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Learn about Verifiable Credentials and how they secure your data. |
In order to explain the concept of Verifiable Credentials, we have put together a simple explainer using the concept of an email with attachments.
What is a Verifiable Credential | Learn the basics of Verifiable Credentials using a simple analogy of an email with attachments. | | credential_full.png |
More more of a detailed and deeper understanding, we suggest starting with these external resources.
Verifiable Credential Data Model v1.1 | Learn about the W3C Recommendation for Verifiable Credentials. | | |
Verifiable Credential Data Model v2.0 | Learn about the proposed improvement to the initial VC Data Model. | | |
Hyperledger AnonCreds | Learn about Hyperledger's approach to privacy preserving digital credentials. | | |
ISO mDoc | Learn about the ISO standard for mDocs adopted by Google and Apple. | |