Releases: cisagov/Malcolm
Malcolm v4.0.0
Malcolm v4.0.0 consists of a major restructuring of the underlying data schema used to represent Zeek logs (and, going forward, logs from other data sources) in the Elasticsearch data store. As the Malcolm project uses semantic versioning when choosing version numbers, this backwards-compatibility breaking change is the reason for bumping the major version number from 3 to 4 despite no significant new functionality being introduced.
The details of the drivers behind this change can be found at idaholab#64 and idaholab#16. This change, though somewhat painful, will make it easier to integrate more data sources into Malcolm in the future and potentially makes Malcolm's network session data more compatible with other tools that use the Elastic Common Schema.
- as many field names have changed, custom saved dashboards and/or bookmarks to Kibana or Arkime visualizations may need to be adjusted accordingly
- old network session data (stored in the
indices in Elasticsearch) will not be visible (as the indices are now namedarkime-sessions3-*
A fresh install of Malcolm is recommended with this release. Upgrading from previous versions of Malcolm to v4.0.0+ is not suggested.
- added GitHub workflow files which contain instructions for GitHub to build the docker images and sensor and Malcolm installer ISOs.
- moved many fields that were named zeek-specific to generic ECS-specified (or at least "ECS-inspired") field names, updating related parsing code and dashboard definitions
- changed Zeek-specific field naming schema (e.g.,
) - added Corelight's Microsoft Excel privilege escalation detection (CVE-2021-42292) plugin
- integrated updates to the LDAP parser which improve the detail given from observed LDAP searches
- improved and genericized the code for mapping MAC addresses to vendor OUIs, replacing the use of logstash-filter-ieee_oui
- updated some Dockerfiles to use Debian 11 "bullseye" instead of Debian 10 "buster"
Malcolm v3.4.0
Malcolm v3.4.0 is a feature release focused on bringing its major underlying components up-to-date with the latest released versions, increasing stability, improving performance and adding new features.
- Component version updates
- Added GitHub actions for building the Malcolm Docker images on GitHub and pushing them to GHCR
- Moved common Logstash Ruby code to file-based scripting
- Use standard stunnel package in NGINX proxy container rather than building from source
- Switched from CLANG to GCC build toolchain for Zeek and Spicy plugins
- Replaced LXDE desktop environment with XFCE (for ISO images)
- Renamed various fields to align with Arkime's gradual adoption of the Elastic Common Schema
- Added parser support and dashboard for the STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) protocol
- Further improved capabilities for tagging ICS traffic
- Logs from known ICS protocols how have
added to thetags
field - Logs identified by "ICS best guess" lookups now have
added to thetags
field - "ICS best guess" lookups have been augmented with a MAC address lookup table of ICS hardware vendors
- ICS-related overview dashboards have been updated accordingly
- Logs from known ICS protocols how have
Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux may be obtained by pulling or building the Docker images and/or building the ISO installer images as described in the documentation. Unofficial ISO installer images for Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux are not hosted on GitHub, but may be downloaded from
Malcolm v3.3.1
v3.3.1 is a minor Malcolm release with the following updates:
- Incorporate Corelight's "OMIGOD" (CVE-2021-38647) plugin
- Bump capa to v3.0.2 which now includes ELF scanning capabilities
- Bump zeek to v4.0.4
- minor fix on race condition creating default anomaly detectors
- minor tweak to
script for building docker images
Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux may be obtained by pulling or building the Docker images and/or building the ISO installer images as described in the documentation. Unofficial ISO installer images for Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux are not hosted on GitHub, but may be downloaded from
Malcolm v3.3.0
List of changes in Malcolm v3.3.0:
Version 3.3.0 is a feature release of Malcolm.
New features
- Automatically create some broadly useful anomaly detectors when initializing Kibana
- connection size
- file transfer MIME type
- action and result (by application protocol)
- Configurable event severity scoring (idaholab#19) and new Severity dashboard
- Automatically create some broadly useful anomaly detectors when initializing Kibana
Other changes
- vagrant-based ISO build can now work with either VirtualBox or libvirt providers
- change wording of terms such as "master"/"slave" to "client"/"server" as instructed by DHS directive
Version updates
- Update base image for Debian-based Docker images from 10 (buster) to 11 (bullseye)
- Update Yara to 4.1.2
- Update Capa to 2.0.0
- Update Spicy to 1.2.1
- Update remainder of python 2 code to python 3
Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux may be obtained by pulling or building the Docker images and/or building the ISO installer images as described in the documentation. Unofficial ISO installer images for Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux are not hosted on GitHub, but may be downloaded from
Malcolm v3.2.1
List of changes in Malcolm v3.2.1:
This is a minor match release to fix a single regression bug in the Zeek LDAP parser that slipped into Malcolm v3.2.0. It is otherwise identical to that release.
- Bugs:
- LDAP parser broken (ldap.spicy:393 unset optional value) if built from source since May 31 (idaholab#52)
Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux may be obtained by pulling or building the Docker images and/or building the ISO installer images as described in the documentation. Unofficial ISO installer images for Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux are not hosted on GitHub, but may be downloaded from
Malcolm v3.2.0
List of changes in Malcolm v3.2.0:
New features
- "Best Guess" Fingerprinting for ICS Protocols - In an effort to help identify more ICS traffic, Malcolm can use "buest guess" method based on transport protocol (e.g., TCP or UDP) and port(s) to categorize potential traffic communicating over some ICS protocols without full parser support. This feature involves a mapping table and a Zeek script to look up the transport protocol and destination and/or source port to make a best guess at whether a connection belongs to one of those protocols. These potential ICS communications are categorized by vendor where possible. The list of ICS protocols' ports was adapted from various public sources, including, but not limited to, Grassmarlin's fingerprints and ITI/ICS-Security-Tools' list of Control Systems Ports.
Improvements and bug fixes
- Allow configuring the number of concurrent requests for ClamAV scanning, Yara and Capa via environment variables (
) - Zeek plugins to detect CVE-2021-31166 and pingback vulnerabilities
- Move creation of custom fields and views to Arkime's config.ini
- LDAP bind credentials world readable in docker (idaholab#47 and #171)
- zeek_template index template not created if index management not enabled (idaholab#50)
- kibana offline maps server not started (idaholab#51)
- Allow configuring the number of concurrent requests for ClamAV scanning, Yara and Capa via environment variables (
Version bumps
- Yara to 4.1.1
- Zeek to 4.0.3
- Spicy to 1.1.0
- Alpine to 3.14
- NGINX to 1.20.1
- Linux kernel to 5.10 (for ISO installs)
- urllib3 to 1.26.5 (#169)
Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux may be obtained by pulling or building the Docker images and/or building the ISO installer images as described in the documentation. Unofficial ISO installer images for Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux are not hosted on GitHub, but may be downloaded from
Malcolm v3.1.0
- Added support for EtherCAT (ICS protocol)
- Fixed and improved Spicy-based LDAP analyzer
- Detect VPN protocols IPsec, OpenVPN and WireGuard
New or improved
- Updated many Kibana dashboards and added dashbaords for newly-supported network protocols
- Improved output of debug logs from docker images
- Many minor improvements to underlying system for ISO installations
- Massively cut build time for Hedgehog ISO and Zeek Docker container by using .deb packages from released versions rather than building from source
- During build, install all Zeek plugins via zkg
Version updates
- Zeek v4.0.1
- Spicy v1.0.0
- Open Distro For Elasticsearch v1.13.2
- Yara v4.1.0
- Capa v1.6.3
- switch from centos:7 to amazonlinux:2 for base Docker image to build Kibana plugins
- stunnel v5.59
- NGINX v1.20.0
- LLVM/clang toolchain v11
- Flask-Cors v3.0.9 for Hedgehog kiosk interface (dependabot-flagged security alert)
- latest updates of various Zeek plugins, system and python packages, etc.
- all Python scripts updated to Python 3
Bugs fixed
- When LDAP authentication is used instead of BASIC authentication, show a landing page rather than a server error when attempting to browse to the local authentication management interface
- Fixed a regression bug where Malcolm fails to start correctly if not using UID/GID 1000:1000
- Don't automatically expose elasticsearch (and logstash) ports unless explicitly configured to do so
- freshclam should update the clamav database during docker image build
Malcolm v3.0.1
Malcolm v3.0.1 contains some important version updates for several of its components and fixes a few bugs. Please continue reading for more details.
List of changes in Malcolm v3.0.1:
- Version bumps
- Open Distro for Elastic (v1.13.0), which adds the following functionality over the previous release
- ODFE v1.13.0 is based on the Elastic components 7.10.2 (elasticsearch, kibana, logstash, beats)
- Zeek 3.0.13
- NGINX 1.19.7
- Alpine Linux 3.13 Docker base layer
- docker-compose 1.28.5 in Malcolm installable ISO version
- Restored the sankey visualization which was temporarily removed in Malcolm v3.0.0 (although there are still a few minor cosmetic issues with it)
- Removed port 8443 for upload (now just use /upload over the regular HTTPS port)
- Fixed issue with ODFE email alerts not being able to use self-signed SMTP certificates by importing CA certs in
into the JDK trust store for Elasticsearch and Logstash (see idaholab#37) - Don't expose the Elasticsearch 9200 by default, it must now be explicitly be enabled during -c
(see idaholab#38) - For ISO-installed versions of Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux, populate
with information about the build/release version - Populate user-agent for a few clients (Arkime's moloch-capture, some hedgehog test connection processes) so they're not just sent as blank when communicating with Malcolm
- Added Arkime link to Kibana dashboards' navigation pane
- Fix some issues in control script with older python3 versions (3.6.x) with
not being available - Fix suggestion for yum-based distributions to install python 3 requests via pip
Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux may be obtained by pulling or building the Docker images and/or building the ISO installer images as described in the documentation. Unofficial ISO installer images for Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux are not hosted on GitHub, but may be downloaded from
Malcolm v3.0.0
Malcolm v3.0.0 is a major release with some big replacements in the project's underpinnings, including a few backwards compatibility-breaking changes. Please continue reading for more details.
List of changes in Malcolm v3.0.0:
- Change base for Elasticsearch and Kibana Docker images (version 7.6.2) from to Open Distro for Elastic (based on Elastic 7.10.0); see idaholab#15. This is a major change which breaks backwards compatibility for several features (listed below). If you are using these features, you will need to back up the data and/or configuration associated with them and migrate them manually to the new tools. No automatic migration or upgrade of these features is performed. It's recommended that you re-run --configure
(see System configuration and tuning) prior to running Malcolm v3.0.0.- Kibana comments replaced with Notebooks
- Kibana elastalert plugin replaced with Alerting plugin
- Elasticsearch curator replaced with Index Management plugin
- The third-party Sankey visualization plugin has been temporarily removed due to compatibility issues, although it is planned to be reintegrated in a Malcolm point release in the near future (see uniberg/kbn_sankey_vis#15)
- The third-party Kibana drill-down plugin providing Kibana-to-Moloch pivoting has been temporarily removed due to compatibility issues, although it is planned to be reintegrated in a Malcolm point release in the near future (see goodlabs-studio/kibana-plugin-drilldownmenu#5)
- In addition to those replacements, the Real Time Anomaly Detection feature is now available:
- Real Time Anomaly Detection in Open Distro for Elasticsearch blog announcement
- Anomaly Detection documentation and source code for Elasticsearch and Kibana components
- Random Cut Forests writeup
- If you are not up-to-date on the recent developments in Elasticsearch's licensing, here are a few of the official statements from the various parties involved:
-'s original announcement, clarification, Elastic License v2 announcement, "Why we had to change" post and FAQ on 2021 License Change
- Open Distro for Elasticsearch initial response post, Amazon AWS Open Source Blog post and fork updates post
- Malcolm startup time (especially the Logstash container) has been reduced drastically
- Improvements to Malcolm's prebuilt Kibana dashboards
- Improvements to build scripts
- Minor tweaks and bugfixes for ISO-installed environments for Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux
- Minor other bug fixes and performance improvements
- Version bump
- Yara v4.0.5
Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux may be obtained by pulling or building the Docker images and/or building the ISO installer images as described in the documentation. Unofficial ISO installer images for Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux are not hosted on GitHub, but may be downloaded from
Malcolm v2.6.1
Malcolm v2.6.1 contains the following changes:
- Added TFTP Zeek parser and corresponding Logstash parsing, Arkime WISE support and Kibana dashboards
- Provide browser-based access to zeek/extracted-files directory (idaholab#34)
- Fix LDAP analyzer not parsing all events (idaholab#35)
- Provide more fine-tuned controls for Zeek's node.cfg in Hedgehog sensor (idaholab#36, /pull/158)
- set zeek.uid to conn_uids for files.log entries (idaholab#33)
- Modify Zeek build chain to use default GCC compilers instead of LLVM/clang,which reduces build dependencies
- Use Firefox instead of Chromium for browser in ISO-installed versions of Malcolm and in Hedgehog Linux
- Updated copyright notices in text from "2020" to "2021" (which is the bulk of the changed files in this commit)
- Version bumps
- Yara to 4.0.4