diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_installation_package.yaml b/.github/workflows/build_installation_package.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240a82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build_installation_package.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+name: Build DQMGUI Installation Package
+on: [push]
+ build_and_upload:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ permissions:
+ contents: write
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Download and compress dependencies
+ run: |
+ sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libcurl4-gnutls-dev
+ $(which python3) --version
+ bash download_dependencies.sh
+ rm -rf .git
+ mkdir -p /tmp/dqmgui
+ tar -cf /tmp/dqmgui/dqmgui_installation_package.tar.gz . -I "gzip --best"
+ - name: Archive package artifact
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+ with:
+ name: dqmgui-installation-package
+ path: |
+ /tmp/dqmgui/dqmgui_installation_package.tar.gz
+ # Create a dummy release, so that the artifact is downloadable
+ # without a GitHub account
+ # This will automatically update the artifacts of the "latest" release,
+ # even though the "latest" tag does match with the actually latest commit.
+ - name: Release
+ uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
+ with:
+ artifacts: "/tmp/dqmgui/dqmgui_installation_package.tar.gz"
+ body:
+ "Automatically generated dummy release for making the installation
+ package publicly available. The `latest` tag is
+ put on a random commit, and does not reflect the current state of the release,
+ while the artifact of this release is updated with the actually latest files,
+ on each push."
+ tag: "latest"
+ allowUpdates: "true"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 35edbfc..2a81547 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
# [Legacy] DQMGUI Deployment
-This repository contains all the requirements for deploying the [Legacy] [DQMGUI](https://github.com/cms-DQM/dqmgui_prod) on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 machine, with Python3.6 for the needs of moving DQM production to new machines.
-It aims to replace the existing one (`Deploy`), found in [`dmwm/deployment`](https://github.com/dmwm/deployment/tree/master/Deploy), which only targets OS up to SLC7. The main difference is that the `Deploy` script relies on pre-built libraries and executables, found on `cmsrep.cern.ch`, while this script downloads and builds all requirements from source (hence takes longer to deploy).
+This repository contains all the requirements for deploying the [Legacy] [DQMGUI](https://github.com/cms-DQM/dqmgui_prod) on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 machine, with Python3.8 for the needs of moving DQM production to new machines.
+It aims to replace the existing one (`Deploy`), found in [`dmwm/deployment`](https://github.com/dmwm/deployment/tree/master/Deploy), which only targets OS up to SLC7. The main difference is that the `Deploy` script relies on pre-built libraries and executables, found on `cmsrep.cern.ch`, while the method we implement in this repository depends on two steps:
+1. Download all the external resources needed (e.g. python packages from PyPI, github repositories) and compress them. This is done automatically with GitHub actions, and you can download a package ready to install [here](https://github.com/cms-DQM/dqmgui_prod_deployment/actions/workflows/build_installation_package.yaml).
+2. Copy the archives to the P5 machine and extract, then build from source (hence takes longer to deploy).
> **Warning**
> This deployment script should *not* be run as a sudo user.
@@ -12,15 +17,12 @@ It aims to replace the existing one (`Deploy`), found in [`dmwm/deployment`](htt
- RHEL8 (Tested with version 8.8)
- `sudo` permissions:
- To install the system-wide packages (listed below).
-- Python 3.6
-- Git
-- Access to PyPI for downloading python packages.
-- Access to GitHub for cloning several external dependencies.
+- Python 3.8
- Several system packages, installed via `yum`:
- Package list
+ Package list
+ - unzip
- bzip2
- libglvnd-opengl
- libX11-devel
@@ -42,12 +44,10 @@ It aims to replace the existing one (`Deploy`), found in [`dmwm/deployment`](htt
- perl-Digest-MD5
- tcsh
- zsh
- - root
- - python3-root
- epel-release
- - python3-pip
- libcurl-devel
- - python36-devel
+ - python38
+ - python38-devel
- boost-python3-devel
- protobuf-devel
- jemalloc-devel
@@ -56,60 +56,77 @@ It aims to replace the existing one (`Deploy`), found in [`dmwm/deployment`](htt
- lzo-devel
- cmake
- xz-devel
- - python3-sphinx
- openssl-devel
- libjpeg-turbo-devel
- libpng-devel
+ - gcc-c++
+ - gcc
+ - binutils
+ - gcc-gfortran
+ - mesa-libGL-devel
+ - mesa-libGLU-devel
+ - glew-devel
+ - ftgl-devel
+ - fftw-devel
+ - cfitsio-devel
+ - graphviz-devel
+ - libuuid-devel
+ - avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel
+ - openldap-devel
+ - python3-numpy
+ - libxml2-devel
+ - gsl-devel
+ - readline-devel
+ - R-devel
+ - R-Rcpp-devel
+ - R-RInside-devel
+ - xrootd-client
## Deploying [Legacy] DQMGUI
-This procedure has been tested on a RHEL8 Openstack VM.
+This procedure has been tested on a RHEL8 Openstack VM. Instructions below are primarily for a personal VM.
-1. Install the system packages:
+0. Download the latest build artifact and copy it to the machine you want to install it to:
- sudo yum install -y tmux git bzip2 libglvnd-opengl libX11-devel libXext-devel libXft-devel libXpm-devel mesa-libGLU mesa-libGLU-devel perl-Env perl-Switch perl-Thread-Queue glibc-headers libidn libXcursor libXi libXinerama libXrandr perl perl-Digest-MD5 tcsh zsh root python3-root epel-release python3-pip libcurl-devel python36-devel boost-python3-devel protobuf-devel jemalloc-devel pcre-devel boost-devel lzo-devel cmake xz-devel python3-sphinx openssl-devel libpng-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel
- ```
2. Add a non-privileged user, create and give access to necessary directories and switch to it:
adduser dqm
+ # Installation directory
sudo mkdir -p /data/srv
sudo chown -R dqm /data/srv
+ # Data directory
sudo mkdir -p /dqmdata/dqm
sudo chown -R dqm /dqmdata
+ # Installation package
+ sudo chown dqm /tmp/dqmgui_installation_package.tar.gz
sudo su dqm
3. Start the deployment (`dev` flavor):
cd ~
- # Clone this script and all necessary files, like patches
- git clone https://github.com/cms-DQM/dqmgui_prod_deployment
+ tar -xf dqmgui_installation_package.tar.gz -C dqmgui_deployment
# Start the deployment script, it will take some time to finish
- bash /home/dqm/dqmgui_prod_deployment/deploy_dqmgui.sh
+ bash /home/dqm/dqmgui_deployment/deploy_dqmgui.sh
# Start all the services
/data/srv/current/config/dqmgui/manage -f dev start "I did read documentation"
@@ -126,7 +143,7 @@ This procedure has been tested on a RHEL8 Openstack VM.
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8081/tcp # relval
-## Command-line arguments
+## Deployment command-line arguments
This script uses some internal variables to specify options such as the main installation directory, or the git tags/refs to use when cloning repositories. It's not recommended that you edit those, as most of them are hand-picked so that the project compiles (we're mostly referring to the git refs).
@@ -137,12 +154,10 @@ Below is a list of the values that you will most probably need to change to cust
| Variable name | Description |Default value |
| `INSTALLATION_DIR` | The directory to install the GUI into. It should be writable by the user running the script | `/data/srv` |
-| `DMWM_GIT_TAG` | The git tag/ref to checkout `dmwm/deployment` to. See [here](https://github.com/dmwm/deployment/tags) for a list. | `HG2903c` |
-| `DQMGUI_GIT_TAG` | The git tag/ref to checkout `cms-DQM/dqmgui_prod` to. See [here](https://github.com/cms-DQM/dqmgui_prod) for a list. | `9.8.0` |
-## [Debug] Selectively run parts of the installation script
+### [Debug] Selectively run parts of the installation script
-The script is split into steps (see: `installation_steps`), which can all be toggled off or on by arguments when running the script.
+The script is split into steps (see the `installation_steps` array declared in the `deploy_dqmgui.sh` script), which can all be toggled off or on by arguments when running the script.
The flags are named by concatenating `do_` with the name of the step, so, for example, `do_check_dependencies` or `do_install_rotoglup`.
@@ -152,8 +167,16 @@ The are all set to `1` by default, and you can override them when running the sc
bash deploy_dqmgui.sh do_preliminary_checks=0 do_check_dependencies=0
-A useful combination that can be used when you've already downloaded all external dependencies once, and you want just to re-compile the DQMGUI part for testing:
+A useful combination that can be used when you've already installed and built all steps once, but you only want to re-compile the DQMGUI part for testing:
-bash deploy_dqmgui.sh do_preliminary_checks=0 do_check_dependencies=0 do_preliminary_checks=0 do_check_dependencies=0 do_create_directories=1 do_install_boost_gil=0 do_install_gil_numeric=0 do_install_rotoglup=0 do_install_classlib=0 do_compile_classlib=0 do_install_dmwm=0 do_install_dqmgui=0 do_compile_dqmgui=1 do_install_yui=0 do_install_extjs=0 do_install_d3=0 do_install_jsroot=0
+bash deploy_dqmgui.sh do_preliminary_checks=0 do_check_dependencies=0 do_create_directories=1 do_install_boost_gil=0 do_install_gil_numeric=0 do_install_rotoglup=0 do_install_classlib=0 do_compile_classlib=0 do_install_dmwm=0 do_install_root=0 do_compile_root=0 do_install_dqmgui=0 do_compile_dqmgui=1 do_install_yui=0 do_install_extjs=0 do_install_d3=0 do_install_jsroot=0
+## Download script
+The installation package is created by running `download_dependencies.sh`. This is done automatically by github actions (see `.github/workflows/build_installation_package` in this repository). The versions of the packages downloaded are specified in `config.sh`.
+## Notes
+- We're not using the RHEL8 `root` package, due to the fact that they are built for python3.6, hence we need to build it with python3.8.
diff --git a/config.sh b/config.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9e25cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Configuration file, which is sourced by both download_dependencies.sh and deploy_dqmgui.sh
+# Here we specify both the URLs and tags/branches/refs of the repositories that DQMGUI
+# depends on.
+# Tag to use for getting the layouts and manage/deploy scripts
+# See: https://github.com/dmwm/deployment/tags
+# DQMGUI tag to use, see https://github.com/cms-DQM/dqmgui_prod/tags
+# Boost.GIL. At most version 1.67!! The API changed radically after that.
+# OLD rotoglup code. Commit was found with lots of pain, so that the patch
+# applies: https://github.com/cms-sw/cmsdist/blob/comp_gcc630/dqmgui-rtgu.patch
+# Yahoo!(TM) UI
+# Extjs
+# D3
diff --git a/deploy_dqmgui.sh b/deploy_dqmgui.sh
index 586eb72..c54650a 100755
--- a/deploy_dqmgui.sh
+++ b/deploy_dqmgui.sh
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
# Script intended for installing [legacy] DQMGUI on online HLT machines (dqmsrv-...).
# It tries to imitate the behavior of the Deploy script without installing external RPMs.
-# It clones DQMGUI, dmwm/deployment code and classlib, creates a virtual env...TODO
+# The installation depends on the steps defined in the installation_steps array.
+# They are executed in sequence and can be skipped with the appropriate flag.
-# Only targeting RHEL8 + Python3.6 for now(!)
+# Only targeting RHEL8 + Python3.8 for now(!)
# If the target (installation+dmqm tag) directory exists (e.g. /data/srv/$DMWM_GIT_TAG), it will
# be *DELETED* by the script, before re-installing. The "state" dir is left alone.
@@ -25,47 +26,16 @@ EUID_USER_DQM=40454
# Main directory we're installing into.
+# Where ROOT will be installed
# This scipt's directory
SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
-# Tag to use for getting the layouts and manage/deploy scripts
-# See: https://github.com/dmwm/deployment/tags
-# DQMGUI tag to use, see https://github.com/cms-DQM/dqmgui_prod/tags
-# Boost.GIL configuration
-# At most 1.67 for boost/gil/extension/io/jpeg_io.hpp
-# OLD rotoglup code. Commit was found with lots of pain, so that the patch
-# applies: https://github.com/cms-sw/cmsdist/blob/comp_gcc630/dqmgui-rtgu.patch
-# Yahoo!(TM) UI
-# Extjs
-# D3
+# Get constants from config file
+# This is needed to name some directories whose name is
+# based on the version of the package (DMWM and DQMGUI).
+source $SCRIPT_DIR/config.sh
# Preliminary checks to do before installing the GUI
preliminary_checks() {
@@ -102,13 +72,16 @@ preliminary_checks() {
# Check for needed OS-wide dependencies
check_dependencies() {
- declare -a required_packages=(bzip2 libglvnd-opengl libX11-devel libXext-devel libXft-devel
+ declare -a required_packages=(unzip bzip2 libglvnd-opengl libX11-devel libXext-devel libXft-devel
libXpm-devel mesa-libGLU mesa-libGLU-devel perl-Env perl-Switch
perl-Thread-Queue glibc-headers libidn libXcursor
- libXi libXinerama libXrandr perl perl-Digest-MD5 tcsh zsh root python3-root epel-release
- python3-pip libcurl-devel python36-devel boost-python3-devel protobuf-devel jemalloc-devel
- pcre-devel boost-devel lzo-devel cmake xz-devel python3-sphinx openssl-devel
- libjpeg-turbo-devel libpng-devel)
+ libXi libXinerama libXrandr perl perl-Digest-MD5 tcsh zsh epel-release
+ libcurl-devel python38 python38-devel boost-python3-devel protobuf-devel jemalloc-devel
+ pcre-devel boost-devel lzo-devel cmake xz-devel openssl-devel
+ libjpeg-turbo-devel libpng-devel gcc-c++ gcc binutils gcc-gfortran mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU-devel
+ glew-devel ftgl-devel fftw-devel cfitsio-devel graphviz-devel libuuid-devel avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel
+ openldap-devel python3-numpy libxml2-devel gsl-devel readline-devel R-devel R-Rcpp-devel R-RInside-devel
+ xrootd-client)
# Instead of doing a 'yum list' per package, it may be faster to just
# ask all of them at once, and dump to file. Then grep the file.
@@ -168,9 +141,9 @@ create_directories() {
mkdir -p "$dirname"
- if [ ! -L $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/apps ]; then
+ if [ ! -L "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/apps" ]; then
# Create a "current" link to the DMWM version we're using, like how it was done
@@ -179,57 +152,22 @@ create_directories() {
# Directories for external source and lib files (e.g. classlib)
- mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src
- mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src"
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib"
# DQMGUI dirs
echo "DEBUG: Creating subdirectory $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG"
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG"
-# Helper function to clone a repo and checkout to specific tag
-# Takes the following positional arguments:
-# - URL of the repo,
-# - A reference (tag, branch, commit) to checkout to and
-# - The directory to clone the code to.
-_clone_from_git() {
- # repo url
- url=$1
- # Which branch/tag to checkout to
- ref=$2
- # The path to the directory to clone to
- dir=$3
- # If tmp dir exists, remove it
- if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
- rm -rf "$dir"
- fi
- # Shallow clone
- git clone "$url" "$dir" --depth 1
- # Checkout to ref
- cd "$dir"
- # Shallow clone misses remote branches, so
- # fix that.
- git remote set-branches origin '*'
- git fetch --all --tags
- git fetch --depth=1
- git checkout "$ref" || (git fetch --all --depth=50 && git checkout "$ref")
install_rotoglup() {
+ mkdir -p $ROTOGLUP_TMP_DIR
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/rotoglup/rotoglup.tar.gz" -C /tmp
#patch -p1 < $SCRIPT_DIR/rotoglup/patches/01.patch
@@ -241,25 +179,25 @@ install_rotoglup() {
# Compilation step for classlib
compile_classlib() {
- cd $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3
+ cd "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3"
#INCLUDE_DIRS="$INCLUDE_DIRS:/usr/include/lzo" make -j `nproc`
make -j "$(nproc)" CXXFLAGS="-Wno-error=extra -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wno-long-long -Werror"
# Move the compiled library in the libs dir
- mv $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3/.libs/libclasslib.so $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib/libclasslib.so
+ mv "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3/.libs/libclasslib.so" "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib/libclasslib.so"
# Classlib is needed both as a shared object and for its header files for DQMGUI compilation.
install_classlib() {
# Temporary directory to extract to
- CLASSLIB_TMP_DIR=/tmp/classlib
+ CLASSLIB_TMP_DIR=/tmp/classlib-3.1.3
- tar -xf "$SCRIPT_DIR/classlib/classlib-3.1.3.tar.bz2" -C $CLASSLIB_TMP_DIR
+ tar -xf "$SCRIPT_DIR/classlib/classlib-3.1.3.tar.bz2" -C /tmp
# Apply code patches I found on cmsdist. The 7th one is ours, and has some extra needed fixes.
- cd $CLASSLIB_TMP_DIR/classlib-3.1.3
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do
patch -p1 <"$SCRIPT_DIR/classlib/patches/0${i}.patch"
@@ -275,55 +213,52 @@ install_classlib() {
!/^\S+: / && s{\S+LZO((C|Dec)ompressor|Constants|Error)\S+}{}g' \
- if [ -d $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3 ]; then
- rm -rf $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3
+ if [ -d "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3" ]; then
+ rm -rf "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3"
# Move the classlib files inside the installation dir, needed for compiling the GUI
- mv $CLASSLIB_TMP_DIR/classlib-3.1.3 $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/
# Make a link so that DQMGUI compilation can find the classlib headers easily
- ln -s $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3/classlib $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib
+ ln -s "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib-3.1.3/classlib" "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/classlib"
install_boost_gil() {
- BOOST_GIL_TMP_DIR=/tmp/boost_gil
- mv $BOOST_GIL_TMP_DIR/include/boost $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/boost
+ mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/boost_gil/boost_gil.tar.gz" -C /tmp
+ mv /tmp/boost_gil/include/boost "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/boost"
install_gil_numeric() {
- mkdir -p $NUMERIC_TMP_DIR
- tar -xf "$SCRIPT_DIR/numeric/numeric.tar.gz" -C $NUMERIC_TMP_DIR
- mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/boost/gil/extension/
- mv $NUMERIC_TMP_DIR/numeric $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/boost/gil/extension/numeric
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/numeric/numeric.tar.gz" -C /tmp
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/boost/gil/extension/"
+ mv "$NUMERIC_TMP_DIR" "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/boost/gil/extension/numeric"
install_dmwm() {
# Temporary directory to clone DMWM deployment scripts into
- DMWM_TMP_DIR=/tmp/deployment
+ DMWM_TMP_DIR=/tmp/dmwm
+ mkdir -p $DMWM_TMP_DIR
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/dmwm/dmwm.tar.gz" -C /tmp
# Move dqmgui-related scripts from DMWM to the config folder
rm -rf $DMWM_TMP_DIR
# env.sh and init.sh file creation. They're needed by other scripts (e.g. manage).
_create_env_and_init_sh() {
- mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/etc/profile.d/
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/etc/profile.d/"
# init.sh contents. This is sourced by env.sh
echo "export PATH=$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages:$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/lib64/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages
. $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/bin/activate
-" >$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/etc/profile.d/init.sh
+" >"$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/etc/profile.d/init.sh"
# env.sh contents. This is sourced by the manage script
echo ". $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/etc/profile.d/init.sh
@@ -336,7 +271,8 @@ export DQMGUI_VERSION='$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG';
# For pointing to the custom built libraries
export LD_PRELOAD=\"$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/lib/libDQMGUI.so $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib/libclasslib.so\"
-" >$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/etc/profile.d/env.sh
+source $ROOT_INSTALLATION_DIR/bin/thisroot.sh
+" >"$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/etc/profile.d/env.sh"
# Crete the Python3 virtual environment for the GUI
@@ -345,31 +281,48 @@ _create_python_venv() {
mkdir -p "$python_venv_dir"
- eval "$python_exe" -m pip install --upgrade pip --user
- eval "$python_exe" -m pip install virtualenv --user
+ # Extract the downloaded python packages
+ tar -xzf $SCRIPT_DIR/pypi/pypi.tar.gz -C /tmp
echo -n "INFO: Creating virtual environment at $python_venv_dir"
- virtualenv $python_venv_dir
+ $python_exe -m venv $python_venv_dir
# Now use the new venv's python
- eval $python_venv_exe -m pip install -r $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/requirements.txt
- echo "Done"
# Needed for specifying the PYTHONPATH later
- export PYTHON_VERSION=$($python_exe --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -d '.' -f 1,2)
- export PYTHON_LIB_DIR_NAME=lib/python$PYTHON_VERSION/site-packages
+ PYTHON_VERSION=$($python_exe --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -d '.' -f 1,2)
+ PYTHON_LIB_DIR_NAME=lib/python$PYTHON_VERSION/site-packages
+ # Install pip
+ unzip -u /tmp/pip/pip*whl -d /tmp/pip/pip
+ if [ -d "$python_venv_dir/$PYTHON_LIB_DIR_NAME/pip" ]; then
+ rm -rf "$python_venv_dir/$PYTHON_LIB_DIR_NAME/pip"
+ fi
+ # pipipipi
+ mv /tmp/pip/pip/pip "$python_venv_dir/$PYTHON_LIB_DIR_NAME/pip"
+ rm -rf /tmp/pip/pip
+ # Install wheels
+ eval "${python_venv_exe} -m pip install --no-index --find-links /tmp/pip /tmp/pip/*"
+ eval "${python_venv_exe} -m pip install $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128"
+ rm -rf /tmp/pip
+ echo "Done"
# External requirements for building the GUI
# Must be run after the venv is created
_create_makefile_ext() {
- echo "INCLUDE_DIRS = . $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/cpp /usr/include/root /usr/include/libpng16 /usr/include/jemalloc $(python3-config --includes | sed -e 's/-I//g') $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src /usr/include/google/protobuf /usr/include/boost
-LIBRARY_DIRS = . /usr/lib64/root $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib /usr/lib /usr/lib64 $(python3-config --ldflags | sed -e 's/-L//g' | sed -e '[[:space:]]-l[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+') $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/cpp/ $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/lib/
-" >$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/etc/makefile.ext
+ echo "INCLUDE_DIRS = . $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/cpp /usr/include/libpng16 /usr/include/jemalloc $(root-config --incdir) $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src /usr/include/google/protobuf /usr/include/boost $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/root
+LIBRARY_DIRS = . $ROOT_INSTALLATION_DIR/lib $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib /usr/lib /usr/lib64 $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/cpp/ $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/lib/
+" >"$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/etc/makefile.ext"
# Compile and setup all the required stuff that DQMGUI needs.
@@ -377,18 +330,26 @@ LIBRARY_DIRS = . /usr/lib64/root $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib
# Then runs the actual compilation, which is the part that takes the longest
# in this script.
compile_dqmgui() {
# Links to python libraries so that the build command can find them
- if [ ! -L $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib/libboost_python.so ]; then
- ln -s /usr/lib64/libboost_python3.so $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib/libboost_python.so
+ if [ ! -L "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib/libboost_python.so" ]; then
+ ln -s /usr/lib64/libboost_python3.so "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib/libboost_python.so"
if [ ! -L "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib/libpython${PYTHON_VERSION}.so" ]; then
ln -s /usr/lib64/libpython3.so "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/lib/libpython${PYTHON_VERSION}.so"
+ # python3-config is not always in a predictable place
+ python_config_cmd=$(which python3-config) || python_config_cmd=$(find /usr/bin -name "python3*-config" | head -1)
+ if [ -z "$python_config_cmd" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Could not find python3-config"
+ exit 1
+ fi
# The actual build command. Uses the makefile in the DQMGUI's repo.
- PYTHONPATH="$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages:$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/lib64/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages" CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="$(python3-config --includes | sed -e 's/-I//g')" $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/bin/python $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/setup.py -v build_system -s DQM -d
+ source "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/bin/activate"
+ PYTHONPATH="$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages:$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/lib64/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages" CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="$(${python_config_cmd} --includes | sed -e 's/-I//g')" $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/bin/python $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/setup.py -v build_system -s DQM -d
# Stuff that I found being done in the dqmgui spec file. I kind of blindy copy paste it
# here because reasons.
@@ -396,12 +357,12 @@ compile_dqmgui() {
# Move executables to expected place
for exe in DQMCollector visDQMIndex visDQMRender; do
- mv $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/cpp/$exe $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/bin/$exe
+ mv "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/cpp/$exe" "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/bin/$exe"
# Move libs to expected place
- mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/lib/
- mv $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/cpp/libDQMGUI.so $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/lib/libDQMGUI.so
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/lib/"
+ mv "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/cpp/libDQMGUI.so" $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/lib/libDQMGUI.so
# Move the custom Boost.Python interface library to libs.
mv $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/cpp/Accelerator.so $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/build/lib/Monitoring/DQM/Accelerator.so
@@ -412,29 +373,31 @@ compile_dqmgui() {
# The resulting directory structure and compiled binaries is a mess, but that's the best
# we can do right now, considering the existing mess.
install_dqmgui() {
+ # Activate ROOT, we need it to be available so that we can run root-config later
+ source "$INSTALLATION_DIR/root/bin/thisroot.sh"
# Temporary directory to clone GUI into
- DQMGUI_TMP_DIR=/tmp/128
+ DQMGUI_TMP_DIR=/tmp/dqmgui
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/dqmgui/dqmgui.tar.gz" -C /tmp
# Move dqmgui source and bin files to appropriate directory
- if [ -d $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG ]; then
+ if [ -d "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG" ]; then
- mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128
- mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/data
- mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/data/
- if [ -d $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/data/templates ]; then
- rm -rf $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/data/templates
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/data"
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/data/" # Needed for DQMGUI templates
+ if [ -d "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/data/templates" ]; then
+ rm -rf "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/data/templates"
- mv $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/templates $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/data/templates
+ mv "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG/128/src/templates" "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/venv/data/templates"
- if [ ! -L $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/apps/dqmgui ]; then
+ if [ ! -L "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/apps/dqmgui" ]; then
echo "DEBUG: Creating link $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/cms/dqmgui/$DQMGUI_GIT_TAG <-- $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/apps/dqmgui"
# Create python venv for all python "binaries" and webserver
@@ -448,28 +411,58 @@ install_dqmgui() {
+# Javascript library
install_yui() {
- YUI_TMP_DIR=/tmp/yui
- _clone_from_git $YUI_GIT_URL $YUI_GIT_TAG $YUI_TMP_DIR
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/yui"
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/yui/yui.tar.gz" -C "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external"
+# Javascript library
install_extjs() {
- EXTJS_TMP_DIR=/tmp/extjs
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/extjs"
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/extjs/extjs.tar.gz" -C "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external"
+# Javascript library
install_d3() {
- D3_TMP_DIR=/tmp/d3
- _clone_from_git $D3_GIT_URL $D3_GIT_TAG $D3_TMP_DIR
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/d3"
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/d3/d3.tar.gz" -C "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external"
+# Javascript library
install_jsroot() {
- JSROOT_TMP_DIR=/tmp/jsroot
+ mkdir -p "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/jsroot"
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/jsroot/jsroot.tar.gz" -C "$INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external"
+# Extract the ROOT tar to a tmp folder for compilation
+install_root() {
+ tar -xzf "$SCRIPT_DIR/root/root.tar.gz" -C /tmp
+ #if [ -d $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/root ]; then
+ # rm -rf $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/root
+ #fi
+ #
+ #cp -r /tmp/root $INSTALLATION_DIR/$DMWM_GIT_TAG/sw/external/src/root
+compile_root() {
+ ROOT_TMP_DIR=/tmp/root
+ ROOT_TMP_BUILD_DIR=/tmp/root_build
+ if [ ! -d $ROOT_TMP_DIR ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: ROOT source was not found in $ROOT_TMP_DIR"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if source "$ROOT_INSTALLATION_DIR/bin/thisroot.sh"; then
+ echo "INFO: ROOT installation found, not re-compiling ROOT"
+ return
+ fi
+ mkdir -p $ROOT_TMP_BUILD_DIR
+ cmake --build . --target install -j $(nproc)
### Main script ###
@@ -485,6 +478,8 @@ declare -a installation_steps=(preliminary_checks
+ install_root
+ compile_root
diff --git a/download_dependencies.sh b/download_dependencies.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3253cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/download_dependencies.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Script that downloads all online dependencies for [Legacy] DQMGUI
+# in order to install them at P5, where there is no access to neither GitHub,
+# nor PyPI. This script is to be called whenever those packages are to be recreated, e.g
+set -ex
+# This scipt's directory
+SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
+# Get constants from config file
+source "$SCRIPT_DIR/config.sh"
+# Helper function to clone a repo and checkout to specific tag
+# Takes the following positional arguments:
+# - URL of the repo,
+# - A reference (tag, branch, commit) to checkout to and
+# - The directory to clone the code to.
+_clone_from_git() {
+ # repo url
+ url=$1
+ # Which branch/tag to checkout to
+ ref=$2
+ # The path to the directory to clone to
+ dir=$3
+ # If tmp dir exists, remove it
+ if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
+ rm -rf "$dir"
+ fi
+ # Shallow clone. We don't use --branch as we may need this to work
+ # for a specific commit, too.
+ git clone "$url" "$dir" --depth 1
+ # Checkout to ref.
+ cd "$dir"
+ # Shallow clone misses remote branches, so
+ # fix that.
+ git remote set-branches origin '*'
+ git fetch --all --tags
+ git fetch --depth=1
+ git checkout "$ref" || (git fetch --all --depth=50 && git checkout "$ref")
+ cd -
+download_repos() {
+ for repo in "${repos_to_download[@]}"; do
+ download_repo_flag_name=do_download_$repo
+ if [ "${!download_repo_flag_name}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "INFO: Skipping downloading $repo"
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "INFO: Downloading $repo"
+ prefix="$(echo $repo | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
+ git_url=${prefix}_GIT_URL
+ git_tag=${prefix}_GIT_TAG
+ if [ -z "${!git_url}" ] || [ -z "${!git_tag}" ]; then
+ echo "WARNING: git url or tag not configured for repository $repo, skipping"
+ continue
+ fi
+ temp_dir=/tmp/$repo
+ mkdir -p "$temp_dir"
+ _clone_from_git ${!git_url} ${!git_tag} $temp_dir
+ rm -rf "$temp_dir/.git" # Not needed, and will slow things down
+ mkdir -p "$SCRIPT_DIR/$repo"
+ if [ -f "$SCRIPT_DIR/$repo/$repo.tar.gz" ]; then
+ rm "$SCRIPT_DIR/$repo/$repo.tar.gz"
+ fi
+ tar -cf "$SCRIPT_DIR/$repo/$repo.tar.gz" --directory=/tmp "$repo" -I "gzip --best"
+ rm -rf "$temp_dir"
+ done
+download_python_packages() {
+ declare -a pypi_requirements=(pip sphinx wheel cherrypy jsmin pycurl numpy matplotlib pillow Cheetah3 virtualenv)
+ PIP_TEMP_DIR=/tmp/pip
+ mkdir -p $PIP_TEMP_DIR
+ mkdir -p "$SCRIPT_DIR/pypi"
+ python_exe=$(which python3)
+ eval "$python_exe -m pip download ${pypi_requirements[*]} --destination-directory $PIP_TEMP_DIR"
+ tar -cf "$SCRIPT_DIR/pypi/pypi.tar.gz" --directory=/tmp pip -I "gzip --best"
+ rm -rf $PIP_TEMP_DIR
+### Main script
+# For GitHub repos, clone the source on a specific branch/tag/ref, then make a tar.
+declare -a repos_to_download=(rotoglup boost_gil dmwm dqmgui yui extjs d3 jsroot root)
+# Create dynamic flags to selectively disable/enable steps of the download procedure
+# Those flags are named "do_download" with the name of the repo, e.g. "do_download_root" for
+# the "root" repo.
+# We set those flags to 1 by default.
+for repo in "${repos_to_download[@]}"; do
+ eval "do_download_${repo}=1"
+# Parse command line arguments -- use = to override the flags mentioned above.
+# e.g. DQMGUI_GIT_TAG=9.9.0
+for ARGUMENT in "$@"; do
+ KEY=$(echo "$ARGUMENT" | cut -f1 -d=)
+ eval "$KEY=$VALUE"
+echo "INFO: Done!"
diff --git a/numeric/numeric.tar.gz b/numeric/numeric.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 063b861..0000000
Binary files a/numeric/numeric.tar.gz and /dev/null differ