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Jitpack Test CI Status Badge Digdag

A digdag plugin to run digdag tasks with locks by PostgreSQL.


  • Plugin type: operator


      - pro.civitaspo:digdag-operator-pg_lock:0.0.3

  # Wait during 5m until getting the named lock if another task locks.
  # This named lock can be used beyond the workflow and the project,
  # that means if another task in another project locks by the name, this task waits until the lock is released.
  pg_lock>: lock-1
  wait_timeout: 5m
    echo>: hello world

  # Tasks can get 5 locks.
  # When parallel tasks run with this feature, you can control the parallelism.
  # The below example means the tasks run in 5 parallels.
  loop>: 100
  _parallel: true
    pg_lock>: lock-2  
    limit: 5
      echo>: hello world

See example.



  • type DurationParam is strings matched \s*(?:(?<days>\d+)\s*d)?\s*(?:(?<hours>\d+)\s*h)?\s*(?:(?<minutes>\d+)\s*m)?\s*(?:(?<seconds>\d+)\s* s)?\s*.
    • The strings is used as java.time.Duration.

System configurations

  • The host name of PostgreSQL. (string, required)
  • pg_lock.port: The port of PostgreSQL. (integer, default: 5432)
  • pg_lock.database: The database name of PostgreSQL. (string, required)
  • pg_lock.schemata: The schema (or several schemata separated by commas) to be set in the search-path. (string, default: "public")
  • pg_lock.user: The user name of PostgreSQL. (string, required)
  • pg_lock.password: The password of PostgreSQL. (string, optional)
  • pg_lock.login_timeout: The timeout duration to wait for establishment of a PostgreSQL database connection. (DurationParam, default: 30s)
  • pg_lock.socket_timeout: The timeout duration for socket read operations. If reading from the server takes longer than this value, the connection is closed. This can be used as both a brute force global query timeout and a method of detecting network problems. 0s means that it is disabled. (DurationParam, default: 30m)
  • pg_lock.ssl: (boolean, default: false)
  • pg_lock.connection_timeout: The timeout duration that a client will wait for a connection from the pool. If this time is exceeded without a connection becoming available, a SQLException will be thrown. (DurationParam, default: 30s)
  • pg_lock.idle_timeout: The timeout duration that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool. 0s means that idle connections are never removed from the pool. (DurationParam, default: 10m)
  • pg_lock.validation_timeout: The timeout duration that the pool will wait for a connection to be validated as alive. (DurationParam, default: 5s)
  • pg_lock.max_pool_size: The connection pool size that is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections. (integer, default: 5)
  • pg_lock.min_idle_size: The property controls the minimum number of idle connections in the pool. (integer, default: the same value as pg_lock.max_pool_size)
  • pg_lock.max_life_time: This property controls the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool. When a connection reaches this timeout, even if recently used, it will be retired from the pool. An in-use connection will never be retired, only when it is idle will it be removed. (DurationParam, default: 30m)
  • pg_lock.leak_detection_threshold: The threshold that a connection can be out of the pool before a message is logged indicating a possible connection leak. 0s means that it is disabled. (DurationParam, default: 0s)
  • pg_lock.poll_interval: The polling interval to wait for getting the named lock. (DurationParam, default: 5s)
  • pg_lock.min_poll_interval: The minimum polling interval to wait for getting the named lock. (DurationParam, default: 5s)
  • pg_lock.max_poll_interval: The maximum polling interval to wait for getting the named lock. (DurationParam, default: 5m)
  • pg_lock.schema_migration: Whether do schema migration or not. (boolean, default: true)
  • pg_loch.schema_migration_history_table: The table name to write schema migration history. (string, default: "pg_lock_schema_migrations")
  • pg_lock.hash_seed_for_advisory_lock: The seed to hash strings with "MurmurHash 3" algorithm for pg_try_advisory_lock. (integer, default: -137723950 (the same as scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3.stringSeed))
  • The digdag server host name. If this option is specified, this operator can check the owner attempt status, and then can release locks that a finished task is the owner of. (string, optional)
  • pg_lock.digdag.port: The digdag server port. (integer, default: 65432)
  • pg_lock.digdag.disable_cert_validation: Disable the cert validation or not. (boolean, default: false)
  • pg_lock.digdag.ssl: Use ssl or not. (boolean, default: true)
  • pg_lock.digdag.headers.*: The headers when connecting to the digdag server. You can set multiple values like pg_lock.digdag.headers.KEY=VALUE. (string, default: {})
  • pg_lock.digdag.proxy_schema: The digdag proxy schema. (string, optional)
  • pg_lock.digdag.proxy_host: The digdag proxy host name. (string, optional)
  • pg_lock.digdag.proxy_port: The digdag proxy port. (integer, optional)

Operator configurations

  • pg_lock>: The name of lock. This name is used across workflows and projects. (string, required)
  • wait_timeout: The timeout to wait for getting the named lock. (DurationParam, default: 15m)
  • expire_in: The duration that the named lock expires in. (DurationParam, default: "1h")
  • limit: The limit count of the named locks within the namespace. If the different value is defined in another task, throw ConfigException. (integer, default: 1)
  • namespace: The namespace that the named lock can be unique. The valid values are "global", "site", "project", "workflow", "session", and"attempt". (string, default: "site")
  • unlock_finished_attempt_locks: Unlock the other locks having the same namespace and name as you want to lock if the owner attempts of the locks are finished. (boolean, default: true)
  • _do: The definition of subtasks with the named lock. (config, required)



Run an Example

1) build

./gradlew publish

Artifacts are build on local repos: ./build/repo.

2) run a PostgreSQL


PostgreSQL Runs foreground.

3) run examples


Run Tests

1) run a PostgreSQL


PostgreSQL Runs foreground.

2) run tests

./gradlew test



Apache License 2.0

