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Branding (Business Editions Only)

We are aware that some of customers want to be able to brand Chocolatey GUI so that is "looks" like their own internal applications. Out of the box, Chocolatey GUI's main screen looks like this:

Chocolatey GUI Main Screen

However, with branding applied, Chocolatey GUI's main screen can instead look like this:

Chocolatey GUI Main Screen with Branding

Here, the logo of a company called A Squared Software Ltd is being used, instead of the main Chocolatey logo. In addition, a Powered By Chocolatey logo is added to the bottom left corner of the application.

Requirements for branding

📝 NOTE: Branding of Chocolatey GUI is only available to our Business License customers, and requires the Chocolatey GUI licensed extension (chocolateygui.extension) to be installed, alongside Chocolatey GUI. Currently, the chocolateygui.extension package is only available in a beta version, please reach out to support via the normal channels to get access to the package.

In order for branding to work, there are a number of image files that are required. These have to be named exactly as the following:

  • icon_256x256.ico
  • logo_150x250.png
  • splash_700x302.png
  • splash_975x421.png
  • splash_1250x540.png

📝 NOTE: The reason that there are multiple splash screen images is because Chocolatey GUI makes a decision, based on the resolution of the screen, which splash screen image to display to the user.

The numbers in the file names are a suggestion as to the width and height of each image. While the images don't have to exactly match these dimensions, it is recommended that they are as close as possible to these dimensions.

Location of branding files

In order for your custom branding files to be applied, you must place the above files into one of two specific places.

Default Location

By default, Chocolatey GUI will look for custom branding files in the Chocolatey installation directory (normally c:/programdata/chocolatey, and then in a folder called branding/gui. i.e. it will look in the following folder:


Custom Location

It is possible to use a custom location by first settings an environment variable called ChocolateyBrandingLocation to a new location. For example, if you created this environment variable with a value of c:/temp/branding, then Chocolatey GUI would then expect to find the above asset files in this location:



The first time Chocolatey GUI, with the Chocolatey GUI licensed extension installed, is executed, and the above asset files are in one of the defined locations, a new file will be generated in the same location called ChocolateyGuiBranding.dll. The new file actually contains all the image files that were created, as they have been embedded as resources within this assembly file. This approach is used in order to optimize the loading of the assets. Once this ChocolateyGuiBranding.dll has been created, Chocolatey GUI will use it each time the application runs. The original image asset files are actually no longer required, and can be removed. If at any point you need to re-generate the branding that is being used, simply delete the following two files:

  • ChocolateyGuiBranding.dll
  • ChocolateyGuiBranding.resources

Then update, your image asset files, and re-run Chocolatey GUI and the branding assembly will be re-generated.

Using a single ChocolateyGuiBranding.dll as the source of branding makes it very simple to generate and distribute this assembly to apply branding across your entire organisation.

Branding in action

The below GIF shows the default opening of the Chocolatey GUI application when there is no branding applied.

Chocolatey GUI in action

In this GIF, we see branding being applied to the Chocolatey GUI application.

Chocolatey GUI in action with branding

Notice that the splash screen image has been replaced, as well as the logo at the top left of the application, and the icon in the taskbar.

📝 NOTE: There is an open issue regarding the icon in the taskbar not being correctly replaced, visit chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues#157 for more information.

📝 NOTE: To see all feature videos for Chocolatey for Business, please visit

Deploying Branding

What follows is a suggestion on how a branded version of Chocolatey GUI can be deployed out to your environment.

📝 NOTE: In order for the below to work, you must have the Chocolatey GUI licensed extension (chocolateygui.extension) installed.

  1. Follow the steps above to place the branding image assets into the correct location.
  2. Run the Chocolatey GUI application to generate the ChocolateyGuiBranding.dll
  3. Create a new folder on your file system to house the branding Chocolatey Package
  4. In this folder, create a tools folder
  5. Copy the generated ChocolateyGuiBranding.dll into this folder
  6. Copy the following xml into a file called chocolateygui-branding.nuspec.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="">
    <title>chocolateygui-branding (Install)</title>
    <tags>chocolateygui-branding SPACE_SEPARATED</tags>
    <description>__REPLACE__MarkDown_Okay </description>
      <dependency id="chocolateygui" />
    <file src="tools\**" target="tools" />

7. Copy the following PowerShell into a file called tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1

  $toolsDir                      = "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
  $helpersFile                   = Join-Path -Path $toolsDir -ChildPath 'helpers.ps1'

  . $helpersFile

  $chocolateyGuiBrandingAssembly = Join-Path -Path $toolsDir -ChildPath 'ChocolateyGuiBranding.dll'
  $chocolateyGuiBrandingLocation = Join-Path -Path (Get-BrandingLocation) -ChildPath 'gui'

  if(!(Test-Path -Path $chocolateyGuiBrandingLocation)){
    New-Item $chocolateyGuiBrandingLocation -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

  Copy-Item -Path $chocolateyGuiBrandingAssembly -Destination $chocolateyGuiBrandingLocation

8. Copy the following PowerShell into a file called tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1

  $toolsDir                      = "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
  $helpersFile                   = Join-Path -Path $toolsDir -ChildPath 'helpers.ps1'

  . $helpersFile

  $chocolateyGuiBrandingLocation = Join-Path -Path (Get-BrandingLocation) -ChildPath 'gui'
  $chocolateyGuiBrandingAssembly = Join-Path -Path $chocolateyGuiBrandingLocation -ChildPath 'ChocolateyGuiBranding.dll'

  Remove-Item -Path $chocolateyGuiBrandingAssembly -Force -ErrorAction Continue | Out-Null

9. Copy the following PowerShell into a file called tools\helpers.ps1

  function Get-BrandingLocation {
    Gets the top level location for branding files used by Chocolatey
    Creates or uses an environment variable that a user can control to
    communicate with packages about where they would like branding files to
    be located.
    Sets an environment variable called `ChocolateyBrandingLocation`.

      $brandingLocation = $env:ChocolateyBrandingLocation

      if ($null -eq $brandingLocation) {
        $chocoInstallLocation = $env:ChocolateyInstall
        $brandingLocation = Join-Path -Path $chocoInstallLocation -ChildPath 'branding'

      # Add a drive letter if one doesn't exist
      if (-not($brandingLocation -imatch "^\w:")) {
        $brandingLocation = Join-Path $env:systemdrive $brandingLocation

      if (-not($env:ChocolateyBrandingLocation -eq $brandingLocation)) {
        try {
          Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name "ChocolateyBrandingLocation" -Value $brandingLocation -Scope User
        } catch {
          if (Test-ProcessAdminRights) {
            # sometimes User scope may not exist (such as with core)
            Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name "ChocolateyBrandingLocation" -Value $brandingLocation -Scope Machine
          } else {
            throw $_.Exception

      return $brandingLocation

10. Run the command choco pack

11. Deploy the generated chocolateygui-branding.nupkg to the repository that you are using

12. Install the Chocolatey GUI Branding package