- Compile & Target SDK Version 23 -> 25
- Build Tools 23.0.2 -> 25.0.2
- Support Library 23.2.1 -> 25.3.0
- GPUImage for Android 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
Bug Fix:
Fix: #35 RSInvalidStateException
Say v8.RenderScript goodbye
fix Issue #29 Use FastBlur as a fallback upon RenderScript failure.
Change the renderscriptTargetApi down to 20.
Warning:Renderscript support mode is not currently supported with renderscript target 21+
fix: memory leak.
add round corner type to RoundedCornersTransformation.
Thanks to kaelaela
Merged NinePatchMaskTransformation to MaskTransformation.
add new transformations MaskTransformation and NinePatchMaskTransformation.
Thanks to start141
Adjustment of default parameters.
add DownSampling to BlurTransform
Bug fix : Blur not working.
add: CropType(Top, Center, Bottom) for CropTransformation.
Bug fix: Transparency.
Bug fix : remove original bitmap resource recycling.
Bug fix
Refactor: use BimapPool
fix: Blur Transformation now woking at Android 4.3 add: GPUImage to Gradle dependency
Initial release.