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A simple HTML DOM JSX renderer with RxJS

MIT License Twitter

Write your web ui with battle-tested RxJS for granular updates.

This is one of my favorite libraries, and I use it for several projects I maintain, including some work from storyai and a new product I'm actively working on. If you like what you see here, please reach out to me at cole @ [github user name] .com and I'd be happy to answer questions.

Great for:

  • Business Logic Components [BLoC]
  • Model-View-ViewModel [MVVM]


  • No DOM diffing and no "lifecycle loop". Only Observables which get subscribed to and directly update the DOM elements.
  • Minimal JSX wiring up with full type definitions for all common HTMLElement attributes.
  • Any attribute accepts an Observable of its value, and this is type checked.
  • An Observable of any JSX.Child (string, null, JSX.Element, etc), can be used as a JSX.Child.
  • Adds special props: is, $style, $class, ref, and tags.
  • exports declaration maps (go-to-def goes to TypeScript source code)

Creating your first component

function MyComponent(props: { title: JSX.Child, children: JSX.Children }) {
  return <div>

<MyComponent title="Hello">

  title={<span>Hello <b>JSX-View</b></span>}

// `JSX.Child` includes `string`
const $inputValue$ = new BehaviorSubject("Hello, JSX View!")
const usage3 = <MyComponent
  // You can embed Observable<string> (or any Observable<JSX.Child>)
  // in between any tags
  title={<span>Hello <b>{$inputValue$}</b></span>}
  // You can also just use Observable<string> as a JSX.Child value
  // title={$inputValue$}
    <label for="your-title">Title</label>,
    // Binding
      onchange={evt => 
        $inputValue$.next(( as HTMLInputElement).value)

Todo App example

This was adapted from a similar demo I put together with React + RxJS, so if tehre's something missing or misspelled, please accept my apologies.

// TodoView.tsx
import { useContext, createContext, renderSpec } from "jsx-view"
import type { Subscription } from "rxjs"
import { map } from "rxjs/operators"
import createTodoState, { Todo } from "./TodoState"

const todos: Todo[] = [
  createTodo("Build UI for TodoApp", true),
  createTodo("Toggling a Todo"),
  createTodo("Deleting a Todo"),
  createTodo("Performant lists", true),
  createTodo("Adding a Todo"),

export default function mountApp(parentSub: Subscription, container: HTMLElement) {
  const element = renderSpec(parentSub, <TodoApp />)
  parentSub.add(() => container.removeChild(element))

const TodoState = createContext(createTodoState(todos))

function TodoApp() {
  const state = useContext(TodoState)

  return (
    <div class="container">
        Todos <small style={{ fontSize: "16px" }}>APP</small>
      {/* Create an observable of a single element and drop it right in. */}
        map((todosArr) => (
          <ul class="list-group">
            { => (
              <TodoItem todo={todo} />
      <br />
      <form class="form-group" onsubmit={preventDefaultThen(state.addTodo)}>
        <label for="todo-title">New Todo Title</label>
        <div class="input-group">
            // Assign any observable to any attribute when the
            // observable emits, the only work that happens is
            // a direct assignment to the attribute on the HTML
            // element.
            placeholder="What do you want to get done?"
          <button class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>

/** Todo Item appears within {@link TodoApp} */
function TodoItem({ todo }: { todo: Todo }) {
  const state = useContext(TodoState)

  return (
      {...onEnterOrClick(() => {
      <span style={{ textDecoration: todo.done ? "line-through" : "none" }}>{todo.title}</span>
        class="btn btn-sm btn-default float-right"
        aria-label={`Delete "${todo.title}"`}
        {...onEnterOrClick(() => {
 * Helper for creating `onchange` listeners
 * @example
 * <input onchange={changeValue(state.updateValue)} value={state.value$}/>
export function changeValue(handler: (value: string) => any) {
  return function (this: HTMLFormElement | HTMLInputElement, _evt: ChangeEvent) {

 * Helper for canceling default behaviors in functions
 * @example
 * <form
 *   onsubmit={preventDefaultThen(() => console.log('prevented default submit'))}
 * >
 *   ...
 *   <button>Submit</button>
 * </form>
export function preventDefaultThen(handler: () => void) {
  return (evt: { preventDefault: Function }) => {

 * Helper for responding to enter key and click events.
 * This produces a set of properties that you must spread.
 * Props:
 *  * `tabindex` for making the element tabbable
 *  * `onclick`
 *  * `onkeydown` for detecting enter key pressed on the element
 * Example:
 * ```jsx
 *   <li {...onEnterOrClick(() => console.log('activated Item 1'))}>Item 1</li>
 * ```
export function onEnterOrClick(handler: () => void): JSX.HtmlProps {
  return {
    tabindex: "0",
    onclick: (evt) => {
    onkeydown: (evt) => {
      if (evt.key === "Enter") {
        if (!(evt.currentTarget instanceof HTMLButtonElement || evt.currentTarget instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) {
          // onClick will handle this one

function createTodo(title: string, done = false): Todo {
  return {
    id: Math.random(),
// TodoState.ts
import { BehaviorSubject } from "rxjs"

export type Todo = {
  id: number
  done: boolean
  title: string

export default function createTodoState(initialTodos: Todo[] = []) {
  const $todos$ = new BehaviorSubject(initialTodos)
  const $todoInput$ = new BehaviorSubject("")

  return {
    todos$: $todos$.asObservable(),
    todoInput$: $todoInput$.asObservable(),
    updateNewTodoInput(value: string) {
      debug("updateNewTodoInput", value)
    toggleTodo(id: number) {
      debug("toggleTodo", id)
        $todos$ =>
 === id
            ? // toggle
              { ...todo, done: !todo.done }
            : // don't update
    deleteTodo(id: number) {
      debug("deleteTodo", id)
      $todos$.next($todos$.value.filter((todo) => !== id))
    addTodo() {
      if ($todoInput$.value) {
        debug("addTodo", $todoInput$.value)
            id: Math.random(),
            done: false,
            title: $todoInput$.value,

const debug = console.log.bind(console, "%cTodoState", "color: dodgerblue")

Setting up your tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "lib": ["DOM"],

    "jsx": "react-jsx",
    // Alternatively, use `addJSXDev(fn)` handler with source locations with
    // "jsx": "react-jsxdev",

    "jsxImportSource": "jsx-view",

Setting up with babel

  "plugins": [
        "runtime": "automatic", // defaults to classic
        "importSource": "jsx-view" // defaults to react

Setting up with vite

// vite.config.js or vite.config.ts
import * as path from "path";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
  // ...

  esbuild: {
    jsx: "automatic",
    jsxImportSource: "jsx-view",
    // use in conjunction with providing your own `addJSXDev(fn)` handler
    // jsxDev: true,


Clone the repository with

git clone

Open the repository in terminal, and install dependencies using pnpm.

cd jsx-view
pnpm install

Now, you have this locally, you may try things out by opening the dev server with

pnpm playground