diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d22a01d0..1792239f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
-Table of Contents
-* [IDP Builder](#idp-builder)
- * [About](#about)
- * [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- * [Running the idpbuilder](#running-the-idpbuilder)
- * [Use](#use)
- * [Architecture](#architecture)
-* [Extending the IDP builder](#extending-the-idpbuilder)
-* [Developer notes](#developer-notes)
# IDP Builder
Internal development platform binary launcher.
@@ -27,6 +15,8 @@ This can be useful in several ways:
## Quickstart
+If you are interested in running idpbuilder in Codespaces through your browser, check out the [Codespaces](#running-in-codespaces) section.
### Download and install the idpbuilder
Download the latest release with the commands:
@@ -44,14 +34,16 @@ tar xzf idpbuilder.tar.gz
Alternatively, you can download the latest binary from [the latest release page](https://github.com/cnoe-io/idpbuilder/releases/latest).
-### Using the idpbuilder
+## Using the idpbuilder
+### Basic usage
+The most basic command which creates a Kubernetes Cluster (Kind cluster) with the core packages installed.
./idpbuilder create
-This is the most basic command which creates a Kubernetes Cluster (Kind cluster) with the core packages installed.
What are the core packages?
@@ -59,7 +51,16 @@ This is the most basic command which creates a Kubernetes Cluster (Kind cluster)
* **Gitea** server is the in-cluster Git server that ArgoCD can be configured to sync resources from. You can sync from local file systems to this.
* **Ingress-nginx** is used as a method to access in-cluster resources such as ArgoCD UI and Gitea UI.
- See the [Architecture](#Architecture) section for more information on further information on how core packages are installed and configured.
+ #### Core package versions
+ | Name | Version |
+ | -------- | ------- |
+ | Argo CD | v2.10.7 |
+ | Gitea | v9.5.1 |
+ | Nginx | v1.8.1 |
+ The default manifests for the core packages are available [here](pkg/controllers/localbuild/resources).
+ See the [contribution doc](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information on how core packages are installed and configured.
@@ -69,19 +70,36 @@ Once idpbuilder finishes provisioning cluster and packages, you can access GUIs
* ArgoCD: https://argocd.cnoe.localtest.me:8443/
* Gitea: https://gitea.cnoe.localtest.me:8443/
-You can obtain credentials for these packages by running the following commands:
+You can obtain credentials for them by running the following command:
-# argoCD password. username is admin.
-kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret \
- -o go-template='{{ range $key, $value := .data }}{{ printf "%s: %s\n" $key ($value | base64decode) }}{{ end }}'
-# gitea admin credentials
-kubectl get secrets -n gitea gitea-admin-secret \
- -o go-template='{{ range $key, $value := .data }}{{ printf "%s: %s\n" $key ($value | base64decode) }}{{ end }}'
+./idpbuilder get secrets
-#### Example commands
+ The "get secrets" command
+ The `get secrets` command retrieves the following:
+ - ArgoCD initial admin password.
+ - Gitea admin user credentials.
+ - Any secrets labeled with `cnoe.io/cli-secret=true`.
+ You can think of the command as executing the following kubectl commands:
+ ```bash
+ kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret
+ kubectl get secrets -n gitea gitea-admin-secret
+ kubectl get secrets -A -l cnoe.io/cli-secret=true
+ ```
+ In addition, secrets labeled with `cnoe.io/package-name` can be specified with the `-p` flag. For example, for Gitea:
+ ```bash
+ ./idpbuilder get secrets -p gitea
+ ```
+### Example commands
**For more advanced use cases, check out the [examples](./examples) directory.**
@@ -91,29 +109,31 @@ You can specify the kubernetes version by using the `--kube-version` flag. Suppo
./idpbuilder create --kube-version v1.27.3
-If you need to expose more ports between the docker container and the kubernetes host, you can use the `--extra-ports` flag. For example:
+If you want to specify your own kind configuration file, use the `--kind-config` flag.
-./idpbuilder create --extra-ports 22:32222
+./idpbuilder create --build-name local --kind-config ./my-kind.yaml`
-If you want to specify your own kind configuration file, use the `--kind-config` flag.
+If you want to specify ArgoCD configmap.
-./idpbuilder create --build-name local --kind-config ./my-kind.yaml`
+./idpbuilder create --package-custom-file=argocd:pkg/k8s/test-resources/input/argocd-cm.yaml
-You can also specify the name of build. This name is used as part of the cluster, namespace, and git repositories.
+Run the following commands for available flags and subcommands:
-./idpbuilder create --build-name localdev
+./idpbuilder --help
+./idpbuilder create --help
### Custom Packages
Idpbuilder supports specifying custom packages using the flag `--package-dir` flag. This flag expects a directory containing ArgoCD application files.
-Let's take a look at [this example](examples/basic). This example defines two custom package directories to deploy to the cluster.
+Examples of using custom packages are available in the [example](./examples) directory.
+Let's take a look at [this example](examples/basic). This defines two custom package directories to deploy to the cluster.
To deploy these packages, run the following commands from this repository's root.
@@ -167,105 +187,34 @@ You can also view the updated Application spec by going to this address: https:/
The second package directory defines two normal ArgoCD applications referencing a remote repository.
They are applied as-is.
-## Architecture
-idpbuilder is made of two phases: CLI and Kubernetes controllers.
-### CLI
-When the idpbuilder binary is executed, it starts with the CLI phase.
-1. This is the phase where command flags are parsed and translated into relevant Go structs' fields. Most notably the [`LocalBuild`](https://github.com/cnoe-io/idpbuilder/blob/main/api/v1alpha1/localbuild_types.go) struct.
-2. Create a Kind cluster, then update the kubeconfig file.
-3. Once the kind cluster is started and relevant fields are populated, Kubernetes controllers are started:
- * `LocalbuildReconciler` responsible for bootstrapping the cluster with absolute necessary packages. Creates Custom Resources (CRs) and installs embedded manifests.
- * `RepositoryReconciler` responsible for creating and managing Gitea repository and repository contents.
- * `CustomPackageReconciler` responsible for managing custom packages.
-4. They are all managed by a single Kubernetes controller manager.
-5. Once controllers are started, CRs corresponding to these controllers are created. For example for Backstage, it creates a GitRepository CR and ArgoCD Application.
-6. CLI then waits for these CRs to be ready.
-### Controllers
-During this phase, controllers act on CRs created by the CLI phase. Resources such as Gitea repositories and ArgoCD applications are created.
-#### LocalbuildReconciler
-`LocalbuildReconciler` bootstraps the cluster using embedded manifests. Embedded manifests are yaml files that are baked into the binary at compile time.
-1. Install core packages. They are essential services that are needed for the user experiences we want to enable:
- * Gitea. This is the in-cluster Git server that hosts Git repositories.
- * Ingress-nginx. This is necessary to expose services inside the cluster to the users.
- * ArgoCD. This is used as the packaging mechanism. Its primary purpose is to deploy manifests from gitea repositories.
-2. Once they are installed, it creates `GitRepository` CRs for core packages. This CR represents the git repository on the Gitea server.
-3. Create ArgoCD applications for the apps. Point them to the Gitea repositories. From here on, ArgoCD manages the core packages.
-Once core packages are installed, it creates the other embedded applications: Backstage and Crossplane.
-1. Create `GitRepository` CRs for the apps.
-2. Create ArgoCD applications for the apps. Point them to the Gitea repositories.
-#### RepositoryReconciler
-`RepositoryReconciler` creates Gitea repositories.
-The content of the repositories can either be sourced from Embedded file system or local file system.
-#### CustomPackageReconciler
-`CustomPackageReconciler` parses the specified ArgoCD application files. If they specify repository URL with the scheme `cnoe://`,
-it creates `GitRepository` CR with source specified as local, then creates ArgoCD application with the repository URL replaced.
-For example, if an ArgoCD application is specified as the following.
-apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
-kind: Application
- source:
- repoURL: cnoe://busybox
-Then, the actual object created is this.
-apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
-kind: Application
- source:
- repoURL: http://my-gitea-http.gitea.svc.cluster.local:3000/giteaAdmin/idpbuilder-localdev-my-app-busybox.git
-## Developer notes
-If you want to contribute and extend the existing project, make sure that you have installed go (>= 1.21) and cloned this project.
-Next, you can build it `make` or launch the `main.go` within your IDE or locally `./idpbuilder`.
-You can override the kind configuration generated by the idpbuilder. For that purpose, look to the
-console to grab the config and save it in a file:
-########################### Our kind config ############################
-# Kind kubernetes release images https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/releases
-kind: Cluster
-apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
-######################### config end ############################
-Next, import it `./idpbuilder create --kindConfig `
-### Default manifests installed by idpbuilder
-The default manifests for the core packages are available [here](pkg/controllers/localbuild/resources).
-These are generated by scripts. If you want to make changes to them, see below.
-#### ArgoCD
-ArgoCD manifests are generated using a bash script available [here](./hack/argo-cd/generate-manifests.sh).
-This script runs kustomize to modify the basic installation manifests provided by ArgoCD. Modifications include:
-1. Prevent notification and dex pods from running. This is done to keep the number of pods running low by default.
-2. Use the annotation tracking instead of the default label tracking. Annotation tracking allows you to avoid [problems caused by the label tracking method](https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/resource_tracking/). In addition, this configuration is required when using Crossplane.
+## Contributing
+If you'd like to contribute to the project or know the architecture and internals of this project, check out the [contribution doc](./CONTRIBUTING.md).
+## Running in Codespaces
+1. Create a Codespaces instance. ![img](examples/ref-implementation/images/codespaces-create.png)
+2. Wait for it to be ready. It may take several minutes.
+3. Get the latest release of idpbuilder:
+ ```bash
+ version=$(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} https://github.com/cnoe-io/idpbuilder/releases/latest)
+ version=${version##*/}
+ curl -L -o ./idpbuilder.tar.gz "https://github.com/cnoe-io/idpbuilder/releases/download/${version}/idpbuilder-$(uname | awk '{print tolower($0)}')-$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/').tar.gz"
+ tar xzf idpbuilder.tar.gz
+ ```
+4. Run idpbuilder:
+ ```
+ idpbuilder create --protocol http \
+ --port 8080 --use-path-routing
+ ```
+5. Because Codespaces gives a single externally routable host name for an instance, idpbuilder must deploy with path based routing.
+ This means ArgoCD and Gitea UIs are given with the following commands.
+6. Note that not all examples work with path based routing.
## Extending the IDP builder
-We are actively working to include more patterns and examples of extending idpbuilder to get started easily.
+We are actively working to include more patterns and examples of extending idpbuilder to get started easily.
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