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Clojars Project


Cljfx dev tools

Cljfx is a declarative, functional and extensible wrapper of JavaFX inspired by better parts of react and re-frame. Cljfx dev tools are a set of tools that help with developing cljfx applications but should not be included into the production distribution of the cljfx app.


The default developer experience of cljfx has some issues:

  • what are the allowed props for different JavaFX types is not clear and requires looking it up in the source code;
  • what are the allowed JavaFX type keywords requires looking it up in the source code;
  • errors when using non-existent props are unhelpful;
  • generally, errors that happen during cljfx lifecycle are unhelpful because the stack traces have mostly cljfx internals instead of user code.

Cljfx dev tools solve these issues by providing:

  • reference for cljfx types and props;
  • specs for cljfx descriptions, so they can be validated;
  • dev-time lifecycles that perform validation and add cljfx component stacks to exceptions to help with debugging;


See latest version on Clojars.


Cljfx dev tools require Java 11 or later.


Props and types reference

If you don't remember the props required by some cljfx type, or if you don't know what are the available types, you can use to look up this information:

(require '

;; look up available types:
;; Available cljfx types:
;; Cljfx type                             Instance class
;; :accordion                             javafx.scene.control.Accordion
;; :affine                                javafx.scene.transform.Affine
;; ...etc

;; look up information about fx type:
( :label)
;; Cljfx type:
;; :label
;; Instance class:
;; javafx.scene.control.Label
;; Props                            Value type     
;; :accessible-help                 string
;; :accessible-role                 either of: :button, :check-box, :check-menu-item, :combo-box, :context-menu, :date-picker, :decrement-button, :hyperlink, :image-view, :increment-button, :list-item, :list-view, :menu, :menu-bar, :menu-button, :menu-item, :node, :page-item, :pagination, :parent, :password-field, :progress-indicator, :radio-button, :radio-menu-item, :scroll-bar, :scroll-pane, :slider, :spinner, :split-menu-button, :tab-item, :tab-pane, :table-cell, :table-column, :table-row, :table-view, :text, :text-area, :text-field, :thumb, :titled-pane, :toggle-button, :tool-bar, :tooltip, :tree-item, :tree-table-cell, :tree-table-row, :tree-table-view, :tree-view
;; :accessible-role-description     string
;; ...etc

;; look up information about a prop:
( :label :graphic)
;; Prop of :label - :graphic
;; Cljfx desc, a map with :fx/type key
;; Required instance class:
;; javafx.scene.Node¹
;; ---
;; ¹javafx.scene.Node - Fitting cljfx types:
;;  Cljfx type               Class
;;  :accordion               javafx.scene.control.Accordion
;;  :ambient-light           javafx.scene.AmbientLight
;;  :anchor-pane             javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane
;;  :arc                     javafx.scene.shape.Arc
;;  ...etc

You can also use help in a UI form that shows that same information, but is easier to search for:


Invoking this fn will open a window with props and types reference: Help UI screenshot

Improved error messages with spec

You can set validating type->lifecycle opt that will validate all cljfx component descriptions using spec and properly describe the errors:

;; suppose you have a simple app:
(require '[cljfx.api :as fx])

(defn message-view [{:keys [text]}]
  {:fx/type :label
   :text text})

(defn root-view [{:keys [text]}]
  {:fx/type :stage
   :showing true
   :scene {:fx/type :scene
           :root {:fx/type message-view
                  :text text}}})

(def state (atom {:text "Hello world"}))

;; you will use custom logic here to determine if it's a prod or dev, 
;; e.g. by using a system property: (Boolean/getBoolean "")
(def in-development? true)

(def renderer
    :middleware (fx/wrap-map-desc #(assoc % :fx/type root-view))
    ;; optional: print errors in REPL's *err* output
    :error-handler (bound-fn [^Throwable ex]
                     (.printStackTrace ^Throwable ex *err*))
    :opts (cond-> {}
            ;; Validate descriptions in dev
            (assoc :fx.opt/type->lifecycle @(requiring-resolve '>lifecycle)))))

(defn -main []
  (fx/mount-renderer state renderer))

;; then start the app:
;; invalid state change - making text prop of a label not a string:
(swap! state assoc :text :not-a-string)
;; prints to *err*:
;; clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Invalid cljfx description of :label type:
;; :not-a-string - failed: string? in [:text]
;; Cljfx component stack:
;;   :label
;;   user/message-view
;;   :scene
;;   :stage
;;   user/root-view
;;     at$ensure_valid_desc.invokeStatic(validation.clj:62)
;;     at$ensure_valid_desc.invoke(validation.clj:58)
;;     at$wrap_lifecycle$reify__22150.advance(validation.clj:80)
;;     at ...

If you already use custom type->lifecycle opt, instead of using>lifecycle you can use>lifecycle to wrap your type->lifecycle with validations.

Additionally, you can validate individual descriptions while developing:

  {:fx/type :stage
   :showing true
   :scene {:fx/type :scene
           :root {:fx/type :text-formatter
                  :value-converter :int}}})
;; :int - failed: #{:local-date-time :long :double :short :date-time :number :local-time :default :float :integer :byte :local-date :big-integer :boolean :character :big-decimal} in [:scene :root :value-converter]
;; :int - failed: (instance-of javafx.util.StringConverter) in [:scene :root :value-converter]

  {:fx/type :stage
   :showing true
   :scene {:fx/type :scene
           :root {:fx/type :text-formatter
                  :value-converter :integer}}})
;; {:fx/type :text-formatter, :value-converter :integer} - failed: (desc-of (quote javafx.scene.Parent)) in [:scene :root]

  {:fx/type :stage
   :showing true
   :scene {:fx/type :scene
           :root {:fx/type :text-field
                  :text-formatter {:fx/type :text-formatter
                                   :value-converter :integer}}}})
;; Success!

Cljfx component inspector

Using the same dev type->lifecycle opt, you also get cljfx component tree inspector that can be opened by pressing F12:

Inspector screenshot

Inspector shows a live tree of components and their props. Open shortcut can be configured using :inspector-shortcut argument to wrap-type->lifecycle fn.


Many thanks to Clojurists Together for funding this work!