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Lacuna Release Notes

Version 2.3

March XX, 2017

A minor version release that adds a new "Latest Conversation" page, fixes several bugs, provides updated contributed and core modules, and improves the installation experience. Most work on this release done by Cody Leff and Daniel Bush.


  • Added a "Latest Conversations" page that shows user-relevant updates. NOTE: To enable this new feature, go to Structure -> Features -> Lacuna Stories (admin/structure/features) and enable the "Notifications" feature. With drush, enable the feature through: drush en -y lacuna_notifications_configuration followed by drush fra -y


  • Annotation Dashboard cache administration form fixed
  • Reordering threads now works
  • Fixed permissions on new install
  • Fixed Materials display when texts have long list of authors
  • Sharing options sometimes didn't show up correctly
  • Adding some backend error checking to get rid of a PHP warning when loading highlights (i.e., annotations without text)
  • Fixed link to add tags in "Curate Tags" menu item when Lacuna is not installed in the webserver's root directory


  • Updated Views, Views Bulk Operations, d3, Webform, Media, WYWISYG, Diff, and Token modules
  • Installation profile uses Lacuna logo
  • Improved responsive design of annotation dashboard
  • Major improvements to Peer Group UI: Easier to join and leave groups, better theming.

Version 2.2.2: LTI bug fix release

January 27, 2017

A minor release that fixes a critical bug in LTI integration.


  • Correct paths for using Lacuna from within an LTI environment

Version 2.2.1: Fix many Bugs

November 18, 2016

This is a bug fix release.


  • Disabled annotation histogram on single-page documents
  • Prevent students from viewing profiles of students in other courses
  • Minor visual improvements
  • No longer use the last choice as default permissions for an annotation; default is now "Everyone"
  • Patched field_group module to support PHP 7
  • Updated all contributed modules without outstanding updates


  • Fixed bug preventing students from replying to each other's annotations
  • Annotation replies work on mobile devices
  • Annotator buttons no longer wrap incorrectly in Safari
  • Responses Map shows links correctly
  • Improved display of privacy options in Annotation Dashboard
  • Allow media embeds in annotations when site is served over HTTPS
  • Prevent students from selecting peer groups in an annotation when they are not a member of any
  • Cleaned up warning messages in javascript console from Annotation Dashboard
  • Prevent annotation tags from being duplicated; now correctly re-uses existing, identical tags when available
  • Avoid scrollbars on long response titles
  • Redirect users to Peer Groups page instead of home page after deleting a peer group
  • If course creation requires a password, accept it correctly
  • Patched d3 module so that it can be updated again
  • Fixed Canvas support so course setup works with older versions of PHP (<5.5)

Version 2.2: Canvas/LTI Support

October 20, 2016


  • Added Canvas and general LTI support
  • Release notes (it's about time)!


  • Removed HTML Purifier, CKEditor modules
  • Removed "How I Learn" and "Learning Goals" fields from user profile


  • Improved UX for replying to an annotation
  • Blocked d3 module from updating; latest version is broken
  • More theme improvements


  • Fixed WYWISYG formatting for text alignment and bullets in Filtered HTML format

Version 2.1: Threaded Replies to Annotations

August 25, 2016


  • Added ability to have threaded conversations on an annotation
  • Added ability to export threads as Excel or CSV
  • Added filter to hide annotations without replies
  • Added default avatar selections



  • Major performance improvements across the board
  • Theming improvements (Thanks, Irene Hsu!)


  • Students could not view own annotations in threads
  • Fixed 'Add to Thread'
  • Sewing Kit was showing only annotation shared with 'Everyone'

Version 2.0

2.0 was a major restructuring of Lacuna. Rather than supporting a single course per site, Lacuna was redesigned to allow an unlimited number of courses in a single install. It also added an installation profile, granular annotation privacy levels, and numerous other features.