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Contributing to Golangsdk

3 ways to get involved

There are three main ways you can get involved in our open-source project, and each is described briefly below.

1. Fixing bugs

If you want to start fixing open bugs, we'd really appreciate that! Bug fixing is central to any project. The best way to get started is by heading to our bug tracker and finding open bugs that you think nobody is working on. It might be useful to comment on the thread to see the current state of the issue and if anybody has made any breakthroughs on it so far.

2. Improving documentation

Golangsdk's documentation is automatically generated from the source code and can be read online at

If you feel that a certain section could be improved - whether it's to clarify ambiguity, correct a technical mistake, or to fix a grammatical error - please feel entitled to do so! We welcome doc pull requests with the same childlike enthusiasm as any other contribution!

3. Working on a new feature

If you've found something we've left out, definitely feel free to start work on introducing that feature. It's always useful to open an issue or submit a pull request early on to indicate your intent to a core contributor - this enables quick/early feedback and can help steer you in the right direction by avoiding known issues. It might also help you avoid losing time implementing something that might not ever work. One tip is to prefix your Pull Request issue title with [wip] - then people know it's a work in progress.

We ask that you do not submit a feature that you have not spent time researching and testing first-hand in an actual Huawei clouds environment. While we appreciate the contribution, submitting code which you are unfamiliar with is a risk to the users who will ultimately use it. See our acceptance tests readme for information about how you can create a local development environment to better understand the feature you're working on.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions or request clarification. Your contribution is very much appreciated and we are happy to work with you to get it merged.

Getting Started

As a contributor you will need to setup your workspace in a slightly different way than just downloading it. Here are the basic instructions:

  1. Configure your $GOPATH and run go get as described in the main README.

    go get
  2. Move into the directory that houses your local repository:

    cd ${GOPATH}/src/
  3. Fork the chnsz/golangsdk repository and update your remote refs. You will need to rename the origin remote branch to upstream, and add your fork as origin instead:

    git remote rename origin upstream
    git remote add origin [email protected]:<my_username>/golangsdk.git
  4. Checkout the latest development branch:

    git checkout master
  5. If you're working on something (discussed more in detail below), you will need to checkout a new feature branch:

    git checkout -b my-new-feature
  6. Use a standard text editor or IDE of your choice to make your changes to the code or documentation. Once finished, commit them.

    git status
    git add path/to/changed/file.go
    git commit
  7. Submit your branch as a Pull Request. When submitting a Pull Request, please follow our Style Guide.

Further information about using Git can be found here.

Happy Hacking!


When working on a new or existing feature, testing will be the backbone of your work since it helps uncover and prevent regressions in the codebase. There are two types of test we use in Gophercloud: unit tests and acceptance tests, which are both described below.

Unit tests

Unit tests are the fine-grained tests that establish and ensure the behavior of individual units of functionality. We usually test on an operation-by-operation basis (an operation typically being an API action) with the use of mocking to set up explicit expectations. Each operation will set up its HTTP response expectation, and then test how the system responds when fed this controlled, pre-determined input.

To make life easier, we've introduced a bunch of test helpers to simplify the process of testing expectations with assertions:

import (


func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
  result, err := Operation()

  testhelper.AssertEquals(t, "foo", result.Bar)
  testhelper.AssertNoErr(t, err)

func TestSomethingElse(t *testing.T) {
  testhelper.CheckEquals(t, "expected", "actual")

AssertEquals and AssertNoErr will throw a fatal error if a value does not match an expected value or if an error has been declared, respectively. You can also use CheckEquals and CheckNoErr for the same purpose; the only difference being that t.Errorf is raised rather than t.Fatalf.

Here is a truncated example of mocked HTTP responses:

import (

	th ""
	fake ""

func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
	// Setup the HTTP request multiplexer and server
	defer th.TeardownHTTP()

	th.Mux.HandleFunc("/networks/d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// Test we're using the correct HTTP method
		th.TestMethod(t, r, "GET")

		// Test we're setting the auth token
		th.TestHeader(t, r, "X-Auth-Token", fake.TokenID)

		// Set the appropriate headers for our mocked response
		w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")

		// Set the HTTP body
		fmt.Fprintf(w, `
    "network": {
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "name": "private-network",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "shared": true,
        "id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22"

	// Call our API operation
	network, err := networks.Get(fake.ServiceClient(), "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22").Extract()

	// Assert no errors and equality
	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
	th.AssertEquals(t, n.Status, "ACTIVE")

Acceptance tests

As we've already mentioned, unit tests have a very narrow and confined focus - they test small units of behavior. Acceptance tests on the other hand have a far larger scope: they are fully functional tests that test the entire API of a service in one fell swoop. They don't care about unit isolation or mocking expectations, they instead do a full run-through and consequently test how the entire system integrates together. When an API satisfies expectations, it proves by default that the requirements for a contract have been met.

Please be aware that acceptance tests will hit a live API - and may incur service charges from your provider. Although most tests handle their own teardown procedures, it is always worth manually checking that resources are deleted after the test suite finishes.

We provide detailed information about how to set up local acceptance test environments in our acceptance tests readme.

Running tests

To run all tests:

go test ./acceptance/...

To run all tests with verbose output:

go test -v ./acceptance/...

To run tests for a particular sub-package:

cd ./acceptance/openstack/sub-package && go test ./...

Style guide

See here