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Serialization library exposing a typeclass-like functional interface for Scala 2.11 and 2.12.


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Serialization library exposing a typeclass-like functional interface for Scala 2.11 and 2.12.

Copyright © 2017 CJ Affiliate under the terms of the MIT License. See "LICENSE" for details.

This branch is binary-compatible with Scala versions 2.11.x.

Currentl limitations:

  • Only supports UTF-8 character encoding.
  • YAML support is incomplete and experimental.

For Maven Projects

For core features add:


Avro, Thrift, and Scrooge are not added to you project dependencies by default. To use them, add them to your POM as normal. E.g.:





Full documentation available upon build at "target/site/scaladocs/index.html"

Core Features

The basic notions of the library are the traits Serialize[T] and Deserialize[T], and their methods serialize and deserialize.

trait Serialize[-T] {
  def serialize(t: T): Array[Byte]
trait Deserialize[+T] {
  def deserialize(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[T]

def serialize[T: Serialize](t: T): Array[Byte]
def deserialize[T: Deserialize](bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[T]

Import core features as:

import com.cj.serialization._

This will put serialize and deserialize into scope and will put values of type Serialize[String], Deserialize[String], Serialize[V], and Deserialize[V] (where V is all of Scala's AnyVal types) into scope. The user may create their own values of Serialize[T] and Deserialize[T] for any type T, which will expose serialize and deserialize prefix functions for T, respectively.

For example:

case class Foo(bar: Int)

// implement `serialize`
implicit object FooSerializer extends Serialize[Foo] {
  def serialize(t: Foo): Array[Byte] = t.toString.getBytes

// implement `deserialize`
implicit object FooDeserializer extends Deserialize[Foo] {
  def deserialize(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[Foo] = {
    val string: String = new String(bytes)
    val regex = "Foo\\((\\d+)\\)".r

    string match {
      case regex(digits) => Option(Foo(digits.toInt))
      case _ => None

val fooVal: Foo = Foo(1234)
val fooBytes: Array[Byte] = "Foo(5678)".getBytes
val incoherentBytes: Array[Byte] = "bytes".getBytes

  // `fooVal' serializes to `"Foo(1234)".getBytes`
  serialize(fooVal) sameElements "Foo(1234)".getBytes
  // 'fooBytes' deserializes to `RSuccess(Foo(5678)`
  // `deserialize` fails gracefully on incoherent input

See "src/test/scala/SerializationDemo.scala" for details.

JSON Features

Serialization provides a native Scala AST for representing JSON and embedded DSLs for constructing and destructuring JSON values, using the fabulous Argonaut library as a backend. We do a pretty good job or wrapping Argonaut, so no outside knowledge is required to use these features (though it can help with automatic codec generation, see below).

import com.cj.serialization.json._, JsonImplicits._

val jsonString = """{"foo": "bar", "baz": [1,2,3]}"""
val jsonAST = Json.obj("foo" -> "bar", "baz" -> Json.arr(0,1,2))
val foo = (jsonAST ~> "foo").string
val baz = (jsonAST ~> "baz" ~> 2).long

assert {
  foo.contains("bar") &&
  baz.contains(2) &&

We can piggy-back off of Argonaut's automatic codec generation to automatically be able to convert between native Scala case classes and their JSON representations.

case class Person(
                   name: String,
                   age: Int,
                   things: List[String],
                   mother: Option[String]

// use `casecodec4` here because `Person` has four fields
implicit val personCodec: JsonCodec[Person] = JsonCodec(argonaut.CodecJson.derived[Person])

Then personCodec will be used to convert back and forth between Person, Json, String and Array[Byte]

val tim = Person("Tim Drake", 19, List("Bo", "Rope"), Some("Janet Drake"))
  prettyJson[Person](tim) ==
      |  "name" : "Tim Drake",
      |  "age" : 19,
      |  "things" : [
      |    "Bo"
      |  ],
      |  "mother" : "Janet Drake"

val batmanString =
  parseJson[Person](batmanString) ==
    Some(Person("Batman", 38, List("Batarang", "Batmobile"), None))

See "src/test/scala/JsonDemo.scala" and "src/test/scala/JsonDemoMinimal.scala" for details.

Avro Integration

In addition to importing core features, import Avro integration as:

import com.cj.serialization.avro._

This will put a value of type Serialize[SpecificRecord] into scope, which will expose serialize to any class that extends Avro's SpecificRecord interface, with no additional code required.

To deserialize a class R that extend SpecificRecord, the user may construct a value of the class DeserializeSpecificRecord[R], which extends Deserialize[R] by providing the Avro Scheme of R. This will expose deserialize to R, allowing the user to deserialize byte arrays generated by any Avro client. For example:

class Rec extends SpecificRecord { ... }

// you can serialize for free
val rec: Rec = new Rec( ... )
val bytes: Array[Byte] = serialize(rec)

// deserializing requires a bit of boilerplate
implicit object RecD extends DeserializeSpecificRecord[Rec](Rec.getClassSchema)

val incomingBytes: Array[Byte] = ...
val maybeRec: Option[Rec] = deserialize(incomingBytes)

One-off convenience methods that construct instances for you are exposed as serializeAvro and deserializeAvro

def serializeAvro(record: SpecificRecord): Array[Byte]
def deserializeAvro[T >: Null <: SpecificRecord](schema: Schema, bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[T]

See "src/test/scala/AvroDemo.scala" for details.

Thrift/Scrooge Integration

In addition to importing core features, import Thrift integration (Scrooge integration, really) as:

import com.cj.serialization.thrift._

This will put a value of type Serialize[ThriftStruct] into scope, which will expose serialize to any class that extends from Scrooge's ThriftStruct trait, with no additional user input required.

To deserialize a class R that extends ThriftStruct, the user may construct a value of the class ThriftDeserializer[R], which extends Deserialize[R] by simply providing the Scrooge ThriftStructCodec of R as a constructor argument. This will expose deserialize to R, allowing the user to deserialize byte arrays generated by any Thrift client. For example:

trait Rec extends ThriftStruct { ... } // generated by Scrooge
object Rec extends ThriftStructCodec { ... } // generated by Scrooge

// you can serialize for free
val rec: Rec = Rec( ... )
val bytes: Array[Byte] = serialize(rec)

// deserializing requires a bit of boilerplate
implicit object RecD extends ThriftDeserializer[Rec](Rec)

val incomingBytes: Array[Byte] = ...
val maybeRec: Option[Rec] = deserialize(incomingBytes)

One-off convenience methods that construct instances for you are exposed as serializeAvro and deserializeAvro

def serializeThriftStruct[T <: ThriftStruct](t: T): Array[Byte]
def deserializeThriftStruct[T <: ThriftStruct](codec: ThriftStructCodec[T], bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[T]

See "src/test/scala/ThriftDemo.scala" for details.


Serialization library exposing a typeclass-like functional interface for Scala 2.11 and 2.12.







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