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How to make release

Roman Ivanov edited this page May 28, 2018 · 68 revisions
  1. Update version in case main project released bug fixes only
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=4.10.1-SNAPSHOT && mvn versions:commit
git add pom.xml && git commit -m "config: update to 4.10.1-SNAPSHOT" && git push
  1. Test it first !

1.1) push all to remote and wait for CI to be green.

Version update require update in pom.xml . Do not forget update with new version in table.

1.2) Recheck that there are no Bugs and Vulnerabilities at , It mandatory gate level to pass plugin to Sonar Update Center.

  1. generate release notes
git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)..HEAD \
   | grep -vE "minor|doc|config|maven-release-plugin" | sed 's/^....... //'

2.2) update README file for new version

  1. do version bump
mvn release:prepare release:clean -B
  1. make a released binary JAR
git checkout $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)
mvn clean package
git checkout master

  1. upload binary file and release notes to github.

5.1) close milestone, one new is required.

  1. Announcements

7.1) send Request For Feedback (RFF) to Sonarqube (SQ)

Request For Feedback (RFF) period on the mailing list of Sonar. Provide the following information:

  • short description of the version
  • SQ versions compatibility
  • Changelog URL
  • download URL
  • The feedback period is open during 2 weeks, until Sunday January 15.

At the end of the RFF, notify a SonarQube(SQ) member through the same google group thread that binary is ok to put to Sonar Software Update Center. Sonar google group is:!forum/sonarqube You can directly send an email to the group by using the following email: [email protected] ATTENTION: make a copy of "short description of the version" from github tag webpage, it will keep links to github issues.


8.2) Make an notification in 2 weeks to make release post

8.3) after 2 weeks Release to Sonar should be done through mail-list

!!!Example!!! -!topic/sonarqube/nhR4i3h8bpY

Format of post and more details -

8.4) As [NEW RELEASE] is posted - close RFF with comment

2 weeks are passed. No complains or problems were reported.
