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The run_analysis.R script performs the 5 steps required as described in the course project’s definition.
1. Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set
* xDataSet (10299 rows, 561 columns) is created by merging xTrain and xTest using rbind() function
* yDataSet (10299 rows, 1 column) is created by merging yTrain and yTest using rbind() function
* subjectDataSet (10299 rows, 1 column) is created by merging subjectTrain and subjectTest using rbind() function
2. Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement
* xDataSet_mean_std (10299 rows, 66 columns) is created by subsetting xDataSet, selecting only columns: subject, code and the measurements on the mean and standard deviation (std) for each measurement
3. Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set
* Entire numbers in code column is replaced with corresponding activity taken from second column of the activities variable
4. Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names
* code column renamed into activities
* All Acc in column’s name replaced by Acceleration
* All Gyro in column’s name replaced by AngularSpeed
* All Mag in column’s name replaced by Magnitude
* All start with character f in column’s name replaced by FrequencyDomain
* All start with character t in column’s name replaced by TimeDomain
* All GyroJerk in column’s name replaced by AngularAcceleration
* All ending with Freq replaced by Frequency
5. From the data set in step 4, creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject
* Data2 (180 rows, 68 columns) is created by sumarizing TidyData taking the means of each variable for each activity and each subject, after groupped by subject and activity.