Outliner is a discord bot that answers questions from BCIT course outlines using OpenAI answer API. BCIT students are known to have immense workloads and may not always have time to manually check course outlines. To solve this problem, our team built Outliner to help students be better informed while saving time.
Developed in a day for nwHacks 2021.
The bot must be provided with a list of links for the course outlines, and then initialized before being used. Initializing the bot will run the scraper module which scrapes the web pages of the course outlines for useful data. The data is then converted in to a text file which then goes to the ai_answers module, where the OpenAI works on the collected data and provides suitable answers to the questions. Finally, the discord bot uses a user interface to ask and answer the questions.
Upload the lines after the command and store them in links.txt to be used for scraping.
For example:
>>> $upload
Links uploaded successfully!
Initialize the bot by scraping the URLs provided in links.txt. For example:
>>> $init
Content generated successfully!
Ask the OpenAI API a question. For example:
>>> $ask How much is the midterm for procedural programmming worth?
Christie Tsang - LinkedIn
Belal Kourkmas - LinkedIn
Sepehr Zohoori Rad - LinkedIn
Aditya Singh Attri - LinkedIn
Project Link: https://github.com/christietsang/OutlinerBot.git