Paste this into the developer console:
let titleCase = str =>
str.replaceAll(/(?:^|-)(\w)/g, (m, char) => ' ' + char.toUpperCase())
let kebabCase = str => str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^0-9a-z]/g, '-')
let sanitize = str => str.trim().replace(/ +/g, ' ')
.map(el => {
try {
const staggered = !!$(el)
.find('#galad-ymm-title .store-ymm-small')
const vehicle = $(el).find('[alt]').attr('alt').split(' - ')[0]
const tire = sanitize($(el).find('#tire .galad-specs-large').text())
const wheel = sanitize($(el).find('#wheel .galad-specs-large').text())
const tireBrands = $('#list-params[data-type="tire_brand"] li')
.map(a => sanitize($(a).text()))
const tireMake = tire.match(new RegExp(tireBrands.join('|')))[0]
const tireModel = tire.replace(new RegExp(tireBrands.join('|')), '').trim()
// Assume that only the first word of the tire's name is the model. This
// won't be correct all of the time, but it's close enough most of the time.
const wheelBrands = $('#list-params[data-type="wheel_brand"] li')
.map(a => sanitize($(a).text()))
const wheelMake = wheel.match(new RegExp(wheelBrands.join('|')))[0]
const wheelModel = wheel
.replace(new RegExp(wheelBrands.join('|')), '')
const link = $(el).find('[href]').attr('href')
const suspension = titleCase(
new RegExp(
kebabCase(sanitize(vehicle.replace(' — Staggered', ''))) +
'-' +
kebabCase(wheel) +
'-(.*?)-' +
let response = {
source: 'Fitment Industries',
images: [$(el).find('img').attr('src')],
description: sanitize($(el).find('#galad-ymm-title').text()),
ride_height: 0
if (staggered) {
let [frontWheel, rearWheel] = sanitize(
$(el).find('#wheel .galad-specs-small').text()
.replace(/Front: |Rear: /g, '')
let [frontTire, rearTire] = sanitize(
$(el).find('#tire .galad-specs-small').text()
.replace(/Front: |Rear: /g, '')
let [frontTireWidth, frontAspect] = sanitize(frontTire).split(/\/|R/)
frontTireWidth = parseFloat(frontTireWidth)
frontAspect = parseFloat(frontAspect)
let [rearTireWidth, rearAspect] = sanitize(rearTire).split(/\/|R/)
rearTireWidth = parseFloat(rearTireWidth)
rearAspect = parseFloat(frontAspect)
let [frontDiameter, frontWheelWidth, frontOffset] =
sanitize(frontWheel).split(/x| |mm/)
frontDiameter = parseFloat(frontDiameter)
frontWheelWidth = parseFloat(frontWheelWidth)
frontOffset = parseFloat(frontOffset)
let [rearDiameter, rearWheelWidth, rearOffset] =
sanitize(rearWheel).split(/x| |mm/)
rearDiameter = parseFloat(rearDiameter)
rearWheelWidth = parseFloat(rearWheelWidth)
rearOffset = parseFloat(rearOffset)
response.wheel = {
front: {
diameter: frontDiameter,
width: frontWheelWidth,
offset: frontOffset,
make: wheelMake,
model: wheelModel
back: {
diameter: rearDiameter,
width: rearWheelWidth,
offset: rearOffset,
make: wheelMake,
model: wheelModel
response.tire = {
front: {
width: frontTireWidth,
aspect: frontAspect,
make: tireMake,
model: tireModel
back: {
width: rearTireWidth,
aspect: rearAspect,
make: tireMake,
model: tireModel
} else {
let [diameter, wheelWidth, offset] = sanitize(
$(el).find('#wheel .galad-specs-small').text()
).split(/x| |mm/)
diameter = parseFloat(diameter)
wheelWidth = parseFloat(wheelWidth)
offset = parseFloat(offset)
let [tireWidth, aspect] = sanitize(
$(el).find('#tire .galad-specs-small').text()
tireWidth = parseFloat(tireWidth)
aspect = parseFloat(aspect)
response.wheel = {
width: wheelWidth,
make: wheelMake,
model: wheelModel
response.tire = {
width: tireWidth,
make: tireMake,
model: tireModel
return response
} catch {
return null