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About the Linux servers

Accessing the Linux servers

Use the ssh command (Mac, Linux) or PuTTY (PuTTY EXE download) to access with the username and password given to you at the beginning of the quarter (check your OSU email).

The CSE department has some guidance for how to remotely access the Linux servers. Look at the “Unix” section of that page. Wherever is says or, use instead

Also look at the Usernames & passwords section.

Linux tutorial

Here are some useful videos to help you get up to speed on Linux:

Programming languages

LanguageCompiler/interpreter commandVersion
FORTRANf77 or f953.4.6 (f77), 4.4.6 (f95)
Common Lispsbcl1.4.48

If you want to use Java, you must use “subscribe” to it by issuing this command:


You will see this menu:

?  #   Package           ?  #   Package           ?  #   Package
-  -   -------           -  -   -------           -  -   -------
   0   ACU-COBOL            7   HOMEBIN              14  OPERATOR      
   1   ADMIN                8   JDK-CURRENT          15  ORACLE        
   2   CONSULT              9   MAGICK-CURRENT       16  PYTHON-3      
   3   DRT                  10  MAPLE11              17  RESOLVE       
   4   EIFFEL               11  MYSQL                18  SML           
   5   FIREFOX              12  OPEN-COBOL-1.0       19  SVN           
   6   FIREFOX-CURRENT       13  OPEN-COBOL-1.1       20  VI            

Enter a command (a,i,q, or h for help), or a number to SUBSCRIBE:

Choose option 8 JDK-CURRENT (type 8 and press enter). Log out, then log back in. Now you can use Java.

Other languages

Email me before you submit an assignment in a different language than one listed above. You can generally use any language you want as long as you let me know beforehand.

Submission instructions

When you are ready to submit files for a homework assignment, run the submit command like so:

submit c3521ab hw1 myhw1

This example assumes your files are in the folder myhw1. Note that each time you submit, your prior submission will be erased.

Always submit an executable version of your code, plus the code itself. Also, always provide a README file that tells the grader how to compile and execute your code.