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Designing discordquery

TODO: Clean this file.

Some thoughts that went into designing dicord-cli and the query language attached to it. This is the "current" specifications on how the language is parsed and understood by the runtime.

Language specifications

discordquery is built on top of @discordquery/engine and supports all functions the former mentioned does.

For the @discordquery/engine docs see docs/ or pages.


discordquery is defined as a scripting language that enables a programmatic access to discord bots.


  1. A conforming implementation of discordquery must provide support for all functions supported by @discordquery/engine. This includes all actions and arguments (known as values).

  2. A conforming implementation of discordquery must support all the data types specificed and returned by @dicord-cli/engine.

  3. A conforming implementation of discordquery must compile down into javascript executable code that can interract with @discordquery/engine.

A conforming implementation of discordquery can in principle use any syntax as long as the above clauses are fulfilled.


discordquery is an scripting language capable of accessing and manipulating discord bots using their api. This is made possible using the discord.js library, a discord api SDK for javascript. discordquery was designed to be a tool capable of using and moving discord bots dynamically, either via a terminal or other applications designed for interactive use.

discordquery was NOT designed to replace discord.js nor designed to being able to create standalone discord bots, though it's possible to use discordquery for data scraping or other mass use of the discord-api, limited only by discords terms of service.

Even though it's designed to be a scripting language the engine was made with extensibility in mind, so using @discordquery/engine for other clients, such as possibly a discord bot client.

File extensions

Though in essence this is not too important, upholding some standards is the best way forward.

discordquery script files use dq as extensions, this can be extended by adding any character infront or by changing the s (for script) to l (for lang). dq stands for discord query and it reflects the query like behavior of discordquery.

Discord Bot Tokens and instance variables

@discordquery/engine relies on a discord bot token (a discord bot account) to function, it's possible to have more than one Engine instance, it's even possible to have more than one of the same bot instance, but each instance can only hold one bot account and hold 1 instance each.

The discordquery engine uses 2 things to enable use of the discord api. First is the context also known as Engine.instance which can contain the current or "active" Guild or Channel this is used to implicitly pass variables to engine commands which we'll go over here.

The instance variables referes to the Engine.instance object which contains instance.currentGuild?: Guild and instance.currentChannel?: TextChannel | DMChannel, which are the instance variables which are used to determin context in calls to the discord api.

These variables are required by some actions of the engine, such as sendMessage, which requires instance.currentChannel to be set which in turn requires instance.currentGuild to also be set.


A recommended implementation of @discordquery/engine as a query language and the one used in this project. Inspired by SQL/FQL and Gremlin. In this document syntax rules are outlined by a continues numeric list that follows through the document.


Types are essential for the language to differenciate between different data types. Some data types are implicit given a certain keyword but some keywords can take multiple data types so being able to specify that is key.

1. "Annotations" are used to determin what type of data is passed. "000000000000"g

  • Annotations can be implicit.
  • Annotations are to be appended at the end of a input.
Char Type Expects Example
t token  string "MTgthisaIzNzUa3TA5NjAais.notaDC.eBaarealar4DQlOat0kenaqerT0"t
g guildID string{18}  "364140226775784869"g
c  channelID  string{18} "228666916018118541"c
m messageID    string{18} "343341358242773387"m
 u  userID string{18}  "382158480187811123"u
A* attachment File URI "/path/to/file.ext"A
E* embed Embed (JSON) {"title": "Hello World!", "url": ""}
** text string "My text string" or "My explicist text string"

* embed / attachment can be explicit since it's the only object passed to the SEND and EDIT keywords but A is required if you pass only the string.

** text is always implicict due to it's simple nature but for compatibility sake also be used explicitly

General Syntax

First we'll use ; as a seperator. Virtually allowing for multiline queries, this might be useful considering readability. It might not come as a surprise that U+00A0 also known as a whitespace or more commonly as   by frontend devs is used as the seperator for basically everything.

Comments are made with # and account for the single line the comment was made on, until a newline breaks it.

2. ; used as query seperator.

  • In the case of comments \n acts as the EOL for said comment and effectivly ignores the rest of the line.

Keyword syntax

3. Keywords can take multiple arguments.

  • Terminated by EOL, another keyword or the seperator.

  • Some keywords only takes one argument.

Allowing keywords to take multiple arguments until it's terminated by either a new keyword or the seperator allows less complicated queries to do more.

Syntax Table

Keyword   Used with? Optional? Expects [type] Required? (Amount)
USE [t] / [g] / [c] YES (+)
LISTEN [] / [g] / [c]      NO (1)
 FETCH [g] / [c] / [m] / [u] YES (1)
FROM FETCH  YES [g] / [c]  YES (1)
READ [] / [c] NO (1)
DELETE [m] or [c] YES (+) or NO (0)
SEND "" / [A] / [E] YES (+)
EDIT [m] YES (1)
WITH EDIT NO "" / [A] / [E] YES (+)
SHOW [] / [g] YES (1)
PRESENCE object YES (1)
RAW [] NO (0)

Keyword examples


Since @discordquery/engine relies on a few instance objects, we'll need the language to ensure a few required bits of information is passed, such as the discord bot token.

Hence the keyword USE to enable us to select and use the 3 basic Engine variables, the bot instance or its token, the current guild and the current channel.

This keyword should be able to set all 3 things at once as so:

USE "MTgthisaIzNzUa3TA5NjAais.notaDC.eBaarealar4DQlOat0kenaqerT0"t "364140226775784869"g "228666916018118541"c;

Or individually:

USE "MTgthisaIzNzUa3TA5NjAais.notaDC.eBaarealar4DQlOat0kenaqerT0"t;
USE "364140226775784869"g;
USE "228666916018118541"c;

Or over multiple lines:



One of the most important feature @discordquery/engine supports is probably the client events handeling. Live feedback is an important part of discord, so being able to see exactly what's going on in a guild, a channel or just everything you bot sees and being able to choose what kinds of events you want to see is very helpful.

4. When keywords taken location specific information such as guilds and channels are left empty (no arguments provided) it will if it supports it default to the entire client.

For that we'll reserve the LISTEN keyword. We need to be able to specify where we'll listen (what scope we'll be wanting info from) so that will be the first argument provided to listen as so:

Listens too the entire client


Listens only too events from a guild

LISTEN "364140226775784869"g;

Focuses on a channel

LISTEN "228666916018118541"c;

What is more is that @discordquery supports listening to only certain types of events which we can include in our syntax with the EXCLUDE and INCLUDE keywords.

Only listen too new messages, editted messages and deleted messages in a channel.

LISTEN "228666916018118541"c INCLUDE "message" "messageUpdate" "messageDelete";

Exclude all guild events with a wildcard on a bot


The actually implementation will use some kind of approach to ensure the correct includeEvents?: Array<keyof ClientEvents> array is passed to the listener.

The listen keyword holds the process until it has been exited, making it run in the background is also an option for other implementations.


One of the key components of this query langauge is the ability to use the discord api to garther data, for that purpose the keyword FETCH exists. This keyword needs to handle quite a bit of data so it supports multiple types.

First off you can use FETCH to fetch a Guild by it's id (data type) and a Channel (given instance.currentGuild is set) by its channelID.

FETCH "364140226775784869"g;
FETCH "228666916018118541"c;

You can also use it to fetch a single message by its ID though it's hard to come across any scenarios where you have the ID before hand.

FETCH "343341358242773387"m;

It can also be used to lookup a discord user by their ID, if the current guild is set and the user is to be found in that guild, it'll return a GuildMember object for that userID, but given that the user is not on the selected guild or no guild is selected a User object will return with publically available information.

FETCH "382158480187811123"u;

and this for members

FETCH "382158480187811123"u FROM "364140226775784869"g;


To expand on FETCH and specifically the FETCH m method of getting a message, @discordquery/engine also has amazing multi message fetching support sitting under the keyword READ.

READ takes a single optional argument that being a channel type and if none is provided it will fall back on instance.currentChannel and in turn fail if none of those are provided.

To demonstrate a more conventional query format here is an example that will use all specificed api points to fetch the same single message.

READ "228666916018118541"c LIMIT 1 BEFORE "343341358242773387"m AFTER "343341358242773387"m AROUND "343341358242773387"m;

These values can be included and excluded at will making the smallest possible READ query possible this one:


Which will return a surprising 50 messages from instance.currentChannel should it be set.


There are 2 options when it comes to deleting messages in discord, a normal single message delete, and bulkDelete a multimessage deleting endpoint.

The DELETE keyword has to input modes. First is using a normal single message deletion approach:

For the example sake i've repeated the same message 3 times but it's to demonstrate the ability to specify multiple messages.

DELETE "343341358242773387"m "343341358242773387"m "343341358242773387"m;
DELETE "343341358242773387"m "343341358242773387"m "343341358242773387"m IN "228666916018118541"c;

Then it supports a READ like approach.

DELETE LIMIT 1 BEFORE "343341358242773387"m AFTER "343341358242773387"m AROUND "343341358242773387"m IN "228666916018118541"c;

Where again you can play around with the values until you can delete your satisifed amount of messages.


Being able to send messages over discord is quite important too, SEND aims to do just that. Using the capitilized data types combined with strings for the content we can mix togehter basically any discord message at will.

SEND supports embeds with the E data type which in reality is a JSON Embed object documented here at and at

SEND also supports file attachemnts with the A data type which in turn can be provided with either a file path (relative to your current process) or the plain text data which will go into the file.

After which the target channel in your current guild can be specified. Again if this is not specified then it will simply fall back to instance.currentChannel or fail.

SEND "My message which will end up in the content field" "newline!" "./image.jpg"A {"thumbnail":{ "url":"" }} IN "228666916018118541"c;

Note how the embed is passed implicitly without the E annotation.


Editting previous messages (only messages sent with the current bot) is a help feature to correct mistakes or change previous content. EDITprovides easy and extensible keyword to edit discord messages sent by a bot user.

Using the same message options building method as SEND just instead by specifing a single message in the instance.currentChannel. EDIT overwrites so no further issues are created.

EDIT "343341358242773387"m WITH "Next message text" {"title":"embed override"};

and optionally

EDIT "343341358242773387"m WITH "Next message text" {"title":"embed override"} IN "228666916018118541"c;


The SHOW keyword is like a fancy FETCH in that it lists either all guilds the client is in or all channels* and members* in a guild.

* channels and members needs to be cached after the guild becomes active so it might not return a result instantly

SHOW "364140226775784869"g;


Discord presence is a funny one so to simplify it the keyword PRECENSE takes a single PresenceData object.

PRESENCE {"status": "dnd"};


This simply keyword RAW toggles between the way you see data outputted. When RAW is off you'll see all the data and data types neatly outputted to fit your terminal or your custom output format but when it's toggled you'll see the raw object structure instead.