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392 lines (373 loc) · 8.97 KB

File metadata and controls

392 lines (373 loc) · 8.97 KB


grunt plugin for generate doc form javascript source

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-jdoc --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "jdoc" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named jdoc to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  jdoc: {
    your_target: {
      // js source file you want to build from
      src: 'test/js/checkAppInstalled.js',
      // the path for `doc.json` generate to
      target: 'docs'

js demo - build in @tag


 * @function checkAppInstalled
 * @desc 通过packageName(Android)获取本地指定应用的本版号

If the function is on some namespace, for example : app.checkAppInstalled

 * @function app.checkAppInstalled
 * @desc 通过packageName(Android)获取本地指定应用的本版号

@function - doc.json

  "app": {
    "property": {
      "checkAppInstalled": {
        "detail": {
          "function": "app.checkAppInstalled",
          "desc": "通过packageName(Android)获取本地指定应用的本版号"
  • grunt-jdoc can handle any object automation


If you want to note namespace alone, for example : app

 * @namespace app
 * @desc 应用模块

@namespace - doc.json

  "app": {
    "property": {},
    "detail": {
      "namespace": "app",
      "desc": "应用模块"


 * @attribute isAppInstalled
 * @desc 是否安装标识

If the attribute is on some namespace, for example : app.isAppInstalled

 * @attribute app.isAppInstalled
 * ...

@attribute - doc.json

  "app": {
    "property": {
      "isAppInstalled": {
        "detail": {
          "attribute": "app.isAppInstalled",
          "desc": "是否安装"


 * @event qbrowserPullDown
 * @desc 页面下拉刷新是后会抛出该事件
 * @example
 * mqq.addEventListener("qbrowserPullDown", function () {
 *     // your code
 * });

@event - doc.json

  "event": {
    "qbrowserPullDown": {
      "detail": {
        "event": "qbrowserPullDown",
        "desc": "页面下拉刷新是后会抛出该事件",
        "example": [
            "key": "example",
            "field": "\n mqq.addEventListener(\"qbrowserPullDown\", function () {\r\n     // your code\r\n });\r\n"


 * @class Animal
 * @desc 动物类
 * @prototype
 * @desc 奔跑吧
 * @type Function
 * @prototype
 * @desc 性别
 * @type property

@class - doc.json

  "class": {
    "Animal": {
      "detail": {
        "class": "Animal",
        "desc": "动物类"
      "proto": {
        "run": {
          "prototype": "",
          "desc": "奔跑吧",
          "type": "Function"
        "sex": {
          "prototype": "",
          "desc": "性别",
          "type": "property"


 * @function app.checkAppInstalled
 * @desc 通过packageName(Android)获取本地指定应用的本版号
 * @param {String} identifier 要查询的 identifier。
 * @param {Function} callback 回调函数
 * @param {String} callback.result 返回查询结果。
 * @options for callback.result 0 - 没安装
 * @options for callback.result 1 - 已安装
 * @note for identifier 这是关于`identifier`的提示

@param - doc.json

  "app": {
    "property": {
      "checkAppInstalled": {
        "detail": {
          "function": "app.checkAppInstalled",
          "desc": "通过packageName(Android)获取本地指定应用的本版号",
          "options": [],
          "note": [],
          "param": [
              "key": "param",
              "field": "identifier",
              "type": "String",
              "optional": false,
              "desc": " 要查询的 identifier。\r",
              "note": [
                  "key": "note",
                  "field": "这是关于`identifier`的提示",
                  "belong": "identifier"
              "key": "param",
              "field": "callback",
              "type": "Function",
              "optional": false,
              "desc": " 回调函数\r",
              "param": [
                  "key": "param",
                  "field": "result",
                  "type": "String",
                  "optional": false,
                  "desc": " 返回查询结果。\r",
                  "options": [
                      "key": "options",
                      "field": "1 - 已安装",
                      "belong": "callback.result"
                      "key": "options",
                      "field": "0 - 没安装",
                      "belong": "callback.result"
  • you can describe object by use .
  • also you can use for keyword to extend some specific param


 * @function app.checkAppInstalled
 * @desc 通过packageName(Android)获取本地指定应用的本版号
 * @example
 *, function (ret) {
 *     console.log(ret);
 * });

@example - doc.json

  "app": {
    "property": {
      "checkAppInstalled": {
        "detail": {
          "function": "app.checkAppInstalled",
          "desc": "通过packageName(Android)获取本地指定应用的本版号",
          "example": [
              "key": "example",
              "field": "\n, function (ret) {\r\n     console.log(ret); // 5.3.1\r\n });\r\n"
  • you can note more than one examples

js demo - user-defined @tag

  • you can use any note tag you want, for example: @support, @note, @important etc.
  • every user-defined tag can use for keyword to extend some specific @param

user-defined tag

 * @function app.checkAppInstalled
 * @desc 通过packageName(Android)获取本地指定应用的本版号
 * @param {String} identifier 要查询的 identifier。
 * @param {Function} callback 回调函数
 * @param {String} callback.result 返回查询结果。
 * @yourtag this is an user-defined tag of `app.checkAppInstalled`
 * @yourtag2 for callback.result this is an user-defined tag of `callback.result`

user-defined tag - doc.json

  "app": {
    "property": {
      "checkAppInstalled": {
        "detail": {
          "function": "app.checkAppInstalled",
          "desc": "通过packageName(Android)获取本地指定应用的本版号",
          "yourtag": [
              "key": "yourtag",
              "field": "this is an user-defined tag of `app.checkAppInstalled`",
              "belong": ""
          "yourtag2": [],
          "param": [
              "key": "param",
              "field": "identifier",
              "type": "String",
              "optional": false,
              "desc": " 要查询的 identifier。\r"
              "key": "param",
              "field": "callback",
              "type": "Function",
              "optional": false,
              "desc": " 回调函数\r",
              "param": [
                  "key": "param",
                  "field": "result",
                  "type": "String",
                  "optional": false,
                  "desc": " 返回查询结果。\r",
                  "yourtag2": [
                      "key": "yourtag2",
                      "field": "this is an user-defined tag of `callback.result`",
                      "belong": "callback.result"


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

(Nothing yet)