Table of contents
In this doc, the restrictions and limitations of SQL plugin is covered as follows.
Using Elasticsearch cluster name as catalog name to qualify an index name, such as my_cluster.my_index
, is not supported for now.
We are not supporting use alias field type as identifier. It will throw exception can't resolve Symbol
Aggregation over expression is not supported for now. You can only apply aggregation on fields, aggregations can't accept an expression as a parameter. For example, avg(log(age)) is not supported.
Here's a link to the Github issue - [Issue #288](opendistro-for-elasticsearch#288).
Subquery in the FROM clause in this format: SELECT outer FROM (SELECT inner) is supported only when the query is merged into one query. For example, the following query is supported:
SELECT t.f, t.d FROM ( SELECT FlightNum as f, DestCountry as d FROM kibana_sample_data_flights WHERE OriginCountry = 'US') t
But, if the outer query has GROUP BY or ORDER BY, then it's not supported.
JOIN does not support aggregations on the joined result. The join query does not support aggregations on the joined result. For example, e.g. SELECT, avg(empo.age) FROM empo JOIN depo WHERE == GROUP BY is not supported.
Here's a link to the Github issue - Issue 110.
For now, only the field defined in index is allowed, all the other calculated fields (calculated by scalar or aggregated functions) is not allowed. For example, either avg_flight_time
or AVG(FlightTimeMin)
is not accessible to the rank window definition as follows:
SELECT OriginCountry, AVG(FlightTimeMin) AS avg_flight_time, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY avg_flight_time) AS rnk FROM kibana_sample_data_flights GROUP BY OriginCountry
Another limitation is that currently window function cannot be nested in another expression, for example, CASE WHEN RANK() OVER(...) THEN ...
Workaround for both limitations mentioned above is using a sub-query in FROM clause:
SELECT SUM(t.avg_flight_time) OVER(...) FROM ( SELECT OriginCountry, AVG(FlightTimeMin) AS avg_flight_time, FROM kibana_sample_data_flights GROUP BY OriginCountry ) AS t
Pagination only supports basic queries for now. The pagination query enables you to get back paginated responses. Currently, the pagination only supports basic queries. For example, the following query returns the data with cursor id:
POST _opendistro/_sql/ { "fetch_size" : 5, "query" : "SELECT OriginCountry, DestCountry FROM kibana_sample_data_flights ORDER BY OriginCountry ASC" }
The response in JDBC format with cursor id:
{ "schema": [ { "name": "OriginCountry", "type": "keyword" }, { "name": "DestCountry", "type": "keyword" } ], "cursor": "d:eyJhIjp7fSwicyI6IkRYRjFaWEo1UVc1a1JtVjBZMmdCQUFBQUFBQUFCSllXVTJKVU4yeExiWEJSUkhsNFVrdDVXVEZSYkVKSmR3PT0iLCJjIjpbeyJuYW1lIjoiT3JpZ2luQ291bnRyeSIsInR5cGUiOiJrZXl3b3JkIn0seyJuYW1lIjoiRGVzdENvdW50cnkiLCJ0eXBlIjoia2V5d29yZCJ9XSwiZiI6MSwiaSI6ImtpYmFuYV9zYW1wbGVfZGF0YV9mbGlnaHRzIiwibCI6MTMwNTh9", "total": 13059, "datarows": [[ "AE", "CN" ]], "size": 1, "status": 200 }
The query with aggregation and join does not support pagination for now.