diff --git a/.github/workflows/pylint.yml b/.github/workflows/pylint.yml
index 9ded563..f7a9615 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pylint.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pylint.yml
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ jobs:
pip install pylint
- name: Analysing the code with pylint
run: |
- pylint -d C0103 $(git ls-files '*.py')
\ No newline at end of file
+ pylint -d C0103 $(git ls-files '*.py' | grep -v 'hunter/')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b85a259..4ee669c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -61,8 +61,12 @@ Orion provides flexibility in configuring its behavior by allowing users to set
For enhanced troubleshooting and debugging, Orion supports the ```--debug``` flag, enabling the generation of detailed debug logs.
+Activate Orion's regression detection tool for performance-scale CPT runs effortlessly with the ```--hunter-analyze``` command. This seamlessly integrates with metadata and hunter, ensuring a robust and efficient regression detection process.
Additionally, users can specify a custom path for the output CSV file using the ```--output``` flag, providing control over the location where the generated CSV will be stored.
Orion's seamless integration with metadata and hunter ensures a robust regression detection tool for perf-scale CPT runs.
diff --git a/hunter/__init__.py b/hunter/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/hunter/analysis.py b/hunter/analysis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deb4773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/analysis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Iterable, List, Reversible
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import ttest_ind_from_stats
+from signal_processing_algorithms.e_divisive import EDivisive
+from signal_processing_algorithms.e_divisive.base import SignificanceTester
+from signal_processing_algorithms.e_divisive.calculators import cext_calculator
+from signal_processing_algorithms.e_divisive.change_points import EDivisiveChangePoint
+from signal_processing_algorithms.e_divisive.significance_test import (
+ QHatPermutationsSignificanceTester,
+class ComparativeStats:
+ """
+ Keeps statistics of two series of data and the probability both series
+ have the same distribution.
+ """
+ mean_1: float
+ mean_2: float
+ std_1: float
+ std_2: float
+ pvalue: float
+ def forward_rel_change(self):
+ """Relative change from left to right"""
+ return self.mean_2 / self.mean_1 - 1.0
+ def backward_rel_change(self):
+ """Relative change from right to left"""
+ return self.mean_1 / self.mean_2 - 1.0
+ def change_magnitude(self):
+ """Maximum of absolutes of rel_change and rel_change_reversed"""
+ return max(abs(self.forward_rel_change()), abs(self.backward_rel_change()))
+class ChangePoint:
+ index: int
+ stats: ComparativeStats
+class ExtendedSignificanceTester(SignificanceTester):
+ """
+ Adds capability of exposing the means and deviations of both sides of the split
+ and the pvalue (strength) of the split.
+ """
+ pvalue: float
+ def change_point(self, index: int, series: np.ndarray, windows: Iterable[int]) -> ChangePoint:
+ """
+ Computes properties of the change point if the change point gets
+ inserted at the given index into the series array.
+ """
+ ...
+ def compare(self, left: np.ndarray, right: np.ndarray) -> ComparativeStats:
+ """
+ Compares two sets of points for similarity / difference.
+ Computes basic stats and probability both sets come from the same distribution/
+ """
+ ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def find_window(candidate: int, window_endpoints: Reversible[int]) -> (int, int):
+ start: int = next((x for x in reversed(window_endpoints) if x < candidate), None)
+ end: int = next((x for x in window_endpoints if x > candidate), None)
+ return start, end
+ def is_significant(
+ self, candidate: EDivisiveChangePoint, series: np.ndarray, windows: Iterable[int]
+ ) -> bool:
+ try:
+ cp = self.change_point(candidate.index, series, windows)
+ return cp.stats.pvalue <= self.pvalue
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+class TTestSignificanceTester(ExtendedSignificanceTester):
+ """
+ Uses two-sided Student's T-test to decide if a candidate change point
+ splits the series into pieces that are significantly different from each other.
+ This test is good if the data between the change points have normal distribution.
+ It works well even with tiny numbers of points (<10).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pvalue: float):
+ self.pvalue = pvalue
+ def change_point(
+ self, index: int, series: np.ndarray, window_endpoints: Reversible[int]
+ ) -> ChangePoint:
+ (start, end) = self.find_window(index, window_endpoints)
+ left = series[start:index]
+ right = series[index:end]
+ stats = self.compare(left, right)
+ return ChangePoint(index, stats)
+ def compare(self, left: np.ndarray, right: np.ndarray) -> ComparativeStats:
+ if len(left) == 0 or len(right) == 0:
+ raise ValueError
+ mean_l = np.mean(left)
+ mean_r = np.mean(right)
+ std_l = np.std(left) if len(left) >= 2 else 0.0
+ std_r = np.std(right) if len(right) >= 2 else 0.0
+ if len(left) + len(right) > 2:
+ (_, p) = ttest_ind_from_stats(
+ mean_l, std_l, len(left), mean_r, std_r, len(right), alternative="two-sided"
+ )
+ else:
+ p = 1.0
+ return ComparativeStats(mean_l, mean_r, std_l, std_r, p)
+def fill_missing(data: List[float]):
+ """
+ Forward-fills None occurrences with nearest previous non-None values.
+ Initial None values are back-filled with the nearest future non-None value.
+ """
+ prev = None
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ if data[i] is None and prev is not None:
+ data[i] = prev
+ prev = data[i]
+ prev = None
+ for i in reversed(range(len(data))):
+ if data[i] is None and prev is not None:
+ data[i] = prev
+ prev = data[i]
+def merge(
+ change_points: List[ChangePoint], series: np.array, max_pvalue: float, min_magnitude: float
+) -> List[ChangePoint]:
+ """
+ Removes weak change points recursively going bottom-up
+ until we get only high-quality change points
+ that meet the P-value and rel_change criteria.
+ Parameters:
+ :param max_pvalue: maximum accepted pvalue
+ :param min_magnitude: minimum accepted relative change
+ """
+ tester = TTestSignificanceTester(max_pvalue)
+ while change_points:
+ # Select the change point with weakest unacceptable P-value
+ # If all points have acceptable P-values, select the change-point with
+ # the least relative change:
+ weakest_cp = max(change_points, key=lambda c: c.stats.pvalue)
+ if weakest_cp.stats.pvalue < max_pvalue:
+ weakest_cp = min(change_points, key=lambda c: c.stats.change_magnitude())
+ if weakest_cp.stats.change_magnitude() > min_magnitude:
+ return change_points
+ # Remove the point from the list
+ weakest_cp_index = change_points.index(weakest_cp)
+ del change_points[weakest_cp_index]
+ # We can't continue yet, because by removing a change_point
+ # the adjacent change points changed their properties.
+ # Recompute the adjacent change point stats:
+ window_endpoints = [0] + [cp.index for cp in change_points] + [len(series)]
+ def recompute(index: int):
+ if index < 0 or index >= len(change_points):
+ return
+ cp = change_points[index]
+ change_points[index] = tester.change_point(cp.index, series, window_endpoints)
+ recompute(weakest_cp_index)
+ recompute(weakest_cp_index + 1)
+ return change_points
+def split(series: np.array, window_len: int = 30, max_pvalue: float = 0.001) -> List[ChangePoint]:
+ """
+ Finds change points by splitting the series top-down.
+ Internally it uses the EDivisive algorithm from mongodb-signal-processing
+ that recursively splits the series in a way to maximize some measure of
+ dissimilarity (denoted qhat) between the chunks.
+ Splitting happens as long as the dissimilarity is statistically significant.
+ Unfortunately this algorithms has a few downsides:
+ - the complexity is O(n^2), where n is the length of the series
+ - if there are too many change points and too much data, the change points in the middle
+ of the series may be missed
+ This function tries to address these issues by invoking EDivisive on smaller
+ chunks (windows) of the input data instead of the full series and then merging the results.
+ Each window should be large enough to contain enough points to detect a change-point.
+ Consecutive windows overlap so that we won't miss changes happening between them.
+ """
+ assert "Window length must be at least 2", window_len >= 2
+ start = 0
+ step = int(window_len / 2)
+ indexes = []
+ tester = TTestSignificanceTester(max_pvalue)
+ while start < len(series):
+ end = min(start + window_len, len(series))
+ calculator = cext_calculator
+ algo = EDivisive(seed=None, calculator=calculator, significance_tester=tester)
+ pts = algo.get_change_points(series[start:end])
+ new_indexes = [p.index + start for p in pts]
+ new_indexes.sort()
+ last_new_change_point_index = next(iter(new_indexes[-1:]), 0)
+ start = max(last_new_change_point_index, start + step)
+ indexes += new_indexes
+ window_endpoints = [0] + indexes + [len(series)]
+ return [tester.change_point(i, series, window_endpoints) for i in indexes]
+def compute_change_points_orig(series: np.array, max_pvalue: float = 0.001) -> List[ChangePoint]:
+ calculator = cext_calculator
+ tester = QHatPermutationsSignificanceTester(calculator, pvalue=max_pvalue, permutations=100)
+ algo = EDivisive(seed=None, calculator=calculator, significance_tester=tester)
+ pts = algo.get_change_points(series)
+ indexes = [p.index for p in pts]
+ window_endpoints = [0] + indexes + [len(series)]
+ return [tester.change_point(i, series, window_endpoints) for i in indexes]
+def compute_change_points(
+ series: np.array, window_len: int = 50, max_pvalue: float = 0.001, min_magnitude: float = 0.05
+) -> List[ChangePoint]:
+ change_points = split(series, window_len, max_pvalue * 10)
+ return merge(change_points, series, max_pvalue, min_magnitude)
diff --git a/hunter/attributes.py b/hunter/attributes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c69165a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/attributes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Dict
+from hunter.util import format_timestamp
+def form_hyperlink_html_str(display_text: str, url: str) -> str:
+ return f'
+def form_created_msg_html_str() -> str:
+ formatted_time = format_timestamp(int(datetime.now().timestamp()), False)
+ return f"Created by Hunter: {formatted_time}
+def get_back_links(attributes: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
+ """
+ This method is responsible for providing an HTML string corresponding to Fallout and GitHub
+ links associated to the attributes of a Fallout-based test run.
+ - If no GitHub commit or branch data is provided in the attributes dict, no hyperlink data
+ associated to GitHub project repository is provided in the returned HTML.
+ """
+ # grabbing test runner related data (e.g. Fallout)
+ html_str = ""
+ if attributes.get("test_url"):
+ html_str = form_hyperlink_html_str(display_text="Test", url=attributes.get("test_url"))
+ if attributes.get("run_url"):
+ html_str = form_hyperlink_html_str(display_text="Test run", url=attributes.get("run_url"))
+ # grabbing Github project repository related data
+ # TODO: Will we be responsible for handling versioning from repositories aside from bdp?
+ repo_url = attributes.get("repo_url", "http://github.com/riptano/bdp")
+ if attributes.get("commit"):
+ html_str += form_hyperlink_html_str(
+ display_text="Git commit", url=f"{repo_url}/commit/{attributes.get('commit')}"
+ )
+ elif attributes.get("branch"):
+ html_str += form_hyperlink_html_str(
+ display_text="Git branch", url=f"{repo_url}/tree/{attributes.get('branch')}"
+ )
+ html_str += form_created_msg_html_str()
+ return html_str
diff --git a/hunter/config.py b/hunter/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323acde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+import os
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+from expandvars import expandvars
+from ruamel.yaml import YAML
+from hunter.grafana import GrafanaConfig
+from hunter.graphite import GraphiteConfig
+from hunter.slack import SlackConfig
+from hunter.test_config import TestConfig, create_test_config
+from hunter.util import merge_dict_list
+class Config:
+ graphite: Optional[GraphiteConfig]
+ grafana: Optional[GrafanaConfig]
+ tests: Dict[str, TestConfig]
+ test_groups: Dict[str, List[TestConfig]]
+ slack: SlackConfig
+class ConfigError(Exception):
+ message: str
+def load_templates(config: Dict) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
+ templates = config.get("templates", {})
+ if not isinstance(templates, Dict):
+ raise ConfigError("Property `templates` is not a dictionary")
+ return templates
+def load_tests(config: Dict, templates: Dict) -> Dict[str, TestConfig]:
+ tests = config.get("tests", {})
+ if not isinstance(tests, Dict):
+ raise ConfigError("Property `tests` is not a dictionary")
+ result = {}
+ for (test_name, test_config) in tests.items():
+ template_names = test_config.get("inherit", [])
+ if not isinstance(template_names, List):
+ template_names = [templates]
+ try:
+ template_list = [templates[name] for name in template_names]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ raise ConfigError(f"Template {e.args[0]} referenced in test {test_name} not found")
+ test_config = merge_dict_list(template_list + [test_config])
+ result[test_name] = create_test_config(test_name, test_config)
+ return result
+def load_test_groups(config: Dict, tests: Dict[str, TestConfig]) -> Dict[str, List[TestConfig]]:
+ groups = config.get("test_groups", {})
+ if not isinstance(groups, Dict):
+ raise ConfigError("Property `test_groups` is not a dictionary")
+ result = {}
+ for (group_name, test_names) in groups.items():
+ test_list = []
+ if not isinstance(test_names, List):
+ raise ConfigError(f"Test group {group_name} must be a list")
+ for test_name in test_names:
+ test_config = tests.get(test_name)
+ if test_config is None:
+ raise ConfigError(f"Test {test_name} referenced by group {group_name} not found.")
+ test_list.append(test_config)
+ result[group_name] = test_list
+ return result
+def load_config_from(config_file: Path) -> Config:
+ """Loads config from the specified location"""
+ try:
+ content = expandvars(config_file.read_text())
+ yaml = YAML(typ="safe")
+ config = yaml.load(content)
+ """
+ if Grafana configs not explicitly set in yaml file, default to same as Graphite
+ server at port 3000
+ """
+ graphite_config = None
+ grafana_config = None
+ if "graphite" in config:
+ if "url" not in config["graphite"]:
+ raise ValueError("graphite.url")
+ graphite_config = GraphiteConfig(url=config["graphite"]["url"])
+ if config.get("grafana") is None:
+ config["grafana"] = {}
+ config["grafana"]["url"] = f"{config['graphite']['url'].strip('/')}:3000/"
+ config["grafana"]["user"] = os.environ.get("GRAFANA_USER", "admin")
+ config["grafana"]["password"] = os.environ.get("GRAFANA_PASSWORD", "admin")
+ grafana_config = GrafanaConfig(
+ url=config["grafana"]["url"],
+ user=config["grafana"]["user"],
+ password=config["grafana"]["password"],
+ )
+ slack_config = None
+ if config.get("slack") is not None:
+ if not config["slack"]["token"]:
+ raise ValueError("slack.token")
+ slack_config = SlackConfig(
+ bot_token=config["slack"]["token"],
+ )
+ templates = load_templates(config)
+ tests = load_tests(config, templates)
+ groups = load_test_groups(config, tests)
+ return Config(
+ graphite=graphite_config,
+ grafana=grafana_config,
+ slack=slack_config,
+ tests=tests,
+ test_groups=groups,
+ )
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ raise ConfigError(f"Configuration file not found: {e.filename}")
+ except KeyError as e:
+ raise ConfigError(f"Configuration key not found: {e.args[0]}")
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ConfigError(f"Value for configuration key not found: {e.args[0]}")
+def load_config() -> Config:
+ """Loads config from one of the default locations"""
+ env_config_path = os.environ.get("HUNTER_CONFIG")
+ if env_config_path:
+ return load_config_from(Path(env_config_path).absolute())
+ paths = [
+ Path().home() / ".hunter/hunter.yaml",
+ Path().home() / ".hunter/conf.yaml",
+ Path(os.path.realpath(__file__)).parent / "resources/hunter.yaml",
+ ]
+ for p in paths:
+ if p.exists():
+ return load_config_from(p)
+ raise ConfigError(f"No configuration file found. Checked $HUNTER_CONFIG and searched: {paths}")
diff --git a/hunter/csv_options.py b/hunter/csv_options.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c383347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/csv_options.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import enum
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+class CsvOptions:
+ delimiter: str
+ quote_char: str
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.delimiter = ","
+ self.quote_char = '"'
+class CsvColumnType(enum.Enum):
+ Numeric = 1
+ DateTime = 2
+ Str = 3
diff --git a/hunter/data_selector.py b/hunter/data_selector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca6c508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/data_selector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import sys
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import List, Optional
+import pytz
+class DataSelector:
+ branch: Optional[str]
+ metrics: Optional[List[str]]
+ attributes: Optional[List[str]]
+ last_n_points: int
+ since_commit: Optional[str]
+ since_version: Optional[str]
+ since_time: datetime
+ until_commit: Optional[str]
+ until_version: Optional[str]
+ until_time: datetime
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.branch = None
+ self.metrics = None
+ self.attributes = None
+ self.last_n_points = sys.maxsize
+ self.since_commit = None
+ self.since_version = None
+ self.since_time = datetime.now(tz=pytz.UTC) - timedelta(days=365)
+ self.until_commit = None
+ self.until_version = None
+ self.until_time = datetime.now(tz=pytz.UTC)
+ def get_selection_description(self):
+ attributes = "\n".join(
+ [f"{a}: {v}" for a, v in self.__dict__.items() if not a.startswith("__") and v]
+ )
+ return f"Data Selection\n{attributes}"
diff --git a/hunter/grafana.py b/hunter/grafana.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a643c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/grafana.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import List, Optional
+import requests
+from pytz import UTC
+from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
+class GrafanaConfig:
+ url: str
+ user: str
+ password: str
+class GrafanaError(Exception):
+ message: str
+class Annotation:
+ id: Optional[int]
+ time: datetime
+ text: str
+ tags: List[str]
+class Grafana:
+ url: str
+ __user: str
+ __password: str
+ def __init__(self, grafana_conf: GrafanaConfig):
+ self.url = grafana_conf.url
+ self.__user = grafana_conf.user
+ self.__password = grafana_conf.password
+ def fetch_annotations(
+ self, start: Optional[datetime], end: Optional[datetime], tags: List[str] = None
+ ) -> List[Annotation]:
+ """
+ Reference:
+ - https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/http_api/annotations/#find-annotations
+ """
+ url = f"{self.url}api/annotations"
+ query_parameters = {}
+ if start is not None:
+ query_parameters["from"] = int(start.timestamp() * 1000)
+ if end is not None:
+ query_parameters["to"] = int(end.timestamp() * 1000)
+ if tags is not None:
+ query_parameters["tags"] = tags
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(
+ url=url, params=query_parameters, auth=(self.__user, self.__password)
+ )
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ json = response.json()
+ annotations = []
+ for annotation_json in json:
+ annotation = Annotation(
+ id=annotation_json["id"],
+ time=datetime.fromtimestamp(float(annotation_json["time"]) / 1000, tz=UTC),
+ text=annotation_json["text"],
+ tags=annotation_json["tags"],
+ )
+ annotations.append(annotation)
+ return annotations
+ except KeyError as err:
+ raise GrafanaError(f"Missing field {err.args[0]}")
+ except HTTPError as err:
+ raise GrafanaError(str(err))
+ def delete_annotations(self, *ids: int):
+ """
+ Reference:
+ - https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/http_api/annotations/#delete-annotation-by-id
+ """
+ url = f"{self.url}api/annotations"
+ for annotation_id in ids:
+ annotation_url = f"{url}/{annotation_id}"
+ try:
+ response = requests.delete(url=annotation_url, auth=(self.__user, self.__password))
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ except HTTPError as err:
+ raise GrafanaError(str(err))
+ def create_annotations(self, *annotations: Annotation):
+ """
+ Reference:
+ - https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/http_api/annotations/#create-annotation
+ """
+ try:
+ url = f"{self.url}api/annotations"
+ for annotation in annotations:
+ data = asdict(annotation)
+ data["time"] = int(annotation.time.timestamp() * 1000)
+ del data["id"]
+ response = requests.post(url=url, data=data, auth=(self.__user, self.__password))
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ except HTTPError as err:
+ raise GrafanaError(str(err))
diff --git a/hunter/graphite.py b/hunter/graphite.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d3a9a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/graphite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+import ast
+import json
+import urllib.request
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime
+from logging import info
+from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional
+from hunter.data_selector import DataSelector
+from hunter.util import parse_datetime
+class GraphiteConfig:
+ url: str
+class DataPoint:
+ time: int
+ value: float
+class TimeSeries:
+ path: str
+ points: List[DataPoint]
+def decode_graphite_datapoints(series: Dict[str, List[List[float]]]) -> List[DataPoint]:
+ points = series["datapoints"]
+ return [DataPoint(int(p[1]), p[0]) for p in points if p[0] is not None]
+def to_graphite_time(time: datetime, default: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Note that millissecond-level precision matters when trying to fetch events in a given time
+ range, hence opting for this over time.strftime("%H:%M_%Y%m%d")
+ """
+ if time is not None:
+ return str(int(time.timestamp()))
+ else:
+ return default
+class GraphiteError(IOError):
+ message: str
+class GraphiteEvent:
+ test_owner: str
+ test_name: str
+ run_id: str
+ status: str
+ start_time: datetime
+ pub_time: datetime
+ end_time: datetime
+ version: Optional[str]
+ branch: Optional[str]
+ commit: Optional[str]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ pub_time: int,
+ test_owner: str,
+ test_name: str,
+ run_id: str,
+ status: str,
+ start_time: int,
+ end_time: int,
+ version: Optional[str],
+ branch: Optional[str],
+ commit: Optional[str],
+ ):
+ self.test_owner = test_owner
+ self.test_name = test_name
+ self.run_id = run_id
+ self.status = status
+ self.start_time = parse_datetime(str(start_time))
+ self.pub_time = parse_datetime(str(pub_time))
+ self.end_time = parse_datetime(str(end_time))
+ if len(version) == 0 or version == "null":
+ self.version = None
+ else:
+ self.version = version
+ if len(branch) == 0 or branch == "null":
+ self.branch = None
+ else:
+ self.branch = branch
+ if len(commit) == 0 or commit == "null":
+ self.commit = None
+ else:
+ self.commit = commit
+def compress_target_paths(paths: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+ """Uses the alternative syntax to reduce the total length of the query"""
+ result = []
+ prefix_map = {}
+ for p in paths:
+ components = p.rsplit(".", 1)
+ if len(components) == 1:
+ result.append(p)
+ continue
+ prefix = components[0]
+ suffix = components[1]
+ if prefix not in prefix_map:
+ prefix_map[prefix] = [suffix]
+ else:
+ prefix_map[prefix].append(suffix)
+ for prefix, suffixes in prefix_map.items():
+ if len(suffixes) > 1:
+ result.append(prefix + ".{" + ",".join(suffixes) + "}")
+ else:
+ result.append(prefix + "." + suffixes[0])
+ return result
+class Graphite:
+ __url: str
+ __url_limit: int # max URL length used when requesting metrics from Graphite
+ def __init__(self, conf: GraphiteConfig):
+ self.__url = conf.url
+ self.__url_limit = 4094
+ def fetch_events(
+ self,
+ tags: Iterable[str],
+ from_time: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ until_time: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ ) -> List[GraphiteEvent]:
+ """
+ Returns 'Performance Test' events that match all of
+ the following criteria:
+ - all tags passed in match
+ - published between given from_time and until_time (both bounds inclusive)
+ References:
+ - Graphite events REST API: https://graphite.readthedocs.io/en/stable/events.html
+ - Haxx: https://github.com/riptano/haxx/pull/588
+ """
+ try:
+ from_time = to_graphite_time(from_time, "-365d")
+ until_time = to_graphite_time(until_time, "now")
+ tags_str = "+".join(tags)
+ url = (
+ f"{self.__url}events/get_data"
+ f"?tags={tags_str}"
+ f"&from={from_time}"
+ f"&until={until_time}"
+ f"&set=intersection"
+ )
+ data_str = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
+ data_as_json = json.loads(data_str)
+ return [
+ GraphiteEvent(event.get("when"), **ast.literal_eval(event.get("data")))
+ for event in data_as_json
+ if event.get("what") == "Performance Test"
+ ]
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise GraphiteError(f"Failed to fetch Graphite events: {str(e)}")
+ def fetch_events_with_matching_time_option(
+ self, tags: Iterable[str], commit: Optional[str], version: Optional[str]
+ ) -> List[GraphiteEvent]:
+ events = []
+ if commit is not None:
+ events = list(filter(lambda e: e.commit == commit, self.fetch_events(tags)))
+ elif version is not None:
+ tags = [*tags, version]
+ events = self.fetch_events(tags)
+ return events
+ def fetch_data(self, target_paths: List[str], selector: DataSelector) -> List[TimeSeries]:
+ """
+ Connects to Graphite server and downloads interesting series with the
+ given prefix. The series to be downloaded are picked from SUFFIXES list.
+ """
+ try:
+ info("Fetching data from Graphite...")
+ result = []
+ from_time = to_graphite_time(selector.since_time, "-365d")
+ until_time = to_graphite_time(selector.until_time, "now")
+ target_paths = compress_target_paths(target_paths)
+ targets = ""
+ for path in target_paths:
+ targets += f"target={path}&"
+ targets = targets.strip("&")
+ url = (
+ f"{self.__url}render"
+ f"?{targets}"
+ f"&format=json"
+ f"&from={from_time}"
+ f"&until={until_time}"
+ )
+ data_str = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
+ data_as_json = json.loads(data_str)
+ for s in data_as_json:
+ series = TimeSeries(path=s["target"], points=decode_graphite_datapoints(s))
+ result.append(series)
+ return result
+ except IOError as err:
+ raise GraphiteError(f"Failed to fetch data from Graphite: {str(err)}")
+ def fetch_metric_paths(self, prefix: str, paths: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[str]:
+ """
+ Provided a valid Graphite metric prefix, this method will retrieve all corresponding metric paths
+ Reference:
+ - https://graphite-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html
+ """
+ if paths is None:
+ paths = []
+ try:
+ url = f"{self.__url}metrics/find?query={prefix}"
+ data_str = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
+ data_as_json = json.loads(data_str)
+ for result in data_as_json:
+ curr_path = result["id"]
+ if result["leaf"]:
+ paths.append(curr_path)
+ else:
+ paths = self.fetch_metric_paths(f"{curr_path}.*", paths)
+ return sorted(paths)
+ except IOError as err:
+ raise GraphiteError(f"Failed to fetch metric path from Graphite: {str(err)}")
diff --git a/hunter/importer.py b/hunter/importer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11392c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/importer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+import csv
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+from hunter.config import Config
+from hunter.data_selector import DataSelector
+from hunter.graphite import DataPoint, Graphite, GraphiteError
+from hunter.series import Metric, Series
+from hunter.test_config import (
+ CsvMetric,
+ CsvTestConfig,
+ GraphiteTestConfig,
+ HistoStatTestConfig,
+ TestConfig,
+from hunter.util import (
+ DateFormatError,
+ format_timestamp,
+ merge_sorted,
+ parse_datetime,
+ resolution,
+ round,
+class DataImportError(IOError):
+ message: str
+class Importer:
+ """
+ An Importer is responsible for importing performance metric data + metadata
+ from some specified data source, and creating an appropriate PerformanceLog object
+ from this imported data.
+ """
+ def fetch_data(self, test: TestConfig, selector: DataSelector = DataSelector()) -> Series:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def fetch_all_metric_names(self, test: TestConfig) -> List[str]:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class GraphiteImporter(Importer):
+ graphite: Graphite
+ def __init__(self, graphite: Graphite):
+ self.graphite = graphite
+ def fetch_data(self, test: TestConfig, selector: DataSelector = DataSelector()) -> Series:
+ """
+ Loads test data from graphite.
+ Converts raw timeseries data into a columnar format,
+ where each metric is represented by a list of floats. All metrics
+ have aligned indexes - that is values["foo"][3] applies to the
+ the same time point as values["bar"][3]. The time points are extracted
+ to a separate column.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(test, GraphiteTestConfig):
+ raise ValueError("Expected GraphiteTestConfig")
+ try:
+ attributes = test.tags.copy()
+ if selector.branch:
+ attributes += [selector.branch]
+ # if the user has specified since_ and/or until_,
+ # we need to attempt to extract a timestamp from appropriate Graphite events, and
+ # update selector.since_time and selector.until_time, respectively
+ since_events = self.graphite.fetch_events_with_matching_time_option(
+ attributes, selector.since_commit, selector.since_version
+ )
+ if len(since_events) > 0:
+ # since timestamps of metrics get rounded down, in order to include these, we need to
+ # - round down the event's pub_time
+ # - subtract a small amount of time (Graphite does not appear to include the left-hand
+ # endpoint for a time range)
+ rounded_time = round(
+ int(since_events[-1].pub_time.timestamp()),
+ resolution([int(since_events[-1].pub_time.timestamp())]),
+ )
+ selector.since_time = parse_datetime(str(rounded_time)) - timedelta(milliseconds=1)
+ until_events = self.graphite.fetch_events_with_matching_time_option(
+ attributes, selector.until_commit, selector.until_version
+ )
+ if len(until_events) > 0:
+ selector.until_time = until_events[0].pub_time
+ if selector.since_time.timestamp() > selector.until_time.timestamp():
+ raise DataImportError(
+ f"Invalid time range: ["
+ f"{format_timestamp(int(selector.since_time.timestamp()))}, "
+ f"{format_timestamp(int(selector.until_time.timestamp()))}]"
+ )
+ metrics = test.metrics.values()
+ if selector.metrics is not None:
+ metrics = [m for m in metrics if m.name in selector.metrics]
+ path_to_metric = {test.get_path(selector.branch, m.name): m for m in metrics}
+ targets = [test.get_path(selector.branch, m.name) for m in metrics]
+ graphite_result = self.graphite.fetch_data(targets, selector)
+ if not graphite_result:
+ raise DataImportError(f"No timeseries found in Graphite for test {test.name}.")
+ times = [[x.time for x in series.points] for series in graphite_result]
+ time: List[int] = merge_sorted(times)[-selector.last_n_points :]
+ def column(series: List[DataPoint]) -> List[float]:
+ value_by_time = dict([(x.time, x.value) for x in series])
+ return [value_by_time.get(t) for t in time]
+ # Keep order of the keys in the result values the same as order of metrics
+ values = OrderedDict()
+ for m in metrics:
+ values[m.name] = []
+ for ts in graphite_result:
+ values[path_to_metric[ts.path].name] = column(ts.points)
+ for m in metrics:
+ if len(values[m.name]) == 0:
+ del values[m.name]
+ metrics = [m for m in metrics if m.name in values.keys()]
+ events = self.graphite.fetch_events(
+ attributes, selector.since_time, selector.until_time
+ )
+ time_resolution = resolution(time)
+ events_by_time = {}
+ for e in events:
+ events_by_time[round(int(e.pub_time.timestamp()), time_resolution)] = e
+ run_ids = []
+ commits = []
+ versions = []
+ branches = []
+ for t in time:
+ event = events_by_time.get(t)
+ run_ids.append(event.run_id if event is not None else None)
+ commits.append(event.commit if event is not None else None)
+ versions.append(event.version if event is not None else None)
+ branches.append(event.branch if event is not None else None)
+ attributes = {
+ "run": run_ids,
+ "branch": branches,
+ "version": versions,
+ "commit": commits,
+ }
+ if selector.attributes is not None:
+ attributes = {a: attributes[a] for a in selector.attributes}
+ metrics = {m.name: Metric(m.direction, m.scale) for m in metrics}
+ return Series(
+ test.name,
+ branch=selector.branch,
+ time=time,
+ metrics=metrics,
+ data=values,
+ attributes=attributes,
+ )
+ except GraphiteError as e:
+ raise DataImportError(f"Failed to import test {test.name}: {e.message}")
+ def fetch_all_metric_names(self, test_conf: GraphiteTestConfig) -> List[str]:
+ return [m for m in test_conf.metrics.keys()]
+class CsvImporter(Importer):
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_row_len(headers, row):
+ if len(row) < len(headers):
+ raise DataImportError(
+ "Number of values in the row does not match "
+ "number of columns in the table header: " + str(row)
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_has_column(column: str, headers: List[str]):
+ if column not in headers:
+ raise DataImportError("Column not found: " + column)
+ @staticmethod
+ def __selected_metrics(
+ defined_metrics: Dict[str, CsvMetric], selected_metrics: Optional[List[str]]
+ ) -> Dict[str, CsvMetric]:
+ if selected_metrics is not None:
+ return {name: defined_metrics[name] for name in selected_metrics}
+ else:
+ return defined_metrics
+ def fetch_data(self, test_conf: TestConfig, selector: DataSelector = DataSelector()) -> Series:
+ if not isinstance(test_conf, CsvTestConfig):
+ raise ValueError("Expected CsvTestConfig")
+ if selector.branch:
+ raise ValueError("CSV tests don't support branching yet")
+ since_time = selector.since_time
+ until_time = selector.until_time
+ file = Path(test_conf.file)
+ if since_time.timestamp() > until_time.timestamp():
+ raise DataImportError(
+ f"Invalid time range: ["
+ f"{format_timestamp(int(since_time.timestamp()))}, "
+ f"{format_timestamp(int(until_time.timestamp()))}]"
+ )
+ try:
+ with open(file, newline="") as csv_file:
+ reader = csv.reader(
+ csv_file,
+ delimiter=test_conf.csv_options.delimiter,
+ quotechar=test_conf.csv_options.quote_char,
+ )
+ headers: List[str] = next(reader, None)
+ metrics = self.__selected_metrics(test_conf.metrics, selector.metrics)
+ # Decide which columns to fetch into which components of the result:
+ try:
+ time_index: int = headers.index(test_conf.time_column)
+ attr_indexes: List[int] = [headers.index(c) for c in test_conf.attributes]
+ metric_names = [m.name for m in metrics.values()]
+ metric_columns = [m.column for m in metrics.values()]
+ metric_indexes: List[int] = [headers.index(c) for c in metric_columns]
+ except ValueError as err:
+ raise DataImportError(f"Column not found {err.args[0]}")
+ if time_index in attr_indexes:
+ attr_indexes.remove(time_index)
+ if time_index in metric_indexes:
+ metric_indexes.remove(time_index)
+ # Initialize empty lists to store the data and metadata:
+ time: List[int] = []
+ data: Dict[str, List[float]] = {}
+ for n in metric_names:
+ data[n] = []
+ attributes: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
+ for i in attr_indexes:
+ attributes[headers[i]] = []
+ # Append the lists with data from each row:
+ for row in reader:
+ self.check_row_len(headers, row)
+ # Filter by time:
+ ts: datetime = self.__convert_time(row[time_index])
+ if since_time is not None and ts < since_time:
+ continue
+ if until_time is not None and ts >= until_time:
+ continue
+ time.append(int(ts.timestamp()))
+ # Read metric values. Note we can still fail on conversion to float,
+ # because the user is free to override the column selection and thus
+ # they may select a column that contains non-numeric data:
+ for (name, i) in zip(metric_names, metric_indexes):
+ try:
+ data[name].append(float(row[i]))
+ except ValueError as err:
+ raise DataImportError(
+ "Could not convert value in column "
+ + headers[i]
+ + ": "
+ + err.args[0]
+ )
+ # Attributes are just copied as-is, with no conversion:
+ for i in attr_indexes:
+ attributes[headers[i]].append(row[i])
+ # Convert metrics to series.Metrics
+ metrics = {m.name: Metric(m.direction, m.scale) for m in metrics.values()}
+ # Leave last n points:
+ time = time[-selector.last_n_points :]
+ tmp = data
+ data = {}
+ for k, v in tmp.items():
+ data[k] = v[-selector.last_n_points :]
+ tmp = attributes
+ attributes = {}
+ for k, v in tmp.items():
+ attributes[k] = v[-selector.last_n_points :]
+ return Series(
+ test_conf.name,
+ branch=None,
+ time=time,
+ metrics=metrics,
+ data=data,
+ attributes=attributes,
+ )
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ raise DataImportError(f"Input file not found: {file}")
+ @staticmethod
+ def __convert_time(time: str):
+ try:
+ return parse_datetime(time)
+ except DateFormatError as err:
+ raise DataImportError(err.message)
+ def fetch_all_metric_names(self, test_conf: CsvTestConfig) -> List[str]:
+ return [m for m in test_conf.metrics.keys()]
+class HistoStatImporter(Importer):
+ "count": {"direction": 1, "scale": "1", "col": 3},
+ "min": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 4},
+ "p25": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 5},
+ "p50": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 6},
+ "p75": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 7},
+ "p90": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 8},
+ "p95": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 9},
+ "p98": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 10},
+ "p99": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 11},
+ "p999": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 12},
+ "p9999": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 13},
+ "max": {"direction": -1, "scale": "1.0e-6", "col": 14},
+ }
+ @contextmanager
+ def __csv_reader(self, test: HistoStatTestConfig):
+ with open(Path(test.file), newline="") as csv_file:
+ yield csv.reader(csv_file)
+ @staticmethod
+ def __parse_tag(tag: str):
+ return tag.split("=")[1]
+ def __get_tags(self, test: HistoStatTestConfig) -> List[str]:
+ tags = set()
+ with self.__csv_reader(test) as reader:
+ for row in reader:
+ if row[0].startswith("#"):
+ continue
+ tag = self.__parse_tag(row[0])
+ if tag in tags:
+ break
+ tags.add(tag)
+ return list(tags)
+ @staticmethod
+ def __metric_from_components(tag, tag_metric):
+ return f"{tag}.{tag_metric}"
+ @staticmethod
+ def __convert_floating_point_millisecond(fpm: str) -> int: # to epoch seconds
+ return int(float(fpm) * 1000) // 1000
+ def fetch_data(
+ self, test: HistoStatTestConfig, selector: DataSelector = DataSelector()
+ ) -> Series:
+ def selected(metric_name):
+ return metric_name in selector.metrics if selector.metrics is not None else True
+ metrics = {}
+ tag_count = 0
+ for tag in self.__get_tags(test):
+ tag_count += 1
+ for tag_metric, attrs in self.__TAG_METRICS.items():
+ if selected(self.__metric_from_components(tag, tag_metric)):
+ metrics[self.__metric_from_components(tag, tag_metric)] = Metric(
+ attrs["direction"], attrs["scale"]
+ )
+ data = {k: [] for k in metrics.keys()}
+ time = []
+ with self.__csv_reader(test) as reader:
+ start_time = None
+ for row in reader:
+ if not row[0].startswith("#"):
+ break
+ if "StartTime" in row[0]:
+ parts = row[0].split(" ")
+ start_time = self.__convert_floating_point_millisecond(parts[1])
+ if not start_time:
+ raise DataImportError("No Start Time specified in HistoStat CSV comment")
+ # Last iteration of row is the first non-comment row. Parse it now.
+ tag_interval = 0
+ while row:
+ if tag_interval % tag_count == 0:
+ # Introduces a slight inaccuracy - each tag can report its interval start time
+ # with some millisecond difference. Choosing a single tag interval allows us
+ # to maintain the 'indexed by a single time variable' contract required by
+ # Series, but the time reported for almost all metrics will be _slightly_ off.
+ time.append(self.__convert_floating_point_millisecond(row[1]) + start_time)
+ tag_interval += 1
+ tag = self.__parse_tag(row[0])
+ for tag_metric, attrs in self.__TAG_METRICS.items():
+ if selected(self.__metric_from_components(tag, tag_metric)):
+ data[self.__metric_from_components(tag, tag_metric)].append(
+ float(row[attrs["col"]])
+ )
+ try:
+ row = next(reader)
+ except StopIteration:
+ row = None
+ # Leave last n points:
+ time = time[-selector.last_n_points :]
+ tmp = data
+ data = {}
+ for k, v in tmp.items():
+ data[k] = v[-selector.last_n_points :]
+ return Series(test.name, None, time, metrics, data, dict())
+ def fetch_all_metric_names(self, test: HistoStatTestConfig) -> List[str]:
+ metric_names = []
+ for tag in self.__get_tags(test):
+ for tag_metric in self.__TAG_METRICS.keys():
+ metric_names.append(self.__metric_from_components(tag, tag_metric))
+ return metric_names
+class Importers:
+ __config: Config
+ __csv_importer: Optional[CsvImporter]
+ __graphite_importer: Optional[GraphiteImporter]
+ __histostat_importer: Optional[HistoStatImporter]
+ def __init__(self, config: Config):
+ self.__config = config
+ self.__csv_importer = None
+ self.__graphite_importer = None
+ self.__histostat_importer = None
+ def csv_importer(self) -> CsvImporter:
+ if self.__csv_importer is None:
+ self.__csv_importer = CsvImporter()
+ return self.__csv_importer
+ def graphite_importer(self) -> GraphiteImporter:
+ if self.__graphite_importer is None:
+ self.__graphite_importer = GraphiteImporter(Graphite(self.__config.graphite))
+ return self.__graphite_importer
+ def histostat_importer(self) -> HistoStatImporter:
+ if self.__histostat_importer is None:
+ self.__histostat_importer = HistoStatImporter()
+ return self.__histostat_importer
+ def get(self, test: TestConfig) -> Importer:
+ if isinstance(test, CsvTestConfig):
+ return self.csv_importer()
+ elif isinstance(test, GraphiteTestConfig):
+ return self.graphite_importer()
+ elif isinstance(test, HistoStatTestConfig):
+ return self.histostat_importer()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported test type {type(test)}")
diff --git a/hunter/main.py b/hunter/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256dc5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+import argparse
+import copy
+import logging
+import sys
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+import pytz
+from slack_sdk import WebClient
+from hunter import config
+from hunter.attributes import get_back_links
+from hunter.config import Config, ConfigError
+from hunter.data_selector import DataSelector
+from hunter.grafana import Annotation, Grafana, GrafanaError
+from hunter.graphite import GraphiteError
+from hunter.importer import DataImportError, Importers
+from hunter.report import Report, ReportType
+from hunter.series import AnalysisOptions, AnalyzedSeries, compare
+from hunter.slack import NotificationError, SlackNotifier
+from hunter.test_config import GraphiteTestConfig, TestConfig, TestConfigError
+from hunter.util import DateFormatError, interpolate, parse_datetime
+class HunterError(Exception):
+ message: str
+class Hunter:
+ __conf: Config
+ __importers: Importers
+ __grafana: Optional[Grafana]
+ __slack: Optional[SlackNotifier]
+ def __init__(self, conf: Config):
+ self.__conf = conf
+ self.__importers = Importers(conf)
+ self.__grafana = None
+ self.__slack = self.__maybe_create_slack_notifier()
+ def list_tests(self, group_names: Optional[List[str]]):
+ if group_names is not None:
+ test_names = []
+ for group_name in group_names:
+ group = self.__conf.test_groups.get(group_name)
+ if group is None:
+ raise HunterError(f"Test group not found: {group_name}")
+ test_names += (t.name for t in group)
+ else:
+ test_names = self.__conf.tests
+ for test_name in sorted(test_names):
+ print(test_name)
+ def list_test_groups(self):
+ for group_name in sorted(self.__conf.test_groups):
+ print(group_name)
+ def get_test(self, test_name: str) -> TestConfig:
+ test = self.__conf.tests.get(test_name)
+ if test is None:
+ raise HunterError(f"Test not found {test_name}")
+ return test
+ def get_tests(self, *names: str) -> List[TestConfig]:
+ tests = []
+ for name in names:
+ group = self.__conf.test_groups.get(name)
+ if group is not None:
+ tests += group
+ else:
+ test = self.__conf.tests.get(name)
+ if test is not None:
+ tests.append(test)
+ else:
+ raise HunterError(f"Test or group not found: {name}")
+ return tests
+ def list_metrics(self, test: TestConfig):
+ importer = self.__importers.get(test)
+ for metric_name in importer.fetch_all_metric_names(test):
+ print(metric_name)
+ def analyze(
+ self,
+ test: TestConfig,
+ selector: DataSelector,
+ options: AnalysisOptions,
+ report_type: ReportType,
+ ) -> AnalyzedSeries:
+ importer = self.__importers.get(test)
+ series = importer.fetch_data(test, selector)
+ analyzed_series = series.analyze(options)
+ change_points = analyzed_series.change_points_by_time
+ report = Report(series, change_points)
+ produced_report = report.produce_report(test.name, report_type)
+ print(produced_report)
+ return analyzed_series
+ def __get_grafana(self) -> Grafana:
+ if self.__grafana is None:
+ self.__grafana = Grafana(self.__conf.grafana)
+ return self.__grafana
+ def update_grafana_annotations(self, test: GraphiteTestConfig, series: AnalyzedSeries):
+ grafana = self.__get_grafana()
+ begin = datetime.fromtimestamp(series.time()[0], tz=pytz.UTC)
+ end = datetime.fromtimestamp(series.time()[len(series.time()) - 1], tz=pytz.UTC)
+ logging.info(f"Fetching Grafana annotations for test {test.name}...")
+ tags_to_query = ["hunter", "change-point", "test:" + test.name]
+ old_annotations_for_test = grafana.fetch_annotations(begin, end, list(tags_to_query))
+ logging.info(f"Found {len(old_annotations_for_test)} annotations")
+ created_count = 0
+ for metric_name, change_points in series.change_points.items():
+ path = test.get_path(series.branch_name(), metric_name)
+ metric_tag = f"metric:{metric_name}"
+ tags_to_create = (
+ tags_to_query
+ + [metric_tag]
+ + test.tags
+ + test.annotate
+ + test.metrics[metric_name].annotate
+ )
+ substitutions = {
+ "TEST_NAME": test.name,
+ "METRIC_NAME": metric_name,
+ "GRAPHITE_PATH": [path],
+ "GRAPHITE_PATH_COMPONENTS": path.split("."),
+ "GRAPHITE_PREFIX": [test.prefix],
+ "GRAPHITE_PREFIX_COMPONENTS": test.prefix.split("."),
+ }
+ tmp_tags_to_create = []
+ for t in tags_to_create:
+ tmp_tags_to_create += interpolate(t, substitutions)
+ tags_to_create = tmp_tags_to_create
+ old_annotations = [a for a in old_annotations_for_test if metric_tag in a.tags]
+ old_annotation_times = set((a.time for a in old_annotations if a.tags))
+ target_annotations = []
+ for cp in change_points:
+ attributes = series.attributes_at(cp.index)
+ annotation_text = get_back_links(attributes)
+ target_annotations.append(
+ Annotation(
+ id=None,
+ time=datetime.fromtimestamp(cp.time, tz=pytz.UTC),
+ text=annotation_text,
+ tags=tags_to_create,
+ )
+ )
+ target_annotation_times = set((a.time for a in target_annotations))
+ to_delete = [a for a in old_annotations if a.time not in target_annotation_times]
+ if to_delete:
+ logging.info(
+ f"Removing {len(to_delete)} annotations "
+ f"for test {test.name} and metric {metric_name}..."
+ )
+ grafana.delete_annotations(*(a.id for a in to_delete))
+ to_create = [a for a in target_annotations if a.time not in old_annotation_times]
+ if to_create:
+ logging.info(
+ f"Creating {len(to_create)} annotations "
+ f"for test {test.name} and metric {metric_name}..."
+ )
+ grafana.create_annotations(*to_create)
+ created_count += len(to_create)
+ if created_count == 0:
+ logging.info("All annotations up-to-date. No new annotations needed.")
+ else:
+ logging.info(f"Created {created_count} annotations.")
+ def remove_grafana_annotations(self, test: Optional[TestConfig], force: bool):
+ """Removes all Hunter annotations (optionally for a given test) in Grafana"""
+ grafana = self.__get_grafana()
+ if test:
+ logging.info(f"Fetching Grafana annotations for test {test.name}...")
+ else:
+ logging.info("Fetching Grafana annotations...")
+ tags_to_query = {"hunter", "change-point"}
+ if test:
+ tags_to_query.add(f"test: {test.name}")
+ annotations = grafana.fetch_annotations(None, None, list(tags_to_query))
+ if not annotations:
+ logging.info("No annotations found.")
+ return
+ if not force:
+ print(
+ f"Are you sure to remove {len(annotations)} annotations from {grafana.url}? [y/N]"
+ )
+ decision = input().strip()
+ if decision.lower() != "y" and decision.lower() != "yes":
+ return
+ logging.info(f"Removing {len(annotations)} annotations...")
+ grafana.delete_annotations(*(a.id for a in annotations))
+ def regressions(
+ self, test: TestConfig, selector: DataSelector, options: AnalysisOptions
+ ) -> bool:
+ importer = self.__importers.get(test)
+ # Even if user is interested only in performance difference since some point X,
+ # we really need to fetch some earlier points than X.
+ # Otherwise, if performance went down very early after X, e.g. at X + 1, we'd have
+ # insufficient number of data points to compute the baseline performance.
+ # Instead of using `since-` selector, we're fetching everything from the
+ # beginning and then we find the baseline performance around the time pointed by
+ # the original selector.
+ since_version = selector.since_version
+ since_commit = selector.since_commit
+ since_time = selector.since_time
+ baseline_selector = copy.deepcopy(selector)
+ baseline_selector.last_n_points = sys.maxsize
+ baseline_selector.branch = None
+ baseline_selector.since_version = None
+ baseline_selector.since_commit = None
+ baseline_selector.since_time = since_time - timedelta(days=30)
+ baseline_series = importer.fetch_data(test, baseline_selector)
+ if since_version:
+ baseline_index = baseline_series.find_by_attribute("version", since_version)
+ if not baseline_index:
+ raise HunterError(f"No runs of test {test.name} with version {since_version}")
+ baseline_index = max(baseline_index)
+ elif since_commit:
+ baseline_index = baseline_series.find_by_attribute("commit", since_commit)
+ if not baseline_index:
+ raise HunterError(f"No runs of test {test.name} with commit {since_commit}")
+ baseline_index = max(baseline_index)
+ else:
+ baseline_index = baseline_series.find_first_not_earlier_than(since_time)
+ baseline_series = baseline_series.analyze(options=options)
+ if selector.branch:
+ target_series = importer.fetch_data(test, selector).analyze(options=options)
+ else:
+ target_series = baseline_series
+ cmp = compare(baseline_series, baseline_index, target_series, target_series.len())
+ regressions = []
+ for metric_name, stats in cmp.stats.items():
+ direction = baseline_series.metric(metric_name).direction
+ m1 = stats.mean_1
+ m2 = stats.mean_2
+ change_percent = stats.forward_rel_change() * 100.0
+ if m2 * direction < m1 * direction and stats.pvalue < options.max_pvalue:
+ regressions.append(
+ " {:16}: {:#8.3g} --> {:#8.3g} ({:+6.1f}%)".format(
+ metric_name, m1, m2, change_percent
+ )
+ )
+ if regressions:
+ print(f"{test.name}:")
+ for r in regressions:
+ print(r)
+ else:
+ print(f"{test.name}: OK")
+ return len(regressions) > 0
+ def __maybe_create_slack_notifier(self):
+ if not self.__conf.slack:
+ return None
+ return SlackNotifier(WebClient(token=self.__conf.slack.bot_token))
+ def notify_slack(
+ self,
+ test_change_points: Dict[str, AnalyzedSeries],
+ selector: DataSelector,
+ channels: List[str],
+ since: datetime,
+ ):
+ if not self.__slack:
+ logging.error(
+ "Slack definition is missing from the configuration, cannot send notification"
+ )
+ return
+ self.__slack.notify(test_change_points, selector=selector, channels=channels, since=since)
+ def validate(self):
+ valid = True
+ unique_metrics = set()
+ for name, test in self.__conf.tests.items():
+ logging.info("Checking {}".format(name))
+ test_metrics = test.fully_qualified_metric_names()
+ for test_metric in test_metrics:
+ if test_metric not in unique_metrics:
+ unique_metrics.add(test_metric)
+ else:
+ valid = False
+ logging.error(f"Found duplicated metric: {test_metric}")
+ try:
+ importer = self.__importers.get(test)
+ series = importer.fetch_data(test)
+ for metric, metric_data in series.data.items():
+ if not metric_data:
+ logging.warning(f"Test's metric does not have data: {name} {metric}")
+ except Exception as err:
+ logging.error(f"Invalid test definition: {name}\n{repr(err)}\n")
+ valid = False
+ logging.info(f"Validation finished: {'VALID' if valid else 'INVALID'}")
+ if not valid:
+ exit(1)
+def setup_data_selector_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--branch", metavar="STRING", dest="branch", help="name of the branch", nargs="?"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--metrics",
+ metavar="LIST",
+ dest="metrics",
+ help="a comma-separated list of metrics to analyze",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--attrs",
+ metavar="LIST",
+ dest="attributes",
+ help="a comma-separated list of attribute names associated with the runs "
+ "(e.g. commit, branch, version); "
+ "if not specified, it will be automatically filled based on available information",
+ )
+ since_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ since_group.add_argument(
+ "--since-commit",
+ metavar="STRING",
+ dest="since_commit",
+ help="the commit at the start of the time span to analyze",
+ )
+ since_group.add_argument(
+ "--since-version",
+ metavar="STRING",
+ dest="since_version",
+ help="the version at the start of the time span to analyze",
+ )
+ since_group.add_argument(
+ "--since",
+ metavar="DATE",
+ dest="since_time",
+ help="the start of the time span to analyze; "
+ "accepts ISO, and human-readable dates like '10 weeks ago'",
+ )
+ until_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ until_group.add_argument(
+ "--until-commit",
+ metavar="STRING",
+ dest="until_commit",
+ help="the commit at the end of the time span to analyze",
+ )
+ until_group.add_argument(
+ "--until-version",
+ metavar="STRING",
+ dest="until_version",
+ help="the version at the end of the time span to analyze",
+ )
+ until_group.add_argument(
+ "--until",
+ metavar="DATE",
+ dest="until_time",
+ help="the end of the time span to analyze; same syntax as --since",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--last",
+ type=int,
+ metavar="COUNT",
+ dest="last_n_points",
+ help="the number of data points to take from the end of the series",
+ )
+def data_selector_from_args(args: argparse.Namespace) -> DataSelector:
+ data_selector = DataSelector()
+ if args.branch:
+ data_selector.branch = args.branch
+ if args.metrics is not None:
+ data_selector.metrics = list(args.metrics.split(","))
+ if args.attributes is not None:
+ data_selector.attributes = list(args.attributes.split(","))
+ if args.since_commit is not None:
+ data_selector.since_commit = args.since_commit
+ if args.since_version is not None:
+ data_selector.since_version = args.since_version
+ if args.since_time is not None:
+ data_selector.since_time = parse_datetime(args.since_time)
+ if args.until_commit is not None:
+ data_selector.until_commit = args.until_commit
+ if args.until_version is not None:
+ data_selector.until_version = args.until_version
+ if args.until_time is not None:
+ data_selector.until_time = parse_datetime(args.until_time)
+ if args.last_n_points is not None:
+ data_selector.last_n_points = args.last_n_points
+ return data_selector
+def setup_analysis_options_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-P, --p-value",
+ dest="pvalue",
+ type=float,
+ default=0.001,
+ help="maximum accepted P-value of a change-point; "
+ "P denotes the probability that the change-point has "
+ "been found by a random coincidence, rather than a real "
+ "difference between the data distributions",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-M",
+ "--magnitude",
+ dest="magnitude",
+ type=float,
+ default=0.0,
+ help="minimum accepted magnitude of a change-point "
+ "computed as abs(new_mean / old_mean - 1.0); use it "
+ "to filter out stupidly small changes like < 0.01",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--window",
+ default=50,
+ type=int,
+ dest="window",
+ help="the number of data points analyzed at once; "
+ "the window size affects the discriminative "
+ "power of the change point detection algorithm; "
+ "large windows are less susceptible to noise; "
+ "however, a very large window may cause dismissing short regressions "
+ "as noise so it is best to keep it short enough to include not more "
+ "than a few change points (optimally at most 1)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--orig-edivisive",
+ type=bool,
+ default=False,
+ dest="orig_edivisive",
+ help="use the original edivisive algorithm with no windowing "
+ "and weak change points analysis improvements",
+ )
+def analysis_options_from_args(args: argparse.Namespace) -> AnalysisOptions:
+ conf = AnalysisOptions()
+ if args.pvalue is not None:
+ conf.max_pvalue = args.pvalue
+ if args.magnitude is not None:
+ conf.min_magnitude = args.magnitude
+ if args.window is not None:
+ conf.window_len = args.window
+ if args.orig_edivisive is not None:
+ conf.orig_edivisive = args.orig_edivisive
+ return conf
+def main():
+ logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Hunts performance regressions in Fallout results")
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command")
+ list_tests_parser = subparsers.add_parser("list-tests", help="list available tests")
+ list_tests_parser.add_argument("group", help="name of the group of the tests", nargs="*")
+ list_metrics_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ "list-metrics", help="list available metrics for a test"
+ )
+ list_metrics_parser.add_argument("test", help="name of the test")
+ subparsers.add_parser("list-groups", help="list available groups of tests")
+ analyze_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ "analyze",
+ help="analyze performance test results",
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ analyze_parser.add_argument("tests", help="name of the test or group of the tests", nargs="+")
+ analyze_parser.add_argument(
+ "--update-grafana",
+ help="Update Grafana dashboards with appropriate annotations of change points",
+ action="store_true",
+ )
+ analyze_parser.add_argument(
+ "--notify-slack",
+ help="Send notification containing a summary of change points to given Slack channels",
+ nargs="+",
+ )
+ analyze_parser.add_argument(
+ "--cph-report-since",
+ help="Sets a limit on the date range of the Change Point History reported to Slack. Same syntax as --since.",
+ metavar="DATE",
+ dest="cph_report_since",
+ )
+ analyze_parser.add_argument(
+ "--output",
+ help="Output format for the generated report.",
+ choices=list(ReportType),
+ dest="report_type",
+ default=ReportType.LOG,
+ type=ReportType,
+ )
+ setup_data_selector_parser(analyze_parser)
+ setup_analysis_options_parser(analyze_parser)
+ regressions_parser = subparsers.add_parser("regressions", help="find performance regressions")
+ regressions_parser.add_argument(
+ "tests", help="name of the test or group of the tests", nargs="+"
+ )
+ setup_data_selector_parser(regressions_parser)
+ setup_analysis_options_parser(regressions_parser)
+ remove_annotations_parser = subparsers.add_parser("remove-annotations")
+ remove_annotations_parser.add_argument(
+ "tests", help="name of the test or test group", nargs="*"
+ )
+ remove_annotations_parser.add_argument(
+ "--force", help="don't ask questions, just do it", dest="force", action="store_true"
+ )
+ subparsers.add_parser(
+ "validate", help="validates the tests and metrics defined in the configuration"
+ )
+ try:
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ conf = config.load_config()
+ hunter = Hunter(conf)
+ if args.command == "list-groups":
+ hunter.list_test_groups()
+ if args.command == "list-tests":
+ group_names = args.group if args.group else None
+ hunter.list_tests(group_names)
+ if args.command == "list-metrics":
+ test = hunter.get_test(args.test)
+ hunter.list_metrics(test)
+ if args.command == "analyze":
+ update_grafana_flag = args.update_grafana
+ slack_notification_channels = args.notify_slack
+ slack_cph_since = parse_datetime(args.cph_report_since)
+ data_selector = data_selector_from_args(args)
+ options = analysis_options_from_args(args)
+ report_type = args.report_type
+ tests = hunter.get_tests(*args.tests)
+ tests_analyzed_series = {test.name: None for test in tests}
+ for test in tests:
+ try:
+ analyzed_series = hunter.analyze(
+ test, selector=data_selector, options=options, report_type=report_type
+ )
+ if update_grafana_flag:
+ if not isinstance(test, GraphiteTestConfig):
+ raise GrafanaError("Not a Graphite test")
+ hunter.update_grafana_annotations(test, analyzed_series)
+ if slack_notification_channels:
+ tests_analyzed_series[test.name] = analyzed_series
+ except DataImportError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ except GrafanaError as err:
+ logging.error(
+ f"Failed to update grafana dashboards for {test.name}: {err.message}"
+ )
+ if slack_notification_channels:
+ hunter.notify_slack(
+ tests_analyzed_series,
+ selector=data_selector,
+ channels=slack_notification_channels,
+ since=slack_cph_since,
+ )
+ if args.command == "regressions":
+ data_selector = data_selector_from_args(args)
+ options = analysis_options_from_args(args)
+ tests = hunter.get_tests(*args.tests)
+ regressing_test_count = 0
+ errors = 0
+ for test in tests:
+ try:
+ regressions = hunter.regressions(test, selector=data_selector, options=options)
+ if regressions:
+ regressing_test_count += 1
+ except HunterError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ errors += 1
+ except DataImportError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ errors += 1
+ if regressing_test_count == 0:
+ print("No regressions found!")
+ elif regressing_test_count == 1:
+ print("Regressions in 1 test found")
+ else:
+ print(f"Regressions in {regressing_test_count} tests found")
+ if errors > 0:
+ print("Some tests were skipped due to import / analyze errors. Consult error log.")
+ if args.command == "remove-annotations":
+ if args.tests:
+ tests = hunter.get_tests(*args.tests)
+ for test in tests:
+ hunter.remove_grafana_annotations(test, args.force)
+ else:
+ hunter.remove_grafana_annotations(None, args.force)
+ if args.command == "validate":
+ hunter.validate()
+ if args.command is None:
+ parser.print_usage()
+ except ConfigError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ exit(1)
+ except TestConfigError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ exit(1)
+ except GraphiteError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ exit(1)
+ except GrafanaError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ exit(1)
+ except DataImportError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ exit(1)
+ except HunterError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ exit(1)
+ except DateFormatError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ exit(1)
+ except NotificationError as err:
+ logging.error(err.message)
+ exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/hunter/report.py b/hunter/report.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4838c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/report.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from enum import Enum, unique
+from typing import List
+from tabulate import tabulate
+from hunter.series import ChangePointGroup, Series
+from hunter.util import format_timestamp, insert_multiple, remove_common_prefix
+class ReportType(Enum):
+ LOG = "log"
+ JSON = "json"
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.value
+class Report:
+ __series: Series
+ __change_points: List[ChangePointGroup]
+ def __init__(self, series: Series, change_points: List[ChangePointGroup]):
+ self.__series = series
+ self.__change_points = change_points
+ @staticmethod
+ def __column_widths(log: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ return [len(c) for c in log[1].split(None)]
+ def produce_report(self, test_name: str, report_type: ReportType):
+ if report_type == ReportType.LOG:
+ return self.__format_log_annotated(test_name)
+ elif report_type == ReportType.JSON:
+ return self.__format_json(test_name)
+ else:
+ from hunter.main import HunterError
+ raise HunterError(f"Unknown report type: {report_type}")
+ def __format_log(self) -> str:
+ time_column = [format_timestamp(ts) for ts in self.__series.time]
+ table = {"time": time_column, **self.__series.attributes, **self.__series.data}
+ metrics = list(self.__series.data.keys())
+ headers = list(
+ OrderedDict.fromkeys(
+ ["time", *self.__series.attributes, *remove_common_prefix(metrics)]
+ )
+ )
+ return tabulate(table, headers=headers)
+ def __format_log_annotated(self, test_name: str) -> str:
+ """Returns test log with change points marked as horizontal lines"""
+ lines = self.__format_log().split("\n")
+ col_widths = self.__column_widths(lines)
+ indexes = [cp.index for cp in self.__change_points]
+ separators = []
+ columns = list(
+ OrderedDict.fromkeys(["time", *self.__series.attributes, *self.__series.data])
+ )
+ for cp in self.__change_points:
+ separator = ""
+ info = ""
+ for col_index, col_name in enumerate(columns):
+ col_width = col_widths[col_index]
+ change = [c for c in cp.changes if c.metric == col_name]
+ if change:
+ change = change[0]
+ change_percent = change.forward_change_percent()
+ separator += "·" * col_width + " "
+ info += f"{change_percent:+.1f}%".rjust(col_width) + " "
+ else:
+ separator += " " * (col_width + 2)
+ info += " " * (col_width + 2)
+ separators.append(f"{separator}\n{info}\n{separator}")
+ lines = lines[:2] + insert_multiple(lines[2:], separators, indexes)
+ return "\n".join(lines)
+ def __format_json(self, test_name: str) -> str:
+ import json
+ return json.dumps({test_name: [cpg.to_json() for cpg in self.__change_points]})
diff --git a/hunter/series.py b/hunter/series.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30bc2a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/series.py
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+import logging
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime
+from itertools import groupby
+from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from hunter.analysis import (
+ ComparativeStats,
+ TTestSignificanceTester,
+ compute_change_points,
+ compute_change_points_orig,
+ fill_missing,
+class AnalysisOptions:
+ window_len: int
+ max_pvalue: float
+ min_magnitude: float
+ orig_edivisive: bool
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.window_len = 50
+ self.max_pvalue = 0.001
+ self.min_magnitude = 0.0
+ self.orig_edivisive = False
+class Metric:
+ direction: int
+ scale: float
+ unit: str
+ def __init__(self, direction: int = 1, scale: float = 1.0, unit: str = ""):
+ self.direction = direction
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.unit = ""
+class ChangePoint:
+ """A change-point for a single metric"""
+ metric: str
+ index: int
+ time: int
+ stats: ComparativeStats
+ def forward_change_percent(self) -> float:
+ return self.stats.forward_rel_change() * 100.0
+ def backward_change_percent(self) -> float:
+ return self.stats.backward_rel_change() * 100.0
+ def magnitude(self):
+ return self.stats.change_magnitude()
+ def to_json(self):
+ return {
+ "metric": self.metric,
+ "forward_change_percent": f"{self.forward_change_percent():.0f}",
+ }
+class ChangePointGroup:
+ """A group of change points on multiple metrics, at the same time"""
+ index: int
+ time: int
+ prev_time: int
+ attributes: Dict[str, str]
+ prev_attributes: Dict[str, str]
+ changes: List[ChangePoint]
+ def to_json(self):
+ return {"time": self.time, "changes": [cp.to_json() for cp in self.changes]}
+class Series:
+ """
+ Stores values of interesting metrics of all runs of
+ a fallout test indexed by a single time variable.
+ Provides utilities to analyze data e.g. find change points.
+ """
+ test_name: str
+ branch: Optional[str]
+ time: List[int]
+ metrics: Dict[str, Metric]
+ attributes: Dict[str, List[str]]
+ data: Dict[str, List[float]]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ test_name: str,
+ branch: Optional[str],
+ time: List[int],
+ metrics: Dict[str, Metric],
+ data: Dict[str, List[float]],
+ attributes: Dict[str, List[str]],
+ ):
+ self.test_name = test_name
+ self.branch = branch
+ self.time = time
+ self.metrics = metrics
+ self.attributes = attributes if attributes else {}
+ self.data = data
+ assert all(len(x) == len(time) for x in data.values())
+ assert all(len(x) == len(time) for x in attributes.values())
+ def attributes_at(self, index: int) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ result = {}
+ for (k, v) in self.attributes.items():
+ result[k] = v[index]
+ return result
+ def find_first_not_earlier_than(self, time: datetime) -> Optional[int]:
+ timestamp = time.timestamp()
+ for i, t in enumerate(self.time):
+ if t >= timestamp:
+ return i
+ return None
+ def find_by_attribute(self, name: str, value: str) -> List[int]:
+ """Returns the indexes of data points with given attribute value"""
+ result = []
+ for i in range(len(self.time)):
+ if self.attributes_at(i).get(name) == value:
+ result.append(i)
+ return result
+ def analyze(self, options: AnalysisOptions = AnalysisOptions()) -> "AnalyzedSeries":
+ logging.info(f"Computing change points for test {self.test_name}...")
+ return AnalyzedSeries(self, options)
+class AnalyzedSeries:
+ """
+ Time series data with computed change points.
+ """
+ __series: Series
+ options: AnalysisOptions
+ change_points: Dict[str, List[ChangePoint]]
+ change_points_by_time: List[ChangePointGroup]
+ def __init__(self, series: Series, options: AnalysisOptions):
+ self.__series = series
+ self.options = options
+ self.change_points = self.__compute_change_points(series, options)
+ self.change_points_by_time = self.__group_change_points_by_time(series, self.change_points)
+ @staticmethod
+ def __compute_change_points(
+ series: Series, options: AnalysisOptions
+ ) -> Dict[str, List[ChangePoint]]:
+ result = {}
+ for metric in series.data.keys():
+ values = series.data[metric].copy()
+ fill_missing(values)
+ if options.orig_edivisive:
+ change_points = compute_change_points_orig(
+ values,
+ max_pvalue=options.max_pvalue,
+ )
+ else:
+ change_points = compute_change_points(
+ values,
+ window_len=options.window_len,
+ max_pvalue=options.max_pvalue,
+ min_magnitude=options.min_magnitude,
+ )
+ result[metric] = []
+ for c in change_points:
+ result[metric].append(
+ ChangePoint(
+ index=c.index, time=series.time[c.index], metric=metric, stats=c.stats
+ )
+ )
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def __group_change_points_by_time(
+ series: Series, change_points: Dict[str, List[ChangePoint]]
+ ) -> List[ChangePointGroup]:
+ changes: List[ChangePoint] = []
+ for metric in change_points.keys():
+ changes += change_points[metric]
+ changes.sort(key=lambda c: c.index)
+ points = []
+ for k, g in groupby(changes, key=lambda c: c.index):
+ cp = ChangePointGroup(
+ index=k,
+ time=series.time[k],
+ prev_time=series.time[k - 1],
+ attributes=series.attributes_at(k),
+ prev_attributes=series.attributes_at(k - 1),
+ changes=list(g),
+ )
+ points.append(cp)
+ return points
+ def get_stable_range(self, metric: str, index: int) -> (int, int):
+ """
+ Returns a range of indexes (A, B) such that:
+ - A is the nearest change point index of the `metric` before or equal given `index`,
+ or 0 if not found
+ - B is the nearest change point index of the `metric` after given `index,
+ or len(self.time) if not found
+ It follows that there are no change points between A and B.
+ """
+ begin = 0
+ for cp in self.change_points[metric]:
+ if cp.index > index:
+ break
+ begin = cp.index
+ end = len(self.time())
+ for cp in reversed(self.change_points[metric]):
+ if cp.index <= index:
+ break
+ end = cp.index
+ return begin, end
+ def test_name(self) -> str:
+ return self.__series.test_name
+ def branch_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.__series.branch
+ def len(self) -> int:
+ return len(self.__series.time)
+ def time(self) -> List[int]:
+ return self.__series.time
+ def data(self, metric: str) -> List[float]:
+ return self.__series.data[metric]
+ def attributes(self) -> Iterable[str]:
+ return self.__series.attributes.keys()
+ def attributes_at(self, index: int) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ return self.__series.attributes_at(index)
+ def attribute_values(self, attribute: str) -> List[str]:
+ return self.__series.attributes[attribute]
+ def metric_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
+ return self.__series.metrics.keys()
+ def metric(self, name: str) -> Metric:
+ return self.__series.metrics[name]
+class SeriesComparison:
+ series_1: AnalyzedSeries
+ series_2: AnalyzedSeries
+ index_1: int
+ index_2: int
+ stats: Dict[str, ComparativeStats] # keys: metric name
+def compare(
+ series_1: AnalyzedSeries,
+ index_1: Optional[int],
+ series_2: AnalyzedSeries,
+ index_2: Optional[int],
+) -> SeriesComparison:
+ # if index not specified, we want to take the most recent performance
+ index_1 = index_1 if index_1 is not None else len(series_1.time())
+ index_2 = index_2 if index_2 is not None else len(series_2.time())
+ metrics = filter(lambda m: m in series_2.metric_names(), series_1.metric_names())
+ tester = TTestSignificanceTester(series_1.options.max_pvalue)
+ stats = {}
+ for metric in metrics:
+ data_1 = series_1.data(metric)
+ (begin_1, end_1) = series_1.get_stable_range(metric, index_1)
+ data_1 = [x for x in data_1[begin_1:end_1] if x is not None]
+ data_2 = series_2.data(metric)
+ (begin_2, end_2) = series_2.get_stable_range(metric, index_2)
+ data_2 = [x for x in data_2[begin_2:end_2] if x is not None]
+ stats[metric] = tester.compare(np.array(data_1), np.array(data_2))
+ return SeriesComparison(series_1, series_2, index_1, index_2, stats)
diff --git a/hunter/slack.py b/hunter/slack.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..649e4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/slack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime
+from math import isinf
+from typing import Dict, List
+from pytz import UTC
+from slack_sdk import WebClient
+from hunter.data_selector import DataSelector
+from hunter.series import AnalyzedSeries, ChangePointGroup
+class NotificationError(Exception):
+ message: str
+class SlackConfig:
+ bot_token: str
+class SlackNotification:
+ tests_with_insufficient_data: List[str]
+ test_analyzed_series: Dict[str, AnalyzedSeries]
+ since: datetime
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ test_analyzed_series: Dict[str, AnalyzedSeries],
+ data_selection_description: str = None,
+ since: datetime = None,
+ ):
+ self.data_selection_description = data_selection_description
+ self.since = since
+ self.tests_with_insufficient_data = []
+ self.test_analyzed_series = dict()
+ for test, series in test_analyzed_series.items():
+ if series:
+ self.test_analyzed_series[test] = series
+ else:
+ self.tests_with_insufficient_data.append(test)
+ def __init_insufficient_data_dispatch(self):
+ dispatch = [
+ self.__text_block(
+ "header",
+ "plain_text",
+ "Hunter found insufficient data for the following tests :warning:",
+ )
+ ]
+ if self.data_selection_description:
+ dispatch.append(self.__data_selection_block())
+ return dispatch
+ def __init_report_dispatch(self):
+ dispatch = [self.__header()]
+ if self.data_selection_description:
+ dispatch.append(self.__data_selection_block())
+ if self.since:
+ dispatch.append(self.__report_selection_block())
+ return dispatch
+ def __minimum_dispatch_length(self):
+ min = 1 # header
+ if self.data_selection_description:
+ min += 1
+ if self.since:
+ min += 1
+ return min
+ # A Slack message can only contain 50 blocks so
+ # large summaries must be split across messages.
+ def create_dispatches(self) -> List[List[object]]:
+ dispatches = []
+ cur = self.__init_insufficient_data_dispatch()
+ for test_name in self.tests_with_insufficient_data:
+ if len(cur) == 50:
+ dispatches.append(cur)
+ cur = self.__init_insufficient_data_dispatch()
+ cur.append(self.__plain_text_section_block(test_name))
+ if len(cur) > self.__minimum_dispatch_length():
+ dispatches.append(cur)
+ dates_change_points = {}
+ for test_name, analyzed_series in self.test_analyzed_series.items():
+ for group in analyzed_series.change_points_by_time:
+ cpg_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(group.time, tz=UTC)
+ if self.since and cpg_time < self.since:
+ continue
+ date_str = self.__datetime_to_str(cpg_time)
+ if date_str not in dates_change_points:
+ dates_change_points[date_str] = {}
+ dates_change_points[date_str][test_name] = group
+ cur = self.__init_report_dispatch()
+ for date in sorted(dates_change_points):
+ add = [
+ self.__block("divider"),
+ self.__title_block(date),
+ ] + self.__dates_change_points_summary(dates_change_points[date])
+ if not len(cur) + len(add) < 50:
+ dispatches.append(cur)
+ cur = self.__init_report_dispatch()
+ cur = cur + add
+ if len(cur) > self.__minimum_dispatch_length():
+ dispatches.append(cur)
+ return dispatches
+ @staticmethod
+ def __datetime_to_str(date: datetime):
+ return str(date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
+ @staticmethod
+ def __block(block_type: str, content: Dict = None):
+ block = {"type": block_type}
+ if content:
+ block.update(content)
+ return block
+ @classmethod
+ def __text_block(cls, type, text_type, text):
+ return cls.__block(
+ type,
+ content={
+ "text": {
+ "type": text_type,
+ "text": text,
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def __fields_section(cls, fields_text):
+ def field_block(text):
+ return {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": text}
+ return cls.__block("section", content={"fields": [field_block(t) for t in fields_text]})
+ @classmethod
+ def __plain_text_section_block(cls, text):
+ return cls.__text_block("section", "plain_text", text)
+ def __header(self):
+ header_text = (
+ "Hunter has detected change points"
+ if self.test_analyzed_series
+ else "Hunter did not detect any change points"
+ )
+ return self.__text_block("header", "plain_text", header_text)
+ def __data_selection_block(self):
+ return self.__plain_text_section_block(self.data_selection_description)
+ def __report_selection_block(self):
+ return self.__fields_section(["Report Since", self.__datetime_to_str(self.since)])
+ @classmethod
+ def __title_block(cls, name):
+ return cls.__text_block("section", "mrkdwn", f"*{name}*")
+ def __dates_change_points_summary(self, test_changes: Dict[str, ChangePointGroup]):
+ fields = []
+ for test_name, group in test_changes.items():
+ fields.append(f"*{test_name}*")
+ summary = ""
+ for change in group.changes:
+ change_percent = change.forward_change_percent()
+ change_emoji = self.__get_change_emoji(test_name, change)
+ if isinf(change_percent):
+ report_percent = change_percent
+ # Avoid rounding decimal change points to zero
+ elif -5 < change_percent < 5:
+ report_percent = f"{change_percent:.1f}"
+ else:
+ report_percent = round(change_percent)
+ summary += f"{change_emoji} *{change.metric}*: {report_percent}%\n"
+ fields.append(summary)
+ sections = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(fields):
+ section_fields = []
+ while len(section_fields) < 10 and i < len(fields):
+ section_fields.append(fields[i])
+ i += 1
+ sections.append(self.__fields_section(section_fields))
+ return sections
+ def __get_change_emoji(self, test_name, change):
+ metric_direction = self.test_analyzed_series[test_name].metric(change.metric).direction
+ regression = metric_direction * change.forward_change_percent()
+ if regression >= 0:
+ return ":large_blue_circle:"
+ else:
+ return ":red_circle:"
+class SlackNotifier:
+ __client: WebClient
+ def __init__(self, client: WebClient):
+ self.__client = client
+ def notify(
+ self,
+ test_analyzed_series: Dict[str, AnalyzedSeries],
+ selector: DataSelector,
+ channels: List[str],
+ since: datetime,
+ ):
+ dispatches = SlackNotification(
+ test_analyzed_series,
+ data_selection_description=selector.get_selection_description(),
+ since=since,
+ ).create_dispatches()
+ if len(dispatches) > 3:
+ raise NotificationError(
+ "Change point summary would produce too many Slack notifications"
+ )
+ for channel in channels:
+ for blocks in dispatches:
+ self.__client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=blocks)
diff --git a/hunter/test_config.py b/hunter/test_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a721b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/test_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+import os.path
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+from hunter.csv_options import CsvOptions
+from hunter.util import interpolate
+class TestConfig:
+ name: str
+ def fully_qualified_metric_names(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class TestConfigError(Exception):
+ message: str
+class CsvMetric:
+ name: str
+ direction: int
+ scale: float
+ column: str
+class CsvTestConfig(TestConfig):
+ file: str
+ csv_options: CsvOptions
+ time_column: str
+ metrics: Dict[str, CsvMetric]
+ attributes: List[str]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ file: str,
+ csv_options: CsvOptions = CsvOptions(),
+ time_column: str = "time",
+ metrics: List[CsvMetric] = None,
+ attributes: List[str] = None,
+ ):
+ self.name = name
+ self.file = file
+ self.csv_options = csv_options
+ self.time_column = time_column
+ self.metrics = {m.name: m for m in metrics} if metrics else {}
+ self.attributes = attributes if attributes else {}
+ def fully_qualified_metric_names(self) -> List[str]:
+ return list(self.metrics.keys())
+class GraphiteMetric:
+ name: str
+ direction: int
+ scale: float
+ suffix: str
+ annotate: List[str] # tags appended to Grafana annotations
+class GraphiteTestConfig(TestConfig):
+ prefix: str # location of the performance data for the main branch
+ branch_prefix: Optional[str] # location of the performance data for the feature branch
+ metrics: Dict[str, GraphiteMetric] # collection of metrics to fetch
+ tags: List[str] # tags to query graphite events for this test
+ annotate: List[str] # annotation tags
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ prefix: str,
+ branch_prefix: Optional[str],
+ metrics: List[GraphiteMetric],
+ tags: List[str],
+ annotate: List[str],
+ ):
+ self.name = name
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ self.branch_prefix = branch_prefix
+ self.metrics = {m.name: m for m in metrics}
+ self.tags = tags
+ self.annotate = annotate
+ def get_path(self, branch_name: Optional[str], metric_name: str) -> str:
+ metric = self.metrics.get(metric_name)
+ substitutions = {"BRANCH": [branch_name if branch_name else "main"]}
+ if branch_name and self.branch_prefix:
+ return interpolate(self.branch_prefix, substitutions)[0] + "." + metric.suffix
+ elif branch_name:
+ branch_var_name = "%{BRANCH}"
+ if branch_var_name not in self.prefix:
+ raise TestConfigError(
+ f"Test {self.name} does not support branching. "
+ f"Please set the `branch_prefix` property or use {branch_var_name} "
+ f"in the `prefix`."
+ )
+ interpolated = interpolate(self.prefix, substitutions)
+ return interpolated[0] + "." + metric.suffix
+ else:
+ return self.prefix + "." + metric.suffix
+ def fully_qualified_metric_names(self):
+ return [f"{self.prefix}.{m.suffix}" for _, m in self.metrics.items()]
+class HistoStatTestConfig(TestConfig):
+ name: str
+ file: str
+ def fully_qualified_metric_names(self):
+ from hunter.importer import HistoStatImporter
+ return HistoStatImporter().fetch_all_metric_names(self)
+def create_test_config(name: str, config: Dict) -> TestConfig:
+ """
+ Loads properties of a test from a dictionary read from hunter's config file
+ This dictionary must have the `type` property to determine the type of the test.
+ Other properties depend on the type.
+ Currently supported test types are `fallout`, `graphite` and `csv`.
+ """
+ test_type = config.get("type")
+ if test_type == "csv":
+ return create_csv_test_config(name, config)
+ elif test_type == "graphite":
+ return create_graphite_test_config(name, config)
+ elif test_type == "histostat":
+ return create_histostat_test_config(name, config)
+ elif test_type is None:
+ raise TestConfigError(f"Test type not set for test {name}")
+ else:
+ raise TestConfigError(f"Unknown test type {test_type} for test {name}")
+def create_csv_test_config(test_name: str, test_info: Dict) -> CsvTestConfig:
+ csv_options = CsvOptions()
+ try:
+ file = test_info["file"]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ raise TestConfigError(f"Configuration key not found in test {test_name}: {e.args[0]}")
+ time_column = test_info.get("time_column", "time")
+ metrics_info = test_info.get("metrics")
+ metrics = []
+ if isinstance(metrics_info, List):
+ for name in metrics_info:
+ metrics.append(CsvMetric(name, 1, 1.0, name))
+ elif isinstance(metrics_info, Dict):
+ for (metric_name, metric_conf) in metrics_info.items():
+ metrics.append(
+ CsvMetric(
+ name=metric_name,
+ column=metric_conf.get("column", metric_name),
+ direction=int(metric_conf.get("direction", "1")),
+ scale=float(metric_conf.get("scale", "1")),
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ raise TestConfigError(f"Metrics of the test {test_name} must be a list or dictionary")
+ attributes = test_info.get("attributes", [])
+ if not isinstance(attributes, List):
+ raise TestConfigError(f"Attributes of the test {test_name} must be a list")
+ if test_info.get("csv_options"):
+ csv_options.delimiter = test_info["csv_options"].get("delimiter", ",")
+ csv_options.quote_char = test_info["csv_options"].get("quote_char", '"')
+ return CsvTestConfig(
+ test_name,
+ file,
+ csv_options=csv_options,
+ time_column=time_column,
+ metrics=metrics,
+ attributes=test_info.get("attributes"),
+ )
+def create_graphite_test_config(name: str, test_info: Dict) -> GraphiteTestConfig:
+ try:
+ metrics_info = test_info["metrics"]
+ if not isinstance(metrics_info, Dict):
+ raise TestConfigError(f"Test {name} metrics field is not a dictionary.")
+ except KeyError as e:
+ raise TestConfigError(f"Configuration key not found in test {name}: {e.args[0]}")
+ metrics = []
+ try:
+ for (metric_name, metric_conf) in metrics_info.items():
+ metrics.append(
+ GraphiteMetric(
+ name=metric_name,
+ suffix=metric_conf["suffix"],
+ direction=int(metric_conf.get("direction", "1")),
+ scale=float(metric_conf.get("scale", "1")),
+ annotate=metric_conf.get("annotate", []),
+ )
+ )
+ except KeyError as e:
+ raise TestConfigError(f"Configuration key not found in {name}.metrics: {e.args[0]}")
+ return GraphiteTestConfig(
+ name,
+ prefix=test_info["prefix"],
+ branch_prefix=test_info.get("branch_prefix"),
+ tags=test_info.get("tags", []),
+ annotate=test_info.get("annotate", []),
+ metrics=metrics,
+ )
+def create_histostat_test_config(name: str, test_info: Dict) -> HistoStatTestConfig:
+ try:
+ file = test_info["file"]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ raise TestConfigError(f"Configuration key not found in test {name}: {e.args[0]}")
+ if not os.path.exists(file):
+ raise TestConfigError(
+ f"Configuration referenced histostat file which does not exist: {file}"
+ )
+ return HistoStatTestConfig(name, file)
diff --git a/hunter/util.py b/hunter/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd4a3ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hunter/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+import math
+import re
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict, deque
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime
+from functools import reduce
+from itertools import islice
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, TypeVar
+import dateparser
+from pytz import UTC
+def resolution(time: List[int]) -> int:
+ """
+ Graphite has a finite time resolution and the timestamps are rounded
+ to e.g. full days. This function tries to automatically detect the
+ level of rounding needed by inspecting the minimum time distance between the
+ data points.
+ """
+ res = 24 * 3600
+ if len(time) < 2:
+ return res
+ for (a, b) in sliding_window(time, 2):
+ if b - a > 0:
+ res = min(res, b - a)
+ for t in time:
+ res = math.gcd(res, t)
+ return res
+def round(x: int, divisor: int) -> int:
+ """Round x to the multiplicity of divisor not greater than x"""
+ return int(x / divisor) * divisor
+def remove_prefix(text: str, prefix: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Strips prefix of a string. If the string doesn't start with the given
+ prefix, returns the original string unchanged.
+ """
+ if text.startswith(prefix):
+ return text[len(prefix) :]
+ return text
+T = TypeVar("T")
+def merge_sorted(lists: List[List[T]]) -> List[T]:
+ """
+ Merges multiple sorted lists into a sorted list that contains
+ only distinct items from the source lists.
+ Current implementation uses sorting, so it is not very efficient for
+ very large lists.
+ Example:
+ - input: [[0, 1, 2, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2, 3, 5]]
+ - output: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ """
+ output = set()
+ for list_ in lists:
+ for item in list_:
+ output.add(item)
+ output = list(output)
+ output.sort()
+ return output
+def remove_common_prefix(names: List[str], sep: str = ".") -> List[str]:
+ """"""
+ if len(names) == 0:
+ return names
+ split_names = [name.split(sep) for name in names]
+ min_len = min(len(components) for components in split_names)
+ def are_same(index: int) -> bool:
+ return all(c[index] == split_names[0][index] for c in split_names)
+ prefix_len = 0
+ while prefix_len + 1 < min_len and are_same(prefix_len):
+ prefix_len += 1
+ return [sep.join(components[prefix_len:]) for components in split_names]
+def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Prints to stdandard error"""
+ print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
+def format_timestamp(ts: int, millisecond_resolution: Optional[bool] = True) -> str:
+ if millisecond_resolution:
+ return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=UTC).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")
+ else:
+ return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=UTC).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+def insert_multiple(col: List[T], new_items: List[T], positions: List[int]) -> List[T]:
+ """Inserts an item into a collection at given positions"""
+ result = []
+ positions = set(positions)
+ new_items_iter = iter(new_items)
+ for i, x in enumerate(col):
+ if i in positions:
+ result.append(next(new_items_iter))
+ result.append(x)
+ return result
+class DateFormatError(ValueError):
+ message: str
+def parse_datetime(date: Optional[str]) -> Optional[datetime]:
+ """
+ Converts a human-readable string into a datetime object.
+ Accepts many formats and many languages, see dateparser package.
+ Raises DataFormatError if the input string format hasn't been recognized.
+ """
+ if date is None:
+ return None
+ parsed: datetime = dateparser.parse(date, settings={"RETURN_AS_TIMEZONE_AWARE": True})
+ if parsed is None:
+ raise DateFormatError(f"Invalid datetime value: {date}")
+ return parsed
+def sliding_window(iterable, size):
+ """
+ Returns an iterator which represents a sliding window over the given
+ collection. `size` denotes the size of the window. If the collection length
+ is less than the size, no items are yielded.
+ """
+ iterable = iter(iterable)
+ window = deque(islice(iterable, size), maxlen=size)
+ for item in iterable:
+ yield tuple(window)
+ window.append(item)
+ if len(window) == size:
+ # needed because if iterable was already empty before the `for`,
+ # then the window would be yielded twice.
+ yield tuple(window)
+def is_float(value) -> bool:
+ """Returns true if value can be converted to a float"""
+ try:
+ float(value)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+def is_datetime(value) -> bool:
+ """Returns true if value can be parsed as a date"""
+ try:
+ parse_datetime(value)
+ return True
+ except DateFormatError:
+ return False
+def merge_dicts(d1: Dict, d2: Dict) -> OrderedDict:
+ """
+ Returns a sum of two dictionaries, summing them left-to-right.
+ Lists and sets under the same key are added.
+ Dicts with the same key are merged recursively.
+ Simple values with the same key are overwritten (right dictionary wins).
+ Maintains the order of the sets.
+ """
+ result = OrderedDict(d1)
+ for k in d2.keys():
+ v1 = d1.get(k)
+ v2 = d2.get(k)
+ if v2 is None:
+ result[k] = v1
+ elif v1 is None:
+ result[k] = v2
+ elif isinstance(v1, Dict) and isinstance(v2, Dict):
+ result[k] = merge_dicts(v1, v2)
+ elif isinstance(v1, List) and isinstance(v2, List):
+ result[k] = v1 + v2
+ elif isinstance(v1, Set) and isinstance(v2, Set):
+ result[k] = v1 | v2
+ else:
+ result[k] = v2
+ return result
+def merge_dict_list(dicts: List[Dict]) -> Dict:
+ """
+ Returns a sum of dictionaries, summing them left-to-right.
+ Lists and sets under the same key are added.
+ Dicts with the same key are merged recursively.
+ Simple values with the same key are overwritten (rightmost dictionary wins).
+ """
+ return reduce(merge_dicts, dicts, {})
+def interpolate(s: str, vars: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> List[str]:
+ """
+ Replaces all occurrences of %{VARIABLE} with respective variable values looked up in the
+ vars dictionary. A variable is allowed to have more than one value assigned –
+ in this case one result string is returned per each combination of variable values.
+ Example:
+ s = "name:%{NAME}"
+ vars = { "NAME": ["foo", "bar"] }
+ result = ["name:foo", "name:bar"]
+ """
+ match = re.search("%{(\\w+)}", s)
+ if match:
+ var_name = match.group(1)
+ values = vars[var_name]
+ start, end = match.span(0)
+ before = s[0:start]
+ after = s[end:]
+ result = []
+ remaining = interpolate(after, vars)
+ for suffix in remaining:
+ for v in values:
+ result.append(before + v + suffix)
+ return result
+ else:
+ return [s]
diff --git a/orion.py b/orion.py
index f40b19a..341d9c5 100644
--- a/orion.py
+++ b/orion.py
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
import os
import click
-import yaml
import pandas as pd
from fmatch.matcher import Matcher
+from utils.orion_funcs import run_hunter_analyze, get_metadata,set_logging, load_config
@@ -25,7 +26,8 @@ def cli():
@click.option("--config", default="config.yaml", help="Path to the configuration file")
@click.option("--output", default="output.csv", help="Path to save the output csv file")
@click.option("--debug", is_flag=True, help="log level ")
-def orion(config, debug, output):
+@click.option("--hunter-analyze",is_flag=True, help="run hunter analyze")
+def orion(config, debug, output,hunter_analyze):
"""Orion is the cli tool to detect regressions over the runs
@@ -36,25 +38,22 @@ def orion(config, debug, output):
level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO
logger = logging.getLogger("Orion")
logger = set_logging(level, logger)
+ data = load_config(config,logger)
+ ES_URL=None
+ if "ES_SERVER" in data.keys():
+ ES_URL = data['ES_SERVER']
+ else:
+ if 'ES_SERVER' in os.environ:
+ ES_URL=os.environ.get("ES_SERVER")
+ else:
+ logger.error("ES_SERVER environment variable/config variable not set")
+ sys.exit(1)
- if "ES_SERVER" not in os.environ:
- logger.error("ES_SERVER environment variable not set")
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- with open(config, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- data = yaml.safe_load(file)
- logger.debug("The %s file has successfully loaded", config)
- except FileNotFoundError as e:
- logger.error("Config file not found: %s", e)
- sys.exit(1)
- except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
- logger.error("An error occurred: %s", e)
- sys.exit(1)
for test in data["tests"]:
metadata = get_metadata(test)
logger.info("The test %s has started", test["name"])
- match = Matcher(index="perf_scale_ci", level=level)
+ match = Matcher(index="perf_scale_ci", level=level, ES_URL=ES_URL)
uuids = match.get_uuid_by_metadata(metadata)
if len(uuids) == 0:
print("No UUID present for given metadata")
@@ -105,55 +104,10 @@ def orion(config, debug, output):
lambda left, right: pd.merge(left, right, on="uuid", how="inner"),
- match.save_results(merged_df, csv_file_path=output)
-def get_metadata(test):
- """Gets metadata of the run from each test
- Args:
- test (dict): test dictionary
+ match.save_results(merged_df, csv_file_path=output.split(".")[0]+"-"+test['name']+".csv")
- Returns:
- dict: dictionary of the metadata
- """
- metadata_columns = [
- "platform",
- "masterNodesType",
- "masterNodesCount",
- "workerNodesType",
- "workerNodesCount",
- "benchmark",
- "ocpVersion",
- "networkType",
- "encrypted",
- "fips",
- "ipsec",
- ]
- metadata = {key: test[key] for key in metadata_columns if key in test}
- metadata["ocpVersion"] = str(metadata["ocpVersion"])
- return metadata
-def set_logging(level, logger):
- """sets log level and format
- Args:
- level (_type_): level of the log
- logger (_type_): logger object
- Returns:
- logging.Logger: a formatted and level set logger
- """
- logger.setLevel(level)
- handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- handler.setLevel(level)
- formatter = logging.Formatter(
- "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
- )
- handler.setFormatter(formatter)
- logger.addHandler(handler)
- return logger
+ if hunter_analyze:
+ run_hunter_analyze(merged_df,test)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index b98bd22..e592666 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,44 @@
+orion @ file:///Users/sboyapal/Documents/Redhat/orion
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index be07410..52fdafc 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
setup.py for orion cli tool
-from setuptools import setup
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
'orion = orion:orion',
+ packages=find_packages(),
+ package_data={'utils': ['utils.py'],'hunter': ['*.py']},
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
diff --git a/utils/__init__.py b/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/utils/orion_funcs.py b/utils/orion_funcs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca64cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/orion_funcs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
+module for all utility functions orion uses
+# pylint: disable = import-error
+import logging
+import sys
+import yaml
+import pandas as pd
+from hunter.report import Report, ReportType
+from hunter.series import Metric, Series
+def run_hunter_analyze(merged_df,test):
+ """Start hunter analyze function
+ Args:
+ merged_df (Dataframe): merged dataframe of all the metrics
+ test (dict): test dictionary with the each test information
+ """
+ merged_df["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(merged_df["timestamp"])
+ merged_df["timestamp"] = merged_df["timestamp"].astype(int) // 10**9
+ metrics = {column: Metric(1, 1.0)
+ for column in merged_df.columns
+ if column not in ["uuid","timestamp"]}
+ data = {column: merged_df[column]
+ for column in merged_df.columns
+ if column not in ["uuid","timestamp"]}
+ attributes={column: merged_df[column] for column in merged_df.columns if column in ["uuid"]}
+ series=Series(
+ test_name=test["name"],
+ branch=None,
+ time=list(merged_df["timestamp"]),
+ metrics=metrics,
+ data=data,
+ attributes=attributes
+ )
+ change_points=series.analyze().change_points_by_time
+ report=Report(series,change_points)
+ output = report.produce_report(test_name="test",report_type=ReportType.LOG)
+ print(output)
+def get_metadata(test):
+ """Gets metadata of the run from each test
+ Args:
+ test (dict): test dictionary
+ Returns:
+ dict: dictionary of the metadata
+ """
+ metadata_columns = [
+ "platform",
+ "masterNodesType",
+ "masterNodesCount",
+ "workerNodesType",
+ "workerNodesCount",
+ "benchmark",
+ "ocpVersion",
+ "networkType",
+ "encrypted",
+ "fips",
+ "ipsec",
+ "infraNodesCount"
+ ]
+ metadata = {key: test[key] for key in metadata_columns if key in test}
+ metadata["ocpVersion"] = str(metadata["ocpVersion"])
+ return metadata
+def set_logging(level, logger):
+ """sets log level and format
+ Args:
+ level (_type_): level of the log
+ logger (_type_): logger object
+ Returns:
+ logging.Logger: a formatted and level set logger
+ """
+ logger.setLevel(level)
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ handler.setLevel(level)
+ formatter = logging.Formatter(
+ "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
+ )
+ handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ return logger
+def load_config(config,logger):
+ """Loads config file
+ Args:
+ config (str): path to config file
+ logger (Logger): logger
+ Returns:
+ dict: dictionary of the config file
+ """
+ try:
+ with open(config, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ data = yaml.safe_load(file)
+ logger.debug("The %s file has successfully loaded", config)
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ logger.error("Config file not found: %s", e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
+ logger.error("An error occurred: %s", e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return data