Description shows that its a playfair cipher with same original message, we can use some online tools to bruteforce it worked just fine, after extracting each message we get the keyword to cipher it
and finally we append the keywords together and put them in flag format
This challenge is about SQLi+LFI and turn that to RCE with the upload function Looks like easy sql injection, but after fetching all tables and columns, only thing we got is a table named countries with 3 columns, nothing interesting
but when we try to get current query with SQLi using SELECT info FROM information_schema.processlist
We see the query : Select scripPath from countries where countryname='something'
thats looks like an LFI to mee, when we inject
countryname='' union select '/etc/passwd' -- -
we get passwd fileI used PHP wrappers to pull index.php and country/fr.php
using countryname='' union select 'php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=country/fr.php'
when we get source code we can base64 decode it and see where the file uploaded are stored
This is the final part, we need to leverage the upload to a Remote code execution, I used a zip file containing php and uploaded it
and used a zip wrapper to execute my php,
my php file contains scandir function thats equivalent to 'ls'
i got this response :
Array ( [0] => . [1] => .. [2] => .htaccess [3] => country [4] => index.php [5] => iulersiueruigfuihseruhgi.php [6] => static [7] => uploads )
that php file looked interesting, let's open it :
got this : PD9waHAKCiRmbGFnPSJoNGNrMXR7JFFMJkxGST1GUjEzTkQkfSI7Cgo/Pgo=
base64 decode it and find some php code with flag
that's our flag
Hard task, was looking in all js files, then I found js/jquery.js which handles what the client types in main page
After analyzing it we find an interesting function with this variable inside :
$m=[70,70,71,79,86,74,71,83,80,74,77,86,81,95];//times alt is pressed for Access Granted
Tried to decode ascii code random word
but there is an interesting condition if(key==$m[$c]-$c)
tried to loop over the array and substract the index from each value to get
$x=[70, 69, 69, 76, 82, 69, 65, 76, 72, 65, 67, 75, 69, 82]
decoding the ascii : we get "FEELREALHACKER"
put that in lower case and wrap it in flag format, and that's the flag