All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Ignore rustfmt output on error status (#89)
- Call rustfmt after formatting with leptosfmt (requires stdin) (#88)
- Add indentation style (tabs/spaces) & newline style (LF/CRLF) settings (#90)
- Rename printer setting
for consistency
- Retain unicode & raw string formatting (#87)
- Workaround bug with proc_macro2 regarding multibyte chars (#85)
- Automatically detect CRLF or LF line endings (#81)
- Formatting comments that include '//' (#68)
- Dont touch file when there are no formatting changes (#69)
- Softbreak when elem has single raw text child node (#73)
- Add clarification about the usage of non-doc comments (#70)
- Add check mode (#72)
- Remove dbg! statement and enable clippy dbg! lint
- Rework non-doc comments (#48)
- Implement workaround for non-doc comments (#49)
- Comment extracting in attribute with block expr
- View macro indentation issues (#59)
- Fix typo in
example (#41)
- Remove dbg! (Closes: #55) (#56)
- Ignore comments outside view macro (#40)
- Don't emit empty line when multiline opening tag (#38)
- Respect string whitespace (#37)
- Build binary for MacOS arm64
- Respect single empty line (#36)
- Share printer implementation with leptosfmt-prettyplease (#31)
- Format view! macro with global class (#21)
- View! macro bytecode range when contains unicode characters larger than 1 byte (#22)
- Improve identation of view! macro (#23)
- Read settings from a config file (#25)
- Make macro collecting functionality public
- Export token types (#24)
- Multiline strings (#8)
- Fix changelog generation config
- Only trigger CI when .rs file changed
- Attribute value brace style (#10)
- Automate publish process (#6)
- Automatically update changelog
- Update comitter name for automatic changelog commit
- Changelog generation (#5)
- Add CI group to changelog
- Prepare for 0.1.3
- Set repository in printer Cargo.toml