Exporting LingPy's wordlist format to CLDF is straightforward:
>>> from lingpy import *
>>> from lingpy.tests.util import test_data
>>> from lingpy.convert.cldf import to_cldf, from_cldf
>>> wl = Wordlist(test_data('KSL.qlc'))
>>> to_cldf(wl)
Similarly, reading a wordlist, is as straighforward as pointing to the metadata-file.
>>> wl = from_cldf('cldf/Wordlist-metadata.json')
This makes it also possible to convert quickly from CLDF to Nexus and a couple of other formats:
>>> from lingpy.convert.strings import write_nexus
>>> mb = write_nexus(wl, 'mrbayes', filename='ksl-mrbayes.nex')
>>> beast = write_nexus(wl, 'beastwords', filename='ksl-beast.nex')
For more information, compare our concise LingPy tutorial (List et al. forthcoming), or the official LingPy reference.