- This release requires Architectury and ChimericLib
- Added support for NeoForge
- Refactored almost all of the code to use the Architectury API and ChimericLib
- Mob in a jar
- Glass jars can now be used to capture and display some mobs. Right-clicking a mob with an empty jar will capture it, and shift-right-clicking a jar will release the mob.
- Mobs that can be captured include:
- Allays
- Bats
- Endermites
- Silverfish
- Small slimes
- Vexes
- Framed planks
- These planks have a similar appearance to crates, but are purely decorative.
This release fixes a crash on 1.21.1 related to Minekea's variant barrels. Before upgrading, make sure to break any existing variant barrels that have been placed in your world. Any items left in a Minekea barrel will be lost upon upgrade!
- Bamboo furniture
- Added bamboo variants for all furniture and other wood type items
- Double crates
- Crates can now merge along a horizontal axis to form double crates, similar to the behavior for chests
- Trapped crates and double crates
- Added trapped variants of crates and double crates
- Added new ancient lantern variant
- Beams now support wrenches from other mods. Specifically, anything in the
item tag will work
- Votive candles
- Fancy candles that behave identically to vanilla ones
- Wax
- Wax comes in both item and block form. It can be acquired by smelting candles or honeycomb.
- Wax is a slippery block, causing entities to slide slightly less than on ice.
- Similar to glazed terracotta blocks, honey and slime do not stick to wax.
- Armor-oires no longer need to be placed on a solid block.
- Armor-oires! These beautiful furniture items can store up to 4 complete sets of armor!
- Crash when placing shutters on a top or bottom surface (theaceofthespade)
- Fix server/client desync when using hammers on a dedicated server
- Fix client crash when trying to put a sandwich from the Sandwichable mod into a display case
First release for 1.19.1-2!
- Wooden blocks from BYG and BetterEnd/Nether now break with an axe instead of pickaxe
- Block painter now works correctly on servers instead of crashing your game
- Item models for some furniture blocks now render correctly in item frames
- When cobbled end stone is disabled, Minekea will no longer spam a bunch of invalid JSON warnings and other junk in the logs
- Variant barrels now function as a workstation for Fisherman villagers (#64)
- Fix recipes for bookshelf stairs and vertical stairs for BetterEnd / BetterNether (#62)
- Fix conflicting recipe for wool pressure plates (#62)
- Fix recipes for bookshelf stairs and vertical stairs
- Fix recipes for dyed bone block storage bookshelves
- Chair placement: fix issue with placement not behaving as expected when you weren't looking perfectly straight (#60)
- BYG: re-add white mangrove to BYG blocks
- End stone: fix end stone texture when cobbled end stone is enabled
- Wrench: make wrenches non-stackable
- Waterloggable blocks: most blocks can now be waterlogged
- Hammers: hammers are a new type of tool which can place blocks randomly selected from your hotbar
- Shutters: new block type which functions much like a trapdoor, but opens 180 degrees
- Dyed blocks: added dyed variants for many vanilla block types
- Compatibility: added support for Better End, Better Nether, and Mythic Metals!