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Rhino is a tough, production-focused Node.js Microsoft SQL Server driver that incorporates pooling and runs the well-supported tedious package under the hood, fully utilizing all of it's available configuration options. Rhino was built to take the frustration out of running database queries and let you, the developer, focus on running queries and getting reliable, fast, results.

Rhino is a solid choice because...

  • It fully implements JSdoc and is tested with VS Code auto-completion.
  • A dependency list so small we can list it here: tedious and tarn.
  • It is a solid, modern, unit-tested implementation built for heavy production use.
  • Employs async/await/Promise functions to let you work asynchronously.
  • Manages connections for you using an internal pool, stop worrying and query!
  • Open-source and accepting pull requests.

Feature list

  • Automatic connection management.
  • Query execution:
    • Simple SQL statements.
    • SQL statements with parameters.
    • SQL statements using parameter (mapped) objects.
    • Batch SQL queries (no parameters).
    • Batch SQL queries returning multiple result-sets.
    • Stored procedure execution with parameters.
    • Stored procedures returning multiple result-sets.
  • Bulk loads.
  • Single-Level transactions.
  • Transaction save-point support.
  • Nested transactions.
  • Streaming query results.


npm i rhino --save


yarn add rhino

Quick Start

// create the rhino pool.
const rhino = require('rhino');

let db = await rhino.create({
    //tedious config options, see:
    server: 'localhost',
    authentication: {
        options: {  
            userName: "testuser",
            password: "mypassword"
    //tarn pooling options
    pool: {
        min: 0,
        max: 10
// run a simple query
let results = await db.query('SELECT * FROM dbo.People');
console.log(`Count: ${results.count}`);
// run a parameterized query
results = await db
    .query(`SELECT @valid=IsCustomer 
            FROM contacts 
            WHERE name LIKE @firstName AND account = @number`)
    .in('firstName', 'John')
    .in('account', 23494893, Query.TYPE.INT)
    .out('valid', undefined, 'BIT');
console.log(`Count: ${results.count}`);
//use object parameters
results = await db.query(
    'SELECT TOP 10 FROM addresses WHERE street LIKE @street', 
    { street: '% Avenue' }
// run queries in a transaction
let tx = db.transaction();
try {
    tx.query('INSERT INTO dbo.People (Code, FullName) VALUES (434,\'John Bircham\')');
    tx.query('INSERT INTO dbo.People (Code, FullName) VALUES (@code, @name)', { code: 322, name: 'Amy Smith' });
    tx.query('DELETE FROM dbo.People WHERE Code = 341');
    let results = await tx.commit();
    console.log('Transaction committed.');
} catch (err) {
    tx.rollback();'Transaction rolled back.');
    throw err;
// run transactions with save-points.
let tx = db.transaction();
try {
    tx.query('INSERT INTO dbo.Addresses (Street) VALUES (@st)', { st: '12431 NE Martin St.' });
    tx.query('INSERT INTO dbo.Addresses (ID) VALUES (1);');
    let results = await tx.commit();
} catch (err) {
    tx.rollback('mysavepoint');'Transaction rolled back to save-point.');
    throw err;
// run a bulk-load
let bulk = db.bulk('dbo.Theme', { timeout: 10000 });
await bk.column('Name', Query.TYPE.VarChar, { nullable: false, length: 512 });
await bk.column('HexCode', Query.TYPE.VarChar, { nullable: false, length: 512 });
for (let x = 0; x < 1000; x++) {
    //add rows
    bk.add({ Name: `name${x}`, HexCode: `#000${x}${x}${x}` });
let result = await bk.execute();
// all done, forever!
// clean up resources




Provides promise extensions to a BulkQuery object and allows it to be executed on an aquired connection.


Provides promise extensions to a Query object and allows it to be executed on an aquired connection.


Provides access to the database through a TDS connection.


Provides tooling to easily track event listeners and remove them from EventEmitter instances without affecting listeners added from other operations.


This logging class utilizes 3 modes of logging: error, warn, and debug. The mode can be set by specifying one of the modes in the RHINO_LOGGING environmental variable, or through a rhino instance's config.logging.mode property.


Wraps a SQL query and provides helper functions for managing parameters.


Rhino is a managed Microsoft SQL Server driver powered by tedious and node-pool. This class defines functionality to execute queries and utlize transactions. Under the hood it handles all connection pooling, including opening and closing of connections to the database.

You can use multiple instances of the Rhino class in your application - each one can utilize a different configuration.


The Transaction class provides the ability to queue multiple queries for execution under a SQL transaction, optionally including save-points. It exposes methods to commit and rollback the entire set of queries or to a particular save-point.


PromiseBulkQuery : BulkQuery | Promise.<Result>
PromiseQuery : Query | Promise.<Result>


Provides promise extensions to a BulkQuery object and allows it to be executed on an aquired connection.

Kind: global class

new BulkQuery(tableName, options, pool)

Creates a new instance of a BulkQuery.

Param Type Description
tableName String The name of the table to perform the bulk insert.
options Options Options to pass to the bulk query.
pool tarn.Pool The connection pool to utilize for aquiring the connection.

bulkQuery.tableName : String

Kind: instance property of BulkQuery

bulkQuery.options : Options

Kind: instance property of BulkQuery

bulkQuery.pool : tarn.Pool

The tarn.Pool instance linked to this query.

Kind: instance property of BulkQuery

bulkQuery.aquire() ⇒ BulkQuery

Establishes a connection to begin a bulk-load operation.
This is called automatically upon column or row, so you generally do not need to call it explicitly.

Kind: instance method of BulkQuery


Fire and complete the bulk-load.

Kind: instance method of BulkQuery

bulkQuery.column(name, type, options) ⇒ BulkQuery

Adds a column to the bulk query.

Kind: instance method of BulkQuery

Param Type Description
name String The column name.
type QueryTypes The TDS type of the column.
options * column options.

bulkQuery.add(...rows) ⇒ BulkQuery

Adds a row to the bulk query.

Any row argument that is null or undefined is ignored (skipped).

Kind: instance method of BulkQuery

  • Error when the row is non-null, non-undefined, and not an object.
Param Type Description
...rows Object A spread of row objects. If an object it should have key/value pairs representing column name and value. If an array then it should represent the values of each column in the same order which they were added to the BulkQuery object.


Kind: static typedef of BulkQuery

Name Type Description
checkConstraints Boolean Honors constraints during bulk load, using T-SQL CHECK_CONSTRAINTS.
fireTriggers Boolean Honors insert triggers during bulk load, using the T-SQL FIRE_TRIGGERS.
keepNulls Boolean Honors null value passed, ignores the default values set on table, using T-SQL KEEP_NULLS.
tableLock Boolean Places a bulk update(BU) lock on table while performing bulk load, using T-SQL TABLOCK.
timeout Number The number of milliseconds before the bulk load is considered failed, or 0 for no timeout.


Provides promise extensions to a Query object and allows it to be executed on an aquired connection.

Kind: global class

new ConnectedQuery(pool)

Creates a new instance of a ConnectedQuery.

Param Type Description
pool tarn.Pool The connection pool to utilize for aquiring the connection.

connectedQuery.pool : tarn.Pool

The tarn.Pool instance linked to this query.

Kind: instance property of ConnectedQuery

connectedQuery.then([resolve], [reject]) ⇒ Promise.<(Result|Array.<Result>)>

Thenable executor of this query using the linked connection or transaction.

Kind: instance method of ConnectedQuery
Throw: Error if the pool property is falsey.

Param Type Description
[resolve] function Promise callback called when the work completes successfully.
[reject] function Promise callback called when the work fails.


Provides access to the database through a TDS connection.

Kind: global class

new Connection(tdsConfig, log)

Creates a new Connection instance.

Param Type Description
tdsConfig TediousConfiguration The configuration for the connection.
log Log A loging instance. if not provided, one is created using the given configuration.

connection.config : TediousConfiguration

Kind: instance property of Connection

connection.log : Log

Kind: instance property of Connection

connection.connected : Boolean

Boolean flag indicating whether the connection is valid and alive.

Kind: instance property of Connection

connection.state : Number

Returns the processing state of the connection.

Accessible through the Connection.CONNECTION_STATES object.

Kind: instance property of Connection : String

Randomly generated connection identifier. Output in debugging messages.

Kind: instance property of Connection

connection.connect() ⇒ Promise.<Connection>

Ensures the connection to the database has been established.

If the connection is already connected then no action occurs and this function returns normally and only emits the connected event.

If the connection is already attempting to connect, this call will (a)wait for it to complete and emit a connected event if successful.

If the connection is not established, it will be attempted and the connecting and connected events will be emitted.

Kind: instance method of Connection
Emits: event:connecting, event:connected

connection.disconnect() ⇒ Promise.<Connection>

Disconnects from the database.

Kind: instance method of Connection
Emits: event:disconnected


Transition event fired when the connection state is changed.

Kind: event emitted by Connection

Name Type
newState Number
oldState Number
meta *

Connection.CONNECTION_STATE : enum

Enumeration of connection states that a connection can be in.

1 = IDLE

Kind: static enum of Connection
Read only: true


The tedious configuration options are all fully supported. Some options support default values from environmental variables, all of which use the RHINO_MSSQL_ prefix.

For more details, please refer to: Tedious on GitHub

Kind: static typedef of Connection

Name Type Default Description
[server] String "localhost" A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_HOST then RHINO_MSSQL_SERVER environmental variables.
[authentication] Object
[authentication.type] String "default" A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_AUTH_TYPE environmental variable.
[authentication.options] Object
[authentication.options.userName] String A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_USER then RHINO_MSSQL_AUTH_USER environmental variables.
[authentication.options.password] String A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_PASSWORD then RHINO_MSSQL_AUTH_PASSWORD environmental variables.
[authentication.options.domain] String A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_DOMAIN then RHINO_MSSQL_AUTH_DOMAIN environmental variables.
[options] Object
[options.port] Number 1433 A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_PORT environmental variable.
[options.instanceName] String A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_INSTANCE then RHINO_MSSQL_INSTANCE_NAME environmental variables.
[options.database] String "master" A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_DATABASE environmental variable.
[options.appName] String "" A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_APP_NAME environmental variable.
[options.connectTimeout] Number 15000
[options.requestTimeout] Number 15000
[options.cancelTimeout] Number 5000
[options.connectionRetryInterval] Number 500
[options.encrypt] Boolean false A default value is checked for under the RHINO_MSSQL_ENCRYPT environmental variable.
[options.tdsVersion] String "7_4"
[options.dateFormat] String "mdy"
[options.fallbackToDefaultDb] Boolean false
[options.enableAnsiNull] Boolean true
[options.enableAnsiNullDefault] Boolean true
[options.enableAnsiPadding] Boolean true
[options.enableAnsiWarnings] Boolean true
[options.enableConcatNullYieldsNull] Boolean true
[options.enableCursorCloseOnCommit] Boolean false
[options.enableImplicitTransactions] Boolean false
[options.enableNumericRoundabort] Boolean false
[options.enableQuotedIdentifier] Boolean true
[options.rowCollectionOnDone] Boolean false
[options.rowCollectionOnRequestCompletion] Boolean false
[options.packetSize] Number 4096
[options.useUTC] Boolean true
[options.abortTransactionOnError] Boolean
[options.localAddress] String
[options.useColumnNames] Boolean false
[options.camelCaseColumns] Boolean false
[options.columnNameReplacer] Boolean
[options.isolationLevel] String "READ_COMMITED"
[options.connectionIsolationLevel] String "READ_COMMITED"
[options.readOnlyIntent] Boolean false
[options.cryptoCredentialsDetails] Object
[options.debug] Object
[options.debug.packet] Boolean false
[] Boolean false
[options.debug.payload] Boolean false
[options.debug.token] Boolean false


Provides tooling to easily track event listeners and remove them from EventEmitter instances without affecting listeners added from other operations.

Kind: global class

new EventTracker()

Creates a new EventTracker instance.

eventTracker.listeners : Array.<RegisteredEventListener>

Array containing all of the registered event listeners in this tracker instance.

Kind: instance property of EventTracker

eventTracker.removeFrom(emitter, [event], [unregister])

Removes all registered matching event listeners from the specified emitter.

Kind: instance method of EventTracker

Param Type Description
emitter EventEmitter The instance implementing the EventEmitter "removeListener" function.
[event] String | symbol Optional event to target for removal. Only listeners under the event will be removed.
[unregister] Boolean Removes the registered listeners after they have been removed from the emitter. Works with the event parameter, if specified. If a listerner is not found, on the emitter, it is not unregistered.

eventTracker.register(event, ...listeners)

Registers one or more event listeners.

Kind: instance method of EventTracker

Param Type Description
event String | Symbol The event name or symbol.
...listeners function The listener functions.

eventTracker.registerOn(emitters, event, ...listeners)

Registers one or more event listeners in the tracker and on the specified target objects.

Kind: instance method of EventTracker

Param Type Description
emitters EventEmitter | Array.<EventEmitter> An EventEmitter instance or array of instances to add the specified event listeners on using the addListener function call.
event String | Symbol The event name or symbol.
...listeners function The listener functions.

eventTracker.unregister([event], [...listeners])

Un-registers one or more event listeners by matching the event and/or listener function(s). Either, both, or none of the parameters may be specified. If both event and listerner(s) are not specified, all listeners are unregistered.

Kind: instance method of EventTracker

Param Type Description
[event] String | Symbol The event name or symbol to match for unregistering listeners.
[...listeners] function The listener functions to unregister. If none are specified, all listeners under the event are unregistered.


Kind: static typedef of EventTracker

Name Type
event String | Symbol
listener function


This logging class utilizes 3 modes of logging: error, warn, and debug. The mode can be set by specifying one of the modes in the RHINO_LOGGING environmental variable, or through a rhino instance's config.logging.mode property.

Kind: global class

log.config : LogConfiguration

Kind: instance property of Log


Logs an error to the configured error function, or if not specifed, to the console.error.

Kind: instance method of Log


Logs a warning message to the configured warn function, or if not specifed, to the console.warn.

Kind: instance method of Log


Logs a debug message to the configured debug function, or if not specifed, to the console.debug.

Kind: instance method of Log


Kind: static typedef of Log

Name Type Default Description
mode Boolean | String Can be 'none', 'error', 'warn', or 'debug for enabled logging levels. A falsey value will disable logging. A truthy value that is not a string will assume 'warn' mode.
[connections] Boolean false Flag that indicates whether to log connection state messages. These messages are entered on the debug log.
[tds] Boolean false Indicates whether to log debug and info messages from underlying TDS connections. These messages are entered on the debug log.


Wraps a SQL query and provides helper functions for managing parameters.

Kind: global class

new Query()

Creates a new instance of the Query class.

The following example shows how to build a query for use in Rhino.

let q = Query
         .sql(`SELECT @valid=IsCustomer 
               FROM contacts 
               WHERE name LIKE @firstName AND account = @number`)
         .in('firstName', 'John')
         .in('account', Query.TYPE.INT, 23494893)
         .out('valid', Query.TYPE.BIT);
//remove a parameter by name
//reset everything

query.statement : String

The SQL statement.

Kind: instance property of Query

query.params : Map.<String, Query.Parameter>

The parameters and values to use on the query.

Kind: instance property of Query


The query execution mode.

Kind: instance property of Query

query.requestTimeout : Number

Command timeout value set for this query. A null value indicates the default will be used.

Kind: instance property of Query

query.timeout(ms) ⇒ Query

Sets the SQL query request timeout.

Kind: instance method of Query

  • Error if the ms argument less than 0 or not a number (or null).
Param Type Description
ms Number The timeout in milliseconds, or null to use configured defaults.

query.sql(statement, [params]) ⇒ Query

Sets the SQL query text (statment). Calling this function resets the query mode to an automatically determined value.

Kind: instance method of Query

  • Error if the statement argument is falsey.
  • Error if the statement argument is not a string.
Param Type Description
statement String The SQL query text to be executed.
[params] Map.<String, *> | Object Optional parameters Object or Map that will be added to the "in" parameters of the query. Keys and property names are used as the parameter name, and the value as the parameter values.

query.batch() ⇒ Query

Forces the query into BATCH mode.

Kind: instance method of Query

  • Error if the query contains parameters.

query.exec() ⇒ Query

Forces the query into EXEC mode.

Kind: instance method of Query

query.param(name, [value], [type], [dir], [options]) ⇒ Query

Adds or updates a parameter for the query.
Calling this when the query mode is set to BATCH will reset the mode to QUERY.

Kind: instance method of Query

  • Error if the name argument is falsey.
  • Error if the name argument is not a string.
  • Error if the name argument has already been specified or is not specified as a string.
  • Error if the type and value arguments are not specified or falsey when the direction is out.
Param Type Default Description
name String The parameter name, can be specified with the '@' character or not.
[value] String | Number | Date | Buffer | Object | * The value of the parameter.
[type] String | TDSType The explicit database type to use, if not specified, it is auto-determined.
[dir] PARAM_DIR Query.PARAM_DIR.IN The direction of the parameter.
[options] * Any additional tedious parameter options., [value], [type], [options]) ⇒ Query

Adds an input parameter to the query.
Calling this when the query mode is set to BATCH will reset the mode to QUERY.

Kind: instance method of Query

  • Error if the name argument is falsey.
  • Error if the name argument is not a string.
  • Error if the name argument has already been specified or is not specified as a string.
Param Type Default Description
name String | Map.<String, SQLParameter> | Array.<SQLParameter> | Object A number of options for specifying the parameter, either giving the name, or giving a Map, Array, or object. If a Map, Array or object is specified, the other arguments are ignored.
[value] String | Number | Date | Buffer | Object | * The value of the parameter.
[type] String | TDSType The explicit database type to use, if not specified, it is auto-determined.
[options] * Any additional tedious parameter options.

query.out(name, [value], [type], [options]) ⇒ Query

Adds an output parameter to the query.
Calling this when the query mode is set to BATCH will reset the mode to QUERY.

Kind: instance method of Query

  • Error if the name argument is falsey.
  • Error if the name argument is not a string.
  • Error if the name argument has already been specified or is not specified as a string.
Param Type Description
name String | Map.<String, SQLParameter> | Array.<SQLParameter> | SQLParameter A number of options for specifying the parameter, either giving the name, or giving a Map, Array, or single instance of the SQLParameter object. If a Map, Array or SQLParameter is specified, the other arguments are ignored.
[value] String | Number | Date | Buffer | Object | * The value of the parameter.
[type] String | TDSType The explicit database type to use, if not specified, it is auto-determined.
[options] * Any additional tedious parameter options.

query.remove(name) ⇒ Boolean

Removes a parameter by name.

Kind: instance method of Query
Returns: Boolean - Returns true if a parameter with the name was found and removed, or false if no parameter was found with the given name.

  • Error if the name argument is falsey.
  • Error if the name argument is not a string.
Param Type Description
name String The name of the parameter to remove.


Clears all query criteria, including SQL statement values and parameters. The Query instance is fully reset to a blank slate.

Kind: instance method of Query

Query.TYPE : QueryTypes

TDS column types.

Kind: static property of Query


Auto-detection types used when a type is not specifically detected, but a value is provided. Only certain types can be configured.

Kind: static property of Query


The TDS type used when a floating point number value is detected. Defaults to Float.

Kind: static property of AUTODETECT_TYPES


The TDS type used when a Date object value is detected. Defaults to DateTimeOffset.

Kind: static property of AUTODETECT_TYPES


The TDS type used when a Buffer object value is detected. Defaults to VarBinary.

Kind: static property of AUTODETECT_TYPES

Query.PARAM_DIR : enum

The parameter direction. Defaults to 'IN'.

Kind: static enum of Query

Name Type Default
IN String in
OUT String out

Query.MODE : enum

The mode that determines how the query should be executed.

Kind: static enum of Query

Name Type Default Description
QUERY Number 0 Indicates the query should be run using the execSql function. This is the most common mode that supports parameters.
BATCH Number 1 This mode indicates the query should run using the execSqlBatch function. This mode does not support parameters and is meant for multi-statement queries.
EXEC Number 2 This mode indicates the query is a stored procedure call, and is executed using the callProcedure function.


Kind: static typedef of Query

Name Type
id Number
name String
type String


Kind: static typedef of Query

Name Type
output Boolean
type TDSType
value *
options Object
options.length Number
options.precision Number
options.scale Number


Rhino is a managed Microsoft SQL Server driver powered by tedious and node-pool. This class defines functionality to execute queries and utlize transactions. Under the hood it handles all connection pooling, including opening and closing of connections to the database.

You can use multiple instances of the Rhino class in your application - each one can utilize a different configuration.

Kind: global class

new Rhino([config])

Constructs a Rhino instance using the specified config values.

Param Type Description
[config] RhinoConfiguration Configuration values to use in this Rhino instance. Any properties not explicitly specified will use the default values.

rhino.config : RhinoConfiguration

Kind: instance property of Rhino

rhino.log : Log

Kind: instance property of Rhino


Destroys internal pooled resources in this instance. This is called automatically when the process exits.

Kind: instance method of Rhino

Param Type Description
[done] function Callback function when the destruction is complete. ⇒ Boolean

Attempts to connect to the database. This method utilizes the internal connection pool, and will return true if a connection is already opened and active. If the connection cannot be established for any reason, including an error, a false is returned.

Note that if an error occurs in this function call, it is not thrown, but it will be logged normally.

Kind: instance method of Rhino
Returns: Boolean - Returns true when a connection was successfully aquired. A false value is returned if the connection cannot be aquired for any reason.

rhino.query(sql, [params]) ⇒ ConnectedQuery | Promise.<Result>

Runs a SQL statement on the database and returns the results.

Kind: instance method of Rhino

Param Type Description
sql String The SQL statement to execute.
[params] Map.<String, *> | Object Optional parameters Object or Map that will be added to the "in" parameters of the query. Keys and property names are used as the parameter name, and the value as the parameter values.

rhino.bulk(tableName, options) ⇒ BulkQuery

Creates a new bulk-loading query that can be used to rapidly insert large amounts of data.

Kind: instance method of Rhino

Param Type Description
tableName String The name of the table to perform the bulk insert.
options Options Options to pass to the bulk query.

Rhino.create([config]) ⇒ Rhino

This function creates a new Rhino instance to act as a pool for executing database queries. You can create multiple Rhino instances to manage multiple pools of connections or for different databases.

Kind: static method of Rhino

Param Type Description
[config] RhinoConfiguration Configuration values to use in this Rhino instance. Any properties not explicitly specified will use the default values.


const rhino = require('rhino');

let pool1 = rhino.create({
        server: 'server-001',
        database: 'databaseA' 
let pool2 = rhino.create({
        server: 'server-002',
        database: 'databaseB' 

Rhino.defaultConfig([config]) ⇒ RhinoConfiguration

Returns a default RhinoConfiguration object. Default values are first searched for in environmental variables then, if not found, with hard-coded default values.

Kind: static method of Rhino

Param Type Description
[config] RhinoConfiguration Optional configuration value overrides.


Please refer to: Tarn on GitHub

Kind: static typedef of Rhino

Name Type Default
[max] Number 1
[min] Number 0
[acquireTimeoutMillis] Number 30000
[createTimeoutMillis] Number 30000
[idleTimeoutMillis] Number 30000
[reapIntervalMillis] Number 1000
[createRetryIntervalMillis] Number 200


Kind: static typedef of Rhino

Name Type
[pool] PoolConfiguration
[logging] LogConfiguration

Rhino.RhinoConfiguration : TediousConfiguration | RhinoBaseConfiguration

Rhino's configuration fully implements all configuration properties from tedious.

Kind: static typedef of Rhino


The Transaction class provides the ability to queue multiple queries for execution under a SQL transaction, optionally including save-points. It exposes methods to commit and rollback the entire set of queries or to a particular save-point.

Kind: global class

new Transaction(pool)

Creates a new instance of a Transaction.

Param Type Description
pool tarn.Pool The connection pool to utilize for aquiring the connection.

transaction.pool : tarn.Pool

The tarn.Pool instance linked to this query.

Kind: instance property of Transaction

transaction.queries : Array.<(Query|Transaction.SavePoint)>

Kind: instance property of Transaction

transaction.query(sql, [params]) ⇒ Query

Runs a SQL statement on the database and returns the results.

Kind: instance method of Transaction

Param Type Description
sql String The SQL statement to execute.
[params] Map.<String, *> | Object Optional parameters Object or Map that will be added to the "in" parameters of the query. Keys and property names are used as the parameter name, and the value as the parameter values.

transaction.savePoint([name]) ⇒ String

Add a save-point to the transaction. This will follow the previously added query.

Kind: instance method of Transaction
Returns: String - Returns the name of the save-point.

  • Error if no queries are present. A save-point should follow at least one query.
Param Type Description
[name] String The name of the transaction savepoint. If no name is specified, one is automatically generated. You can use this name with the rollback command.


Remove all queued queries from the transaction.

Kind: instance method of Transaction

transaction.commit([txName], [isolation]) ⇒ Promise.<(Result|Array.<Result>)>

Commits all queries in the transaction queue.

Kind: instance method of Transaction

  • Error if the pool property is falsey.
  • Error when a txName argument is not present and an isolation argument is specified.
  • Error if there is an active connection already processing a transaction.


Param Type Description
[txName] String = A name associated with the transaction - this is required when specifying an isolation argument value.
[isolation] tedious.ISOLATION_LEVEL | Number | String The isolation level of the transaction. Values can be numbers or strings corresponding to the Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVEL enum. For example: - READ_UNCOMMITTED - READ_COMMITTED - REPEATABLE_READ - SERIALIZABLE - SNAPSHOT Defaults to the connection's isolation level, which is usually "READ_COMMITED".


Rolls back the active transaction.

Kind: instance method of Transaction

  • Error if the pool property is falsey.
  • Error if there is no active transaction connection.
  • Error if the active connection does not have an active transaction.
Param Type Description
[name] String The name of a savepoint to rollback to. If not specified, the entire transaction will be rolled back.


Releases the connection if it is attached. The connection is released back to the rhino pool.

Kind: instance method of Transaction

Transaction.SavePoint : Object

Kind: static typedef of Transaction

Name Type Default
savepoint Boolean true
name String

PromiseBulkQuery : BulkQuery | Promise.<Result>

Kind: global typedef

PromiseQuery : Query | Promise.<Result>

Kind: global typedef


Kind: global typedef

Param Type
value *
type TDSType
options Object


Kind: global typedef

Name Type
TinyInt TDSType
Bit TDSType
SmallInt TDSType
Int TDSType
SmallDateTime TDSType
Real TDSType
Money TDSType
DateTime TDSType
Float TDSType
Decimal TDSType
Numeric TDSType
SmallMoney TDSType
BigInt TDSType
Image TDSType
Text TDSType
UniqueIdentifier TDSType
NText TDSType
VarBinary TDSType
VarChar TDSType
Binary TDSType
Char TDSType
NVarChar TDSType
NChar TDSType
Xml TDSType
Time TDSType
Date TDSType
DateTime2 TDSType
DateTimeOffset TDSType
Variant TDSType

Project Maintenance

Unit Testing

Unit-testing this driver requires a Microsoft SQL Server instance running in docker from the chriseaton/adventureworks image. Due to the fragile nature of the database unit-testing, and to avoid collisions with other users, it's recommended to use the process described below (docker is required).

1. Run the container.

You need to run the chriseaton/adventureworks container from the built image. This will spin up the server and run the install script. It is usually ideal to run the container in daemon mode (-d), as the container will stay alive until stopped.

docker run -p 1433:1433 -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=YourStr0ng_PasswordHERE' --name rhino_test -d chriseaton/adventureworks:latest

When run using the command above, the docker server will be accessible on localhost port 1433. To kill the container, run:

docker rm -f rhino_test

2. Setup testing environment.

Configure a .env file in the root project folder and define the variables for connecting:

RHINO_MSSQL_HOST = localhost

You should repleace the RHINO_MSSQL_PASSWORD password with your own uniquely generated strong password used in the docker run command from step 1.

3. Run tests.

If you just executed the docker run command in step 1, you may need to wait a few seconds for the container to finish loading.

You can check if loading is complete when the docker logs rhino_test | grep 'Server is ready.' returns a ready message. Now that the test database server is up and running, you can run the Rhino unit-tests:

npm test


You can view the container logs to see the output from the server, including any runtime failures.

Show the running containers:
docker ls
Show the output from a container:
docker logs {container ID or Name here}

Updating the API/Readme

The file in this project is generated using the js-to-markdown package, essentially merging the JSdoc output into the README.hbs handlebars template file.

To rebuild the file, simply run:

npm run doc

Issues / Requests / Contributing

Please utilize the issues on the project to report a problem or provide feedback. Additional contributors are welcome.

  1. Make sure the issue is with rhino and not the tedious package.
  2. Gather details, your node and rhino version.
  3. Provide as much information as possible, including steps to reporoduce the issue. Or better yet, provide a resolution with a merge request.