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1261 lines (682 loc) · 23.7 KB

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1261 lines (682 loc) · 23.7 KB

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  • DialogLayout no longer has double the spacing between TopNav and content



  • Updated CJLogo to use the new svg asset
  • Changed CJIcon to use CJLogo instead of its own svg paths
  • Added webpack support for svg files in visual-stack-redux



  • visual-stack/sortingHelper: Custom comparator to handle null values while sorting, specifically for string data type.


New Component

  • CompanySelector: Add selector component to change between companies. This component allows the ability to search through companies



  • SideNav: Prevent the sidenav icons from looking too much apart when the sidenav is collapsed and the user is using the expanded property


New Features

  • Tabs can now render lazily.



  • TopNav: add subtitle prop for centered text in nav



  • DialogLayout: Fixed the padding at the top of the dialog layout.



  • Drawer: Added missing propTypes


New Component

  • Add Drawer component



  • Box: remove console warning on experimental Box



  • Box: move out of experimental. Experimental version is kept for backward compatibility but deprecated. Will be removed in a future release.
  • Box: rename spacing props values from "default" to "medium".
  • Box: update Box docs.


  • Update to about installing lerna.
  • BlankSlate: Remove hard-coded / default icon graphic and white background Panel per UX.
  • Form: Remove 24px margin between fields per UX.
  • Modal: Remove header and footer boarder lines, push top down, add left & right padding of 25px, include a -md class which is not quite as wide as the default. All per UX.
  • DataTable: Change the thickness and color of the header row bottom border, remove the extra DataTable.css import which was causing issues, added alignment argument to header props. All per UX.
  • TopNav: Fixed some sizing and cursor issues.
  • Panel: Now passing down classnames onto the component.


New Component

  • Add TopNav component



  • Add optional alwaysUpdateInnerCheckboxState prop to TriStateCheckbox
  • Allow additional className to be applied to Modal components



  • Add new Badge variants



  • Fix Badge PropTypes



  • Update Badge docs


New Feature

  • Add selectable rows to DataTable.

Breaking Changes in DataTable

  • renderToolbar's data prop now return an array of objects instead of array of arrays.
  • Before: data = [['first', 'last']], After: data = [{row: ['first', 'last'], selected: true}]

New Component

  • Add Badge component


New Component

  • Add PercentSlider: a new input component with percentage display


New Component

  • Add PureCollapsiblePanel so that you can manage the state outside the component


New Feature

  • CollapsiblePanel: add onToggleCollapse prop


Bug Fix

  • Tree: fix warnings in tree component


New Feature

  • SlidngPanel: support badges in sliding panel


Bug Fix

  • SlidngPanel: fix warnings



  • Input: fix onChange invocation when onBlur



  • Box: fix class names typo



  • Box: fix class names



  • Box: Add 2xl, 3xl, and 4xl paddings and gaps.



  • Box: Add xl and xxl paddings. Rename align and justify props. Normalize padding and gap props to use string values. Improve Box docs.


Bug Fix

  • SideNav: omit VS props from being passed to SideNav ul to avoid react console warnings


Bug Fix

  • ChoiceInput: Separate onClick prop for ChoiceInput and pass it only to actual Input, so the handler runs only once



  • TextArea: Add trimmed prop to trim value on blur



  • Input: Add trimmed prop to trim value on blur



  • Box: Remove wrap prop since it doesn't work well with gap
  • Box: Add nested boxes example
  • Text: Add error and error-small types
  • Button: Make min-width fit-content so it plays well with flexbox



  • Box component: Add more accepted values for alignItems and justifyContent props
  • Box component: Add wrap prop


Bug Fix

  • Spread only rest props in CollapsiblePanel


  • Refactor to use classNames in CollapsiblePanel


New Feature

  • Added a new Button Type - Raised Solid White


  • Improved restProps support in all components


New Feature

  • Add experimental Tree and TriStateCheckbox components


Updated styling

  • Update disabled button style


New Feature

  • Add experimental Box component as a layout primitive with standardized styling props


  • Improved PropTypes on Text component


New Feature

  • Add experimental Text component to render text without relying on globals
  • Split Form.js so that components can be imported independently


Updated styling

  • Add padding option to panel and collapsible panel
  • Changing padding between icon and text in collapsible panel


New Feature

  • Enhance Collapsible Panel to accept an icon


Bug Fix

  • SelectField passes options to Select and not to Field/Label


Bug Fix

  • Change SideNav height to fit-content instead of a fixed height


New Feature

  • Pass id prop to TextField, ChoiceInput and SelectField and it will be passed as for prop to label to help with accessibility and testing-library getByLabel.


Update Dependency

  • updating react-select from 2 to 3. This fixes componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed warnings


Bug Fix

  • Fix BlankSlate errors
  • Fix required sign padding


Bug Fix

  • SelectField passes react-select props only to react-select


Bug Fix

  • Additional Popover props are now being passed to the correct sub-component


Update Dependency

  • Use react-inlinesvg instead of react-svg


New Feature

  • Support required label in choice input and form field


Updated styling

  • Update select styles
  • Update <pre> and <code> styles
  • Update Collapsible Panel header title styles
  • Update modal styles

New Feature

  • Add CJ logo icon


New Feature

  • Added Popover component
  • Also included a stateful HoverPopover that shows the popover on hover
  • add solid-primary-raised and outline-secondary-raised button types


Updated styling

  • update analytic cards to use css grid
  • update style in basic card


Bug Fixes

  • Revert change for Escape handler on Modal because it does not work with hooks


Bug Fixes

  • Fix Escape listener cleanup on Modal


New Feature

  • Add onEscapeKeyUp function to Modal


New Feature

  • Add rowIndex to DataTable onClick event


New Feature

  • Add left-aligned version of blank slate, and new icon
  • Update alert styling


New Feature

  • Additional BlankSlate functionality


New Feature

  • Add LoadingAnimation component
  • DataTable supports integrated LoadingAnimation


New Feature

  • Add Empty State to List View Component


Bug Fixes

  • Fix styling on DataTable cells not matching the corresponding header styles
  • Allow SideNav to have more children under the fold
  • Pagination with 0 entries now correctly displays total pages

New Feature

  • Better handle empty DataTables with a new configurable message
  • Add ability to change hard-coded text in Pagination for customization and translations
  • Add ability for DataTables to change hard-coded text in Pagination

Update Dependency

  • Updated react-svg to v10 to fix React 16.9 warnings about deprecated lifecycle methods


Bug Fixes

  • Fix glitches that occur when the SlidingPanel component is remounted

Updated styling

  • ExpandingInputButton: add expanding animation and adjust svg sizes, hover interactions


Add Component

  • Add Alert component
  • Add ExpandingInputButton


New Feature

  • Add custom cell option to data table
  • Add toolbar option in data table


New Feature

  • Add new Data table


New Feature

-Add category label to the side nav


Bug Fixes

-Fix dropdown filter's incorrect state when remounting with the same id


New Feature

-Add optional onClick prop to analytic cards


New Feature

  • The callback for the datepicker now gets the ids of the currently selected sidebar ranges


New Feature

  • Add Button type "inline-outline-secondary" for Buttons that are lined up in a row with selects.
  • Add second argument to the DatePicker's onApply callback that receives the selected named ranges.


New Feature

  • Add initialActive prop to SideNavLinkGroup to specify that a SideNav section should be expanded on first render.


Add Component

  • Add AsyncSelect component that lets you get the list of autocomplete options from an asynchronous source.

4.6.0 (May 23, 2019)

Add component

  • Add DatePicker component that lets you select one or two date ranges manually or from a list of predefined ranges.

4.5.1 (May 21, 2019)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where props in visual-stack-redux SlidingPanel are not passed through to visual-stack SlidingPanel.

4.5.0 (May 20, 2019)

Add component

  • Add ButtonWithDropdown component that associates a button with an expansible dropdown area.

New Feature

  • SlidingPanel sections take a className prop.

Updated styling

  • Remove footer from DialogLayout and move buttons to the top, changed colors and add support for wide content.

4.4.0 (May 14, 2019)

Add component

  • Add AnalyticCard Component
  • Adding className to SlidingPanel

4.3.2 (May 1, 2019)

Updated styling

  • Add default height to textarea
  • Add loading state to List View
  • Remove fixed height in List View

4.3.1 (April 17, 2019)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix exceeding maximum update depth when using connected renderFooter in List View

4.3.0 (April 17, 2019)

Add component

  • Add Pagination component

4.2.1 (April 16, 2019)

Updated component

  • Make submit and cancel on DialogLayout optional

Updated styling

  • Add styles for react-select multiselects

4.2.0 (April 12, 2019)

Add component

  • Add List View component

4.0.1 (Mar 28, 2019)

Updated styling

  • Make collapsible panel header non-selectable
  • Dialog layout defaults to a smaller width

4.0.0 (Mar 20, 2019)


  • New text-link button type

New components

  • Added Select and SelectField components

3.5.0 (Mar 13, 2019)


  • React and ReactDOM upgraded to v16
  • Enzyme React adapter upgraded to v16
  • Jest upgraded to v24.3.0
  • Ramda upgraded to v0.26

New Components

  • Added CollapsiblePanel component
  • Added TextArea component

3.4.2 (Feb 21, 2019)

Updated styling - z-index issues and more bottom margin on Field

  • Style changes for form Fields
  • Add z-index for DialogLayout components
  • Add disableSubmit prop on DialogLayout

3.4.1 (Feb 14, 2019)

change styles for field components

  • Add fontWeight for FieldContent
  • Add paddingSize for Panel
  • Add media based width for FieldContent

3.4.0 (Feb 8, 2019)

Add components

  • Add form field components
  • Add dialog layout component

3.3.0 (Feb 4, 2019)

Styling Changes

  • broke the dependency on bootstrap node module
  • update font weights

Component Updates

  • add id prop to SlidingPanelDropdown

3.2.0 (Jan 31, 2019)

Styling Changes

  • UserMenu places LogoutLink in last position
  • Updated layout metrics

Component Updates

  • Modal accepts onBackgroundClick prop

3.1.0 (Nov 30, 2018)

Styling Changes

  • Updated Button UI

Component Update

  • Added homeLink prop to SideNav that defaults to /

3.0.4 (Nov 16, 2018)

New Component

  • Added Card Component

3.0.3 (Nov 14, 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where if multiple pages have active sliding panels, they stay active on page load instead of toggling.

3.0.2 (Nov 13, 2018)

Icon Updates

  • Added an issue icon

3.0.1 (Nov 2, 2018)

Styling Changes

  • Update sliding panel css

3.0.0 (Oct 29, 2018)

Styling Changes

  • Updated sidenav styles.
  • Updated topnav styles.
  • Forced all Areas to use CJTeal.

2.7.6 (Oct 1, 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed pixel width issue on right side of application.

2.7.5 (Sept 28, 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • Updated Aapplication Layout so when Sliding panel is displayed it doesn't collapse the header.

2.7.4 (Sept 20, 2018)


  • Upgraded material-ui so build no longer breaks.

2.7.3 (Aug 13, 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix css styling for sidenav toggle.

2.7.2 (Aug 9, 2018)

  • Css fix for page content so that header now stacks on top of page content.
  • Added package-lock.json

2.7.1 (Aug 1, 2018)

  • Bug fix for form component which was incorrectly name-spacing bootstrap css.
  • Added demo for form component in visual-stack docs site

2.7.0 (July 31, 2018)

  • Reverted css changes that were made in the incorrect package.
  • Namespaced css in visual-stack components.

2.6.0 (July 19, 2018)

  • Version bump
  • Fixed linting errors

2.5.4 (July 18, 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • fix ToggleIcon redux wrapper

2.5.3 (July 18, 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • add props to allow overrides of hard-coded labels

2.5.2 (June 14, 2018)

CSS Updates

  • CSS updates to SideNav and PageHeader

2.5.1 (March 13, 2018)

New Feature

  • Standard exports for TabLabelContent / TabContent

2.5.0 (March 12, 2018)

New Feature

  • Created and added TabLayout Component
    • Takes any number of Tab child Components.
    • Styling is minimal to allow flexibility.
    • Label and Content of component can take any type of Component.
    • TabLayout also allows for fixed position header.

2.4.1 (February 15, 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue with last elements in side nav being hidden in long lists

2.4.0 (January 19, 2018)

New Feature

  • Table improvements
    • All components accept a className prop
    • All components accept and forward unhandled props to the underlying React component
    • Adds right, center, and nowrap shorthand props to Td and Th
    • Removes the TdRight component in favor of
    • Renames all CSS classes with a vs- prefix
    • Expands the documentation to explain the changes

2.3.0 (January 2, 2018)

New Feature

  • Added UserMenuLink component for the UserMenu.

2.2.4 (November 20, 2017)

Styling Change

  • Localized H1,Ul,Li css from base

2.2.3 (November 17, 2017)

Styling Changed

  • Updated Sliding Panel button styling

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed sliding panel height when expanded dropdowns are more than the height of the page

2.2.2 (November 14, 2017)

Styling Changed

  • Updated Sliding Panel width

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed checkbox sizes in MultiSelectFilter

2.2.1 (November 9, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Updated Sliding Panel redux component so it can be rendered anywhere, and the Application Layout is only subscribed to its state.

2.2.0 (November 9, 2017)

Build Changes

  • Upgraded to Webpack 3

Style Changes

  • Updated Sliding Panel redux component to push application content to the side when expanded. Presentational Sliding Panel functionality is still the same.

2.1.3 (October 23, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed SideNav to handle use case were no UserMenu is passed in.

2.1.2 (October 23, 2017)

Styling Updates

  • Updated styling for Sliding Panel.
  • Updated UserMenu to get UserIcon color from SideNav.

2.1.1 (October 18, 2017)

New Features

  • Added simple Table component.

2.1.0 (October 9, 2017)

New Features

  • Migrate from React.PropTypes to separate prop-types lib
  • Added compare Icon

Styling Updates

  • Update styling for SlidingPanel not that TopNav is gone
  • Update SideNav colors from grays to blackish-blues
  • Update CJ Logo, removing trademark

2.0.0 (October 2, 2017)

Breaking Changes

  • Application Layout no longer accepts TopNav and related components.
  • TopNav component removed.

New Features

  • UserMenu refactored to work within SideNav component.
  • SideNav documentation added to doc site.
  • Icon documentation added to doc site.
  • npm run watch command now starts with a npm run build.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix horizontal overflow issue in Application Layout.

1.2.3 (September 22, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Adjusted Sliding Panel top height.
  • Adjusted Secondary Header top height.

1.2.2 (September 12, 2017)

New Features

  • Allow SideNav component to set initial state via props.

1.2.1 (September 6, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix SideNav text wrapping
  • Re-export SideNav components through visual-stack-redux

1.2.0 (September 6, 2017)

New Features

  • Material UI Icons

Styling Update

  • SideNav label wrapping
  • TopNav background color

1.1.0 (September 1, 2017)


  • Upgraded React to 15.6.1

Styling Update

  • Updated SideNav to now display logo instead of Top Nav.

1.0.1 (August 3, 2017)

Major Version Update

  • SideNav Component is now collapsable
  • Application Layout now has Redux wrapper component
  • Tooltips added in patch update
  • See for documentation on breaking changes

0.17.16 (July 6, 2017)

Styling Update

  • Modal box-shadow, border-radius, padding and margins.

0.17.15 (June 20, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Sliding Panel shifted down to accomidate new Top Nav.

0.17.14 (June 20, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Header z-index bumped up to prevent AmCharts overlapping.

0.17.13 (June 16, 2017)

Styling Update

  • Updated CJ Logo

Bug Fix

  • Fixed but so that right aligned Page Header content is not cut off.

0.17.12 (June 16, 2017)

Styling Update

  • Made PageHeader component fixed.

0.17.11 (June 7, 2017)

Bug Fix

  • Added Sliding Panel Tooltip to Visual Stack Redux
  • Fixed bug in zero state for MultiSelectFilter

0.17.10 (June 7, 2017)

Bug Fix

  • Made sliding panel icon remain highlighted when sliding panel is active.

0.17.9 (June 5, 2017)

New Feature

  • Added ability to set initial state for Sliding Panel Redux and Sliding Panel Dropdown Redux.

0.17.8 (June 1, 2017)

Bug Fix

  • Fixed allcheckbox null bug when no selectAllCheckbox is present

0.17.7 (June 1, 2017)

Breaking Change

  • Select All checkboxes in MultiSelectFilter is changed to now be optional

0.17.6 (May 23, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Moved Sliding Panel down to show Page Header
  • Added Tool Tip to Toggle Icon for Sliding Panel
  • Fixed MultiSelectFilter's zero state

0.17.5 (May 17, 2017)

Versioning Issues

0.17.4 (May 17, 2017)

Bug Fix

  • Checkbox filter scrolling bug.

0.17.3 (April 27, 2017)

Bug Fix

  • Sliding Panel sizing bug.

0.17.1 (April 7, 2017)

Bug Fix

  • Changed Sliding Panel Dropdown chevron direction.

0.16.0 (April 7, 2017)

Breaking Change

  • Updated Sliding Panel Dropdown to take mandatory id to allow for label translations.

0.15.3 (March 31, 2017)


  • Fixed css styles in SlidingPanelDropdown

0.15.2 (March 28, 2017)


  • Updated MultiSelectFilter to return entire selected value
  • Uping my git commit count

0.15.1 (March 28, 2017)


  • Updated MultiSelectFilter to allow setting default checked state
  • Added tests around it

0.11.1 (March 24, 2017)


  • Fixed MultiSelectFilter to handle single select values

0.11.0 (March 23, 2017)

New Features

  • Added Sliding Panel & Dropdown component
  • Added MultiSelectFilter component

0.9.0 (February 20, 2017)

New Features

  • New documentation package.
  • New Application Layout component.


  • Fix SideNav overflow CSS.
  • Fix SideNav LinkGroup cursor CSS.

Other Changes

  • Add test step to precommit hook.

0.7.10 (January 2, 2017)

New Features

  • New Top Navigation Component.

0.7.9 (December 2, 2016)

New Features

  • New Side Navigation Component.

0.7.8 (November 7, 2016)

New Features

  • UMD build can now be used with require.js.
  • Solid button text color is now white.


  • Fixed appending og classNames in Button component.

0.7.7 (October 21, 2016)

New Features

  • Added a UMD build to allow for usage of the library in a variety of environments.

0.7.6 (September 28, 2016)


  • Fixed malformed CSS.

0.7.5 (September 1, 2016)

New Features

  • Added Sidebar component.

0.7.3 (June 29, 2016)

New Features

  • Added new style for Button component.

0.7.2 (April 27, 2016)


  • Reinstated some PageHeader padding that was removed in 0.7.1.

0.7.1 (April 27, 2016)

Other Changes

  • Adjusted the PageHeader CSS to work with React 15, which no longer generates span wrappers for text interpolation and simply includes text nodes delimited by comment nodes.

0.7.0 (April 25, 2016)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed bootstrap-loader in favor of just using the plain bootstrap package. Including the relevant peer dependencies is no longer necessary. This fixes an issue where a .bootstraprc file was required to disable Bootstrap JavaScript to avoid an implicit dependency on jQuery.

0.6.0 (April 18, 2016)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed an overly specific global font-size: small rule that caused significant problems when attempting to create text styles.

0.5.0 (April 4, 2016)

Breaking Changes

  • The way MenuBar components are structured has been modified to remove the (previously undeclared) dependency on react-router. Instead of providing a link URL via to props, a HTML anchor element must be provided as a child. For example, given the following style from previous versions:

    <MenuBarItem to="/">Home</MenuBarItem>

    Starting in version 0.5.0, the link must be passed as a child component:

      <Link to="/">Home</Link>

    As a side-effect, this allows ordinary HTML anchor elements to be used in place of react-router Link components.

    Also, the MenuBar component’s API has been altered to accept an optional onTitleClick callback prop instead of directly using Link within its implementation.

0.4.4 (April 1, 2016)

New Features

  • Added support for modal components in visual-stack/lib/components/Modal.

0.4.3 (March 28, 2016)

Breaking Changes

  • ActionButton additionalClassNames prop has been changed to className. Change the prop accordingly.

0.4.2 (March 25, 2016)

Other Changes

  • Row can now accept props like id, onClick, and so on.

0.4.1 (March 24, 2016)

Other Changes

  • Added a proper margin to the bottom of the PageHeader component that matches the original source component.

0.4.0 (March 24, 2016)

New Features

  • Added various form components, including Form, FormGroup, Input, Label, and Legend.

0.3.1 (March 23, 2016)

New Features

  • Added ActionButton component to be used by Toolbar for actions within a List Toolbar.

0.3.0 (March 23, 2016)

Breaking Changes

  • The ExpandedRow component has been removed in favor of supporting an expansion prop on the Row component. All code should still work after replacing all instances of ExpandedRow with Row.


  • The react dependency is now properly listed as a peer dependency. This should not break any existing code, but it may cause version conflicts if using an old version of React.

0.2.1 (March 23, 2016)


  • Click events’ default actions are now properly suppressed when clicking on dropdown menu items, preventing the fragment from being reset.

0.2.0 (March 23, 2016)

New Features

  • Enhanced the MenuBar component to support right-aligned menu items and (stateless) dropdown menus. The leftItems prop can be used instead of using passing child elements for consistency with the new rightItems prop, but this is optional.