Authors: Alexander Brown, Ivan Hargreaves
In this part of the OSGi Demystified series, Ivan and Alex explore declarative services in detail. They demonstrate how to manage dependencies between different components of an application, and how the services approach can provide dynamically upgradable applications with zero downtime. The second half of this article uses sample code to build applications that handle updates to services without outage
At its core, OSGi is a framework for managing components and their dependencies. In the OSGi articles, we've looked at how the OSGi framework manages dependencies; mainly from the bundle-wiring perspective. We've discovered that creating well defined dependencies between components can provide a robust and predictable environment and vastly reduce run-time failures.
But as the dependencies between your components grow more complex, updates to any one component have a progressively larger impact. This complexity is most noticeable when you attempt to dynamically update parts of your application, it becomes extremely complex to declare your bundle-wiring such that updates are realized. The OSGi framework will 'wire' one OSGi bundle to another at resolution time, and for the lifetime of that component it is averse to re-wiring (re-wiring can lead to breakage if the system has changed).
For this reason, OSGi services, not bundle-wiring, are the preferred mechanism for providing dynamic update capability. As a general rule you should 'wire' to the stable API while using OSGi services to bind dynamically to implementations of the API.
The Service Component Runtime is an implementation of the OSGi declarative services specification offering a service-oriented component model to simplify OSGi-based development. Using this approach OSGi bundles can be declared to provide service components, and those service components are instantiated by the runtime based on a piece of declarative XML (the component XML). The component XML also declares dependencies on other service components along with policy to control aspects of their behaviour.
Putting it more simplistically, it is a way to declaratively create components and services from your OSGi bundles and have dependencies on other services dynamically managed for you. It is this capability that you were most likely searching for when you updated the version and version range of your Import and Export Package statements in the MANIFEST. If you found it more and more tedious managing all the knock-on updates required to pick up newer versions of bundles - read on.
Of course declarative services isn't complete magic - you have to describe your components/dependencies and add some code hooks to get driven. But compared to rolling your own services, you won't look back.
Let's dive straight in. To create a component you need to reference some component XML from your OSGi bundle. You can do that with the following bundle directive in your MANIFEST.MF:
Service-Component: path/to/component.xml
Each OSGi bundle can contain one or more of these components, and each component is described by some XML, similar to that shown below. At this point we are just declaring a basic component with no services, we'll add a service shortly.
<scr:component xmlns:scr=""
<implementation class=""/>
When your OSGi bundle is installed into the OSGi framework, the MANIFEST.MF is read, the Service-Component directive is parsed, and the component.xml is processed. That processing results in the SCR instantiating an instance of your component class.
Each component has three life-cycle related callback methods. You can optionally add these into your implementing Java class to be notified of the life-cycle events. The events are activate, modified and deactivate. Activate is called after all services are bound. Modified is called when the component configuration is changed. Deactivate is called before your component is deactivated.
The actual method names can be specified in the component XML file (as
seen above), but if omitted, will default to: activate
, modified
and deactivate
. These methods can have zero or more arguments, each
argument must be either the ComponentContext, BundleContext, or a Map of
component properties. So let's see what that looks like if you choose
to implement them in your code:
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
public class MyComponent
protected void activate(BundleContext context)
// Use bundle context
protected void deactivate(ComponentContext context)
// Use component context
protected void modified(Map<String, Object> props)
// Use properties
No rocket-science there! If you want those methods to be driven, add them to the class specified as the implementation of your component.
And now that we've created a simple component from our OSGi bundle, let\s provide a service.
OSGi services are simply services provided by OSGi bundles. An OSGi bundle registers one or more services with the OSGi framework, which operates as an OSGi service repository. OSGi bundles can be providers of a service, or consumers, or both, or indeed neither.
In a basic implementation that doesn't use declarative services, the activator of the OSGi bundle will call into the OSGi framework and register the services provided by that bundle or look-up/bind to any services it requires.
One of the key concepts to appreciate with OSGi services, is that the life-cycle is dynamic. If an OSGi bundle is stopped, or uninstalled, any services it provides are also stopped. There is no caching of services, and consumers of a service are expected to react to these conditions dynamically. Yes, that means you must code it all yourself. Groan.
However, as the use of OSGi services evolved, patterns of registering, de-registering, binding and unbinding to services become apparent. Old services can go, and new services appear. Frameworks provided classes such as the ServiceTracker to reduce the amount of boiler-plate code needed to react to these events. Eventually we arrived at the declarative ways to configure services. These declarative approaches take care of all the service tracking, unbinding and rebinding automatically. Known as 'Declarative Services' and implemented by the SCR (Service Component Runtime) we have a very powerful mechanism at our disposal.
OSGi services are defined in two parts: the service interface and implementations of this interface. Take note that Java interfaces and OSGi service interfaces are not the same. OSGi service interfaces can be defined as either Java classes or Java interfaces.
An implementation of an OSGi service is a Java class which extends the service class or implements the service interface. A Java class may provide implementations of many service interfaces. An OSGi service may have multiple implementations.
So let's first look at how a service would be registered
programmatically. The OSGi APIs provide a method to register services
through the BundleContext
public void registerService(BundleContext context)
MyServiceImpl implementation = new MyServiceImpl();
Dictionary<String, ?> properties = new Hashtable<>();
ServiceRegistration<MyService> registration =
context.registerService(MyService.class, implementation, properties);
A ServiceRegistration
reference is returned by the framework when the
service implementation is registered. The OSGi bundle can use that same
reference to later de-register (unregister) the service.
Since OSGi version 4, a service can also be registered declaratively in an XML file known as the component.xml. Taking this approach reduces the amount of boilerplate code required within the application, and allows developers to focus on business logic. Here's an example using declarative services to register a service:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr=""
<implementation class=""/>
<provide interface=""/>
In the component.xml, services implemented by this bundle are declared with provide elements and placed within the service element. The implementation class is indicated by the implementation element.
Note: When using OSGi declarative services, it's good practice to
use the lazy bundle activation policy (Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Instantiation of declarative services is done lazily, i.e. just before
the service is called.
Alone, this declarative approach to defining services doesn't add much value beyond removing the registration code. But service registration is only one aspect of declarative services. Key to declarative services is the ability to reference other services, to react to the loss of services, and to rebind to new implementations of services. Declarative services handles all that flux automatically and seamlessly.
Now lets look at how service references can be defined in the component XML and called using Java APIs.
We've previously seen how a bundle can register itself as an implementation of a service. So let's take a look at how a bundle can consume other services.
<scr:component xmlns:scr=""
<implementation class=""/>
<provide interface=""/>
<reference cardinality="0..1"
The component XML is used to express dependencies on other services. A
element is used for each service we wish to consume. The
reference element can further be refined with attributes such as the
cardinality of the service. Will our component bind to one, or many
implementations of that service? Is the referenced service optional or
compulsory? Can we bind dynamically to the service? Will we actively
bind to newer versions if they become available? We'll look at all
these options in more detail shortly, but first let's see what these
references actually translate to in the code of your class:
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService
private MyReferenceService referenceService;
public void setReferenceService(MyReferenceService referenceService)
this.referenceService = referenceService;
public void unsetReferenceService(MyReferenceService referenceService)
if(this.referenceService == referenceService)
this.referenceService = null;
The Service Component Runtime (SCR) performs the mapping from your component.xml to your Java class. It will act upon the declarations, it will look-up services, generate instances and drive the set and unset methods to inject appropriate service instances into your class. The SCR guarantees that service changes will be seamless. If a service you were relying upon is taken down, as long as there remains an implementation to bind to, there are no transient failures nor loss of service. This is a very powerful and extremely useful benefit of declarative services.
As promised let's look at how the reference
element attributes
determine the behaviour of your component. Here's a recap of the
attributes we used:
cardinality="0..1" interface="" name="ReferenceService" policy="dynamic" bind="setReferenceService" unbind="unsetReferenceService"
The cardinality
attribute is probably the most important of these
attributes, it determines whether you bind to one or more services and
whether it is optional or mandatory to bind to that service. If the
cardinality is optional and the service exists - you will bind to it, if
the service does not exist - you won't bind. In either event your
component will still activate.
The value we used 0..1 means the service reference is optional and bound to a maximum of 1 service. If the referenced service was not active when our component is installed we'll activate anyway and if at a later time a matching service became active, we will be bound to it at that time. If an implementation of the referenced service is already bound and another one is activated, by default nothing happens (see policy attributes later to change that). That's because your component already has its single reference. If the referenced service is deactivated, then the reference will be unbound and another service seamlessly bound in its place.
If we had chosen a cardinality of 1..1 and there was no referenced service available, our component would remain inactive until such time as a referenced service became available.
The following table should help you understand these options in more detail:
Cardinality | Required | Number of services | Started |
0..1 | No | Zero or one | Can be started without any services bound |
1..1 | Yes | Exactly one | A service must be bound for the declared service to start |
0..* | No | Zero or more | Can be started without any services bound |
1..* | Yes | At least one | At least one service must be bound for the declared service to start |
The interface
and name
attributes are self-explanatory, while the
and unbind
attributes correspond directly to the names of the
methods in your Java class that the SCR will call to set/unset service
references. If not specified these will default to the pattern setName
and unsetName.
The policy
attribute is another key attribute, it controls how your
component reacts when it rebinds to a service. Policy can be set to
static or dynamic, and defaults to static. A static policy means
that the service is restarted when a reference is bound or unbound from
an active service. With the dynamic policy, binds and unbinds can occur
on an active component. By default both static and dynamic policy are
RELUCTANT, that is to say, once bound to a service they prefer not to
bind to another. This behaviour can be controlled by setting the
attribute to GREEDY. When set to GREEDY, if a newer
version of the referenced service is activated, your component will bind
to that newer version and the existing service is unbound (in that order
to prevent any outage).
So hopefully our whistle-stop tour of declarative services has given you an appetite and an understanding of how to achieve dynamic updates in OSGi. We've only covered the basics here to give you a taster, and we've only covered the declarative aspect through component.xml. One of the latest updates to declarative services is to provide a completely annotation driven equivalent of the component XML. If you are more comfortable with annotations and don't mind the declarations effectively becoming part of the source code rather than separate 'build' entities such as the component XML, then everything we have described here can be done with DS annotations. We're leaving that as an exercise for the reader! But trust us, the concepts are the same - arguably it's even easier to add @Component and @activate, and @bind or @unbind annotations to your source to achieve those same results!
Now let's go on to implementation ...
This section looks at how we can use OSGi's declarative services to build applications that handle updates to services without outage. We'll use the simple project that's readily available on the CICSDev GitHub.
In this sample, we have a hypothetical requirement to create a local storage service. The storage service operates by providing some string data and getting an ID number in response. The ID number can be used to look up the data from the service at a later time. The sample is fairly simple and contrived, but serves our purpose to showcase declarative services.
To import the projects, simply clone or download the git repository onto
your local filesystem. Then, in Eclipse,
File → Import... → Existing Projects into Workspace
. The
root directory
is the directory where the git repository has been
downloaded to. Ensure all projects are selected then click Finish
. You
may also need to set your target platform to
CICS TS 5.4 with Java EE and Liberty
(replacing 5.4 with the relevant
version of CICS) to compile the projects.
As well behaved programmers we're going to make use of interfaces, so our first task is to determine the OSGi interfaces needed to define our services. A well designed interface will need less change and be easily extensible. Typically, we consider it a minor change to add to an interface, and a major change to remove from or modify existing methods of an interface. The latter almost certainly requires dependent code to be modified and could result in more disruption.
Good practice dictates we should define the API and implementation in separate bundles. If we didn't, and modified an implementation stored with an API, the API dependencies alone would likely cause a cascade of bundle refreshes. By separating API and implementation(s) we can add and remove implementations without affecting the API. We'll also package each OSGi bundle in its own CICS bundle for similar reasons.
In the API bundle
, we define the
interface and export it using the Export-Package
header in the OSGi manifest. That gives us a contract to work to. At
this point we're free to write either the application that will use this
code, or the implementation. Both could even be done at the same time by
different teams -- neither team needing to know what the other will do,
as long as they keep to the interface.
We'll write a very simple implementation first, something that can be used to verify the behaviour without doing anything complex. On a larger scale project, the team writing the application might even want to create a mock or stub service to verify the application without needing a real implementation.
In a new implementation bundle
version 1.0.0, we create the Java class InMemoryStorage
, implementing
the StorageService
interface. In this service, we just add and
read a Java list. We then register our implementation using the
declarative services component definition XML. In the component
definition XML, we define that the InMemoryStorage
class is an
implementation of the StorageService
. This allows the OSGi framework
to handle the process of registering it as an OSGi service.
In Eclipse, these component definition XML files can be created and
easily edited. Create a New → Other... → Component Definition
. The
parent folder
, by convention, is the OSGI-INF directory under the root
of the project. Choose a file name
, a name
for the service, and the
the service uses.
This will create the component XML file, and open a visual editor, which allows the above detail to be defined easily:
This OSGi bundle is also packaged into its own CICS bundle. For a lot of projects it makes sense to keep them individual allowing them to be swapped in and out easily.
The next task is to write the CICS application that will use the service. In our system, the application is a CICS program that's invoked via a CICS transaction. But it could just as easily be linked to from another CICS program or invoked through a web service of some form.
We create the OSGi bundle
to package
the application code, and the class CICSApp
processes parameters from
the terminal and invokes the service. In this class you'll notice
there's methods for binding and unbinding the storage service too.
Using declarative services, we create a component XML descriptor, which
specifies that the CICSApp
class is an OSGi service which references
the storage service, with a cardinality of 1..1 (so exactly one service
must be bound at a time). As we haven't specified otherwise, services
will be bound reluctantly -- so even if a service with a higher ranking
is available the current service will remain bound. The resulting XML
looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr=""
<implementation class=""/>
<reference name="StorageService"
policy="dynamic" />
We also provide a CICS-MainClass
header in the OSGi manifest to ensure
CICS can resolve this class for program link.
As well as packaging this application in its own CICS bundle, we provide the accompanying PROGRAM and TRANSACTION resource definitions in the CICS bundle. Although not strictly necessary, keeping the application's dependencies together within the same package, is very convenient. Now we're ready to deploy the first version of this application.
Having deployed the CICS bundles to USS and defined CICS resources, here's an overview of the naming scheme we've employed:
CICS Bundle Name | OSGi Bundle | Version | Description |
DS | |
1.0.0 | The OSGi interface bundle |
DS-APP | |
1.0.0 | The CICS application OSGi bundle |
DS-IMP10 | |
1.0.0 | The in-memory implementation of the storage service |
Install all three CICS bundles, then run the transaction DSTS
. To put
data into the storage service, use the syntax DSTS PUT data
, this will
return the string: "Created entry item", where item is the item ID
of the stored data.
To retrieve data, use the syntax DSTS GET item
, where item is the
integer item ID to retrieve. Note that for both of these, we start our
indexes at 1, not 0.
This should verify that the code is all working with this first simple implementation of our storage service.
We think we can do better and provide a more capable version of our storage service. So let's look at using a CICS TSQ to store data instead. TSQs don't need to be defined before use, which keeps the set-up minimal for our sample. However, in a real world example, we'd probably use something that's more persistent like VSAM, Db2 or the coupling facility.
We'll show later how we can lean on DS and the OSGi framework to upgrade
the services with no downtime for the application, but first let's
create another OSGi bundle,
version 1.1.0. In this implementation the class TSQStorage
the logic for reading and writing to a CICS TSQ. As with the in-memory
servce, we define the DS component XML descriptor and mark this as an
implementation of the storage service. Package up the new implementation
in a CICS bundle and export it to zFS. To recap, here's a list of the
OSGi and CICS bundles you should have:
CICS Bundle Name | OSGi Bundle | Version | Description |
DS | |
1.0.0 | The OSGi interface bundle |
DS-APP | |
1.0.0 | The CICS application OSGi bundle |
DS-IMP10 | |
1.0.0 | The in-memory implementation of the storage service |
DS-IMP11 | |
1.1.0 | The TSQ implementation of the storage service |
Although the TSQ implementation of our storage service is installed and available, the application will continue to use the in-memory service until that service is disabled. That's because we bound the storage service reluctantly, the default.
Even though the TSQ service is not bound to our application, it may be bound to other services if they used a 1..n cardinality, or had the greedy policy option. In our service we could use this to migrate data from the old service to the new service to avoid data loss during the upgrade. For simplicity we won't cover this in our sample.
If we disable the DS-IMP10
bundle, you should notice some interesting
events. Before the in-memory service is disabled, all services which
reference it must be processed. The CICSApp service references this
service, so CICSApp must either bind to another storage service, or it
will be disabled. Fortunately we have the TSQ service available, so
CICSApp is rebound to that service. Once all the references to our
in-memory service have been processed, the in-memory service itself can
then be unbound and finally it can be disabled. A keen observer will
note that there's never a time at which the CICSApp is without a storage
service -- in fact there's a moment where it has two. The net result is
that during the swap over of service implementations, there is zero
downtime. All by virtue of using OSGi declarative services.
It is easy to see the benefit of these types of seamless updates being made in a large running system with chains of referenced services. Being able to upgrade individual services without affecting the larger system is incredibly powerful.
In this article we have seen an example of how to build applications that use OSGi declarative services. We've seen how to design services so they can be upgraded with zero downtime, and we've touched on some important architectural designs like separating API from implementation and separating business logic from user-interface. We hope it has enthused you and opened up a world of possibilities for your applications and your business.