In the Plutus Playground you can now save your contracts and simulations to Github gists and read them from there.
To use the gist integration you need to create an account on Github if you don't already have one.
Open the Playground and click on the "Login" button in the top right corner:
This brings up a Github authorisation page. After granting the permission to acess gists you are redirected back to the Playground. The "Login" button has been replaced by "Publish" and "Load" buttons:
When you click "Publish", two things happen.
- A new gist is created under your profile on Github. (To view all of your gists go to<your github username>
) - The ID of the gist appears in the textbox and the "Publish" button changes to "Republish". A link "View on Github" appears.
The link takes you to the gist on Github. There are two files: Playground.hs
containing the source code of your contract, and Simulation.json
with the wallets and actions that you have set up.
Every gist is backed by a git repository. Clicking the "Republish" button creates a new commit for the gist. When you click "View on Github" again you will see that the revision count has increased:
To see all prior versions of the contract click the "Revisions" tab on the gist's Github page.
To share a Plutus contract with others, publish it and take note of the textbox next to the "Republish" button. This is the gist's ID. To load a contract from a gist simply enter the ID into the textbox and click the "Load" button. The Playground updates with the contract code and the simulations from the gist.
Warning Loading a gist overrides all content in the Playground.