- Download the file containing WollMux.oxt of the desired version to a directory of your choice .
- Close all open OOo windows, as well as the WollMuxBar.
- Open a root shell (console command sudo -s -H)
- Set the correct umask, so that normal users don't lose read and execute rights:
umask 022
- Uninstall any old OOo extension with following command:
unopkg remove WollMux.oxt --shared
- To install the new OOo extension:
unopkg add --shared ''<DIR>''/WollMux.oxt
For a user-level installation the option "--shared" can be omitted, although this is not recommended. Running WollMux installations system-wide and WollMux installations at the user level concurrently can cause problems. WollMux does not support this, therefore.
- Download the file WollMuxBar.jar; save in directory /usr/share/java
- Download the file wollmuxbar; save in directory /usr/bin
There is an EXE installer for Windows (wollmux--installer.exe) available. It will install WollMux as well as the WollMuxBar on your system, and (optionally) shortcuts on the desktop und in the Start menu.
- To successfully run the EXE installer you need Administrator privileges.
- The EXE installer attempts to close any OpenOffice windows that may be open before installation.
- Installation with the EXE installer always takes place system-wide, i.e. desktop and Start menu shortcuts, as well as uninstaller entries, are installed for all users. The OpenOffice.org extension is installed as if the console command unopkg add --shared had been given.
- OpenOffice.org and Java must be installed on your system before installation.
The EXE installer allows unattended installation, that is, during installation no user interaction is required and no GUI is displayed. To run the EXE installer in this mode, add the option --SILENT oder /S after the executable file name (The uninstaller wollmux_unistall.exe
only recognizes the /S option):
wollmux-<VERSION>-installer.exe --SILENT
Note: If you run the installer with the '--SILENT or /S option, you will receive no message as to whether the installation was successful or not.
The EXE installer installs WollMux + WollMuxBar as a default in the directory C:\Program Files\wollmux and places shortcuts in the Start menu and on the desktop. If you want to change this behavior for an unattended installation, you have the following command line options available (case-insensitive and order-insensitive):
- --INSTDIR="" : Determines the installation directory for WollMux.
- --NOSTARTMENU : Indicates that the installer should not create Start menu shortcuts.
- --NODESKTOP : Indicates that the installer should not create desktop shortcuts.
- --LOCAL : Indicates that installer should perform a user-level installation, and not a system-wide installation for all users.
CAUTION: In general, this option is NOT advisable! The uninstaller generated by the EXE installer does not support this option. This means uninstalling Wollmux using the uninstaller won't work. In addition, mixing user-level and system-level installations can lead to problems and is not supported by Wollmux. If you do choose this option, however, you can run the installer without Administrator privileges. - --NOKILL : This command line option, which also works with the uninstaller, prevents any attempt to stop existing "soffice" processes while installing or uninstalling. Without this option, the installer attempts to end "soffice" processes cleanly, using a Java tool; in certain scenarios this can, however,lead to problems (for example, when the WollMuxBar is started with the Quickstarter option), preventing the installer from performing a clean installation. If this happens, please use the NOKILL option, making certain before running the installer that no "soffice" processes are running any longer. CAUTION: If you're going to use the installer with LibreOffice, use of the NOKILL option is mandatory!
- --LIBRE : If this option is given, the installer first tries to find an OpenOffice.org installation. Only if no OpenOffice.org installation is found will it look for a LibreOffice installation to use. If you want to bypass installation for OpenOffice.org and install for LibreOffice exclusively, use the --LIBRE option. CAUTION: If you're going to use the EXE installer with LibreOffice, setting the NOKILL option is mandatory! See also Tips for starting the WollMuxBar with LibreOffice.
You want to perform an unattended installation in the directory E:\Example\WollMux. There should be no Start menu entry (but you do want a link on the desktop):
wollmux-<VERSION>-installer.exe --SILENT --INSTDIR="E:\Example\WollMux" --NOSTARTMENU
The UNO package WollMux.oxt can be installed for a single user or system-wide for all users. For a Single-user installation the following steps are required:
- Prerequisite: OpenOffice.org has been completely installed, and started at least once, so that user-specific initial setup has already been performed.
- Download the WollMux.oxt package of the desired version to a directory of your choice .
- Close all open OOo windows, the Quickstarter in the taskbar next to the clock, and the WollMuxBar.
- Install the UNO package with the following command, using values suitable for your environment:
- : The full path to the directory where OpenOffice.org is installed. Ex. "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3".
- : Location (full path) of the downloaded Wollmux package.
"<OOo_Path>\program\unopkg" add "<DIR>\WollMux.oxt"
For System-wide installation add the command line option "--shared". The appropriate command, requiring Administrator privileges, looks like this:
"<OOo_Path>\program\unopkg" add "<DIR>\WollMux.oxt" --shared
If you want to uninstall WollMux.oxt system-wide, run the following command, again requiring Administrator privileges:
"<OOo_Path>\program\unopkg" remove WollMux.oxt --shared
- Create the directory where you want the WollMuxBar to be installed, for example C:\Program Files\wollmux
- Download the files WollMuxBar.jar and wollmuxbar.exe and copy them into the directory you just created.
See WollMux with LibreOffice Portable