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Shing Wan Choi edited this page Oct 25, 2017 · 58 revisions

PRSice-2: Polygenic Risk Score software

PRSice (pronounced 'precise') is a Polygenic Risk Score software for calculating, applying, evaluating and plotting the results of polygenic risk scores (PRS) analyses. Some of the features include:

  1. High-resolution scoring (PRS calculated across a large number of P-value thresholds)
  2. Most predictive PRS identified
  3. Genotyped (PLINK binary) and imputed (Oxford bgen v1.2) data input
  4. Biobank-scale data can be analysed within hours
  5. Incorporation of covariates
  6. Application across multiple target traits simultaneously
  7. Results plotted in several formats (bar plots, high-res plots, quantile plots)
  8. Empirical P-values output (not subject to over-fitting)
  9. PRSet: function for calculating PRS across pathways / gene sets (user list option)

Binary downloads

Operating System Link
Linux 64-bit v2.0.13.beta
Linux 32-bit download
OS X 64-bit v2.0.13.beta

Note: PRSice-2 does not currently support Windows (to appear soon). Note: PRSice-2 is currently under open beta

Other Requirements

  1. R for plotting the graphs (compatible with R 3.2.3+).
  2. make for installing the R packages (it should come with most system).
  3. GCC version 4.8.1+ for c++11 compilation, which is required for installing ggplot

NOTE: All required packages can be automatically downloaded by PRSice using the --dir option. For example Rscript PRSice.R --dir <directory> will install all required packages in <directory>. To install the packages in the current directory, use . in place of <directory>

Quick Start

For Quick start use, please refer to this page

Detailed Guide

You can find a more detailed document explaining the input and output of PRSice in this page

Full command line options

You can find all command line options of PRSice in this page


If you use PRSice, then please cite:

PRSice: Polygenic Risk Score software, Euesden, Lewis, O'Reilly, Bioinformatics (2015) 31 (9):1466-1468


This wiki should contain all the basic instruction for the use of PRSice. Shall you have any problems, please feel free to start an issue here or visit our google group


For more details on the authors, see:

PRSet is developed and test run by Yunfeng Ruan

PRSice-2 and the new functionality coded by:


PRSice is a software package written in C++ (main) and R (plotting). The code relies partially on that written in PLINK by Shaun Purcell and Christopher Chang. Management of BGEN file is based on BGEN lib written by Gavin Band. We also utilize the Boost library and Eigen C++.

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