A simple example of a cordova plugin that utilizes the Android NDK
This plugin combines don/Cordova-plugin-hello and the hello-jni android NDK example to create a very simple example of a Cordova plugin that uses the android NDK.
If you modify the hello-jni.c file be sure to re-build using the ndk-build script to update the libhello-jni.so binary.
use the following code to execute:
var success = function (message) {
var failure = function () {
alert("Error calling Hello Plugin");
hello.greet("World", success, failure);
I did this to help anyone like me who tirelessy searched for a simple example of running C code in a Cordova/Ionic application. This is usually a problem faced by people who midway through app development realize they need to use a C library.
Disclaimer: This was my first attempt at writing a cordova plugin and my first time using NDK. There may be huge flaws in my implementation, feel free to make a pull request for fixes.
##iOs platform Now you can call c-function from objective-c class. Just create your c-file and put in the same folder.
dependency: you should update your ios platform like this:
cordova platform update [email protected]