoID: polkadot

Then run polkaholic crawlblocks 0, which will fill up the block${chainID} table and chain${chainID} BigTable. (Polkaholic runs 2 crawler services for every chain for redundancy.) While most parachains support subscribeStorage to support the fetching of traces, most public endpoints do not support "unsafe" trace calls. All gaps in traces have to be covered using our internal nodes (currently 20) and snapshots of 25-30 additional chain instances.

The end setup for mysql:

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_defi           |
| account                  |
| address                  |
| addressTopN              |
| addressoffer             |
| apikey                   |
| asset                    |
| assetInit                |
| assetholder0             |
| assetholder1000          |
| assetholder2             |
| assetholder2000          |
| assetholder2002          |
| assetlog                 |
| auditHashes              |
| block0                   |
| block1000                |
| block2                   |
| block2000                |
| block2002                |
| blocklog                 |
| blockunfinalized         |
| chain                    |
| chainEndpoint            |
| chainPalletStorage       |
| chainhostnameendpoint    |
| chainparachain           |
| coingecko                |
| coingecko_market_chart   |
| contractabi              |
| crowdloan                |
| events                   |
| eventslog                |
| evmtxs                   |
| evmtxslog                |
| extrinsicdocs            |
| extrinsics               |
| extrinsicslog            |
| extrinsicsrecent         |
| follow                   |
| indexlog                 |
| method                   |
| multisigaccount          |
| offer                    |
| proxyaccount             |
| rewards                  |
| rewardslog               |
| specVersions             |
| subaccount               |
| substrateetllog          |
| testParseTraces          |
| token1155holder          |
| tokenholder              |
| transfers                |
| transferslog             |
| transfersrecent          |
| user                     |
| xcmlog                   |
| xcmmap                   |
| xcmmessages              |
| xcmmessagesrecent        |
| xcmtransfer              |
| xcmtransferdestcandidate |


# cbt ls

The crawling service listens for new blocks and storage events over WebSockets (wss://). It should be run on at least 2 nodes and is managed with a service powered by polkaholic crawlblocks ${chainID}.

The WS-based crawler stores all blocks and trace data in BigTable tables chain${chainID} using 6 column families:

# cbt ls chain0
Family Name	GC Policy
-----------	---------
blockraw	versions() > 1
events		versions() > 1
feed	   	versions() > 1
finalized	versions() > 1
n		versions() > 1
trace		versions() > 1

Chains with EVM support (Moonbeam, Astar, ...) have additional columns.

Block numbers are keyed by 8 digit hex (instead of decimal) to support prefix scans by the indexer.

  • The subscribeStorage events result in a call to fetch the block and turn it manually into sidecar compatible form, resulting in cells in both the block and trace column family by the indexing process,
  • The subscribeFinalizedHeads events result in cells in only the finalized column family. Multiple block candidates at a given height result in multiple columns, but when a block is finalized, other non-finalized candidates are deleted.

Here is the crawlblocks process on chain 2000 (acala), run manually on one node:

# # ./polkaholic crawlblocks 2000
chain API connected 2000
You are connected to ACALA chain 2000 endpoint=... with types + rpc + signedExt
subscribeStorage Acala bn=1396814 0x0d5aaa4b68bce292eafe392b52870a13d0e3f416beb86b69b6d6c90185049c03: cbt read chain2000 prefix=0x0015504e
subscribeFinalizedHeads Acala 1396812 CHECK: cbt read chain2000 prefix=0x0015504c |   update chain set blocksFinalized = '1396812', lastFinalizedDT = Now() where chainID = '2000'

Here is a single block for chain 2000:

# cbt read chain2000 prefix=0x0015504c
  blockraw:0x7414093b4997ab781fd2e01e4a502c5c48e58ba0cff565a6864220366196009e @ 2022/07/09-11:43:18.000000
  events:0x7414093b4997ab781fd2e01e4a502c5c48e58ba0cff565a6864220366196009e @ 2022/07/09-11:43:18.000000
  feed:0x7414093b4997ab781fd2e01e4a502c5c48e58ba0cff565a6864220366196009e @ 2022/07/09-11:43:18.000000
  finalized:0x7414093b4997ab781fd2e01e4a502c5c48e58ba0cff565a6864220366196009e @ 2022/07/09-11:43:49.843000
  finalized:0x7414093b4997ab781fd2e01e4a502c5c48e58ba0cff565a6864220366196009e @ 2022/07/09-11:43:49.600000
  n:traceType                              @ 2022/07/09-11:43:18.000000
  trace:0x7414093b4997ab781fd2e01e4a502c5c48e58ba0cff565a6864220366196009e @ 2022/07/09-11:43:18.000000

The above log shows how to inspect with cbt on the command line. In most cases there will be multiple cells for finalized due to multiple indexers, but any row with a finalized cell should have only one block/trace matching column.

The tip of each crawled chain is held in the chain table in the blocksCovered and blocksFinalized column.

mysql> select chainID, chainName, blocksFinalized, blocksCovered from chain where crawling = 1;
| chainID | chainName           | blocksFinalized | blocksCovered |
|       0 | Polkadot            |        14321625 |      14321627 |
|       2 | Kusama              |        16709278 |      16709281 |
|    1000 | Statemint           |         3248772 |       3248774 |
|    1001 | Collectives         |          644977 |        644977 |
|    2000 | Acala               |         2983362 |       2983364 |
|    2002 | Clover              |         2899160 |       2899160 |
|    2004 | Moonbeam            |         2984929 |       2984931 |
|    2006 | Astar               |         2979581 |       2979583 |

Backfill of Blocks and Traces + Other Processes

The crawling service is not perfect due to missing blocks, RPC connectivity issues, unavailability of archive nodes, bootnodes, bad code pushes, and general system failures. Thus the polkaholic auditchain script identifies missing blocks and traces, whereas polkaholic backfill and polkaholic crawltraces scripts crawl the blocks + traces that are missing. Both these auditchain and backfill process are covered systematically with an hourly indexchain process to fill any gaps, which minimizes the need for human interventions.

The following operations are put in regular cron jobs / services:

* `polkaholic pricefeed` (every 5 mins) -- fetches the latest prices from the coingecko API
* `polkaholic updateassetpricelog` (every 5 mins) -- fetches the latest prices from top defi chains: moonbeam, astar, ...
* `polkaholic identity` -- fetches new identities from Polkadot and Kusama
* `xcmindexer xcmmessages` -- matches outgoing and incoming XCM messages
* `xcmindexer xcmtransfer` -- matches outgoing XCM transfers and incoming asset signals
* `xcmindexer xcmgarload` -- loads [XCM Global Asset Registry](
* `substrate-etl dump` -- exports to [substrate-etl](

At present, we manually:

  • maintain chain.WSEndpoint using endpoints from for new chains
  • supervise xcmgar imports from XCM Global Asset Registry
  • supervise substrate-etl exports into publicly available BigQuery polkadot and kusama datasets
  • solve issues reported by parachain teams and Polkadot ecosystem leadership

Google Cloud Deployment

At present, 70 chains are crawled/indexed by 20 nodes (4 core, 16GB), where each of the 20 nodes are running 8-10 services on average (running crawlblocks and indexchain) and one of the top 20 chains.
Ansible is used with auto generated YAML (see yaml) with generateCrawlerYAML and deployment is managed with Makefile:

  • make indexers - updates 20 indexers
  • make ui - updates US/AS/EU endpoints powering

The current size of the index (as of February 19, 2022) is:

  • mysql - 171GB (master only, not including 3 replicas)
  • BigTable - 7.8TB (US based)


  • Mysql Backup is automated on mysql via GCP Cloud SQL
  • Backup of BigTable is done with polkaholic backupchains


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Polkaholic is GPL 3.0 licensed.